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IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

Hi All! I'm a 34 y/o single woman, TTC for #1 with donor sperm. Waiting for AF to come today or tomorrow so I can get IUI #1 around October 7th or so. Any tips or words of encouragement? I've used OPKs for trial runs in the previous months but wondering how long after first positive OPK should I go in for the IUI/ I've been reading that 24 hours is ideal. Is that true? Has that worked for anyone?

Hello Lovely, welcome to this thread.I hope this will be your monitored cycle.So once you get your AF your doctor will give you medication for ovulation (or are you planning to go for a non medicated cycle).Success rate is higher for medicated specially injectible cycle.Your doctor will monitor your follicle size,linin and LH surge and will give you trigger shot.Generally egg is released after 36-40hrs of the shot.But in some cases your body starts its surge itself so egg release can be faster.Some doctors prefer to have Back to back IUI's in 24hrs and 36hrs and some prefer either of the timings.I wish you all the best for your cycle.

I will actually only be using OPKs at this time. I prefer to do 1 or 2 unmedicated cycles because I feel at this point, I want to do less first. If need be, then I'll advance to medicated cycles but my doctor and I both believe I don't need any medications at this time. I will get an u/a just before the iui just to make sure I haven't ovulated.
Lovelymo-Welcome. I am also using donor sperm (I am a lesbian). Our first bunch of IUIs we did unmedicated and unmonitored. Every clinic is different. Because it is so expensive to do meds/monitoring and because nothing is "risk free" my clinic wouldn't do meds/monitoring until I "proved" I needed it. Which I have now proved and have moved on. If you are monitoring at home with OPKs you will have your IUI the morning following your positive OPK. I suggest you use the smiley face OPK so there is absolutely no question of if the line is dark enough to be considered positive. Frozen sperm doesn't live as long as fresh, so you want to be dead on with the day. Don't be discouraged by my story. In my real life many of my lesbian friends conceived within their first few IUIs with no meds. I am not one of them and have now met infertility criteria and am getting closer to IVF. There is no way to know how this is going to turn out unless you start trying. Some people that I have met on this website did meds from the beginning, but my clinic doesn't allow it until you meet the same criteria of people trying at home. The monitoring was too expensive, so we didn't do it until insurance covered it. It's frustrating, but I respect them for that rule. And by the way, we arrived at the same day monitoring at home and monitoring in the clinic. Good luck!

Hi gingmg! I'm using both the lined OPKs and the advanced digital ones with the smiley faces at the same time. May be doing double work but I want to make sure! They both show positive at the same time so I'm going to stick with that! No meds this time. My doc is the same as yours - gotta prove I need them first before going that route. My doc also thinks one vial is just as good as b2b and only recommends doing 1 well-time IUI. AF should be showing up any minute now so let the countdown begin!
ttcmoon - thanks for thinking of me. <3 i am alright, at work but not really working and lurking around here. no bleeding yet. i dont feel different. symptoms of pregnancy have completely disappeared (sore boobs and nausea). but no cramping nor nothing yet. didnt smoke but oh boy do i feel like it!

I know how you feel dear.I hope this ordeal gets over soon.Please do not smoke.I know how tempting it is during stressful time.
Question about injectables..
Looking at my protocol I start gonal f day 3-7 and my first ultrasound is day 7. Seems so early. On clomid my first ultrasound wasn't until day 12. Why so early? What cycle day did you have your IUI on injectables?
Hatethewait - my fs told me because of the trigger to bd that same night. I had cramps after the IUI yesterday, and then after bding, my cramps were worse, but I couldn't help but think that was when the O was happening. Sounds like you got lots of targets for those swimmers! My fs also said anything over 10mil is what they want for IUI - FX!

Yeah, I bet your cramping was from o-ing, too. I had cramps last night between 6 and 9 pm or so which was close to 36hrs after the trigger shot. I felt like crap last night, so we bd this AM (about 6am) so hopefully we got things timed ok. I still felt like crap this morning but didn't want to miss any chance to get my bfp!! Fx we both get bfps in two weeks!!
I'm out. AF arrived yesterday, just as I predicted.
I just started clomid this eve.

Going for another iui round.

It's hard to not feel like we're either forcing it and/or, it's just not meant to be.



I hope this one is THE ONE!
Summer - That stinks about your hubby's job. Does your clinic offer to freeze sperm samples? It's probably good to give your body a break from the hormones and ttc craziness anyway! Good luck with your SIS this cycle. I had a rotten time with the hsg, too, so I hope I never have to do that again! You are right, it will happen... only time will tell! Fx for you!

River - Glad to hear your IUI went well. Sounds like you had a good sperm sample so I hope one finds the egg!! Fx for you!

jaan - I've never had a m/c but just wanted to give you a :hugs: It is definitely ok to cry and be angry. What you're going through can't be easy. I second gingmg - don't smoke!!!! Hang in there chica!

ttcmoon - This is such a tough journey :hugs:. I have been trying for more than 2 years and still can't believe I've never had a BFP. I'm glad you have an aggressive clinic. I do, too. Keep us updated on any changes they make. I'm always interested to hear about other adjustments that are made. Although I wouldn't wish a m/c on anyone, at least you know your body can get pregnant. It's just figuring out why things don't stick! Those tests you mention sound like a good start. Fx for you!!

lovelymo - Hi! Good luck with your first IUI. I hope one is all you need! With my clinic, I've scheduled the IUI 24hrs after my first positive opk my last 2 cycles. It hasn't worked, but I've been having weird opk testing so I wouldn't go by my experience!

amazinglife - Hi! What day in your cycle are you today? Do you go in for another ultrasound, soon? Good luck with your IUI.

gingmg- so sorry you are out. Did AF come?? gah this ttc business is so frustrating! :hugs:

AFM - IUI this morning went well. 19mil sperm post-wash which was lower than normal for my hubby (usually 30-40mil). We bd-ed on Saturday which is the closest we've ever done it to the IUI, so maybe that's why? I'm ok with that number though as they say anything over 10mil is good enough. With all my extra eggies this time there are more than enough targets for his swimmers! :haha: I have also had some cramping off and on since then, more right now - getting close to the 36hrs from the trigger so maybe it's ovulation? I'm not feeling so good, so I'm not sure I'm for it, but do you think bd-ing tonight or tomorrow AM would help my odds?


thanks for the hug! yes, i stayed off the cigs. hoping today will pass too.
glad to hear your iui went well. i got my bfp with only 1.8million post wash, so you are fine. good luck my dear, i am hoping you get to see the double lines this month!!!
I dont know why but when I did my IUI, my doctor told me no bd-ing for 4-5 nights. I would think it would help but she said let the "washed" sperm be the one which fertilises the egg. I know many people who BD before and after though!!

Good for you! The urges will pass. You are so brave and strong - I know you can do it!!

Thanks for sending some luck my way! That is interesting about no bding for 4-5 days... My doc hasn't really said much about bding at all. I ended up bding this morning even though I felt like crap. I think I ovulated last night so I was worried my "washed" sperm wouldn't be there anymore... I was reading something about how they can swim pass the Fallopian tubes?! I suppose the extra swimmers might up chances for multiples, too? I'm guessing the count this morning was probably much much lower than yesterday's anyway so I won't stress too much!
Question about injectables..
Looking at my protocol I start gonal f day 3-7 and my first ultrasound is day 7. Seems so early. On clomid my first ultrasound wasn't until day 12. Why so early? What cycle day did you have your IUI on injectables?

I think they get an earlier ultrasound when on injectables so they can inc or dec the dose based on how you are responding after a few days. My guess is you will also go In for another ultrasound around cd 10-12. I've not done injectable only cycle, so I'm just guessing here... I'm sure your clinic would have a good answer for you! Keeping my fx for you!!
Hi all! I'm new to this board. My DH and I have been ttc for 18 months now. I just had my first IUI this morning so I am beginning the tww. I had an hcg test done a few months ago which showed my left tube blocked and unfortunately my u/s a few days ago showed the follicle to be on the left side. My dr said he wasn't worried bc we aren't positive that my tube is blocked and to continue with the iui. Has anyone had an luck with an iui with a possible tube blocked? I don't really have high expectations for this month but I guess you never know! :) Good luck to everyone!
Thought I posted this, but guess it didn't go through.
Do injectables improve the quality and integrity of the eggs or just makes more of them?
Question about injectables..
Looking at my protocol I start gonal f day 3-7 and my first ultrasound is day 7. Seems so early. On clomid my first ultrasound wasn't until day 12. Why so early? What cycle day did you have your IUI on injectables?

Yeah my FS had me come in for an u/s on cd9, to check up on the progress. For me, I didn't need any more meds after that as I had 2 dominant follies. They just waited for them to grow for a few more days, went in for another u/s, then I got triggered. My IUI ended up on cd13. When I asked them about a claim form, they don't do things til the end of the cycle as you may be prescribed more stuff during.
Summer - That stinks about your hubby's job. Does your clinic offer to freeze sperm samples? It's probably good to give your body a break from the hormones and ttc craziness anyway! Good luck with your SIS this cycle. I had a rotten time with the hsg, too, so I hope I never have to do that again! You are right, it will happen... only time will tell! Fx for you!

River - Glad to hear your IUI went well. Sounds like you had a good sperm sample so I hope one finds the egg!! Fx for you!

jaan - I've never had a m/c but just wanted to give you a :hugs: It is definitely ok to cry and be angry. What you're going through can't be easy. I second gingmg - don't smoke!!!! Hang in there chica!

ttcmoon - This is such a tough journey :hugs:. I have been trying for more than 2 years and still can't believe I've never had a BFP. I'm glad you have an aggressive clinic. I do, too. Keep us updated on any changes they make. I'm always interested to hear about other adjustments that are made. Although I wouldn't wish a m/c on anyone, at least you know your body can get pregnant. It's just figuring out why things don't stick! Those tests you mention sound like a good start. Fx for you!!

lovelymo - Hi! Good luck with your first IUI. I hope one is all you need! With my clinic, I've scheduled the IUI 24hrs after my first positive opk my last 2 cycles. It hasn't worked, but I've been having weird opk testing so I wouldn't go by my experience!

amazinglife - Hi! What day in your cycle are you today? Do you go in for another ultrasound, soon? Good luck with your IUI.

gingmg- so sorry you are out. Did AF come?? gah this ttc business is so frustrating! :hugs:

AFM - IUI this morning went well. 19mil sperm post-wash which was lower than normal for my hubby (usually 30-40mil). We bd-ed on Saturday which is the closest we've ever done it to the IUI, so maybe that's why? I'm ok with that number though as they say anything over 10mil is good enough. With all my extra eggies this time there are more than enough targets for his swimmers! :haha: I have also had some cramping off and on since then, more right now - getting close to the 36hrs from the trigger so maybe it's ovulation? I'm not feeling so good, so I'm not sure I'm for it, but do you think bd-ing tonight or tomorrow AM would help my odds?


Yes i have ultrasound tommorow. Good luck thats a good sperm count
Question about injectables..
Looking at my protocol I start gonal f day 3-7 and my first ultrasound is day 7. Seems so early. On clomid my first ultrasound wasn't until day 12. Why so early? What cycle day did you have your IUI on injectables?

hello, i wanted to share with you my cycle last month - incase that might help you in any way.

the brand of injectibles i was using - PUREGON

CD 2 - shot 1 - 75 iu
CD 4 - shot 2 - 75 iu
CD 6 - shot 3 - 75 iu
CD 8 - shot 4 - 75 iu
CD 9 - ultra sound # 1 (2 follies, 1x1x0.8cm and 1.2x1.1x1cm)
CD 10 - shot 5 - 75 iu
CD 11- ultra sound #2 (3 follies, 1.2x1.4x1.3cm, 1.45x1.2x1cm, 1x1x1cm) shot #6 - 75 iu
CD 12 - shot #7 - 75 iu
CD 13 - shot #8 - 75 iu
CD 14 - ultrasound #3 (3 follies, 1.8x2.0x.9cm, 2.2x1.8x1.3cm, 1.7x1.4x1.8cm)
CD 15 - 10am Trigger Shot
CD 16 - 10am IUI

CD 31 - BFP.

I live in Asia, so things may be a little different than what they do in north america or europe. But this is what my doctor guided me through the month of August.

Best of luck, I am excited for you to try injectables, just because for me they worked and i produced eggs :) TOO BAD IT DIDNT STICK :(
Summer - That stinks about your hubby's job. Does your clinic offer to freeze sperm samples? It's probably good to give your body a break from the hormones and ttc craziness anyway! Good luck with your SIS this cycle. I had a rotten time with the hsg, too, so I hope I never have to do that again! You are right, it will happen... only time will tell! Fx for you!

River - Glad to hear your IUI went well. Sounds like you had a good sperm sample so I hope one finds the egg!! Fx for you!

jaan - I've never had a m/c but just wanted to give you a :hugs: It is definitely ok to cry and be angry. What you're going through can't be easy. I second gingmg - don't smoke!!!! Hang in there chica!

ttcmoon - This is such a tough journey :hugs:. I have been trying for more than 2 years and still can't believe I've never had a BFP. I'm glad you have an aggressive clinic. I do, too. Keep us updated on any changes they make. I'm always interested to hear about other adjustments that are made. Although I wouldn't wish a m/c on anyone, at least you know your body can get pregnant. It's just figuring out why things don't stick! Those tests you mention sound like a good start. Fx for you!!

lovelymo - Hi! Good luck with your first IUI. I hope one is all you need! With my clinic, I've scheduled the IUI 24hrs after my first positive opk my last 2 cycles. It hasn't worked, but I've been having weird opk testing so I wouldn't go by my experience!

amazinglife - Hi! What day in your cycle are you today? Do you go in for another ultrasound, soon? Good luck with your IUI.

gingmg- so sorry you are out. Did AF come?? gah this ttc business is so frustrating! :hugs:

AFM - IUI this morning went well. 19mil sperm post-wash which was lower than normal for my hubby (usually 30-40mil). We bd-ed on Saturday which is the closest we've ever done it to the IUI, so maybe that's why? I'm ok with that number though as they say anything over 10mil is good enough. With all my extra eggies this time there are more than enough targets for his swimmers! :haha: I have also had some cramping off and on since then, more right now - getting close to the 36hrs from the trigger so maybe it's ovulation? I'm not feeling so good, so I'm not sure I'm for it, but do you think bd-ing tonight or tomorrow AM would help my odds?


thanks for the hug! yes, i stayed off the cigs. hoping today will pass too.
glad to hear your iui went well. i got my bfp with only 1.8million post wash, so you are fine. good luck my dear, i am hoping you get to see the double lines this month!!!
I dont know why but when I did my IUI, my doctor told me no bd-ing for 4-5 nights. I would think it would help but she said let the "washed" sperm be the one which fertilises the egg. I know many people who BD before and after though!!

Good for you! The urges will pass. You are so brave and strong - I know you can do it!!

Thanks for sending some luck my way! That is interesting about no bding for 4-5 days... My doc hasn't really said much about bding at all. I ended up bding this morning even though I felt like crap. I think I ovulated last night so I was worried my "washed" sperm wouldn't be there anymore... I was reading something about how they can swim pass the Fallopian tubes?! I suppose the extra swimmers might up chances for multiples, too? I'm guessing the count this morning was probably much much lower than yesterday's anyway so I won't stress too much!

Hi dear,
As long as your doctor didn't put you on a sex ban (haha) i would go for it! :) Gosh how exciting for you. Relax and don't put too much pressure on your body the next few days. Best of luck, hoping to hear a BFP announcement from you this cycle.

Question about injectables..
Looking at my protocol I start gonal f day 3-7 and my first ultrasound is day 7. Seems so early. On clomid my first ultrasound wasn't until day 12. Why so early? What cycle day did you have your IUI on injectables?

I think they get an earlier ultrasound when on injectables so they can inc or dec the dose based on how you are responding after a few days. My guess is you will also go In for another ultrasound around cd 10-12. I've not done injectable only cycle, so I'm just guessing here... I'm sure your clinic would have a good answer for you! Keeping my fx for you!!

Question about injectables..
Looking at my protocol I start gonal f day 3-7 and my first ultrasound is day 7. Seems so early. On clomid my first ultrasound wasn't until day 12. Why so early? What cycle day did you have your IUI on injectables?

yes she is right, the ultrasounds are done earlier so they can monitor the growth of eggs. this gives them a chance to slow down on dosages if you produce faster and avoid hyper stimulation too.
Hi everyone!! I know I have been tragically MIA :dohh::brat:. We had gone to DC over this past weekend. I traveled by myself up there with my boys as my hubby was already there on business that went through the weekend. So needless to say entertaining them all weekend was an exhausting feat lol. Then work has just been insane, and by the time I get home and make and eat dinner I'm wiped out! Anyhoo...I've plaid some catch up.

Hatethewait - sounds like you are having an amazing cycle this cycle. All of those follies!!! Can't wait to hear how this turns out for you :thumbup:. Hubby's count sounds good even if not as high as before so I wouldn't worry about that at all. And like someone else said...they have lots of targets to chose from lol! Hope you are feeling better!

ttcmoon - so sorry about your BFN...I totally understand about all of this being draining. But we find a way to carry on right!

gingmg - onto injectibles!! Keep us posted on how that goes for you...fx'ed it's exactly what you need for you BFP!!

River - good luck this cycle! Hubby had a fantastic sample :happydance:.

jaan - I am so very sorry about your loss. I know how it feels, and I wound't wish it on my very worst enemy. No words can express how deeply a loss like that hurts. It took me quite sometime to deal with...and even to this day I have moments of deep despair over it. I hope that you get your little rainbow take home baby very soon :hugs:.

Vkj and Summer - so very sorry for your BFN's...loads of babydust headed your way for your next cycles!!

LovingMyTripawd - I'm so excited for you!! I know it's hard to fully accept it this early on, but I sure have everything crossed for you that this is your little sticky bean!!

To all the new ladies...welcome!!

AFM - I was right...the witch found me last thursday. I went in on Friday before I left for out of town for my CD3 (but on CD2) ultrasound. He said my right ovary looked beautiful lol! It was ripe with follies (7 or 8) ready to grow some eggies. My left, which I think last cycle was pretty much a dud, even had a count of 3 or 4 that were there ready to produce some eggs. My AMH results came back and they were on the low side (.87), but given I'm 40 that's a pretty normal number. He's optimistic with how I responded with my first cycle, and especially now with my Antral Follicle Count and the way my ovaries look. So he's very optimistic which makes me very optimistic! He kept me on the 7.5mg of Letrozole day 3-7, then upped my follistim from 75 iu's to 125 iu's for four days instead of 2. I start the follistim today on cd8. I go in on Monday for a follie check. So fingers crossed everything looks as good and have my IUI next week :happydance:. Bummed the first round didn't work, but excited about round 2! Bring on the BFP's for all of us :dust:
heath - Hi!! Welcome to the club! I have heard some women mention getting BFP from similar situations so let's hope you join THAT club, too :thumbup:I'm only 1 day ahead of you, so we can be waiting partners!

amazing life - how was your ultrasound? do you have a game plan for your iui?

curni - sounds like you've been busy! so sorry the witch found you!! it's so good that your ovaries looked great from the start, though. you'll have to let us know how your ultrasound goes on Monday! I hope #2 is lucky for you! I hope #3 is the lucky one for me :) I am starting to feel better, too. I can almost breathe out of my nose again! Thanks for asking!

AFM - 2dpiui/o and not much going on. I do think I o-ed about 10 hours after my IUI based on the cramping that was going on then. Hopefully that was good timing? Only time will tell!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!
Do injectables make the quality and integrity of the eggs better? Or just more of them?
heath - Hi!! Welcome to the club! I have heard some women mention getting BFP from similar situations so let's hope you join THAT club, too :thumbup:I'm only 1 day ahead of you, so we can be waiting partners!

amazing life - how was your ultrasound? do you have a game plan for your iui?

curni - sounds like you've been busy! so sorry the witch found you!! it's so good that your ovaries looked great from the start, though. you'll have to let us know how your ultrasound goes on Monday! I hope #2 is lucky for you! I hope #3 is the lucky one for me :) I am starting to feel better, too. I can almost breathe out of my nose again! Thanks for asking!

AFM - 2dpiui/o and not much going on. I do think I o-ed about 10 hours after my IUI based on the cramping that was going on then. Hopefully that was good timing? Only time will tell!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok!

That sounds like great timing to me!!!! Hope this two weeks passes quickly for you!!!
Do injectables make the quality and integrity of the eggs better? Or just more of them?

It's my understanding that it just produces more of them, not necessarily better ones. But the fact that there are more there increases the chances that a good one sticks :thumbup:! Fingers crossed for you!! Have you started the injections yet? Just started mine last night...second cycle in and I'm like an old pro at it now lol.

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