On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measleswe have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner
Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!
Oh no! Poor baba (and poor mamma and dadda too).
Hopefully he'll be better soon. Not to question your doc as obviously they've seen your LO, but I was under the impression that Rubella caused cold-like symptoms mainly, rather than bum ones iykwim? It's also pretty rare now due to the MMR being around, so it could be (purely speculating obv) that it isn't that but another viral gastroenteritis bug as they often cause rashes too. Hopefully this is the case as at least you wouldn't need the quarantine then. Fingers crossed the swabs give you some answers![]()
I think the reason she was suspecting it was partly because his illness started as what I thought was a horrendous cold, he's still got a streaming nose, a bit of a cough and the glands behind is ears, in his neck and the back of his head are up. I know that could be due to illness generally though. His ears are red inside and his throat too, so whatever it is is really going for it

I suspect, like you say, that it's more likely to be a gastro thing but I guess she has to play safe and get it checked.
The good news is that he seemed to perk up a lot this afternoon and we had some really good playtime. The bottom stayed dormant and I stayed sane! Bedtime was good too, after 5 minutes or so of me having to lay him back down and say night night, sleepy time he rolled onto his side and about ten minutes after that he went to sleep, so even though he's not well he self settled. Very impressed

Hope the poo situation has calmed down for you too and all the other LOs are on the mend!