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Is there any hope?


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Hi ladies,

I'm meant to be 7w5d and two weeks ago my hCG levels were 2000.

A couple of days ago I had a nagging feeling things weren't right so I requested a second lot of hCG bloods. These came back at 6000 so not high enough for my gestation dates. I have not had any cause for concern, no bleeding or cramping.

I had an emergency scan this morning where they were able to see sac and embryo at a 5-6 week gestation. No heartbeat but that's normal for then.

I will need to have repeat bloods done and then a rescan in a week.

Has anyone else been 2 weeks out with their dates or should I just accept the evidence and know its pointing to a miscarriage. I'm so sad but I'm so numb too.
Hi hum sorry youre worried. I bled at what i thought was 6+5 and my can showed a 4 week sac with areas of bleeding around it and nothing else so i was told to prepare for another loss (after 2 previous losses). I went back 8 days later and baby measured 7 weeks with a heartbeat. Im now 21 weeks and having a little boy so all hope is not lost! Good luck x
I should also add i had a +ve test nearly 3 weeks before that first scan x
Wow Blue that's amazing!! I have a tiny bit of hope :)
I've just had a repeat hCG test done today and I'm waiting for midwife to call me to tell me.....eeeekkkkkk!! So nervous!
I've popped over from the First Trimester board because I think I'm on the verge of my 3rd mmc in a row. I'm 6+2 today and feeling much like I did about my 1st two pregnancies before they ended.
Kakae- I think there's a lot of hope. Praying your hcg was good.
Blu- your story is a great encouragement to me!
My hCG was pretty much the same as it was three days ago. I went and got another one done today but don't know results yet. Have another scan on Thursday. Its all over, I know it in my heart.

MMC are horrible. I hope everything is ok with your pregnancy Sophie, first trip is so nerve wracking, especially when you've had previous loses too
kakae- I hope your gut feeling is wrong but I understand it because I have that exact same feeling.
Midwife rung, my levels are dropping so it's all over.

How are you feeling Sophie?
Midwife rung, my levels are dropping so it's all over.

How are you feeling Sophie?

I'm so sorry. I know all too well how heartbreaking this news is.

I'm nervous, afraid, sad. My scan is in 9 hours. I've never had a good ultrasound and I feel like if I have to hear "there's no heartbeat and you're measuring a week behind" for a 3rd pregnancy in a row I might need to be committed for psychiatric care. A 3rd loss feels impossible to handle.
Physically I feel okay. Occasional cramps, no spotting, mild heartburn, breasts feel a little more tender this morning, and my bbt is still climbing. It's gone from 98.5 to 99.17 in the last week rising by 0.1 or so each day. But none of this makes me feel better because I've been here before. Twice.
Again so very sorry for your loss. I'm here to chat anytime. Mc is so lonely.
I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a 12 week MMC last summer in which the baby was previously confirmed to be living, although behind. It was one of the hardest times of my life. Take care of yourself and think of a way to personally remember and mourn your loss.
Thanks for the support. I've had previous miscarriages and chemicals but never a missed miscarriage where I wouldn't have known it had happened except for a feeling. I had another scan today and will be referred to hospital for medical management. Urgh. Life's too unfair sometimes.

How did your scan go Sophie? I really, really hope you got to hear the heartbeat! X
Thanks for the support. I've had previous miscarriages and chemicals but never a missed miscarriage where I wouldn't have known it had happened except for a feeling. I had another scan today and will be referred to hospital for medical management. Urgh. Life's too unfair sometimes.

How did your scan go Sophie? I really, really hope you got to hear the heartbeat! X

My heart truly breaks for you. I had two mmc last year and it's so hard to deal with the silent death of a baby. I know any type of mc is devastating but with a missed one its so shocking to think everything is fine only to find that it isn't weeks later. As I've said before. I'm always here. MMC can be so lonely. At least it was for me.

I had a great scan. After crying, praying, and worrying all weekend that things seemed "fine" but weren't I was shocked to see AND hear that little heartbeat!! It was 120 and I'm measuring 6+2 (I was 6+3 today). We've never made it this far. With my other 2 pregnancies we discovered at the first ultrasound that the embryo was a week or more behind with a super low and declining HR (42 & 97). So relieved today.

I wish you peace, comfort, a speedy healing and loads of baby dust for this fall!!! Do you have a good support person I hope?
Oh wow Sophie that's awesome!!! I'm so so happy for you! You have had a hard road too and I'm glad that you've seen a heartbeat on your little one!!! That's so fantastic for you. I'm sure this with be your sticky rainbow bean :)

I go to hospital today. It is up to me and I thought that I would choose the suppository option over the D&C but I'm now leaning towards the D&C. I just want it done. And over with. I found out 9 days ago now and all of done is go to work, go get blood tests, go for scans. It feels like forever that I've been in limbo. And I hope it's ok to say that I'm tired of it. All I want is it to be done with so that I can get ready to try again and get my rainbow baby.
Oh wow Sophie that's awesome!!! I'm so so happy for you! You have had a hard road too and I'm glad that you've seen a heartbeat on your little one!!! That's so fantastic for you. I'm sure this with be your sticky rainbow bean :)

I go to hospital today. It is up to me and I thought that I would choose the suppository option over the D&C but I'm now leaning towards the D&C. I just want it done. And over with. I found out 9 days ago now and all of done is go to work, go get blood tests, go for scans. It feels like forever that I've been in limbo. And I hope it's ok to say that I'm tired of it. All I want is it to be done with so that I can get ready to try again and get my rainbow baby.

Feeling that way is completely normal!! I felt the same way with both of mine. Had a d&c with the first after waiting 3 weeks. Took Cytotec with the 2nd after waiting 5 weeks. For what it's worth I recovered faster and was able to try again sooner with the d&c. But of course there's always that small risk of scar tissue. Not sure what the suppository is but I'm assuming something to induce. It's really just personal preference. Had I lost this baby though I would have opted for a 2nd d&c and risked the scar tissue again just to get started trying faster.
Thinking about you. Big hugs. I know it feels hopeless right now but it's gonna be okay.
I'm in the hospital now awaiting an assessment. I have told them my preference for surgery. If I can't have surgery today I will have the misprostol (sp) and go home to m/c. Its a drug to open and dilate the cervix to expel it's 'contents'. I'm trying to say it medically so I don't think about it and what it does and what it is. By the scan they say that I was 6+5 I'm now meant to be 9 weeks.
I took the d&c option. I wanted to be done immediately and not have to wait weeks to be finished, and see the results at home.

My thoughts are with you. I am dealing with a scary pregnancy issue right now myself and just spent several hours in the hospital.
Oh no Dark_Star I hope everything is ok for you.

I'm still in hospital, I'm on the theatre list for today and have signed consent forms etc. Still just waiting. And in a room by myself. This will be the longest day. My hubby has rung from work and feels he should be here but there's nothing he can do while I'm here anyway as he can't be with me either. I just can't wait to be 'done'
Dark Star- I hope everything is okay!!

kakae- I'm hoping you got a d&c. I also took Misoprostol aka Cytotec and the cramping is brutal. I needed Dilaudid to get thru it. Update soon!!
Everything will be okay, I am preparing for preemie twins. I think this isnt the appropriate place to discuss a current pregnancy but you are welcome to check out my recent posts.

I'm hoping you get the closure you desire. I found that after a week or so of mourning after my d&c my enjoyment of life began to come back quickly. I'm sorry you are in such a raw place right now.

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