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IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

mind if I join? I will be doing my very first IUI the next cycle... waiting for my period right now. We're extremely nervous but really hopeful. My husband only has a mild morphology issue and there seems to be nothing wrong with me. The only concern was that last month (the cycle they monitored) I released an immature egg so I will be doing injections to stop that just in case.

Has anyone had success the first try?

Welcome. I also got a bfp after my first iui. Unfortunately it didn't progress past 6 weeks, suspected ectopic, but just goes to show it works first time for some ;)
Hi Everyone!

As requested.....here were my 2 week symptions:
Some details: my IUI was done on CD 16. my trigger was done on CD15.

CD17=1dpiui :)

My doctor advised me to do a home pregnancy test on 15dpiui, which was CD31.

The first few days, I would feel mild cramping, some twitching in my lower tummy area. A lot of people told me these were ovulation cramps or something, but I guess I have never felt them because I have PCOS - Never really know if I am releasing an egg or not.

My biggest symptom were sore breasts, and they were sorer than when I have my AF.

I didnt feel dizzy, nauseous, or anything of the sort.

On 11 & 12dpiui, I would feel really random sharp pain, but they would literally last for like 3 seconds. I didn't think anything of it, maybe implantation? I just didnt want to jinx it :p

I started testing 12dpiui, 13dpiui, both were negative. I was disheartened because so many ladies on here get bfp so early and I was making myself go crazy reading everyone and their bfp posts. I did see faint lines but that was after the time limit of the hpt, so I took them as evap lines.

However, on 13dipui I felt something different, something I've never felt in my life. Nausea of a different sort, kind. It was weird, I was not throwing up, but I felt the urge to. I knew then deep inside me something was happening.
I know it sounds crazy, but I just prayed, I really prayed. I prayed that something would work, something would click, and sure enough, it did! (I also prayed that if this wasn't my month, I would find the strength to carry on knowing the disappointment would bring me down. My insurance doesnt cover infertility and my doctor is costing me an arm and a leg) I woke up 14dpiui - took 5 diff HPT and to my HUGE BIG SURPRISE, I saw the faint lines. SUPER SUPER faint, like almost not there, but they had shown up in the time limit.

I took another test morning of 15dpiui same thing, super faint lines, but they showed up. My doctor asked me to come into the clinic the next day and we did an HCG test and it showed up as 155.

She confirmed I was pregnant because of the blood test, but still no viability because too early to ultrasound.

I continued to feel cramping, randomly during the day, sometimes, they lasted longer, 2 to 3 minutes and sometimes just a few seconds.

I went back and did an ultrasound on 5w3d and saw the gestational sac, but no baby heart beat yet. My doctor put me on crinone (BLAH) progesterone suppositories but Ill do whatever it takes to keep this little babyboo!!

I go back tomorrow and hopefully I get to see a heartbeat. Wish me luck ladies!!!

I do not take for granted how lucky I am that my first IUI gave me a bfp. I am so careful and eat healthy and try not to overtire myself.

I really wish you all get your BFP soon, and please, dont give up hope, I have been trying for almost a year and I know how depressing it is when that EVIL AF shows up.

Sending you all my deepest & best wishes, for your magical moment soon!

Great news jan!! Hoping this is your sticky bean ;)
Warning! Embarrassing TMI question...

So... Here goes :)
DH and I dtd this morning and I pretty much immediately went to the bathroom to pee (sorry told you this would be tmi). I showered and went to put in a dose of crinone and when I took out the applicator the dang stuff came back out with it. Guess things were to slippery in there for it to stick? :haha: Most of it went right in the toilet and a small amount still on the applicator :doh: I'm thinking maybe I should take another dose later today (either 4 hrs later or 12 hrs later). Problem is I'm not exactly sure how much came back out??? So not sure if its ok if I take another? Maybe I should just wait till tomorrow mornings dose? I don't know!! Any of you have this problem?? Lol. TIA for reading this far. Lol
Warning! Embarrassing TMI question...

So... Here goes :)
DH and I dtd this morning and I pretty much immediately went to the bathroom to pee (sorry told you this would be tmi). I showered and went to put in a dose of crinone and when I took out the applicator the dang stuff came back out with it. Guess things were to slippery in there for it to stick? :haha: Most of it went right in the toilet and a small amount still on the applicator :doh: I'm thinking maybe I should take another dose later today (either 4 hrs later or 12 hrs later). Problem is I'm not exactly sure how much came back out??? So not sure if its ok if I take another? Maybe I should just wait till tomorrow mornings dose? I don't know!! Any of you have this problem?? Lol. TIA for reading this far. Lol

Are you sure it was the fresh dose crinone that came back out or the build up of crinone from any previous applications? :p Call your doctor/clinic and check what you should do! Sorry I am of no help ;)
Hey ladies,

I went in for my u/s to checkup and they said I basically have 2 good follies, and my lining looks good! (21mm left, 16mm right, 7mm lining) So I am to do bloods tomorrow to see where I am at then I guess opks? since I can't go for bloods on the weekends.
Excited, but nervous about timing!
Thanks Jaan. I called my clinic and they weren't concerned at all. Just take my next dose at the regular time.

Hi river, I'm surprised they didn't trigger you today with those follies. Or are you not doing a trigger? I'd go with the opks over the weekend in that case.
The handout they gave us said they may trigger or not. So I guess they aren't.
Thanks to all lovely ladies for the warm welcome!
Curni - It is really great to know that we are going to test on same day!FX'd for both of us.
Summer2011 - My doctor never tested me for leutal phase prog problems, as I never spotted in midcycle.But looks like my doctor has prescribed me this one as a precaution.
Hatethewait - Yes indeed a very long and frustrating ttc.This PCOS is killing :( I have elevated homocystiene levels as well.never diagnosed for MTHFR though.Had karyotypings for both myself and my husband and it came out clear.Just hoping this cycle does the trick.
Samoorah - Oh dear!how are you now?did you test again.There is still hope until the witch shows her red face.
Jaan - Congrats!How are you doing now?Hope everything is fine at your end.
River - your folli and linin both look great.I just hope your success in this cycle :)
Azulita - Welcome!I am yet to get a success with IUI but there are plenty of them who got it on very first cycle.3-4 cycles of IUI's would definitely give a better result though.FX'ed for you dear :)
FindingKismet,gingmg - How are you all doing today?

AFM - Had a busy day at office.Work and singing practice for our upcoming annual day event.Its 12 DPO for me but no symptoms, I am just afraid that this cycle is going to fail :( I am tired on my LTTC.Everyone around me are getting it too easily it seems...
With both my pregnancies I had sore breasts after 10DPO, but nothing this time.Still keeping FX'd.It is 3am here and I can't sleep :D
Hi everyone sorry I haven't been keeping up work is driving me nuts!! We're getting closer to the holidays and I have work piled on me.. Ughh!! I'm trying to make orders for the pumpkin spice and gingerbread latte, the distributor tells me they're not ready!! My customers on the other hand wanted to have like a pumkin or gingerbread latte and I don't want to do it with syrup, the powder bases are amazing with our espresso... Ahhh so much to do.. I have the load of work on the half side of my brain and the other half is TTC!! Lol there's no more room to think haha. Looks like everyone's doing all right I see some of us her AF showed :( sorry!! I haven't seen AF yet she's due Monday or Tuesday but for some reason I have a feeling she's going to show... Other than that I'm doing good.. The second I get AF I call my nurse coordinator so I start medication for IUI.. Wish me luck!!
Dear Samoorah, our all wishes are always with you.
You never know though you feel like AF is coming,she may not come at all!And I just hope this is true for you!If AF is due on monday or tuesday it is quite early for you to test.I would recommend a test on monday.
Looks like you had a very busy day at work.What do you do?And where are you going for holiday?
The results for my ovary reserve came in today at 4.30 my coordinator said they're excellent!! I'm so happy!!!
I own a coffee shop, and I'm working the holidays unless I get Preggo !! :winkwink: I'll cut my hours down then.. How are you doing??
The results for my ovary reserve came in today at 4.30 my coordinator said they're excellent!! I'm so happy!!!

wow that is a great news!How did they test the reserve by testing AMH,FSH and scan?
I own a coffee shop, and I'm working the holidays unless I get Preggo !! :winkwink: I'll cut my hours down then.. How are you doing??

An entrepreneur you are!Sounds great.
I am awake still its 4:12 am here.I need to go to office in 5hrs.But THank God it is a friday.Weekend is coming.yay!!!!
They test your AMH with blood test so they drew blood and that's it, I don't know do they test in any other way??
They test your AMH with blood test so they drew blood and that's it, I don't know do they test in any other way??

Yes AMH is the best indicator.They sometimes also test day 2 FSH and day 8 antral follicle count.
What is your AMH level?
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been staying busy, which I guess is good.

Well, my dog guessed one thing right. Yesterday I got my BFP. I want to say that I am happy about it. Don't get me wrong, I am. But honestly I am more scared than anything. Terrified actually. I did a blood draw yesterday and my progesterone is a bit on the low side. I am using suppositories now but I really hope it's not too late. I go in again tomorrow morning for another hcg level, so I really hope I see a nice rise in that number. I have to wait until Tuesday for another progesterone check.

I don't want to sound like a jerk or seem ungrateful. DH and I were beyond ecstatic with our first bfp, but this time we are very guarded. We don't want to go through what we went through last time. It just hurt so damn bad. We decided we will start getting a little more excited once we start seeing some better levels from my blood draws. So please don't hate me for not seeming excited quite yet.

I really really hope we start seeing more BFPs in this thread! We all deserve this so much and I pray we all get our turn to be mommies!
Awe :( I totally understand! Ill be terrified seeing my next bfp. BUT... CONGRATS!!! At least you've made it this far, and you're on your sups now so hopefully that'll take care of the progesterone. They didn't start you on sups after the iui? Good luck. Hope this bean sticks for you :)
Can't wait to hear about your ultrasound on Sunday!! Cramping already, with the follistim yet to be in play are hopefully very good signs of major follie news come Sunday!!

No, he didn't put me on any progresterone supplements...just the hcg booster. He didn't even do a day 7 progesterone check, which I'm taking a stand about for any future cycles and having one next go round. Not sure how I've stayed calm, and not sure I've really stayed all that calm lol. I think for me knowing that any signs could be attibutable to the shot helped in keeping perspective and at times just ignoring some things. Which turned out to be good, cuz my temp took a below coverline nose dive this am...:cry:. So I'm looking for the witch to show her ugly face today or tomorrow. I'm glad I kept temping, because I'm now armed with the information to get me prepared for this cycle being a bust, and it won't be a surprise. So taking deep mental cleansing breaths and on to the next round :thumbup:.

Of course now I'm worried about when i'm going to start. I have an all day conference in another part of town tomorrow and Friday, then leaving for Washington DC after work on Friday for the weekend. Hoping I start in time for them to squeeze me in on Friday after my conference and before my sons and I have to be on the train. This part, arranging all of these appointments into a busy schedule, is for the birds!! But as sad as it is for the first one to be a seeming bust, I'm excited about our next round!

I've never been put on progesterone or had levels checked either. I'm not sure it would really matter at this point for me since I've not had a miscarriage or anything to indicate I would need help with that part. How 'bout your temps? Any sign of AF? Hopefully if AF is coming, she came in time for you to squeeze in your appointments! You must have a cd3 scan? I've never had one of those before which I'm starting to find surprising! I also have a hard time fitting appointments in with everything. I've been lucky to have at least one of my appointments fall on the weekend the last 2 times - and the weekend MY fs is working no less!

Hope AF did decide to stay away for you but let us know how you are doing!!
Samoorah -
So sorry to hear about your friend. That is awful news!! :hugs: to you and your friend!

That's good news for ovarian reserve! I find good lab tests bittersweet - happy not to have a problem, but sad not to know what my problem ttc really is!! Have you poas again??? I hope AF stays away. I LOVE that you own a coffee shop, that seems like an awesome job. I literally tell my hubby I want to run a coffee shop someday. I'm guessing I would not enjoy it as much as just going to the coffee shop, but I'm still jealous!

I hope the spotting is a good sign for you! Have you poas again?? I can't remember - is this your first IUI? I hope you won't have to do any more IUIs either! I just started my first injectible cycle (did hybrid cycle with letrozole cd3-7 and follistim cd8-10). Gave my first injection today and I'm starting to get anxious to see how it's working!! Fx you BFP is right around the corner!!

Glad to hear you had good ultrasound today. Those do sound like good follies and that you have one on each side!! Perhaps they'll give you instructions to trigger after your bloodwork tomorrow? The timing thing is the hardest part, I'm pretty sure my last one didn't work because of bad timing but who knows!! Good luck and keep us updated!!

thanks for sharing your symptoms! how've you been feeling so far? good luck with your appointment tomorrow! let us know everything!!

sorry you can't sleep! I know exactly how you feel. I get really anxious sometimes about this whole thing and sleep like crap! When do you think you'll test? Will you wait until 14dpo? I know many people on here who had no symptoms at all and still got their BFP so don't count yourself out yet!!

YAY!! I can only imagine how it would feel to get a BFP after a miscarriage, but I will be excited for you! :happydance: I really hope this is your sticky bean. It gives me so much hope to see IUI's actually work. and I love that your dog just knew!! Fx this one's it!!!

AFM - I started the follistim today (cd8-10) and getting anxious for my cd11 ultrasound. I can't decide if I was a little bloated today or if the pants I wore are always that tight?!? If I am bloated, I guess I'm a little concerned for OHSS... but I'm not having any other symptoms... and only minor, sporadic cramping. My pants were probably just tight. I've been working hard to gain the 5 lbs my fs recommended! Should I be worried ?!

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