is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

been trying to post since this morning! :dohh:
last night was not as good as the previous one, but somehow in the same direction: bed at 7:45pm, woke up at 11:15pm,then 1:30am, 3:30am and the I think something happened at 5:30 but I am not sure lol and then up at 6:30am

tonight we've had so far: bed at 7:30pm, woke up at 10:30 and had a 20min feed :wacko:

angel - sorry I got the threads mixed up and replied to your comment here in our over 35 thread!! :dohh: I've deleted it from there now

storm - i hope L stops headbutting you and pulling your hair out!

claire - how's your mum?

flippity -our naps are a bit crap atm too

had more comments but i can't remember now, sorry!
oh, yes, lots of things to comment re. your post firefly. will try and catch up tomorrow...

off to bed now!
Thanks Kosh. He was a little better last night - only awake for an hour in the motn plus the other wakings - so I feel a bit less melodramatic today :winkwink:

He's started really coughing today so he's either got a chest infection from the sound of it or it's the dreaded whooping cough (he's started to 'whoop' today but he's not had a fever yet so we'll wait and see). Poor baby.

How was last night for you?

How is everyone else?
glad you're feeling better today lisa

our night was in the same positive direction! :thumbup:
in bed by 7:30, woke up for a loooong feed at 10:30, then 1:30, then 4am and then again it gets a bit confusing, I woke up a few times, but I think he was still sleeping ok. fussed a bit this morning at 6ish and the up for the day at 8am!

how was everyone else's?
Lisa :hugs: this is the best place to get that sort of thing off your chest! I will put money on the fact that we've all had days like that. Glad you're feeling better today but not happy to hear that your LO is poorly. I really hope it isn't whooping cough, poor little guy, I had it when I was about 6/7 ish and it's not fun.

I managed to get myself a bout of food poisoning yesterday so felt TERRIBLE. Had to call in my parents as I was incapable of doing anything other than sticking my head down the loo or lying in bed feeling like crap. LO was on really good behaviour for them which made it so much easier but I could have really done with a good night last night, surprises that it was rubbish! He went to bed at 6.30, slept til 9.30 and then was up every hour until 12.30 when he decided to stay awake for an hour. Admittedly not the worst night ever but when you just want to crawl into bed and feel poo it's not good! I think he had sore ears as he was pulling and rubbing them a lot. Gave him some calpol and he eventually settled down a bit then slept til 4, had a feed and then managed to sleep til 7.30 :happydance: That last bit of good sleeping saved my sanity last night.

Tonight after a bit of fussing and having to be picked up and cuddled he eventually lay in the cot, rolled around and shuffled all over the place for a while and put himself to sleep :thumbup: he hasn't done that for a while so very pleased!

Hope everyone is having good evenings and we have some very sleepy bubbas tonight.
sorry to hear you were so ill firefly,hope you're feeling better soon!

hey - what happened to the 'bad sleepers meeting'?
firefly- ooowww sorry about the food poisoning hun, hope you re feeling better today.

Lisa- many hugs your way, i too get those days when i really want to plummet both of them!

we had a regular night last night...8.30-12.30 then quick feed and down till 3..then i got her in bed (scared she ll wake her brother up if i let her stay in their room) and she mostly tossed and turned and fussed and bf until 8.30! tonight she went down at 9 so i m expecting she ll be up in an hour or so. Quick question: do you let your babies sleep on their own or do you put them down asleep? i let her cry tonight and she cried for a good 10-15 was heart breaking poor soul but it s really difficult to do differently when i need to give my elder one his bottle and put him to bed too (he definitely wont sleep on his own, i need to sit in the bed with him not talking but just being there with him).
Kosh - glad things to be improving for you! I wonder what changed? Do you think he's just growing out of it or do you think it's the dairy avoidance etc?

Firefly - thanks. I'm so glad I can vent on here as I think I've used up all my ranting priviledges IRL :winkwink: Some days are just really tough and there seems to be no light at the end of the tunnel, but other days (like today!) are much better and it doesn't seem like such a massive drama.

LO's cough has been crazy today, poor little mite. He cries after a coughing bout as it must hurt him, so I've cracked open the calpol and nurofen again. The problem is that he can't really breathe well lying down as his nose is so stuffy so I don't blame him for the constant waking really...I'm having to prop him up in the bed precariously for him to get any rest.

Sorry about your food poisoning! That sucks...glad your parents were around to help you though - there's nothing harder than trying to look after a LO when you're sick, especially tummy stuff. I struggled enough when I had a bit of a cold. I was saying to OH that it's funny that if I was ill before I'd call in sick to work and get to spend the day recouperating and go to bed early etc, whereas now my job is 24/7 with no sick leave and no allowances made by a demanding baby!

Claire - I hope your mum is coming home tomorrow and is doing well :flower:
Well ladies, it looks like my Mum is coming home tomorrow!!!:happydance::happydance:
She is just fantastic and has completly amazed the doctors with her progress!:thumbup:
I on the other hand think I'm coming down with a cold or something:wacko: and on top of that the lack of sleep is getting to me too:cry:
I just hope that when this 2nd tooth makes a bit more of an entrance the sleep might improve slightly?! well, I can live in hope,can't I?
Hope everyone elses nights go ok.
I just wrote a long post and its blinking disappeared. Great.

The crux of it wasn't that interesting just wishing everyone well really. I have a stinking cold at the moment so am feeling like poo. LO is still a grumpysaurus with his messed up naps and he just wants to stand up all the time. I literally spend all day holding him in a standing position. Can't even play with toys as he won't sit down!

A bit OT but we have come to a very difficult decision to return our dog to the rescue centre. We have had her for 2 years and she is just too much stress for us and she hasn't improved in her behaviour in those 2 years. We don't know her full history but she is aggressive and is so towards and strangers. I have spent the last 2 years building her trust and we have lovely times together but I don't know what will make her snap. Last night I couldn't go to the toilet as she wouldnt let me through the door. Just was bearing her teeth and growling. Shred is incredibly disobedient, you will tell her to get out of the kitchen and into her basket which she will do but 30 seconds later is back. She is food aggressive as well. I have to think of the safety and happiness of our family, especially our son. He is going to become mobile and want to touch things. I cannot trust her even if I keep them apart I can't guarantee that there won't be any incidents. All it would take is a second. I would never leave them alone. I also don't want my son to be scared of dogs and growing up in a house where we are all so stressed about the dog. But despite this I'm in bits. I'm a massive animal lover, she had been in rescue for a while and had already been rehomed before. I feel like I am sentencing her to a life in a cage. I honestly think she had some brain malfunction. She just doesnt learn, ever. I feel horrible and can't. stop crying. I love my dog but I love my son more.
Ooh Claire today is the day your mum is coming home! So happy for you! :D

Hugs to all mummies and babies who are feeling poorly! lisa how is the cough today? Have you seen a doctor yet to find out if it is whooping cough? I really hope it isn't! It sounds terrible. We got vaccinated for that as kids and I think my boys were too already? I know no vaccine is 100% but I so hope it works, as I was always a lil reluctant to have them injected with such heavy duty vaccines at such a young age. I hope your LO is improving already poor little thing!

Chistiana, we can let Sebastian fall asleep on his own. Unless he is wide awake he only wants a little cuddle before sleeping anyway. Dominic is a different matter! He needs rocking and lots of it, till he is virtually almost asleep before we can put him down in his cot. But even then he often wakes as soon as his back touches the mattress and he starts flailing his arms about and tossing and turning and eventually crying. Sigh. But last night I was rocking him and singing to him and he was arching against me and fighting me. So I got a lil frustrated and put him down in his cot and thought I'd come back in when he starts moaning. But lo and behold he didn't! He fell asleep on his own! Ok so 10 minutes later he needed repostioning and replugging with the dummy but that could have happened also had we rocked him to sleep. Soooo we will try this tonight again also.

As for how my night was. Sigh. We put the boys to bed at 7:15 and both did ok till midnight with only a few minor wakings. Dom woke at 12 and I fed him. OH and I had gone to bed shortly after 11 but I was still wide awake. I also was wide awake when Dom needed replugging at 1 and again at 1:15 and when he wanted feeding at 4. I then FINALLY managed to sleep! So I could have had a good stretch before 4 but nooooo I am sleepless yet again! :grr: But yes Dominic is doing sooo much better these days! So I am very pleased and hopeful :)
Flippity - :hugs::hugs:

What a terrible decision to have to make, but I would be doing exactly the same as you in your position. There's no choice really...if your dog is in any way unpredictable or aggressive you just can't take the chance with your LO in the house, especially when he's mobile as it would be nigh-on impossible to watch him every second of the day. It must be really hard though. I'm also an animal lover (don't have any atm as OH is NOT!) so I really sympathise, but hopefully she'll get re-homed to somewhere more suitable for her, perhaps with no kids in the house. You're doing the right thing :hugs:

Angel - his cough is the same but I don't think it is whooping cough I've decided. It's not quite 'whoopy' enough IYKWIM. It's prob just a viral chest infection but I'll keep an eye and take him if it's not getting better. He did have the vaccine (as did I but I remember having whooping cough vividly as it was awful!) but as you say, it won't stop him from getting it.

Yay for Dom self-settling to sleep! Boo for the rubbish night but hopefully once he gets the hang of it it'll improve.

Our night was....average. Not the worst but a long way off the best.
aww flipitty, massive hugs to you. i imagine how you must feel, have no words really, but lots of :hugs:
I will post more later, but I just wanted to say Flippity I totally understand your pain at the difficult decision you are having to make. I am a massive animal lover, but know if I were in the same situation then LO's saftey would have to come 1st. As you say,it would only take a second.
I'm sure you would rather that your doggie was in the rehoming kennels than the alternative scenario that could be. Stay strong sweetie.:hugs::hugs:
Aww flippity! :hugs: I am so sorry you have to do this. I too am an animal lover! We always had dogs at home when growing up and I think it is lovely for kids to have that. But I agree, the safety of your son comes first and she doesn't sound safe for him. I don't suppose you know anyone who could take the dog? That way you would know for sure what kind of home she is going to and you wouldn't feel like putting her in a cage? But I suppose you probably thought of all that already. :( Sending loads of :hugs:
our night was not terrible but def as good as the previous ones. i think he woke up every 2hr or so, plus seemed to be more upset/unsettled in general. don't know it is just a coincidence, but I'd got temped and eaten some cheese?:shrug: so I'm back to 100% dairy-free again

lisa - sorry to hear your LO is still not well

angel - yay for Dom! that was exactly what Gael started doing when he first tried to self settle - he'd arch his back and push away like refusing to be rocked. I love the way they let you know!
Flipitty-so sorry you have to return your dog to the rescue home, i have a french buldog and i can totally relate to how you re feeling...if he ever dared bear his teeth i would bever sleep soundly at the thought of my kids being unsafe. I know it is very difficult but you mad the right decision.

Angel- yayayay for dominic, i think it s a big step when they learn to sleep unaided. Nat becomes very fussy when she s tired, she just downt like sleeping in our hands unless she totally knackered and there s a boob there too! Hopefully it means our los will soon be sleeping better!

Claire- so so very glad for your mum!!!

Well as for us i think we had a pretty good night...nat slept 9-1:40, quick feed and then up again at 4.30. I dont know what happened after that as i took her in bed and was so tired i dont know how often she fed!
Lily the sleep fighter is starting to rear her ugly head again.......:cry:

Seems the osteo is wearing off, got over a week to wait until we see her again :cry:

Off to catch up.
Aww flippity you poor pet - its a hard decision, I am a massive animal lover and I have to say I am SO SO SO lucky, my dog lets LO crawl all over her, the poor dog is tortured - obviously I supervise at all times as after all she is a dog but she is so good with LO. Its just too dangerous if you think your dog might turn, dogs are so so so powerful. You never know the doggy might be happier without a baby to deal with if she has so many issues. You know you have to do what is best for you and your baby xx

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