Its June!!!!! 20 week scan next month!!! Whos with me?

That's scary Kellie. That's the thing with weaning, you can't see their insides to know for sure that their digestive system is ready for more than just milk. I've read up on early weaning and some of the complications it can cause babies later on in life and it put me off. Each to their own though :flower: sorry you had a bad night with Oliver :( I'm thinking of moving Millie into her own room soon but I keep putting it off - mainly so that I don't have to get out of bed to do night feeds :lol:
Thats the only thing thats stopped me moving him sooner, having to get out of bed all the time when he wakes and going to another room to feed! Mil pointed out that as he is so heavy he may not be comfy as his crib mattress is so thin so he wakes, he may need more support. Does anyone think that could be true? Its one of those inch thick foam ones.

It did scare me lauryn, it may be totally unrelated but the day after I stopped, the black bits stopped. Its normal if feeding bananas but I wasnt! Some babies are ready at that age but oliver definately isnt!

Im waiting for my sil to have her baby, she was 42 weeks yesterday and induced in the morning. By 9.30 last night she was only 2cm dilated and contractions she couldn't feel but showed up on the monitor were 8 mins apart. I cant stop thinking about what she is going through. Its still far too fresh is my mind! X
Ahhh good luck to your SIL :) does she know what's she's having?
She doesnt know, her bf wanted a surprise! She was 5cm at 3pm so hoping for news shortly!

Just got oliver a mattress so making the move tonight. Very nervous! Just taken ages to figure out how to set up the parent part of his angelcare monitor! X
Oooh let us know how you get on, and if its good I might make the move with Millie soon. She's still in her basket but she's fast outgrowing it and like you said, those thin foam mattresses don't look all that comfy :wacko:

Thinking of your SIL!
Big fail so far. Been up about 5 times since 1. I really thought the move may make a difference, but nope :( pleaseeeeeeeee sleep oliver! X
Hope u had a good day at work Inoue! R u doing full or part time?
How is everyone else?
Me and Kellie went to the baby clinic today, the walk there was madness! We had to walk quite a long way by the water and the wind coming off there was freezing, poor Izzy and Luke were crying with the cold! We were almost there then so had to keep going- we got the bus back!!!
Poppy now weighs 12 14, she has dropped down to the 9th line- the hv didn't seem worried she could see how active Poppy was, but also said I should think about weaning her as one of the signs is dropping centiles.
Hi ladies!! Fab day at work. Was thrown in the deep end running a surgery myself, completely forgot where things were kept but it all came back to ke within the hour. Loved it. Tbh, I barely had time to think about Reimi so I didn't really miss her, sounds awful but I guess I just slipped back into my old ways :shrug:. I am however now smothering her in kisses to make it up to her :haha:.

Kellie, sounds scary what you saw in nappy! Didnt even know that could happen?! Definitely stick to the milk for now. Glad you and Scally had a good meet up, love the pics on FB :D. Hope Olivier sleeps better tonight!

Reimi been in cot with mattress (+ angelcare) since 3 weeks. She loves it! Pretty much always goes down at 10 and awake at 5. Hope the transition goes ok, you to Lolly :p

Aww glad today went well inoue! And Tokyo sounds incredible!
Pops I hope Flynn is an angel in florida for you! Bet you're so excited!

Sorry about the terrible sleeping :( luckily wren is still a superstar and just getting up once a night. She is still in our room but rapidly outgoing her moses basket do may have to make the move soon! I can't really be bothered getting out of bed in the middle of the night to go feed her haha! So easy right now!

We have started wren weaning this week, just ellas kitchen 100% fruit and veg combinations. She is absolutely loving it!
Saw hv last week for a weigh in and wren was 13.8, she had dropped percentile, was draining a full bottle every feed, grabbing at our food, her top tooth next to the front ones is pretty much through so the hv recommended early weaning. We are taking it very slow and trying a few combos a week to check for allergies etc but so far we have had no problems and wren is so much happier for it.

I think you know when baby is ready and it can be dangerous to start too young so just be careful. I don't think I would have started for another couple of weeks if hv hadn't said to give ita go.

Hope you are all well, love the pictures of poppy and oliver so cute!!! They are all getting so big now it's scary how fast time is flying!
Inoue- glad u had a good day at work!

Time- so pleased Wren is a good sleeper and the dreaded regression hasnt hit her! Glad the weaning is going well, wow to the tooth!!!!! Glad she is happier for it. She is absolutely gorgeous, the photos u put on fb are heart melting!


Where Lauryn almost went on her holiday!!!!!!!!!

That was a close call Lolly! :shock:. God knows what would be left of your car if you parked there! Lol x
Hahahaha I know!! So glad we didn't go and it was just £38 we had paid :lol: that seems like so long ago now that I was asking you Ally and Kellie about the area! Well it was - around 9 months ago I think :wacko: crazy!
Hahahhaha! You had one very lucky escape there lauryn! I didnt realise jaywick had gotten so bad tbh. I dont know how the holiday place there is still in business.

I went with ally on weds to get the babies weighed. Oliver was 19Ib so still on the 91st centile and when I said about my normal clinic saying he was to be observed the lady at this one kindly measured him to see if his height and weight are equal. He is on the top centile for height so now there are no concerns, he just is a big baby!

Spent this week fighting the strep eye bug and now his eczema round his neck has turned into a fungal infection so more medicine its bright red and very angry looking, causing him to be very grumpy the past two days. The move is going well, last night he slept through til half five, then 6.30 til 9. Was lovely! Feeling a bit down tonight, so going to treat myself to a easter egg. Have lost 18 1/2Ib so a treat is in order!

Hows everyone else? Xxx
Poor Oliver, he's been through the wars hasn't he :( hope his eye and neck are better soon :hugs:

Millie's on 91st for her weight too, but for length she's above 91st so there's never been any concerns. It'd be lovely if all the HV's read from the same page and didn't worry us at times wouldn't it :wacko: I tend to not listen to HV's too much as most of them are still going on outdated methods/advice and some are just plain ignorant/shit!

Well done on the weight loss Kellie :) I'm on 16lbs so far and I'm kinda off the wagon at the moment, but trying desperately to get back on! Only 5 months until our holiday and I've still got quite a bit to shift in that time.
Kellie- a treat is definitely in order after losing that amount!! You are doing great with your weight loss. Poor Oliver- I hope the medicine kicks in soon, bless his heart.
I am so pleased the HV put your mind at rest, she was so lovely.

Lauryn- well done on your weight loss too!

I have been wanting to kick start the diet again, but think I wished to lose weight too much as I then got a tummy bug- really didn't want to lose weight that way. Poor Izzy got it too, we are both 2 days past it and still cant stomach too much to eat. So far- touch wood Dave and Poppy have managed to escape it.

Poppy is trying to escape her bouncy chair- think we need to retire it now, she cant actually get out as the straps are on but i'm concerned she'll tip it over or bang her head! Little monkey is such a fidget!

Well done everyone on your weight loss! I'm on weight watchers but am not actually weighing myself, I'll be happy when I fit back in all my old clothes, so the points system is helping me get there hopefully!

Someone please tell me how long the 4 month sleep regression lasts? I am so exhausted! Flynn never woke in the evenings after he had gone to bed and definitely never before 1pm for feed or dummy and is now waking almost every evening between 9.30 and 11 and as a result our evenings are spent in fear of the monitor! It all been since he moved into his own room which is 2 weeks ago tomorrow. The whole thing is actually making me really anxious as I'm so worried that he's going to wake up all the time that I can't get to sleep, and once I have got up and seen to him I can't get back to sleep as I'm so worried he will wake again, help!!! Xxx
Hope oliver is better soon Kellie bless him! His eye looks a lot better already, and I think a lot of babies get directions necks when the teething starts, Wrens is a little sore.
the last few nights wren has definitely been sleeping gets worse, she always got stuck least 7 hrs in a chunk whereas the last week we've been going to bed At 8 waking at 12 then 4 and being up at 6. I know waking twice is not that bad but as pops says it's hard to get back to sleep and feels like you're getting no sleep when your getting such small chunks!
Praying it doesn't get any worse. We may try her in her cot this week and see if that helps.
That's so great on the weight loss girls bet you feel fab!! I am now 4lbs less than before I got pregnant god knows how I've done it but it feels fantastic!!
Hay girls! Sorry to hear nights haven't improved pops. I have no info on the regression, just hope it ends soon :nope:.

Also hope wren sorts herself out, bless ya :hugs:

Congrats on everyones weight loss, your all doing so well! Im struggling to shift it tbh, still same weight as last month. Since last Thursday ive been powering on the treadmill and doing my pump it up dvds everyday, also keeping below 1200 cals a day, I hope that will make some difference :(. Hate being fat and frumpy.

Off to work at 2pm for a few hours, got some root treatments booked in and im getting wound up what files I need, really dont want to get told off :cry:.

Thanks girls. He is all better now, eye and neck completely clear. Now we are teething which is causing some extreme crying again. Its literally all day. Sometimes I feel like I could break down as it really has been one thing after the other, bronculitis, uti, excema, eye, neck, diarrhoea....5 months of illness, pain and crying. I literally can't do nothing now, he cries at everything we try to do with him again. He only is happy in his buggy and the bath. The only thing saving my sanity is that he is sleeping well, last night 11-7. Sorry for the moan, just everything seems to get better then bam it all goes back to the same.

Really hope all your sleep gets better soon. There is definately light at the end ofthe tunnel, for us moving into his own room was the best decision. Sure it wont last but im enjoying some sleep while I can x

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