it never rains but it pours


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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when i had D*C surgeon didnt like the look of my cervix and said its iregular with bumps on etc,he said he wanted me to goto docs for smear in 4 weeks,1 week after recived letter from coloscopy dept saying they want me in for smear.nurse has just pgoned at docs saying that shes had referal from surgeon,told her i have got appointment through from hospital and she said well its obviously serious then,you need to i mean so much for puting a downer on stuff and looking bright towards things.looks like baby plans will be off till i sort out whats wrong

im stil going to chart af and mucus but going to leace of temps till i know for certain :(
oh honey, your having such a hard time of it just you have a date for your hospital appt? if its far away, ask to be puton the cancellations list, they will let you know if anyone cancels and you can get seen a lot quicker, i used to organise this for people when i worked in the health centre...bxox :hugs:
beatlesbaby66 said:
oh honey, your having such a hard time of it just you have a date for your hospital appt? if its far away, ask to be puton the cancellations list, they will let you know if anyone cancels and you can get seen a lot quicker, i used to organise this for people when i worked in the health centre...bxox :hugs:

next wednesday is my appointment but thats when i should be due on,surely they should realise this 4 weeks after having the op i got till the morning of the 6th to cancel and rebook if af turns up. doesnt help that i keep bleeding after sex now and it all interacts with each other and i cant help but to put 2 and 2 together
oh honey, im so sorry...i have never had anything like this either so feel so useless to you...i am sending big prayers and cuddles though honey...bxox
Have they given you any possibilities whist they have scared the BEEP out of you?

A week isn't long hunny (although long enough to go bald) - Good luck :hugs:
Wobbles said:
Have they given you any possibilities whist they have scared the BEEP out of you?

A week isn't long hunny (although long enough to go bald) - Good luck :hugs:

no not told me nothing whatsoever,surgeon said hes not too keen on the look of it .I know when i was feeling my cervix for ttc befor ethe last one it felt like i had hard pimple things on it :?
Aww hun wish I could say something that would ease you panicing & how easy it would be for me to say "don't panic" try & stay calm though or time will drag for you & cause you more upset than hopefully it would be worth - Always about to listen if you need as well as most of us here :hugs:

Awwww Loulou ..... Hopefully it'll just turn out to be cysts or something easily treatable ..... sounds like they are not great with their bedside manner sometimes ... and perhaps they don't realise how scary something like this is!??

Got everything crossed for you .....

I've also noticed just one little lump near the opening to my cervix ....I think perhaps I should get it checked out too ..... :oops:
af has started today so im hoping it will have finished by next week :roll:

Try not to worry babe, if it was that urgent you wouldn't have had to wait for the appointment......

I hope it all goes OK for you babe, I will be thinking of you!

:hugs: x
How you feeling Lou? Hopefully a little calmer?

fine thanks charls although still worried.

tam,they cant call me any sooner as certain pregnancy hormaones can interfere with the result thats why they say to wait 4 wks,plus they wont do it whilst bleeding so have to wait for that to settle down
loulou1980 said:
next wednesday is my appointment but thats when i should be due on,surely they should realise this 4 weeks after having the op i got till the morning of the 6th to cancel and rebook if af turns up. doesnt help that i keep bleeding after sex now and it all interacts with each other and i cant help but to put 2 and 2 together

dont mean to be nosey hun but did they tell you why you were bleeding after sex?
I had that problem not long after having sex with OH and it was found out to be i was pregnant but they still couldnt tell me why i was bleeding all the time even more so after sex

Hope your ok hun and good luck with your appointment
it can be a symptom :? they never said it was,but it was what i read up,although i think sometimes knowledge can be a dangerous thing. im def not pregnant havent done it enough due to bleeding all the time
i dont want to put false hopes to you hun but i was only with OH 3 montsh when i found out and we hardly done it really i was t scared most of the time because it hurt :oops: he was my first and i thought i was only bleeding because he was a fair size sorry tmi :oops:

Hope you feel better soon and get back on ttc
its the first cycle after the d&c and its been erratic,yes it would be nice but ive done it literally twice this month and would be ideal to get myself sorted first
They say pregnancy is quite a high chance after a d&c Lou - I believe it if I'm honest.

No matter the reason I hope you get it sorted soon :hugs:
im bleeding as well althought its not proper af,it comes in bits and drabs :?

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