Laura - this is NOT a go at you but just wanted to comment that although I'm doing my best to lose weight while TTC & have lost 15lbs in 2 months, before I started I weighed nearly 20 stone and I hold down an active job which involves looking after children, keep my house clean(ish!) regularly go on hikes of 6 miles or more and basically live a normal life. While I know that being 'morbidly obese' carrys risks I also know that lots of other people I know of my size have had babies with no problems. What makes me sad is that I am not able to adopt because of my weight.
Actually, I think that statements such as the one you are quoting are a huge part of the problem. Seriously, 20 stone and can't get off of the couch? THAT is the kind of statement that shows ignorance. Even though I'm on your side Laura, people need to stop that kind of bias. There was one point, 6 years ago, when I weighed over 300 pounds, and I had no problems "getting off the couch." In fact, I worked an active job on my feet all day (heavy duty janitorial work, which is what I'm doing again.) I got comments from my male coworkers about how shocked they were that I could keep up with them, didn't need to stop constantly to catch my breath, etc.
Just because someone is morbidly obese it doesn't mean that they aren't active or can't be. I am so sick of the negative, ignorant comments.