IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

gingmg - Good work with the injections! It's not so bad once you get used to it. the first couple are mentally challenging - I never thought I would intentionally come at myself with a needle before, but like you said... the things we do... I think it would be harder to have someone else do it though. Not sure why. It's definitely been hard to give up coffee since I enjoy it so much, but today was much easier than yesterday. I hope tomorrow at work goes ok. How much coffee do you drink?

Curni - I figured AF would come earlier, but I think I'm going to keep telling myself she'll be here 10/8 that way I won't get my hopes up too high if she doesn't arrive on 10/6! I've been feeling pretty good - finally over my awful cold for the most part. The only "symptom" I've really noticed is some pinching cramping tonight. Good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow. I hope the "fullness" definitely means there are a few large follicles in there! And CONGRATS on giving up the temping! I hope you find your mornings less stressful - I know I did when I gave it up!
Jaan- I am so sorry for you.I just hope you feel better soon.When are you planning to go for the DNC?::hugs:: Please ask your doctor about medical management.Its cheaper and does not harm the uterus.I got patchy uterus as a result of DNC.It is not very common but may happen.But again DNC is less traumatic.You do not pass the sac yourself.So the trauma gets over soon with the operation.
Infertility kills...mentally physically and financially

River - I too never tested the trigger shot.I end up spending so much on PAOS :p so I try not to test before cd16 :) Best of luck for your cycle.

Hatethewait - Can't wait to see double lines for you :)

ging - I too take tamoxifen+injectibles.Going daily to the clinic for injection is a headace but it helps to produce more eggs.So fingers crossed.

Curni - Sorry to know about the witch.Looks like you are having a very busy weekend.What you work as?Work pressure increases stress.And I sometime wonder is that causing my infertility.I hope this cycle goes well for you.Looks like we are cycle buddies!!

AFM - Went to the doctor yesterday.She did scan and put me on tamoxifen (clomid like medicine with milder side effects) +Decdan (steroid) + Folic acid+COQ10,folic acid and antioxidants.We may go for a back to back IUI this time.She said she was pretty hopeful about my last cycle as I had 4 follicles.But somehow it did not work.My bad luck.3 more cycles to go before we move to IVF.Fingers crossed for this cycle.
I had annual day in my office and I did singing.The show went good :)

hello, i had the d&c done on friday at 7pm. still feeling mild cramping now but i guess the worst part is over. :cry:
It's brutal walking by my espresso machine multiple times a day! I've slowly cut back on coffee intake the last 6-7 months. Started with "strong" (according to my espresso machine) double-shot latte every morning with the occasional latte later on in the day, too. My fs says it's ok to have 1 cup of coffee a day, but I figure I can get through the day without it. And I'm not sure how my shot of espresso compares to a cup of coffee... How'd you give it up!?! I hope we both get our bfp soon! How's it going testing out the trigger this weekend?

Gave it up slowly.... Testing out the trigger has been interesting, got a fairly faint positive on Sat, then an even fainter positive this morning, so I guess it is still slightly there. These ICs are the ultra sensitive, so I guess I am glad to know they work at least. Not sure when I'll test again.
Hi Ladies-

I hope to join your group! DH and I are "unexplained" as everything has come back in the clear. I'm 36 and he's going to be 43 next month so I'm thinking it's an age thing. We've been trying on our own for most of the year and have just begun the assisted portion of treatment. Two weeks ago my RE had me take tamoxifen instead of Clomid. She said it doesn't thin your lining as much. So I just had my first IUI on Sat so I am 2 dpiui. Had trigger shot 26 hours before IUI. Would love to have support (and offer support) in the TWW!
River- Sounds like the trigger is almost out of your system! Are you going to check again today or tomorrow to know the trigger is out of your system? If not, I would probably wait until this weekend to test again. Keep us posted!

nolababy- Hi! I'm 6 days into the tww for my 3rd IUI. I definitely found the tww after my first the hardest! I hope the first one works for you!! When do you think you'll test?

gingmg- how are the injections going? how many more do you have? when do you go in for your ultrasound.

curni- how'd your appointment go today! I'm excited to see how things looked!!

jaan- how are you feeling? hope you got some good rest this weekend!

ttcmoon- is this your first time taking the tamoxifen? how have you been feeling?

amazinglife- how was your ultrasound last week? did you have your iui?

lovelymo- how are things going for you? did af come as planned? do you go in for an ultrasound to help monitor the timing of things?

vkj- how's this round going? when do you go in for your ultrasound?

lovemytripawd- how are you and the lil bean doing? good, i hope!!! have you had an appointment yet?

summer- how are you doing? got any plans for your month off ttc?

samoorah- did you get started for iui this cycle? hope things are well!

Hope that's everyone! Sorry if I missed anyone!!

AFM- 6 dpo/iui and doing well. Feel a bit bloated today, but not sure if it's just something I ate. Have had some minor cramping off and on. Also noticed my bb's may be sore, but I'm not sure if this is normal for me or not... I don't typically check this! who knows what any of this means - I'm trying not to read too much into anything.
Hi everyone, ive been busy with work and we have events and shows booked for the next 3 months.. ive been in and out of the thread. I was supposed to start IUI this month but when I called them in to let them know AF arrived, they told me that husband needs to come in and do blood work and SA analysis, then my coordinator goes we cant start start you on anything until husband results come out, and then we do iUI the following cycle.. im depressed and I cant stand anything right now.. I don't want to work, I don't want to see anyone, husband is not so supportive with the "TTC" subject hes depressing me even more!! All we talk about is work or family issues, but when it comes to talking about getting the IUI done or talking about having a child he gets frustrated and mad. If I cant talk about this with him then who?!!? He desperately wants a baby with me but hates to talk about it!!! I dont know what to do.. I'm so sad right now and he has no idea what I am going through.. I have to vent here otherwise I will lose it!! :crying: im sorry ladies :(
:hugs: - they didn't tell you this before? Has he not had an SA before? I hope you start to feel better soon. Sorry that this happened.
hello ladies!

hope everyone is doing well.

hatethewait, thanks for checking in.

i'm trying acupuncture tomorrow, scan on wednesday.

at this point (moving on to my 7th iui), i'm prepared for it not to happen.
i think we're going to try maybe one or two more rounds, then we may "call it a day."

good luck to all!:dust::dust::dust:
Hatethewait- you are so good to remember everyone!

Hope everyone is hanging in there.
Hatethewait - you are so awesome to check in with everyone like that! We have alot of ladies among us, hoping for some exciting feedback!! Good luck to everyone :flower:.

Samoorah - I don't understand why a SA would delay your IUI? They can run the analysis off the sample he provides?! That's what my doc did the first go round. My hubby had one done a while prior that didn't come back all that great, so instead of rerunning it beforehand he just used the sample he provided for the IUI for a re-analysis. That makes no sense to me...I'd be quite peeved too! I'm so sorry you feel like your OH isn't there for you with this. While they will never fully understand everything we go through when it comes to everything associated with TCC, especially once we get to the assisted techniques, they too go through their internal battles. I know I've felt at times like my OH hasn't been as supportive and vocal as I'd like him to be, but we have had talks about how this is stressful and psychologically draining for him too...and that he doesn't really want to talk about all of that since it makes him more anxious. Your OH could be very very nervous about getting checked out...this is a huge deal for them, I know my hubby was a nervous wreck about how all that was going to check out. And he was pretty beaten down when the first one came back not so great. So while I'm not saying to give up trying to see if he'll talk about it, just know that just because he isn't doesn't mean he's trying to slight you, or slight the process...it just wears on them too mentally and emotionally and they typically don't express themselves the way we do...and for us that can be quite frustrating and sometimes pretty hurtful. I wish you nothing but the best!!

jaan - I hope your doing ok, all considered :hugs:

vkj73 - really hoping this is it for you! You've been through a lot...fx'ed cross this is the lucky cycle :hugs:.

AFM - UGH!! So was feeling pretty defeated yesterday, still am in a way. Went in for my ultrasound yesterday morning and the first thing he comments on is the fluid around my ovaries...from my research and reading on these kinds of forums, I knew that this wasn't necessarily a great sign. So he started to talk about how I may have already surged...uuuuggggghhhhhh! He did see two follies on my right one 27 and one 20, nothing on my left :sad2::brat:. My lining was better this go round, but my left ovary totally petered out on me. He said he was going to call the lab and see if they still had time to add on an LH result to the blood sample I had left earlier that morning for my estradiol level. Luckily they could. So I left with him not quite sure how he was going to deal with my IUI, yesterday, today?? He didn't know, depended on what the blood work said. So finally got a call back from the nurse yesterday after 4pm and she said to take my trigger when I got home and come in today for my IUI at 11am. She gave me my labs...which I couldn't really make any sense of, E2 seemed low (208), LH was 4.4 (still low, but can't help but wonder if I surged over the weekend and it's gone back down)...but she couldn't really explain anything about what they meant and my doc was in surgery.

I did end up talking to my doc because I had to call afterhours because they forgot to get me a sample cup for my hubby to use this morning...he can't seem to get past the anxiety of leaving the sample in the office, he delivers it himself. So my doc and I tried to figure out where we could get our hands on a sterile cup. Their offices were closed, the blood lab was closed, finally an urgent care center told us about a home health supply store that would probably have them, sure enough they did. So crisis averted...it was either that or hubby do it in the car at the office lol!

I can't help but think I've already surged over the weekend, I had alot of ovulation like crampiness yesterday evening with some EWCM and not much today so far, so I really feel like I ovulated last night. I'm a little annoyed that he didn't check me until cd12, I should have pushed harder to be seen on Saturday on cd10 which I knew was going to be an issue. When I talked to him on the phone last night he said my labs looked good, and the timing is perfect as we caught it as I was surging naturally...but I'm not convinced that is true. So we shall see...hoping we're not paying for a wasted IUI...part of me feels like this is the same as throwing up almost $2000 in dollar bills in the middle of the street for all the passersby :sad2:
Curni- oh no, I hope you didn't surge. Is day 12 normal for you? Maybe you didn't. What day do you usually go?
Curni- oh no, I hope you didn't surge. Is day 12 normal for you? Maybe you didn't. What day do you usually go?

This is only my second medicated cycle...the first I didn't surge on my own. I had my u/s cd10, triggered cd11, then IUI cd13. I can't go off my natural cycles as I usually surged anywhere from cd 29 to cd 33 lol. So since this is my second medicated cycle and I seem to respond much quicker should this not work I will be advocating for follie checks sooner than day 12 from now on! They should have brought me in on saturday on cd 10, and I think they were just trying to keep an appointment off the books on a weekend day to be honest. The other issue is that they almost doubled my follistim dose and doubled the number of days I took it, and still only two follies with nothing at all on the left hand side. So not sure what that will mean for med tweaks should there be another cycle...which I can't help but feel like there will be.
Hatethewait - forgot to say your crampiness and possible sore bb's sound very promising :happydance:.!! Sending you lots and lots of sticky vibes!!!!
Hatethewait85-Fingers crossed for you!! Since my trigger was 10,000 hCG I don't think I'll test until 14dpiui (Oct 11) which is when AF is due anyhow. I don't want to test too early and have the drug give me a false positive. From what I've read it can stay in my system that long? I've never had a positive pregnancy test so I really want it to be true when I get it. I go in for a progesterone check on Friday so hopefully everything will look as it should.
I did test the trigger out. Today doesn't seem to be much there (8dpo, but 9 dp trigger). So, nice to know the tests actually do work. Probably won't try to test again til this weekend. I have been having cramps today and yesterday, hope it is a good sign.
Samoorah- this is definitely a good place to vent! I'm mad for you, too - that is so frustrating!! Why didn't they tell you that before?! I don't know why they would have to wait to see HIS results to put YOU on anything! I know a lot of hubby's struggle with assisted conception, too. I wish I had some good advice to share. It is a hard thing for any of us to get used to so try to be patient and hopefully he'll come around. And know you will always have us to vent too when things get too much! :hugs:

Vk- accupuncture has always intrigued me. Is this your first time going? How did you find a place? I hope this is lucky #7! Let us know how your scan goes tomorrow. Fx for you this time!

Curni- oh no! that is frustrating!! From reading on here, it sounds like a lot of people dont go in until cd12 so hopefully the fluid was nothing to worry about! My clinic doesnt monitor labs with my iuis so im not exactly sure how to interpret them. They seem low for someone close to ovulation but I really don't know much. I guess even if you did ovulate, there were obviously still eggs around so hopefully the trigger kicked em out in time for your iui this morning! 27 and 20 sound like great looking follies, too! And if you ovulated last night the eggs can live up to 24 hours so you should still be ok for timing! I know how frustrating it can be to worry about timing of everything... up until this last one, im not sure weve gotten the timing right for me!! How'd it go this morning??? Glad you were able to find a sterile cup so hubby didn't have to do it in the car :haha: my hubby has a problem with me being at the clinic while he does it, so he drops me off at a coffee shop first, haha! Hope your tww flies by and you get a sticky little bean!

Nola- I would either test out the trigger or wait the two weeks if I were you too. I agree - when I finally see two lines, I want it to be for real!! Good luck with your progesterone test this week!

River- I've been having cramping, too. I hope it's a good sign for both of us!!! I think I will test mon 10/7 if af doesn't get me first. I cant bring myself to test any earlier in case its a false positive or false negative! It'll be two weeks after the ovidrel so false positive risk would be low, too. Good luck testing this weekend. Let us know it goes! Fx!
Curni- even if you started a natural surge if the follies were seen on ultrasound ( and those sizes looked awesome) you didnt ovulate? I had already started my natural surge last cycle when I did the trigger and then went the following morning versus 36 hours later. I think as long as they still saw them in there, your timing should be okay. And its true, the egg can live for 24 hours, so even if you did ovulate, it should be ok. I always get frustrated with the timing too!
Samoorah- this is definitely a good place to vent! I'm mad for you, too - that is so frustrating!! Why didn't they tell you that before?! I don't know why they would have to wait to see HIS results to put YOU on anything! I know a lot of hubby's struggle with assisted conception, too. I wish I had some good advice to share. It is a hard thing for any of us to get used to so try to be patient and hopefully he'll come around. And know you will always have us to vent too when things get too much! :hugs:

Vk- accupuncture has always intrigued me. Is this your first time going? How did you find a place? I hope this is lucky #7! Let us know how your scan goes tomorrow. Fx for you this time!

Curni- oh no! that is frustrating!! From reading on here, it sounds like a lot of people dont go in until cd12 so hopefully the fluid was nothing to worry about! My clinic doesnt monitor labs with my iuis so im not exactly sure how to interpret them. They seem low for someone close to ovulation but I really don't know much. I guess even if you did ovulate, there were obviously still eggs around so hopefully the trigger kicked em out in time for your iui this morning! 27 and 20 sound like great looking follies, too! And if you ovulated last night the eggs can live up to 24 hours so you should still be ok for timing! I know how frustrating it can be to worry about timing of everything... up until this last one, im not sure weve gotten the timing right for me!! How'd it go this morning??? Glad you were able to find a sterile cup so hubby didn't have to do it in the car :haha: my hubby has a problem with me being at the clinic while he does it, so he drops me off at a coffee shop first, haha! Hope your tww flies by and you get a sticky little bean!

Nola- I would either test out the trigger or wait the two weeks if I were you too. I agree - when I finally see two lines, I want it to be for real!! Good luck with your progesterone test this week!

River- I've been having cramping, too. I hope it's a good sign for both of us!!! I think I will test mon 10/7 if af doesn't get me first. I cant bring myself to test any earlier in case its a false positive or false negative! It'll be two weeks after the ovidrel so false positive risk would be low, too. Good luck testing this weekend. Let us know it goes! Fx!

I've done acupuncture off and on with ttc#2. I did it when ttc #1. I truly believe it was one of the major factors in getting pg.

Last time I did it was July, but I decided to got for it again after talking to a friend who is my age and pg.

The strange thing is, I'm 9 days into my cycle (tomorrow is my scan) and I had some pretty serious cramping just hours ago. My acupuncture appointment was this afternoon. Haven't had cramping yet with clomid.

After we give iui another round or two, I may take a break and just do acupuncture/herbs.

Either way, I'm going back next week to hopefully help keep what will be a sticky bean:thumbup:

Good luck to all:hugs:
Hi Ladies, How are you all doing?
Curni - Best of luck for your cycle.

Hatethewait- Sore boobs sound very promising, with both my pregnancies my breasts were strangely sore...something different than the soreness due to AF.best of luck!

River - When are you going to test?FX for you.

Nola - I too never test early.False negative is always better than false positive.Any positive result gives us too much of hope.Specially after going through these costly procedures.Best of luck for your progesterone test.

Ging - How are you doing?In which phase of cycle you are in?

Vkj - Best of luck for your next scan.Are you planning for IUI in this cycle?

I have started my new cycle for IUI.Taking tamoxifen 20g,twice a day and got some injections.Tomorrow is day 7 and I will go for scan.
Looking forward to see some good follicles!Fingers crossed.
I am so sick of dealing with this clinic. It's always something. I get my monitoring at an office near home and the IUIs at the main office that's over an hour away. Well, went for my CD 8 ultrasound and labs and the office was closed! Then the lab tech at the lab office didnt have any orders! I think the orders weren't in for the ultrasound either, so the tech left because she didnt think she was waiting for anyone else. I'm so frustrated. Waiting for them to call me back, I'm sure ill just go tomorrow, but I don't know if it messes anything up as far as doing more meds? I did 5 days of gonal f, was supposed to have the ultrasound today, but don't know if they have you take more based on what they see? Or if its 5 days only. It's always something at this clinic, always. I almost want to change clinics, but don't want to have to start over, or have it take months to even get in. I'm so mad!!!!

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