..~:: IUI & Clomid ::~.. anyone?

SO wanted to give you an update...at around 12 PM i called to inquire about SA results and was told its still under review and that they would call me when ready.....ugh; the anticipation is killing me
I dont think im really experiencing any symptoms from 100 mg....just some cramping. No RE wanted me to start it cd2-6 and i really dont know what different a day would make...meaning cd3-7.
I dont think anyone would take it well to hear that there is a problem....so im hoping all is well with you! As you said it is better to know if there is not/is a problem so that you can scratch that off your list. So your HSG is just around the corner and that will be over with so you can go on to the next step!!!
I also tried to think about the timing of the IUI after the trigger shot but reasurred myself by thinking that RE should know what the hell he is doing...lol! Yes i had my IUI done about 24 hrs after my trigger shot.
so today i continue the waiting game for my SA results....and then follie check Fri.

SO wanted to give you an update...at around 12 PM i called to inquire about SA results and was told its still under review and that they would call me when ready.....ugh; the anticipation is killing me

What?!?! The results still aren't out?!?! How come it takes so long?? wow.. I hope they'll get back to you soon!!!!

Yeah, tomorrow's the 'big day'. Don't know if I should take pain killers before the HSG or just wait and see. Can't wait for it to be over.

See? I think getting the IUI 24h after the trigger shot is better since sperm can live up to 5 days inside of us whereas the egg dies within 12-24h after ovulation. So, if I ovulate early after the trigger shot then the IUI after 48h will just be a waste of time and money since my egg would already be dead by then. I'll ask my doc about this and hope this time I can get the IUI earlier.
Still no results ...I'm hoping I get them today!
Hope you took the pain killers just in case; I did. Definately ask your doctor about doing IUI 24 hrs after trigger. Hope all goes well with HSG...keep me posted!
Did you get the results??

I had to cancel my appointment for the HSG last minute coz my dh forgot to tell me that we're supposed to go to his friend's solemnization ceremony.

Arrrgghh.. can you believe that?! How could he forget to tell me?!
Nope no results yet; I will definately phone them by this afternoon if they don't call. I'm scheduled to go there Wed for follie check....which this time around with clomid I had spotting yest on day 5 of it.
That stinks that you had to cancel bc he forgot to tell you about the ceremony, so will you have to wait until next cycle? I know that it has to be done during certain days of your cycle.
Nope no results yet; I will definately phone them by this afternoon if they don't call. I'm scheduled to go there Wed for follie check....which this time around with clomid I had spotting yest on day 5 of it.
That stinks that you had to cancel bc he forgot to tell you about the ceremony, so will you have to wait until next cycle? I know that it has to be done during certain days of your cycle.

Are you serious?! That's crazy! Did it take them so long to get back to you the last time you did the SA as well???

No, luckily I don't have to wait until the next cycle. I got another appointment on Friday. Today was cd5 (which I thought was kind of early anyway since I was still spotting) so, Friday will be cd7. They said the HSG can be done up until cd10. Which cd did you get yours done??
Nope no results yet; I will definately phone them by this afternoon if they don't call. I'm scheduled to go there Wed for follie check....which this time around with clomid I had spotting yest on day 5 of it.
That stinks that you had to cancel bc he forgot to tell you about the ceremony, so will you have to wait until next cycle? I know that it has to be done during certain days of your cycle.

Are you serious?! That's crazy! Did it take them so long to get back to you the last time you did the SA as well???

No, luckily I don't have to wait until the next cycle. I got another appointment on Friday. Today was cd5 (which I thought was kind of early anyway since I was still spotting) so, Friday will be cd7. They said the HSG can be done up until cd10. Which cd did you get yours done??

I cant really say if it took that long last time because there was a storm here and i just assumed that it took long because everything was pretty much closed.
Oh k so no biggie..you have an apt of Fri...yay!!! Now you can get the HSG over with and move on! I had mine on cd8.
So Fri you will be getting your HSG and ill be checking in on follie status!
Okay so I finally got the results....so motility increased to 66%!!!! Unfortunately this time he didn't need Cialis and he usually does. So at least I know that we kind of have a chance....now for follie check, IUI and another 2 WW.
Yup! So, yay for Friday! :D

And I'm so happy to hear the motility has improved!! Yes, you definitely do have a chance coz remember, the first 3 months after the HSG you're extra fertile and thus, you stand a good chance this month!!! :D so, think positive. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! :flower:
Yup! So, yay for Friday! :D

And I'm so happy to hear the motility has improved!! Yes, you definitely do have a chance coz remember, the first 3 months after the HSG you're extra fertile and thus, you stand a good chance this month!!! :D so, think positive. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you! :flower:

Yes definately thinking positive....so on to the follie check tom! Hoping something good is brewing in there and we get this IUI done soon....praying DH doesnt have a problem producing a sample! It would also be great if the IUI could be done on one of these days i took of for the holidays. Fingers crossed for you tom!
Yes definately thinking positive....so on to the follie check tom! Hoping something good is brewing in there and we get this IUI done soon....praying DH doesnt have a problem producing a sample! It would also be great if the IUI could be done on one of these days i took of for the holidays. Fingers crossed for you tom!

Hey there!

So, how was the follie check?? Any good news???? :D
I'll cross my fingers for you that you can get the IUI done on one of your off days. :flower:

I just got back from the HSG. I didn't take any pain killers before the procedure (I forgot :dohh:). But luckily I didn't have any pain whatsoever during the HSG. In fact, I wouldn't have even known that they've already inserted the catheter and injected the dye had I not seen it on the screen. I felt NOTHING!!
Now I'm having some very very mild cramps but that's no biggie at all.
The doc said she didn't see any problems: both of my tubes are open and the uterus is fine, too. *phew*:happydance:
Yey glad to hear ur HSG was a hit!!!! That's awesome that you didn't have pain and everything went as planned!
AFM it's 7:30 Am here n it raining really hard with high winds and so the clinic just opened its doors. I have been waiting outside the clinic since 6:55 am so that I could be the first one and so now I'm hoping the doctor or nurse (whoever is doing my sono) gets here soon!
I will update u once I'm done!
So here's the update...saw my RE yey and I have a couple of follies brewing....they range from 15 to 20....so he wants me to give myself the trigger shot tom am n then go for IUI on Sun morning. So here's the problem....the clinic by me is not open on weekends ugh ...so I would have to have it done in the city. So I have to strategize as to how to make it to the city with sample in under an hr. I'm really hoping this IUI works out this Sun!
Yay for your follies!! I think that combined with the recent HSG and the better SA results gives you a really good chance this month!! :D

Hmm.. how long does it usually take you to get there? Traffic on Sunday morning shouldn't be that bad, right? Since most ppl don't have to work. Well, I really hope your dh can produce the sample and that everything works out for you and that you finally get your BFP!!!!
Yes sun traffic should not be a problem....only thing I'm worried about us that they gave me a 8 am slot to drop off sample.....ill just figure it out and drag DH with me.... When is cd 12 for u????....I know that's when ur scan is.....n now for giving myself this tummy injection, ugh! I'm feeling optimistic that we have a better chance this time!
Yes, I'm sure you and your dh can figure something out!! :) And yeah, you definitely have a better chance this time!!! So, fingers crossed! :D

My cd12 is on Dec 26. So, I really hope I'll have at least one good follie that day so that we can do the IUI asap.
Thanks I gave myself the Ovidrel shot this morning and tonight we will plan our route and such for tom!
Okay the 26th is soon....hoping there is at least one good follie!!!
Ill give you an update tom after IUI...maybe the clinic in the city will give me luck...also at this clinic they have you drop off sample and come back in an hour for IUI. At my clinic you give them sample and in a couple of minutes you are called in.
Well, just think positive and know that you really do stand a very good chance this time! I'll be crossing my fingers for you and wish you lots of good swimmers and a truckload of babydust!!!

Oh really?? Wow! At my clinic you give them the sample and can collect it only after 2 hours! Upon collection they ask you to put it inside your bra so that it stays warm until they're ready for the IUI. LOL!
I thought the 2 hours were normal. Didn't know they're faster at other places. :shrug:
It's 6 am here and I'm up getting ready to leave in an hr or so. At my regular clinic I have it in my bra and they call me to collect it and initial labels and then I sit down again....within 15 minutes I'm called in. The one I'm going today is the main clinic...where they do IVF and such....here I was given a collection time of 8 am and then I leave and return in an hr for IUI. They want sample within an hr so they can wash it and then take another hr with it...washing it?
Until later....

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