IUI Jan/Feb/March/Apr/May 2012 - Status updates on page one 12 bfp

Hopeful: I'm "in dates now" which means you've been in dates as well. you're getting so close. How are you feeling girl?

Any more updates from anyone else?
Hey fertil :) thanks for thinking of me. I'm 37w5d today, almost 6d as its close to midnight. I'm feeling okay. Am pretty tired, having trouble moving around as well, a bit irritable. I woke up today with horrible back pain and shooting pains down my left leg so I think she may have founds my sciatic nerve. I had an OB check today. Baby's head is nice and low in the pelvis, bum is up by my right rib and limbs face toward the left side. I am uncomfortable but doing alright, just chasing my toddler and keeping patience with him is hard. We closed the old house sale today, plus we have been at the new one for 3 weeks and it's becoming home. I love it. I was told I get cervical checks starting next week unless I'm opposed to it.
How are you doing? Have you been struggling or since the all clear fluid check has it been smooth sailing?
Sorry to not update with everyone. On October 7th I'm starting my lupron and then October 14 or 16 I'll be starting the gonal F and menopur. How fun!! Oh well, it has to be done. I really am looking forward to starting this IVF cycle and can't wait to see how your girls delivery goes!
Hey hopeful and fertile- the end is rearing in for you ladies! How awesome. If I don't hear from you ladies before or after, I just want to say Goodluck on labor and delivery and wish you all the best!!!!

GoodLuck ash on your ivf cycle!
Good luck Ash! :dust: this is so going to work for you :)

Chiles- thanks, I hope you are doing well with your pregnancy. I can't believe I've been talking to all you ladies for so long! It's great that we have this bond, not because we had problems but because we have been a great support system for each other.
I will keep you all updated on baby and post pics once she is here.
Yes everything is going well. I just can't complain. I totally agree about the bond and support system that we do have here. Congrats on being team pink as well. Do you have your baby name picked out already? We are going with Reagan. I look forward to your updates :)
Ah Reagan is cute. I know one, my sisters neighbor that she used to take care of. As for name for our girl, we haven't even discussed it seriously. Kev says she's gonna be nameless at this rate, lol.
I like Joselyn but I am scared to bring it up as I'm afraid he'll just say 'no'. I have others I like but they are just too popular.
Fertile and hopeful I can't believe how close you are to your due dates!! It shows how long we've been following each other's stories. Hopeful I bet it feels good to be settled into your new home and done with closing of your last one. A big weight off your shoulders!

Chiles glad to hear all is well with you too. Before you know it, we'll be talking about your due date!

Ash, sorry your last IUI didn't work. But excited for you that you can start IVF! After a week the shots will be like nothing. I'm so used to them at this point it feels weird when I don't have to have them!

AFM just waiting for my FET next Friday. Trying to be hopeful but is a little tough as I really thought the first IVF cycle will work. Just gotta keep pushing on and hope that luck turns my way soon!

Nice to hear from you all! I was just thinking about this thread the other day. Thanks for waking us up fertile!
L4hope- feel amazing to be settled and done with the other place. A bit weird too. I'll miss the fact Xavier's first year and a half of life was spent there but hey, we got the pics to prove it :) I'm so much happier in this larger space and on with the new adventure! So you have transfer soon huh? I'm shocked to hear your first IVF did not take. Do they have a reason for it? How many are you transferring?
Thanks ladies for the support.

L4hope - Oh I'm definitely not worried about the shots. The PIO shots a little bit but I've done 3 injectables rounds of IUI so i'm sure it's not going to be a big deal. But thanks! I'll keep all of you ladies updated on what's going on!
hopeful- im good. still dont feel anything so it doesnt feel real. friend is bringing me a twin stroller and a crib today.. yikes. and i picked up purple paint samples

names- ive theoretically thoght of names... but unlike the whole not finding out the babys sex which i failed at.. that is staying a secret til birth. middle names are picked.. and have been for years. i feel sorta bad in that it is my fathers mom and dads names and none of my moms but... her moms name was lenore and that isnt happening (plus she was mean) and her dad died when she was 17 so i never knew him. my grammas name was sadie which id use as a first name if it was obscenely popular now. and grandpa was kasper which i love but is too cruel as a first name.

ash- i HATED lupron. made me feel horrible. but gonal and menopur arent a big deal (yeah menopur stings but.. whatevs). i was allergic to the pio. im so excited for you to get started
L4hope- feel amazing to be settled and done with the other place. A bit weird too. I'll miss the fact Xavier's first year and a half of life was spent there but hey, we got the pics to prove it :) I'm so much happier in this larger space and on with the new adventure! So you have transfer soon huh? I'm shocked to hear your first IVF did not take. Do they have a reason for it? How many are you transferring?

No real reason given for it failing. They did say egg quality is prob an issue due to the amount fertilized versus amount retrieved. I had 14 mature, 3 transferred and 2 frozen. I will be having both frozen transferred. I kinda feel at this point I am just gearing up for another fresh cycle with hopefully producing better eggs.
So good to hear from all you ladies! Hopeful and fertile can't wait to hear about your births!

Ash- GL with the IVF cycle

L4 - I will keep my fingers crossed the fet works for you

Drsquid - love all the u/s pics! Sounds like you know the sexes now? Is it one of each?

Chiles - love the name you picked!

Afm - just starting third tri. I passed my glucose test and now just gearing up for the shower Oct 20th. We registered last night. Still seems so far away though
Daydream- good to hear from you. Time flies and it sneaks up on you. I can't believe in a couple of hours I'm 38weeks!
Drsquid- great pics. That's awesome you know the sexes, I really didn't think you'd last not finding out, how could you resist beings me to check whenever you like.
Ash- it'll go okay, you know the routine now it's just go time now:)
L4hope- I know lots of ladies facing that same IVF issue now (unfortunately much too many), having a failed one or two due to egg quality, lots of them are now taking dhea and coq10 etc, trying to beef things up for next try. I really hope things work out for you.

AFM today was interesting. Having sciatic nerve pain, when I bend over lots of pain and pressure in the bum area, and lastly, lots of lower back pain and some cramping on the sides of my belly. Wonder if this little lady won't stay in there as long as her brother?
Hopeful: yipppeee on being 38 weeks. My last fluid check was normal! I still have to do one more. Are you going to consent to cervical checks? I think I am going to get my first check in a few days. Its kinda exciting knowing if things are starting to get going. I have also been very achey and tired. BTW Joselyn is a very cute name :)

Ash: Yippeee that your IVF cycle is gearing up. So exciting to know that nothing we can do can give us odds as good as IVF (close to 70-80% chance of BFP) which is awesome. Can't wait to hear how it goes for you.

Chiles: congrats on a healthy baby girl. I think Raegan is such a cute name!

L4hope: So sorry about your last cycle. I hope this next week flies by quickly and the FET goes spectacularly. Sticky baby dust!
DrSquid: How exciting to pick colors and names. So fun! Happy to hear that things are going well. The baby scans are so cute!

Daydream: Glad things are going well on your end. You are in the home stretch now -- third tri goes by so fast. Hope you enjoy every minute of it!
Fertil- yeah I'll do the cervical checks. Don't see a harm in it, plus it gives me something else to speculate over, hmm so since I'm this dialated maybe I'll be early? Lol.
I know they really don't mean much but hey, gotta pass this last stretch with something to ponder :)
Are you excited? Nervous? Ready?
I'm just starting to pack my bag today, lol, so not ready but whatever. If I have to do it last minute that's okay. Lots of lists online guide you what to bring.
Hopeful: This week I was 1 cm dilated but cervix still very long. Disappointed that my fluid levels went back up so next week I find out about induction for VBAC or c-section. There is so much fluid that he's floating really high up out of my pelvis and he's not even touching my cervix. My body is starting to hurt so I am finally looking forward to the delivery. How are you feeling? Excited or nervous?
Both actually. I just am waiting to get this show on the road already. Keep having BH in the evenings, feeling nausea, some cramping. The comfort level I've had has become non existent, everything hurts, can't sleep much, I'm just a barrel of laughs, lol

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