is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measles :cry: we have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner :wacko:

Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!

Oh no! Poor baba (and poor mamma and dadda too :hugs:).

Hopefully he'll be better soon. Not to question your doc as obviously they've seen your LO, but I was under the impression that Rubella caused cold-like symptoms mainly, rather than bum ones iykwim? It's also pretty rare now due to the MMR being around, so it could be (purely speculating obv) that it isn't that but another viral gastroenteritis bug as they often cause rashes too. Hopefully this is the case as at least you wouldn't need the quarantine then. Fingers crossed the swabs give you some answers :flower:

I think the reason she was suspecting it was partly because his illness started as what I thought was a horrendous cold, he's still got a streaming nose, a bit of a cough and the glands behind is ears, in his neck and the back of his head are up. I know that could be due to illness generally though. His ears are red inside and his throat too, so whatever it is is really going for it :nope:
I suspect, like you say, that it's more likely to be a gastro thing but I guess she has to play safe and get it checked.

The good news is that he seemed to perk up a lot this afternoon and we had some really good playtime. The bottom stayed dormant and I stayed sane! Bedtime was good too, after 5 minutes or so of me having to lay him back down and say night night, sleepy time he rolled onto his side and about ten minutes after that he went to sleep, so even though he's not well he self settled. Very impressed :thumbup:

Hope the poo situation has calmed down for you too and all the other LOs are on the mend!
A blissfully bedtime for us this evening! We had a lovely cuddle, got all wrapped up and she was asleep before I even told her I Love her! She just woke up but out herself back to sleep so fingers crossed for a good night (or for my OH to take pity and do another shift!).

I'll keep you updated angel. Twins have run every generation for 11 generations in my family. I'm a twin, my mums a twin, my cousins are twins get the drift! My mum says if I break the run now she'll be angry at me!x
On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measles :cry: we have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner :wacko:

Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!

Oh firefly, I hope your lo feels better soon:hugs:
My night is going ok so far (fingers crossed it stays that way:winkwink:)
Only one wake up since 7.30pm. I hope she gives me a few hours to sleep at least.
Hope everyone elses night go well too!
Ours is ok too so far but I am worried that cause I said this it will now change. Who knew that one little boy could turn this mum superstitious? :haha:
angel - i know what you mean that's why i don't say anything sometimes! :haha:

our night is going ok so far, but it only just started. for the last 2-3 weeks LO doesn't want to be rocked anymore. now he has a feed, plays a bit, has a bit of a cry/moan, and falls asleep sucking his thumb :cloud9:
i used to dislike the idea of LO being a thumb sucker, but hey, if it helps him, what can i do. and since he became a pro, he's def sleeping better at night, so can't/shouldn't complain!

firefly - german measles :nope::hugs:

lulu - i'm confused, are you carrying twins??

claire - sorry last night was so bad hopefully it'll be better tonight

chocolala - really glad to hear the osteo seemsto be helping! :thumbup:

flipitty - how's cormac?

gemma, lisa - i need to go back and find your posts, sorry, can't rememer what you said! :dohh:
Firefly hope your LO is OK!

Cormac is still sick. He's been good at napping today so thought he was on the mend but he has had 6 wake ups since 7pm. He's got a horrible horrible chesty cough. Why do they only make baby cough medicine for dry coughs!! He's had 30oz milk today, thankfully I have not swallowed any vomit.
Firefly - that totally makes sense :thumbup: Your poor baby. And he self-settled even when ill - what a star! Hope that the perking up today is signalling the start of recovery.

Angel, Lulu, Claire - woohoo for a good evening and fingers crossed for a good night :flower:

Flippity - :hugs: Poor Cormac. Have you tried sitting him in the bathroom after running the hot taps for a while to create a bit of steam? Some people swear by this for chesty coughs as the cough medicines tend to be worse than useless. At least he's drinking well. O/T but your comment re the vomiting in your mouth sums up motherhood for me in one perfect sentence - you should paste it in third tri as a warning :haha::winkwink:

Chocolala - molars?! OUCH! Hopefully that explains some of the unsettled behaviour and it'll get better now they're through.

Kosh - glad you're having better nights now Gael has found his thumb - whatever works, eh!

We are still fighting a losing battle against poo, alongside a high fever and general misery today unfortunately. I'm using the old staggered calpol and nurofen trick but it's not working as well as I'd hoped tbh. I've got a docs appt for tomorrow for him. OH think's it's a urine infection as some dipsticks that we 'borrowed' from a previous job came up positive, but they're SO old that I don't trust them at all. I'm hoping the GP tomorrow will have sticks from this decade and can confirm or deny.

He went to bed easily but has woken three times since then...every time I go in he's pushed himself up to sitting and is leaning forward with his head on the bed, crying with his eyes closed :nope::cry: I feel SO sorry for him. He just looks so sad and ill poor little pickle. He's settling easily with a quick cuddle though so that's good.

I swear, all these sick and teething babies makes me realise why you can't remember anything from when you're tiny. Being born, teething, bugs, sitting in your own wee/poo, having an incompetent mother who forgets to cut your nails so one morning you wake up looking like you've gone ten rounds with the neighbour's cat...most of it must SUCK!

Sleepy dust to all tonight :flower:
I don't think a kosh. My family are sure its a certainty but I'm not so!

Lisa it must break your heart to see him that way :(

It doesn't seem fair that babies can get so poorly, they're too small.

Good news on dodging the vomit flippity!
flippity - lisa's post reminded me - a friend of mine swears by leaving half an onion near by LO's bed! the room ends up smelling lovely obviously but it seems it really helps to decongest (is that a word?) their chests.
:thumbup: no vomit

lisa - your LO's image made me so sad! poor thing! please give him extra cuddles! :hugs:

chocolala - i forgot - molars?????:wacko:
How was everyone's nights? and how are all the poorly bubba's?
My night wasn't too bad in the end. I stayed up later than I wanted as I started to watch the "one born every minute" special on multiple births.....of course I had to watch it to the end:winkwink:
I think my lo has got the snuffles though,she is quite blocked up and I could tell when she was in bed this morning. I hope it doesn't turn nasty:wacko:.

glad claire your night was better than expected!:flower:

our was not bad either. tbh i don't know how many times he woke up, our new bed arrangement means I find it much easier to feed/rock him and go back to sleep, so that really helps. yet i think he is in fact waking a bit less. the exclusion diet is def helping with his tummy problems :thumbup:
Well I can report we actually had quite a good night! He slept 7.15 til 10.15, fed and then back to sleep until 2am. Had another feed then up at 4 ( think I woke him going to the bathroom) and then back down til 7.45. Really happy with that as I really needed the sleep as I now feel rubbish too. Today is going to be fun! :wacko:

Sadly the poo returned this morning so he's not on the mend yet :nope:
For the poorly babies :hugs:

Yeah, she's got 2 molars, top and bottom on the left. She showed no signs that they were coming through other than disturbed sleep. She showed no signs of pain at all! :shrug:

Last night wasn't too bad, went off ok ish, still woke a fair bit though, but I expect that now.
My first was awful. She cluster breastfed for hours during the night so I was sitting up trying to stay awake literally all night, & she'd wake up 45 minutes after I had put her down. This went on until she was 14 months, then she woke up probably 3 or 4 times a night until she was over 2. Now at 3 and a half she's so easy to get to bed.

My 2nd isn't a great sleeper either. Naps he has to be held or in the carseat or pram. At night he cluster feeds until half 8 then sleeps til 11ish, then he snuggles in with us where he latches on and off the boob all night but sinnce we bed share I still get sleep. I never feel dead tired like I did with my 1st so I don't mind as much. I wish he'd go to sleep by himself for naps though so I could get stuff done round the house.
Slept through! 7 til 7!! Amazing! She woke at 8.30 and 10pm but out herself straight back to sleep (I just heard a couple of grunts on the monitor and by the time I went in she was alseep again).

I wish I knew what makes the difference with her!

How is everyone else this morning?x
I've been stalking this thread and I always route for you ladies...coming out the woodwork to say I'm so happy that many of you had good nights! Keep the sleepy dust coming!
Hey ladies!
Really pleased everyone seemed to have a good night - us included :flower:

I put him down about 7pm after his bottle, awake but sleepy, and for the first time ever there was NO crying! He just smiled, turned over and went to sleep :happydance:

I looked in on him about 8.30 and he was awake and smiled again. I do keep hearing him on the monitor but he's really got the hang of settling himself straight back to sleep!!
He woke at 1.30 and was talking to himself. He cried a bit but I tried to leave him to it and he went back to sleep at 2.30.
I have a vague feeling he woke and i went in about 4 or 5 but my nights are a blur and I wouldn't put money on it :haha:

He then woke at 7, when I gave him a bottle and a boob and put him back in his cot. He woke me up at 9 chatting to himself :happydance:

Now his sleeping is better, my insomnia is drivinge mad - just can't get off to sleep! I'm going to bed early but never seem to drop off till gone midnight :dohh:
Firefly hope your LO's tummy gets better soon! Had the same with Alex - I had to walk through town to my car saturday with him in just his nappy as he had a massive explosion over his clothes :dohh:
:happydance: for the good nights ladies, isn't it strange that when there's a good night it tends to be lots of us and the same for the bad ones? These babies seem to have some sort of link!

Gemma - I feel for you with the explosion! Is he better now? I always seem to manage to find spare clothes for LO when we're out but he managed to be sick all over me at the weekend (filled bra and lap as was sitting down with him) and had to walk through town looking like the most revolting thing ever :dohh: I really need to learn to keep spare clothes for me in the boot or something! Have you always had the insomnia problem or is it just since LO?

I've put him to nap in the buggy for his morning nap and so far he's slept for just over an hour which is amazing for the first sleep of the day! Recently if he slept 45 mins it was a result so hoping this longer sleep will be helping him to get better. His rash looks awful this morning and is covering his poor little face.
:hi: Morning ladies!

Our night was also not too bad. We're cosleeping atm as he's poorly and wanting extra cuddles so i probably don't notice the wake-ups as much but I'm pretty sure he only woke 3 times from midnight to 7.30am which is really good considering he's ill.

It is weird how our nights all seem to correlate :wacko: Our babies must be secretly reading this thread and hatching plans :winkwink:

Firefly - glad your night wasn't too bad. Hope his rash settles down soon :flower:

Lulu - amazing!! Hope it continues for you!

Gemma - insomnia sucks. Have you tired anything for it? My sister swears by valerian tea.

Kosh and Chocolala - yay for a better night, exclusion diets and molars. Choc-your LO is one brave baby. Toothache is grim.

Mrs Hedgehog - how's it going?

Flippity - How's Cormac?

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