is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

Wow Lulu how wonderful! That's the stuff our dreams are made off :D
Also happy for all other ladies who had better nights. :)

Our night was ok too according to OH who had the nightshift. Dom woke only for his feeds but Seb woke a couple of times after the 4am feed but then that is usual. :/

We had a doctor's appointment today cause Dom has had this dry cough for ages now and we wanted it checked out. Seems it is connected to his reflux and we were told to not give any syrup cause this doctor (a new one to us) disapproves of them for babies under 2 year old. Anyway, we had stopped giving the ranitidine a couple of days ago cause we thought the boys were over the reflux now. But if they aren't it would certainly explain the awful night I had the other night and Dom's inability to settle in the evening. We are back on it now. The doctor also said to get a wedge for the cot as he thinks Dom's frequent waking might be connected to that too. He says ranitidine on its own is not enough, even if the baby feeds as well as Dom does. Sooo while I will not allow myself to hope that this will solve the problem with his nightly wakings, I am just a teensy bit hopeful that it might help a little bit at least. And I now wonder if maybe Seb's reluctance to eat might not also be helped if he has a wedge. So I ordered two wedges, one for each boy :) Will let you know how that goes once I get them.
Ok, I need to ask a question that makes me feel like a bit of a muppet - OT from sleep but focussing on exploding bottoms. Sorry!

So...LO is still not right and his bottom is still creating bad things...however, he hasn't eaten or kept down anything solid since Saturday morning which means that by now any poo that comes out is going to be breastmilk only. The thing is, I've got so used to the weaning nappies that I'm not sure I'll even be certain if and when he has a normal breastmilk poo iykwim?! Oh god, my life is so glamourous now :coffee:
Ok, I need to ask a question that makes me feel like a bit of a muppet - OT from sleep but focussing on exploding bottoms. Sorry!

So...LO is still not right and his bottom is still creating bad things...however, he hasn't eaten or kept down anything solid since Saturday morning which means that by now any poo that comes out is going to be breastmilk only. The thing is, I've got so used to the weaning nappies that I'm not sure I'll even be certain if and when he has a normal breastmilk poo iykwim?! Oh god, my life is so glamourous now :coffee:

I think I remember the, as the runny mustardy ones. Sometimes with jelly bits in and sometimes with blackish bits in if they have wind?! And normal to explode in every direction possible including into their armpits:haha:

Hooray for the good nights, long May it continue!x
Ok, I need to ask a question that makes me feel like a bit of a muppet - OT from sleep but focussing on exploding bottoms. Sorry!

So...LO is still not right and his bottom is still creating bad things...however, he hasn't eaten or kept down anything solid since Saturday morning which means that by now any poo that comes out is going to be breastmilk only. The thing is, I've got so used to the weaning nappies that I'm not sure I'll even be certain if and when he has a normal breastmilk poo iykwim?! Oh god, my life is so glamourous now :coffee:

I think I remember the, as the runny mustardy ones. Sometimes with jelly bits in and sometimes with blackish bits in if they have wind?! And normal to explode in every direction possible including into their armpits:haha:

Hooray for the good nights, long May it continue!x

Yeah, see this is the problem! He's exploding now...some are obviously watery and not right but a couple have possibly been 'normal-ish' bm poos...I think! I need this boy to eat something so that I can work out when the bum is back to normal :haha:
I'm praying for a good night here as I'm soooo tired. The last few nights have been back to waking every 1hr or so :wacko:


Hey Clairey! Didn't realise you had sleep issues with the wee lady! I thought I was the only one struggling when all my friends babies are doing at least 10-12 hour stretches... never thought I would get Lydia to 8 months and still being hopeful of a sleep through. I've thought I'm going crazy at times with the sleep deprivation but still standing..

Sleepy dust and sweet dreams to everyone elses babies and hope they get a good nights sleep tonight :hugs:

OMG Storm hello:hi: I was thinking of you earlier today and wondering if you still come on BnB? and here you are!!:happydance:
I'm sorry you are in the same boat with regard to sleep or lack of, but it is sooo nice to know we are not alone isn't it?!
I'm loving your avatar with little Lydia,she is scrummy!
Like you, it's so unpredictable with the whole sleep thing from one night to the next and I too never thought I would be here at nearly 8 months still struggling with sleepless nights. I'm still breastfeeding,but I don't think it has anything to do with this anyway. You are ff,am I right?
I hope all is good with you and time is healing your heart a little more each day.:hugs::hugs:

Hi there just popped on to catch up with everyone while she had her afternoon nap and she slept for 25 minutes - grrrrr She is so frustrated she can't crawl and I'm guessing a great deal of that is to do with us having wooden and tile floors - she can slide across the room though but its not to her liking!

Yes Clairey she has has always been formula fed and always been a rubbish sleeper! I've made things worse for myself too by constantly bringing her into bed and now she wants in every night, I don't mind if its later during the night but sometimes its 30 minutes after I've put her down! This doesn't work if DH is working as I have bottles etc.. to do!

Don't know how I'm going to cope when I'm back at work!
I'm praying for a good night here as I'm soooo tired. The last few nights have been back to waking every 1hr or so :wacko:


Hey Clairey! Didn't realise you had sleep issues with the wee lady! I thought I was the only one struggling when all my friends babies are doing at least 10-12 hour stretches... never thought I would get Lydia to 8 months and still being hopeful of a sleep through. I've thought I'm going crazy at times with the sleep deprivation but still standing..

Sleepy dust and sweet dreams to everyone elses babies and hope they get a good nights sleep tonight :hugs:

OMG Storm hello:hi: I was thinking of you earlier today and wondering if you still come on BnB? and here you are!!:happydance:
I'm sorry you are in the same boat with regard to sleep or lack of, but it is sooo nice to know we are not alone isn't it?!
I'm loving your avatar with little Lydia,she is scrummy!
Like you, it's so unpredictable with the whole sleep thing from one night to the next and I too never thought I would be here at nearly 8 months still struggling with sleepless nights. I'm still breastfeeding,but I don't think it has anything to do with this anyway. You are ff,am I right?
I hope all is good with you and time is healing your heart a little more each day.:hugs::hugs:

Hi there just popped on to catch up with everyone while she had her afternoon nap and she slept for 25 minutes - grrrrr She is so frustrated she can't crawl and I'm guessing a great deal of that is to do with us having wooden and tile floors - she can slide across the room though but its not to her liking!

Yes Clairey she has has always been formula fed and always been a rubbish sleeper! I've made things worse for myself too by constantly bringing her into bed and now she wants in every night, I don't mind if its later during the night but sometimes its 30 minutes after I've put her down! This doesn't work if DH is working as I have bottles etc.. to do!

Don't know how I'm going to cope when I'm back at work!

Hi Storm, I know how you feel witht he short drives me insane!:wacko:
My lo just started crawling on Sat and it really messed her sleep up even more. Too much to think about etc etc.
Yes, Lucy has always been rubbish at the sleep thing too,although when she was newborn she did sleep loads more, but only if she was attached to Mummy:winkwink: due to this we have pretty much co slept since she was tiny.DF sleeps in the other room to give us more room:dohh:
Thankfully I am not returning to work so I don't have the stress of worrying about how it will work out- I feel for you:hugs:
Hope your night is going ok so far,mine has been rubbish. Overtired,teething and has a snotty nose!
I'm hoping it doesn't end up another every hour waking session.
:hugs::hugs: to all the other ladies too and hope your nights are going well.
All I can say about last night is :dohh::dohh::dohh:

Total refusal to go to bed, then up every 2 hours until 2am when we switched to 1-1.5 hourly wakings.


Hope the rest of you had better nights than mine!
On firefly, that's hard work. I find after a hard night, the day is inevitably hard too because I'm so tired.

Another good one for us, I almost feel guilty to report! Bed at 7pm and up at 6am. She's just gone for a nap. I know better than to think this is it for us as we had the same last week and then went back to marathon wakings at night but fingers crossed!x
On firefly, that's hard work. I find after a hard night, the day is inevitably hard too because I'm so tired.

Another good one for us, I almost feel guilty to report! Bed at 7pm and up at 6am. She's just gone for a nap. I know better than to think this is it for us as we had the same last week and then went back to marathon wakings at night but fingers crossed!x

:happydance: for a great night! We need the good stories to give us all hope! You never know, this might be has to happen eventually, at least that's what I keep telling myself!

Today is shaping up to be hard work already, LO just had his morning nap - 30 minutes :dohh: Was REALLY hoping for longer than that just so I could have a cup of (hot) tea.
Our night was ok-ish I guess. We haven't got the wedges yet, so OH put these huge cushions under the mattresses to give them a bit of an angle. At first we thought wow this is working cause Dom didn't wake for about 2 1/2 hours after his bedtime bottle. But he then did again though this was ok still as it was less than usual. But the actual problem was that the boys kept slipping down and I didn't want them to end up all crumpled up at the foot of the bed, plus I couldn't see them on the monitor any more. We strapped them both into their belly bands and that did help a bit but since they wear their woombies I couldn't use the between leg strap so they still slipped or rather wriggled down and ended with the belly band under their arm pits. Sigh. Anyway I got some sleep though at 2:30 I woke cause OH went to the loo and accidentally thumped my foot when walking by the end of the bed :dohh: So the lovely stretch from 1:15 from when I was done feeding both boys to 3:30ish when Dom wanted feeding again was interrupted. :cry:
Morning ladies - LO was in with me after an hour - she is a wee monkey! I've evicted DH to the spare room, have to bed rails up one side of our kingsize bed and she ends up hogging the entire bed while I hang off the edge. She's also started waking to check I'm still there! Probably cause I thought it would be a good idea to sneak her back into her cot the other night after she fell asleep again :dohh: She will give a little cry, if I put my hand on her or she reaches my pjs or hair and can get a grip she will stop, sometimes she goes to sleep hanging on to my hair.. oh dear.. not sure what to do! Her sleeping has been so bad with the reflux that I'd rather have her in with me if her sleeps better - but its not what I had ever planned to do. That said I've done nearly everything I said I wouldn't!

Basically she had a pretty good night, quite a few little cries through the night until she found me or I put my hand on her, I on the otherhand was awake from 2-4 -why???? She cried in her sleep from 6 pretty much until she was fully awake at 7. Im still shattered cause I think I was awake 20 times and the worst bit is I'm not allowed coffee at the minute - I miss my :coffee:
Angel that is really bad luck. Why does that sort of thing always happen when you could be getting a decent block of sleep and never when you'd be up anyway? :hugs:
sorry I've been MIA
LO is doing much better now we're being very careful with the food. I think the wind was really upsetting him and disturb him his sleep. He still wakes every 2-3 hr to feed (!!) but that is still sooo much better than what we had a few weeks ago! :thumbup:

how's everyone else?
sleepy :dust:

ps - lulu - 7pm til 6am?? wow
We had a bad night last night, the longest I had was 2 hours, after that it was every 30 mins to an hour - I think she has another molar coming through though, not that there are any other signs to see. My baby is hard core! :haha:

She didn't fight much last night and not at all tonight.

Hoping she sleeps better tonight, I've felt rough today and I'm in bed already!

Eta, Kosh- really glad your little guy is doing better on the elimination diet.
Chocolala - hope you feel better tomorrow and have a decent night tonight. It's the fighting sleep that gets to me too...the wake ups I can handle if they're brief and LO goes back to sleep easily, but it's SO hard to deal with the battle in the motn. Hopefully this molar comes in peace :winkwink:

Kosh - glad things are better for you. How are you managing without chocolate?!

Lulu - that's amazing!

Firefly - :hugs: for last night. Hope today wasn't too much hard work.

Angel - how annoying that you got woken! It's sod's law. Fingers crossed tonight is better.

Stormjet - my LO went through a phase of needing to sleep with all four limbs on me somehow. It was crazy. The contortion was ridiculous. He seemed to just randomly stop needing this so hopefully yours will too.

AFM he's already woken a couple of times but has now been given calpol as i think he was uncomfortable so hoping that helps. He was a nightmare last night....practically zero sleep for all of us as we're co-sleeping again atm. I honestly think LO sleeps better in his own cot but when he's ill I feel better having him in with us for some reason.

In good news, today is his first day without a high fever all week and his poo issues seem to be settling down :thumbup:PLease please please let the bum fountain be over...I keep hearing imaginary wet farts from him even when he hasn't done anything. OH thinks I'm going mad :haha:

Night ladies, sending sleepy dust to all :flower:
Wow lots of good sleep has been going on! Hope it all continues.

We have had some improvements, we either have a night with just a couple of wake ups and straight back to sleep or a night with 1 wake up of 2 hours! Which is so much better than both happening every night.

She has currently been awake almost an hour, she wakes crying so I pop her dummy in and resettle but she just lays there wide awake. She doesn't cry which i am very grateful for but I just find it so odd.

I watch her on the monitor and just see her eyes glowing so she's def awake looking round, it's pitch black though so won't be able to see anything.

Everyone keeps telling me to just ignore it and go back to sleep but I just can't knowing she's awake. This happens at least 3-4 nights a week I just wish I could work out what causes it.

Has anyone else had this, do your Lo's ever just lay awake? The health visitor said she hadn't seen anything like it as usually if they're awake alone they cry. It's not like I don't always go to her if she cries so she's learnt not too either.
Mornong ladies:wave:
I hope everyones nights were ok.
I thought we were in for a nightmare after we had a very hot red cheek and ear during the day (teething!) she was a bit tricky to settle, but once she went down she slept for 3 hours at which point I went to bed and resettled her and she slept quite well (well for her lol)
so I don't feel too bad this morning :winkwink:
I just wonder when I will ever see any teeth pop through???? how many other babies still didn't have any teeth at 8 months?
Cormac is still a bit poorly. He's napping fine, but when I put him down to sleep at bedtime he cries until I rock him. I've been rocking him to sleep all week at bedtime which is fine and only takes about 20 mins. But he's started waking 30 minutes later for more rocking like the old days. He then has a 2 hr period in the middle of the night and I have to hold him and rock him. He sleeps if he's in my arms but wakes up the minute I put him down. He sounds very distressed so I'm guessing his cough and cold is more troubling at night.

Sleepy dust for everyone.
Another shocker here, I actually have no idea how many times I was up last night but we had the added bonus of being awake from 3.30 to 5am..due to tummy pain? Teething? Sore ears? Who knows? :wacko:

Yesterday he only had 2 30 minute naps the whole day so ended up asleep for the night at 6.15 which was great for my evening but it always leads to a more disturbed night when he goes down that early. Hey ho, hopefully today will be better! He's napping on my lap atm as I couldn't face the battle to get him into his cot and I have a plan to stick a boob straight in his mouth if he stirs too early!

We only had one bad nappy yesterday, but it was :sick:
Lisa, I really laughed at the hearing imaginary wet farts, I haven't quite got to that point but I am watching him like a hawk for 'poo face'. Not sure why though as there's no way on earth the nostrils would miss it!

Flippity, sorry Cormac is still not well :hugs:

Glad to hear there were a couple of good nights so far. Chocolala really hope you had a better night last night.

Clairey - my LO has 4 teeth so far, the top 2 came through over 2 months ago and despite almost constant signs of teething since then nothing else has popped through. I've been blaming teething for just about everything but maybe I'm just imagining it - surely there should be more making an appearance by now?!

ETA: aaaarrrrggghhh, another 30 minute nap that I just couldn't get him to go back to sleep from. You need sleep baby boy :nope:
Another shocker here, I actually have no idea how many times I was up last night but we had the added bonus of being awake from 3.30 to 5am..due to tummy pain? Teething? Sore ears? Who knows? :wacko:

Yesterday he only had 2 30 minute naps the whole day so ended up asleep for the night at 6.15 which was great for my evening but it always leads to a more disturbed night when he goes down that early. Hey ho, hopefully today will be better! He's napping on my lap atm as I couldn't face the battle to get him into his cot and I have a plan to stick a boob straight in his mouth if he stirs too early!

We only had one bad nappy yesterday, but it was :sick:
Lisa, I really laughed at the hearing imaginary wet farts, I haven't quite got to that point but I am watching him like a hawk for 'poo face'. Not sure why though as there's no way on earth the nostrils would miss it!

Flippity, sorry Cormac is still not well :hugs:

Glad to hear there were a couple of good nights so far. Chocolala really hope you had a better night last night.

Clairey - my LO has 4 teeth so far, the top 2 came through over 2 months ago and despite almost constant signs of teething since then nothing else has popped through. I've been blaming teething for just about everything but maybe I'm just imagining it - surely there should be more making an appearance by now?!

ETA: aaaarrrrggghhh, another 30 minute nap that I just couldn't get him to go back to sleep from. You need sleep baby boy :nope:

My lo has just woken form her nap after a pathetic 20 mins???!!! yesterday she went down for this nap and slept for nearly an hour. I can't work out why it is sooo different today?? soooooooo frustrating. :hugs:

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