Is there a thread for prayer warriors? Is it ok to have one?

I love this thread.. I have not shared my pregnancy with family or friends due to previous miscarriages and dont want to disappointment anyone,so being here and being able to share with you wonderful ladies is a blessing and a relief.. as I am dying to announce.
I am currently 10 weeks pregnant with twins and have a scan tomorrow. Both my miscarriages were at 7+6 discovered at scan..
I have faith in God and prayer that he know what is best for us and that he will always do right by us..

Please pray for 2 beating hearts tomorrow.. I also have HG and was on fluids and IV anti sickness 2days ago, I had kept everything down yesterday but today sickness has returned.. I don't want the sickness to go as it is reassurance that they are fine.. I want to be able to be sick and smile and not moan at my husband and daughter...pray for me to be tolerable ...

Praying for you and your little heartbeats!

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. " - Isaiah 40:31

^ this one also helps me when my sickness and exhaustion start to overwhelm me and cause me to become bitter. I also pray a short prayer that the Lord fill me with the love of Christ that I might share that love with others.
" and he hath made everything beautiful in HIS time " Exodus . This spoke volumes to me and brought me such comfort after my mc while ttc again . And praise The Lord , he blessed me with a beautiful baby boy . AMEN

Great thread , I ask The Lord Jesus to hear what is in each heart and everyone to find comfort in The Lord though this wonderous journey towards Motherhood
Scan this morning was a wonderful...

My first scan at 7+6 revealed the twins and one placenta but the sonographer said it was too early to determine Amnionicity- weather they shared a bag. The sonographer today said everything was separate, two placentas, two bags un-identical.he made us wait outside while he printed report but called us back in with technical jargon about, ' Black Lamba sign' and actually one placenta 2 bags, identical twins no risk of tangling.

I feel better today seeing their heartbeats. I think a part of my sickness is worry. I have a scan in 2 weeks and no sickness today so far..

Thank you for remembering me in your prayers


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Today I pray our hormones stay in check and that we may be stable in our nature, kind in our hearts and able to witness to others (especially those closest to us) the love of Christ.

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" - 1 Peter 3:15
I love this! ! Thanks for this thread!
For anyone that's praying send me your prays i should be 6 wks went to er for my leg hurting they did a u/s only saw yolk sac and gestational sac hcg was 4000 it's not in my tubes but the dr didn't seem happy about my levels i know they have risen since i 1st found out because i have been poas to see the darkness increase please send prayers
I will definitely pray for you, wantinggirl.

In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will - Eph 1:11
I think I'm having some light pink spotting today. I'm a little anxious because i haven't seen any when i wipe, but there's some pink on my panties... it's so weird. I have seen zero on the toilet paper....

Prayers that all is ok are appreciated.

Praying that we would all have peace today as well.

Thank you ladies!
Thank you for this thread, I have already felt this pregnancy has bought me closer to God again, I have been abit distant, this thread is amazing and I can already feel wonderful things from it.

So grateful to have found this thread. I've been praying for a healthy pregnancy but find it overwhelming sometimes to battle fear versus faith.

The verses posted and words spoken have been such a reassurance for me.

Today I am focusing on Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Blessings and prayers to you all. xoxo
I'm not in first tri, but I wanted to come over and say how much I love this thread. I love all of the encouraging words! I can't offer up many verses like these other awesome ladies have, but I can be in agreement for healthy, happy pregnancies.
Hey ladies.

Just wanted to say hi, This pregnancy is completely in God's hands from day one because we made the choice not to use any BC before getting pregnant with ds4 and it took 3 months from that choice before i fell pregnant, this time it was first cycle after my period returned so to us then we believe that God's plan is for us to have this baby, after all if children are a blessing from the Lord who am I to decide when I want or don't want another.
Radical thinking I know in today's world but my children are my delight.

Only found out on Saturday about this bubba so excited and still in a bit of a headspin.

Isaiah 48:17 " Thus says the Lord, your Redeember, the Holy one of Israel: " I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit , who leads you in the way you should go."

God has the bigger picture and sees the whole plan while we don't yet know what tomorrow may bring so put your trust in Him that our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us
This is great. Am so pleased to find women that pray in this forum. I have ever being a prayer person and God has never failed and will never ever fail.
First of all I want to say that you 1st trimesters are very selfish (laughs), all trimester needs prayer not only you so we are all invited and also all part of it (Big hugs). Its so thoughtful of you my dear sister to start this because in this journey of pregnancy it is not he that willeth or he that runneth but it is God that showeth mercy. And God has really shown us mercy
My pregnancy is a miracle. I want to encourage all no matter where you are there is God Almighty.
A very senior consultant oby/gyn told me i will never conceive naturally because i have blocked tubes, so i either go for ivf or do major tubal surgery. After praying and trusting God although preparing to go for the ivf but money was a huge problem, God blessed me with this pregnancy. I am 14 weeks today. No spotting, things are moving on smoothly.
Just trust in God, cos He is able to do just what He says He will do, pls don't give up on God cos He wont give up on you.
I join my faith with all of yours and trust God to see us through in Jesus name. Amen.
It is well with all of us in Jesus name Amen.
Awesome to see so many ladies joining in!

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. - Matthew 18:20

Speaking of Matthew, the very next verse is mine for today...I am struggling with forgiveness more than anything right now. Matthew 18:21-22 says "Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."

Funny thing for me is the first 7 times are easy peasy...when you get into the 50s and 60s of forgiving the same person for the same/similar offense, you really...REALLY...need the help of the starts getting very hard to forgive. I am at that point with someone in my life....getting hard to forgive them.

I keep trying to remember that forgiveness is not for them, it is for my freedom from bondage and to improve MY relationship with the Lord. But seriously, when the same person keeps attacking, hurting, offending me over and over and over again, the other cheek that I keep showing starts to really sting and bruise and all I want to do is close them completely out and nurse my wounds.
This is great. Am so pleased to find women that pray in this forum. I have ever being a prayer person and God has never failed and will never ever fail.
First of all I want to say that you 1st trimesters are very selfish (laughs), all trimester needs prayer not only you so we are all invited and also all part of it (Big hugs). Its so thoughtful of you my dear sister to start this because in this journey of pregnancy it is not he that willeth or he that runneth but it is God that showeth mercy. And God has really shown us mercy
My pregnancy is a miracle. I want to encourage all no matter where you are there is God Almighty.
A very senior consultant oby/gyn told me i will never conceive naturally because i have blocked tubes, so i either go for ivf or do major tubal surgery. After praying and trusting God although preparing to go for the ivf but money was a huge problem, God blessed me with this pregnancy. I am 14 weeks today. No spotting, things are moving on smoothly.
Just trust in God, cos He is able to do just what He says He will do, pls don't give up on God cos He wont give up on you.
I join my faith with all of yours and trust God to see us through in Jesus name. Amen.
It is well with all of us in Jesus name Amen.

Everyone is invited, from NTNP, Preventing, TTC, TWW, LTTTC, to parents of grown children. We ALL need God and we all need prayer. It just happened this was the stage I was in when I made the thread. I hope someone takes the mantle in other boards and does the same...if not, I'll carry the torch through to the next one when I get there =)

Glad to see you here!
Ladies I hope you will pray with me and include me in our prayers , I am hoping that it is in the Lords plan for me to have a second baby . I was blessed beyond belief with my son and would dearly love a sibling for him to journey through life with . If it is not the Lords plan to bestow on me another child please pray that I can accept this graciously . I will be forever thankful to The Lord for the blessings he has given me in my life .

I am keeping all of you in my prayers x
Ladies I hope you will pray with me and include me in our prayers , I am hoping that it is in the Lords plan for me to have a second baby . I was blessed beyond belief with my son and would dearly love a sibling for him to journey through life with . If it is not the Lords plan to bestow on me another child please pray that I can accept this graciously . I will be forever thankful to The Lord for the blessings he has given me in my life .

I am keeping all of you in my prayers x

left, i had some concerns after my ds as to whether i could get pregnant again. I had a lot of anxiety because of some stuff that happened after delivery and worried that my uterine lining was messed up.

God provided me a lot of comfort through Isaiah 66:9

Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God.

I believe he was specifically telling me "would i bring you through all of that then shut your womb?"

Please help left conceive again. Your word says children are a gift from you and that we are to multiply. Please bless left with another baby!

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