Flippityflop - sorry Cormac is ill again. What is it with the bugs atm?!
Firefly - sorry your LO is ill. My LO has also been having the watery diarrhoea. It's been going on for a while now and I had been putting it down to teething at first but I now don't think it is. He's been off his food and not quite himself, plus he's lost weight and has fallen down to the 70th centile from the 91st. He
is more active so some of it could be that, but the centile charts usually take this into account so I'm not sure...

He's still drinking so I'm not too worried but I have picked my friend's brain (she's a paediatrician, handily) in a semi-casual way just in case (can't help myself

). A trip to the GP will be on the cards if it carries on much longer I think. His sleep is predictably cr@ppy (literally and figuratively

) with the constant pooing but there's nothing he can do about it, the poor little mite. I'm almost happy he wakes atm so I can keep shoveling water/milk down him.
Kosh - wow for the walking! That's great! Can't wait to see the swimming pics
Everyone else - fingers crossed for good nights and let's hope all these viruses and bacteria get bored with our LOs soon and b*gger off