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Is TV that bad?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
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So another thread and some of its replies got me wondering am I doing something wrong?

Lo loves the television!

I don't think TV (when used correctly) is the devil or bad Studies have shown that babies who are put in front of a children's TV show for half an hour have good brain development because of the stimulation...
I think the only BAD wrap TV gets it because people try and replace Quality learning time with TV.

Lo is only 12 weeks and isn't interested in anything except football and kids program's ... Oh and modern family lmao!

But I will only ever purposely sit him down in his swing (if he will go!) or in my lap for 20 mins with an educational children's program (none if this night garden to talking crap lol)
Just so I can sit or do something for 5 without a baby on me lol

Is that so bad?

What's your ladies thoughts on TV in general?
There are hundreds of different aspects of a child's upbringing that shape who they become and TV is only one of them. I do limit Joni's TV because most research suggests it isn't beneficial but that doesn't mean I never have it on. For my own sanity mainly. Jeez we all need a little break now and then!

I think it's important not to get too worked up over one single aspect of parenting (such as TV) and think more of the broader picture. If you're doing plenty with your LO (and at 12 weeks that's just cuddles, letting them kick around etc, nothing more is necessary!) then probably try not to worry about the moments where the TV is on.
Well I wouldn't use it as a babysitter for hours on end, but I think that 20min here & there like you said is fine. I usually put Flynn down in his little rocker or play gym in front of the tv (Baby TV) while I eat my breakfast & sometimes for a little bit in the evening if he is grumpy. He really loves the colours & music & always giggles & makes noises while watching.
Someone's always watching the tv in this house and Imogen is fascinated by it! Sometimes I'll purposefully put on a not of peppa pig for her if something needs doing, but she normally cranes her neck to see whatever is on!

I always thought the negativity surrounding TV came from the old "you'll get square eyes" thing our parents used to say when tvs were those big boxy things xD
I dont think tv is bad as long as you dont use it as a babysitter. I'll turn on a station called babytv that has programs specifically for infants and toddlers, while she has independent play some times she watches it some times she doesnt..

i have it on all the time as background noise, she never seems bothered or interested unless its the babytv programs..
My TV is pretty much always on I'm a SAHM and I don't leave unless its to visit family, do laundry, or shop and if I don't have some kind of noise on I get anxious and my ears will start ringing. Even in the bedroom a fan or Los noise maker has to be on. I don't think it can do any harm maybe if that's all you do is sit lo in front of TV yes but I don't think it's doing any harm to them developmentally!
Studies have shown that babies who are put in front of a children's TV show for half an hour have good brain development because of the stimulation...

Really? Can you link to these studies? I've read a lot about television viewing in children and as far as I know there is absolutely no credible evidence that it's beneficial, and the only evidence points towards it having a negative effect.

Pediatric organisations the world over recommend zero television time before the age of two or three.

Are you aware that the makers of those supposedly educational Baby Einstein videos had to issue a product refund on demand because they could not provide any evidence to support the claim that their product is in any way beneficial to babies?
Im in the same boat as optimistic, i need noise. However autumn only gets "dartoon" time once a day, either a disney movie or a couple episodes of a kids show. Other than that she hates watching my shows and does her own thing. As pp posters have said as long as its not your babysitter and you spend quality time with lo its no big deal in my book :)
This is one of those things where I have to say screw what the world thinks, including pediatric organizations. if you want to let your kid watch TV fine I let my boy watch TV, he even has a favorite movie we play over and over. yes I will shut the TV off to have down time and play time in his room, but if I need a break, need to do laundry or dishes, or just need to rest my back, I watch a movie with him while he plays independently on the floor, but sometimes he will lay in my arms and I get to kiss and love all over him while we watch a movie together, but he usually won't stay more than 20 minutes in my arms before wanting to get down. I write a lot of stories so of course I don't mind my son watching movies or shows with a plot. I actually favor these over educational programs. in the end it is all up to you, you are the parent. don't let anyone make you feel bad for how you do things.
I dont really care tbh obviously dont let your baby watch tb for 5 hours in a rowbut in the world we live in today tv and everything is such a part of it. I kinda just think shes gunna watch tv and use phones and ipads n everything when shes older so whats the point of trying to shelter her from something thats everywhere!

Personally I think its just life nowadays n it doesnt make you a super good parent just because your kids never watched more than 2 mins of tv.
Just my opinion but if its let my baby scream for 10 mins while I eat my lunch or let her watch tv I no wich one im gunna choose.

Also I spent most of my day in the living room with the tv on but its just background and even tho it right there she plays with her toys and only occasionally glances at it.
I don't think it's a problem so long as it's in moderation. I don't think they learn anything from it but at the same time I don't think 10 min a couple of times a day will hurt. My lo is 17 weeks and I'll put it on for a few minutes so I can eat etc if she's being particularly fussy. I don't mind what she watches at this age (within reason) but will regulate that when she's older. She's not learning from the tv she's learning from me and her toys because I still spend 99% of the time entertaining her.
My LO is obsessed with golf! Daddy watches it on the weekends - she must love the scenery!

I think it's only "bad" when it's used as a long-term babysitter - but the occasional program isn't hurting anything in my opinion. We do try to watch the more violent/crime shows after she goes to bed though.
I watch TV during the day. Asher will watch but he's not really interested in it. Sometimes he'll stop and look if the music catches his attention but he'll play with his trucks in front of the tv while I watch.
I'm not a big TV person myself so Sofia doesn't watch it much either. DH and I watch the news in the morning while having breakfast with her but she doesn't care too much about anyway. She's more interested in her food lol!

I haven't actually ever planted her in front of tv to watch something though. I doubt I will anytime soon.
I have the tv on as background noise, even if I'm not watching it as I don't like a quiet house and we don't have a radio.

I agree with the majority on here; I don't see the harm in letting lo look at the tv every once in a while and sometimes I put the one on in my bedroom in the morning whilst she's awake and I'm trying to work out what the hell she is doing up at 6am when I just want to sleep!

It's one of those (endless) great debates we see on bnb. Some people don't mind, others are set against.

I personally don't have time to sit and read endless studies about whether something is good or bad for my child and the evidence for and against it. I'd rather use my common sense than dr google.

Tv is always on in our house. Its the first thing I do when I come to the house. Its too quiet without it.
But my lo much prefers the radio. I turn that on in the kitchen in the mornings and she "dances" in her high chair.
I dont think tv is that bad! I dont and wouldnt let lo sit and stare at it all day but i do let him watch it in the morning for about 15 mins he watches peppa pig, Roary the racing car and bananas in pjamas on milkshake while i go and get dressed and make our bed then while i apply his eczema cream, change his nappy and get him dressed cos this all takes a while and he gets fed up of being messed about quite quickly and crys or just keeps rolling over to try to get away so it keeps him occupied so i can get him ready then he has breakfast in the kitchen away from the tv.

Also if hes unwell he gets clingy/cuddly and doesnt want to play on his own and sometimes just doesnt want to play at all so i will let just relax on my lap and watch tv in his pjs with his dummy! :)

I dont think watching tv for 15/30 mins a day or when sick is going to do him any harm! Hes still a chatty, active boy who would rather play with toys or with us or go outside than watch tv anyway! :)
I have the tv on as background noise, even if I'm not watching it as I don't like a quiet house and we don't have a radio.

I agree with the majority on here; I don't see the harm in letting lo look at the tv every once in a while and sometimes I put the one on in my bedroom in the morning whilst she's awake and I'm trying to work out what the hell she is doing up at 6am when I just want to sleep!

It's one of those (endless) great debates we see on bnb. Some people don't mind, others are set against.

I personally don't have time to sit and read endless studies about whether something is good or bad for my child and the evidence for and against it. I'd rather use my common sense than dr google.

But you don't have to spend endless hours on Google researching it. The AAP reviews all the existing data and makes a recommendation. They don't just pluck a decision out of the air based on "Oh, this seems right". I mean, I don't think a little age-appropriate stuff here and there is going to make them into serial killers but people have got to be kidding when they say television is educational for babies. It's just not, in fact it's provably the opposite. :shrug:
I admit it, I use tv as a babysitter! But only for maybe 10 minutes a day and not every day. I put cbeebies on if we're about to go out and in need to run around the house and grab things/close windows, as I know he's more likely to stay still and happy with it on rather than a) trying to follow me or b) getting into everything and making a huge mess! The other time is if I have to nip into the garden for anything, I know he's safe in the living room as it's fully baby proofed but without the tv he'd want to come with me and he needs constant supervision outside as it's not baby friendly (loose paving, concrete steps) so I prefer to nip out quickly while he watches bob the builder or something!
I don't have it on while we're playing together or if he's playing by himself.

Edit: I don't think it's "educational" at their age, but they can learn things from it. I'm actually pretty anti tv for babies and worried a lot about the small amount Micah ended up watching, but the other day I saw him wave bye to Mr Tumble when the guy waved, so he was taking it in not zombified!
Honestly, I don't see the big deal :shrug: As a CONSTANT babysitter? That's just lazy. But if you need 5 mins here and there then why not??? I always have the tv on as background noise bc it feels empty and lonely without some sort of "sound" but LO doesn't pay attention to it unless something catches his attention real quick. And the longest he's paid attention was like 15 mins. I think there's bigger things to worry about, but that's solely my opinion.

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