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IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

Can join you all i m doing my second iui tuis month ,, cd 3-7 gonal f 37.5 units,cd 7 to cd12 gonal 75 units ,today morning ultrasound showed one follice 11 and one 13 on each ovary resp.lining was type 2.i think i m reponding slw or thats what my doc wants

Good to share iui experiences here. Good luck all
Lovelymo-Welcome. I am also using donor sperm (I am a lesbian). Our first bunch of IUIs we did unmedicated and unmonitored. Every clinic is different. Because it is so expensive to do meds/monitoring and because nothing is "risk free" my clinic wouldn't do meds/monitoring until I "proved" I needed it. Which I have now proved and have moved on. If you are monitoring at home with OPKs you will have your IUI the morning following your positive OPK. I suggest you use the smiley face OPK so there is absolutely no question of if the line is dark enough to be considered positive. Frozen sperm doesn't live as long as fresh, so you want to be dead on with the day. Don't be discouraged by my story. In my real life many of my lesbian friends conceived within their first few IUIs with no meds. I am not one of them and have now met infertility criteria and am getting closer to IVF. There is no way to know how this is going to turn out unless you start trying. Some people that I have met on this website did meds from the beginning, but my clinic doesn't allow it until you meet the same criteria of people trying at home. The monitoring was too expensive, so we didn't do it until insurance covered it. It's frustrating, but I respect them for that rule. And by the way, we arrived at the same day monitoring at home and monitoring in the clinic. Good luck!
Lovely- also as far as the back to back IUIs, my clinic left that up to me. They didn't feel that it would up my chances, and since the donor sperm is insanely expensive, we just do the one IUI every month. As long as the timing is right, one should be enough.
No, I haven't been given any progesterone supplements for this cycle.
Cramping has subsided mostly. I have alot of hope for this cycle!

Hatethewait - did you go in yet? FX for you!
BFN again this morning. I stopped my progesterone sups an just waiting on af. Going to take next month to check my tubes again. The FS has ordered a SIS (saline infused sonohystogram) similar to an hsg but performed in clinic with a smaller catheter and ultrasound instead of X-ray. Hopefully it will be much easier for me than the hsg I had last year. Will let you all know how it goes.

Officially a cheerleader for the other gals in the tww

i didn't get my BFP until 15 days after IUI. I hear some wait even longer. Never know until AF shows! And I'm praying she doesn't for you :)
Jaan- I am very sorry you have to go through this, it can't be easy. You are so very brave and you WILL have your rainbow baby. We are all here anytime you need to talk.

thank you so much. all i want to do is pick up a pack of cigs and trying to stop myself is adding to the stress! ARGH!

thank you ladies for all giving me your support. xoxox for each and everyone of you.

where are the BFPs at??? We need some good news!!!
No, I haven't been given any progesterone supplements for this cycle.
Cramping has subsided mostly. I have alot of hope for this cycle!

Hatethewait - did you go in yet? FX for you!

Sending you some of my hope too! Good luck :)
Jaan- don't smoke!!! It's so hard I know, but you aren't going to feel any better. I recently quit and after my negative beta today, the first thing I did was drive to the store and buy ciggs. I'm so ashamed I did that! And it didnt make me feel any better, only worse.
Any of you girls on crinone... How long did it take for af to show after stopping?
Summer - That stinks about your hubby's job. Does your clinic offer to freeze sperm samples? It's probably good to give your body a break from the hormones and ttc craziness anyway! Good luck with your SIS this cycle. I had a rotten time with the hsg, too, so I hope I never have to do that again! You are right, it will happen... only time will tell! Fx for you!

River - Glad to hear your IUI went well. Sounds like you had a good sperm sample so I hope one finds the egg!! Fx for you!

jaan - I've never had a m/c but just wanted to give you a :hugs: It is definitely ok to cry and be angry. What you're going through can't be easy. I second gingmg - don't smoke!!!! Hang in there chica!

ttcmoon - This is such a tough journey :hugs:. I have been trying for more than 2 years and still can't believe I've never had a BFP. I'm glad you have an aggressive clinic. I do, too. Keep us updated on any changes they make. I'm always interested to hear about other adjustments that are made. Although I wouldn't wish a m/c on anyone, at least you know your body can get pregnant. It's just figuring out why things don't stick! Those tests you mention sound like a good start. Fx for you!!

lovelymo - Hi! Good luck with your first IUI. I hope one is all you need! With my clinic, I've scheduled the IUI 24hrs after my first positive opk my last 2 cycles. It hasn't worked, but I've been having weird opk testing so I wouldn't go by my experience!

amazinglife - Hi! What day in your cycle are you today? Do you go in for another ultrasound, soon? Good luck with your IUI.

gingmg- so sorry you are out. Did AF come?? gah this ttc business is so frustrating! :hugs:

AFM - IUI this morning went well. 19mil sperm post-wash which was lower than normal for my hubby (usually 30-40mil). We bd-ed on Saturday which is the closest we've ever done it to the IUI, so maybe that's why? I'm ok with that number though as they say anything over 10mil is good enough. With all my extra eggies this time there are more than enough targets for his swimmers! :haha: I have also had some cramping off and on since then, more right now - getting close to the 36hrs from the trigger so maybe it's ovulation? I'm not feeling so good, so I'm not sure I'm for it, but do you think bd-ing tonight or tomorrow AM would help my odds?

Hatethewait - my fs told me because of the trigger to bd that same night. I had cramps after the IUI yesterday, and then after bding, my cramps were worse, but I couldn't help but think that was when the O was happening. Sounds like you got lots of targets for those swimmers! My fs also said anything over 10mil is what they want for IUI - FX!
Jaan- don't smoke!!! It's so hard I know, but you aren't going to feel any better. I recently quit and after my negative beta today, the first thing I did was drive to the store and buy ciggs. I'm so ashamed I did that! And it didnt make me feel any better, only worse.

gosh, i'm sorry. i officially cut down as of april - down to 2-3 smokes a day and as of july 28 i went off alcohol and cigs. i am just dying for one, just one!

i feel like its the only thing which will calm my nerves.
going to start going to the gym instead, soon as my doctor's appointment on friday is over and have to figure out about i will be miscarrying.
I'm out. AF arrived yesterday, just as I predicted.
I just started clomid this eve.

Going for another iui round.

It's hard to not feel like we're either forcing it and/or, it's just not meant to be.

Any of you girls on crinone... How long did it take for af to show after stopping?

right after my IUI, my doctor prescribed me duphaston (progesterone oral tablets) for 14 days. after i got my bfp, at 4w3d, she put me on crinone. had i continued with this pregnancy, she told me i would be on it for 12 weeks.
i have stopped now after i heard about the blighted ovum, it's been 6 days and still nothing has shown up.
Summer - That stinks about your hubby's job. Does your clinic offer to freeze sperm samples? It's probably good to give your body a break from the hormones and ttc craziness anyway! Good luck with your SIS this cycle. I had a rotten time with the hsg, too, so I hope I never have to do that again! You are right, it will happen... only time will tell! Fx for you!

River - Glad to hear your IUI went well. Sounds like you had a good sperm sample so I hope one finds the egg!! Fx for you!

jaan - I've never had a m/c but just wanted to give you a :hugs: It is definitely ok to cry and be angry. What you're going through can't be easy. I second gingmg - don't smoke!!!! Hang in there chica!

ttcmoon - This is such a tough journey :hugs:. I have been trying for more than 2 years and still can't believe I've never had a BFP. I'm glad you have an aggressive clinic. I do, too. Keep us updated on any changes they make. I'm always interested to hear about other adjustments that are made. Although I wouldn't wish a m/c on anyone, at least you know your body can get pregnant. It's just figuring out why things don't stick! Those tests you mention sound like a good start. Fx for you!!

lovelymo - Hi! Good luck with your first IUI. I hope one is all you need! With my clinic, I've scheduled the IUI 24hrs after my first positive opk my last 2 cycles. It hasn't worked, but I've been having weird opk testing so I wouldn't go by my experience!

amazinglife - Hi! What day in your cycle are you today? Do you go in for another ultrasound, soon? Good luck with your IUI.

gingmg- so sorry you are out. Did AF come?? gah this ttc business is so frustrating! :hugs:

AFM - IUI this morning went well. 19mil sperm post-wash which was lower than normal for my hubby (usually 30-40mil). We bd-ed on Saturday which is the closest we've ever done it to the IUI, so maybe that's why? I'm ok with that number though as they say anything over 10mil is good enough. With all my extra eggies this time there are more than enough targets for his swimmers! :haha: I have also had some cramping off and on since then, more right now - getting close to the 36hrs from the trigger so maybe it's ovulation? I'm not feeling so good, so I'm not sure I'm for it, but do you think bd-ing tonight or tomorrow AM would help my odds?


thanks for the hug! yes, i stayed off the cigs. hoping today will pass too.
glad to hear your iui went well. i got my bfp with only 1.8million post wash, so you are fine. good luck my dear, i am hoping you get to see the double lines this month!!!
I dont know why but when I did my IUI, my doctor told me no bd-ing for 4-5 nights. I would think it would help but she said let the "washed" sperm be the one which fertilises the egg. I know many people who BD before and after though!!
I'm out. AF arrived yesterday, just as I predicted.
I just started clomid this eve.

Going for another iui round.

It's hard to not feel like we're either forcing it and/or, it's just not meant to be.


Summer - For me it takes 3-5 days for AF to return after stopping the progesterone supp.I do not use crinone but I used pretty similar one called susten and ETS EV in my cycles.Best of luck for your SIS.Looks like we will be cycle buddies again for the next one.I am keeping my fingers crossed for you still.May be you tested early and you AF will not return.I just hope this is true :)

AmazingLife - Welcome to this thread.Yes it is really helpful to discuss about IUI here and have so many lovely ladies for support.Looks like you are responding slow but follicles may grow upto 2-3mm per day.So you have high chances to get your follies ready by CD14 and then you may go for trigger shot.This looks OK to me.I am not sure about type 2 linin but what is the thickness, did they mention anything?

gingmg - Best of luck for your journey.What is the criteria for IVF for your clinic.What is the cost of IVF there.Our insurance system does not cover IUI/IVF/monitoring or anything related to infertility, so it is a very costly and draining affair.did
A brand new cycle is about to start for you!FX'd.

River - Great to know about your IUI.I used progesterone with all my IUI/monitored cycles.I am too hoping for a good outcome for you.FX'd.

Jaan - How are you doing dear?Did your bleeding start yet?Please do not smoke, it is really bad for ttc.Thinking about you :)

Hatethewait - Thanks for those kind words and support, means a lot to me!Thanks to all of you for being by my side when I need you all most.I am glad to know about your IUI and the sperm count of your hubby looks fine.BD'in for 2-3 days after IUI helps in boosting the odds of getting pg.

vkj - I know how you feel.I feel exactly the same.I have stopped my progesterone sup and waiting for AF.Loads of hugs and good luck for you.

AFM - Not much from me.Now at work but do not feel like doing anything.Waiting for my AF now.I am so obsessed about ttc :( Nothing is happening for long.Don't I deserve one child at least?
ttcmoon - thanks for thinking of me. <3 i am alright, at work but not really working and lurking around here. no bleeding yet. i dont feel different. symptoms of pregnancy have completely disappeared (sore boobs and nausea). but no cramping nor nothing yet. didnt smoke but oh boy do i feel like it!

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