I don't formula feed (saw this thread on main page) but from what I gather, after speaking to women online and in person at baby groups, is as follows:
Breastfeeding is easier in the long run, formula feeding is easier in the first 3 months. Reasons being that with formula cluster feedings and growth spurts are easier dealt with and the mum isn't as sleep deprived as she can have others feed baby while she sleeps. There is no pain with FF (if you have none that's neither here nor there) but this also comes into play when babies begin teething. It is also touted that FF babies sleep longer and go longer between feeds because breast milk is easier digested and therefore BF babies need to be fed more often. This is not universally true however, as I know many women have reported no change in sleeping patterns when they switched from BF to FF (it doesn't guarantee your baby will STTN at all, my older sister apparently didn't STTN till she was 2 and she was BF first and then FF after 6 weeks).
If you continue to breastfeed it apparently becomes a breeze compared to the hassle of FF in terms of no having to sterilize equipment, mix formula, warm bottles and prepare in public places when you go out. Breastfeeding you do just - as you say- whip your boob out and that's it. Also BF babies get the knack of feeding over time and can finish a feed in <10 minutes just like FF babies. Some BF babies can finish a feed in even 5 minutes once they crack it completely.
What have I missed... with BF you can share feeding duties by expressing/pumping after feeds in the morning and storing up breast milk but it is generally a good idea to wait until BF is established before introducing bottles. So, in that regard BF is less desirable for exhausted mummies!
When all is said and done every baby is different. Some might respond to a change from breast milk to formula, others won't. But in the long run you are better off sticking to BF for convenience sake if nothing else. Most mums don't make it past the 6 week mark because it is much harder to get it down in the beginning and it is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It is entirely up to you whether you BF or FF, but if you were thinking of switching to formula thinking it will be easier... I don't think that is necessarily true.
Just my unbiased opinion based on what I've read and what I've heard other mothers say about their experiences