IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

Hi Ladies..sorry I've been mia since I last posted. I'm now 7 days post iui. No strange symptoms as of yet so I'm not getting my hopes up. How soon have some of you tested? I think I'm going to try to hold off until at least next Wed, that is if af doesn't show up before then.

Hatethewait - good luck to you! You're symptoms seems promising! When do you think you will test?
Hey everyone. Just checking in. Thank you for asking about me, hatethewait. Things are going alright. Last week Tuesday my hcg reached 1200 so we went in for an ultrasound the next day because my doc wanted to rule out ectopic. We saw the sac for sure and possibly the yolk, it was hard to tell. But either way, the sac was definitely there where it should be. DH had the ultrasound photo printed out so he could keep it. Haha. As of Monday my hcg was 14,600 and my progesterone was 38. So things are looking good so far. My next appointment is October 8th (I will be a little over 6 weeks) and hopefully we will see the heartbeat. Then I think I will relax a bit more. So far I just have sore, swollen boobs and I'm so tired! DH just took a second job so he is working 14 hours a day. He started a few days before we found out I was pregnant, so I had promised him I would keep the house clean, walk the dog, have dinner made for him, do all the laundry, and pack his lunches. That way I wouldn't feel worthless while he is working has ass off. Then i found out I'm pregnant. So some nights I do alright, but mostly I am way too tired when I get home from work. He sometimes calls me and tells me to relax and take it easy. But I feel obligated so I cry (I blame the hormones) and he laughs and tells me I'm cute....yeah....that's mainly all that's been going on with me. Just tired and mood swingy.

I just want to let you know that I am still stalking the crap outta this thread! I just feel bad because I honestly don't know about all the medications and injectables and such, so I feel like I can't really contribute much to the conversations. But I am sticking around waiting for some more BFPs!!!
Had my cd10 scan today.
One follicle (16) on the right side.

After so many rounds, I'm past trying to look for signs or read into things.

We do "our thing" on Sunday.

Away we go...
Morning ladies :flower:.

River - when are you going to test?? Fx'ed for you!!!

vkj - good luck with the acupuncture! I did it what feels like eon's ago with my first son who is now almost 11. Insurance covered it back then though so I went all the time. I swear by it!! I just don't think I can swing it financially right now given we pulling all of our extra resources for the RE stuff...grrrr. Sounds like you have the makings of a great follie...good luck on Sunday!

ttcmoon - Good luck with the scan. Let us know how it goes!

gingmg - I can practically feel your agitation coming from the computer screen...and it is most certainly warranted! I would be livid!! Hope you get some clear answers from them on how that happened. I don't think one day should matter too much, so hoping it went well...keep us posted!!

heath - fx'ed for you...keep us posted!

LoveMyTripawd - DH sounds super sweet! Love the "I"m cute" comment...made me chuckle! Those sound like great HCG and Progresterone numbers. Glad to hear all was in the right spot :happydance:! Sending you loads and loads of sticky bean vibes. Can't wait to hear about your next scan...and you better keep us posted!!

AFM - ok, been quite a whirlwind of a couple of days. First off, had my IUI on Tuesday. All seemed to go well, DH's sample was good...so fx'ed crossed. I can't help but think the timing was screwy this go round...but he assures me all should be ok. Had some pretty distinct tenderneess and pain in what felt like my ovaries yesterday so couldn't help but think I was potentially ovulating yesterday...ugh. This whole timing thing, especially when there are signs you've set into your body's own natural surge, is for the birds!!

So as I was at my IUI appointment I learned that my grandma, who has been in hospice for the last several weeks, took a major turn for the worse and she was given only a day or two. I rushed there after the procedure to be with her and some of my family. She made it through the night, but passed yesterday. I feel very blessed to have been there when she took her last breaths. I'm so overwhelmed by emotion that I feel numb. To add insult to injury, today was my due date for our angel baby :angel:. So a rough day to say the least...
I didn't respond good to injectables. Only one dominant follicle of 16 on CD 9. They left a message so I didn't get to ask if there were any smaller ones that might catch up. Trigger tomorrow, IUI sun. I thought injectables would be my answer. I guess I need higher doses next time.
5 dpiui and just wishing it was next week so I would know one way or the other. Really not having any symptoms. This first iui tww seems longer than the others. I guess because I feel like it should definitely happen this month because we did everything right? I just want to KNOW!

ttcmoon-good luck with the scan! I also did Tamoxifen. It seems so rare but I was glad to hear you're using it as well. Hopefully it'll get us out BFP.

LoveMyTripawd- so happy for you! Glad everything is going well so far and hope that fatigue passes soon.

curni-so sorry to hear all that. Sending hugs your way.

vkj73 and ginmg- fingers crossed for both of you. All we need is one swimmer and one egg to make this happen!
vk- I've heard a lot of people do have good luck with acupuncture, just weirds me out. Plus I still have no clue how to pick a "good" one. Thanks for sharing your experience! It's crazy that after your first session you actually had some cramping!! I never had cramping with clomid either. Yay for 1 good follicle!! Good luck on Sunday, it'll be here before we know it!

ttcmoon- how was your scan?

gingmg- you definitely had every right to be mad with your clinic! how does stuff like that even happen?!? a follicle at 16 on cd9 is very good! i know the hope is to have multiple follicles, but all you need is one really good one. so don't lose hope, yet! i would definitely ask for higher doses though if there is a "next time"

heath- you made it through the first half of the tww!!! yay! I think the second half is easier - usually because for me it's only 5 days (12 day lp), but I do get more anxious test. Any new symptoms show up since yesterday? I think it's a good idea to wait the full tww to test or at least until AF is due. When is AF due for you?

lovemytripawd- glad you are feeling good! your hubby is so cute, too! definitely make sure to take care of yourself, though. it's ok if the house gets a little messy and the laundry piles up (until you run out of clean socks and underwear)! keep us updated after your appointment next week!! Sending lots of sticky dust your way!

curni- :hugs: it sounds like it has been a rough day. so sorry to hear about your grandma. hopefully you can find some comfort that she is at peace and not suffering any more. and she's lovein on your :angel: now! as for your iui timing- even if you ovulated later, the :spermy: will survive 24-72 hours (but from what I read- lose "potency" after 24). so they were probably still there if you ovulated later. I hate trying to figure out the timing of things. that's definitely been my downfall with these darn iui's.

nola- 5dpiui is still very early so don't worry if you aren't having any symptoms. hang in there! the tww will be over before you know it!

afm - 9dpo/iui and really do have sore boobs- very tender to any amount of applied pressure, but fine when not touched. they certainly don't look any bigger, though- and they are small, so i would notice (and rejoice) those things! i have been a little gassy the last couple of days too, but today haven't had a problem with that. yesterday i was ready to fall asleep at like 6pm, but feel better today. i also had some cramping yesterday but today haven't noticed any. it seems there is a trend - everything happened yesterday, but nothing today!! grrrr. the only thing that has been consistent is my sore boobs the last several days- and they seem to be getting MORE sore each day. hopefully it is not from my "testing" them out :haha: i still can't make up my mind on when i should test. if i o-ed when i was supposed to the last 2 cycles, i've only had a 12-day luteal phase and so AF should be due on Monday... i think i will test either Monday or Tuesday if AF doesn't get me first. Any votes on when i should test?
do you have an iui on sunday too?

Ok ladies I am feeling a bit disheartened. The RE's office called and said that my progesterone was lower than the Dr liked so they are going to have me take it 2x a day until period or + pregnancy test on Friday or Saturday (10/11-12). I forgot to ask what my level was so I am waiting for the Dr to call me back with that. Oh, and from what they told me about the side effects of progesterone this week sounds like it will be no fun. Though a tropical storm is coming so I guess I wasn't going to be partying it up anyway. Has anyone else had low progesterone CD 21 and taken the meds?
Just found out my progesterone is 8.4. From what I've read that is not a good number for a medicated cycle. I think I'm out this month :-(
Nolababy- My cycles were non medicated so I am not sure how much progesterone differs in medicated cycles vs non medicated, but I can tell you that mine was also low. It was barely 9 and I was told that this cycle most likely did not work for me. I cried the rest of the day because I was so discouraged, but I guess I cried for nothing! It worked and they were shocked. I was put on progesterone and now my numbers are good. I guess my point is, don't get discouraged over one low number. It can still happen! What will you be taking and what did they say the side effects are?
nolababy - My doctor never gets my progesterone tested but its a protocol for them to put everyone on progesteron after ovulation or +ve pregnancy test.So I think low progesterone levels are pretty common and medicine can really help.Even after pregnancy some ladies get spotting and progesterone injection is suggested.So fingers crossed for you.Good that you got a doctor who is taking good care.
If you are taking the medication vaginally its leaky and irritating.I even had spotting on it.
lovemytrip - Best of luck for your scan on 8th.You must be very excited to see your baby for first time.Your HCG numbers look great.Which job has your hubby taken up?

Hatethewait - your symptoms look very promising.I am very positive and hopeful for you.My vote goes for monday.May that be the lucky day :)

nolababy - You are the first one in this forum using tamoxifen apart from me.I too hope it gets us both BFP this time.

ging - folli of size 16 on day 9 looks great.Hang on there.Give it some more time may be others will grow as well.

Vkj - I hope your folli has grown well.Are you taking HCG trigger this time or waiting for natural surge.Best of luck for this cycle.Also good luck for the acupuncture.

Curni - How are you doing?

heat - It is quite early for you to get much symptoms.So hang on.Fingers crossed for wednesday.

AFM - I went for CD9 scan today.Looks like I am responding very slow and injectibles got me too many follicles on both sides.I have 3 at right of 10.5,one at left of 13 and many of about 11.Doctor is not giving any more injection and I will go for CD11 scan on monday.I always respond well to medicine, looks like my body is not able to sustain these medications for so long.So many medicated cycles I have gone through.

I got one appreciation in office.My client manager head appreciated me for good work, which made my day :) My hubby got a new job offer.We are still checking if it would be a good option to leave the current one.
do you have an iui on sunday too?


No, I had my iui last week. Sunday was the absolute earliest I was considering testing (12 dpo/iui), but I think I'll wait until Monday. Good luck tomorrow!!
Hang in there nola! You aren't out until :witch: shows! Hopefully they caught it early enough and the supplements help a lil bean stick! :hugs:

Thanks ttcmoon. I think I will test Monday! :thumbup: It does sound like you responded well to the meds this time! I hope you get some good growth by Monday!! Lots of good target's for your hubby's :spermy: That is great news about your work - it always feels good to be appreciated! GL with the decision about your hubby's new job offer. Whatever you decide will be right for you!!

AFM, Still have very sore bbs. They seem to get more sore each day, and I think today they finally (maybe) feel full/bigger. I definitely think the left one is, not so sure about the right - is it weird that it's one sided?! I was feeling a little disheartened yesterday as I read that tenderness on the outside (which is where most of my soreness had been) was just a sign that ovulation had occurred and not necessarily a pregnancy. Today, however, the whole bb feels sore - even the nips! Sorry if TMI. So I am back to being hopeful. Planning to test Monday I think, but am really starting to get anxious!

I also had some vivid dreams the last 2 nights. Nothing to do with me being pregnant or having kids or anything, but they seemed very real! Hopefully that's another good sign.

Hope everyone else is doing well this weekend!! Sending lots of baby dust your way!
Hatethewait, vivid dreams and soreness are definitely good sings.I got them with both my pregnancies.This soreness is pretty different from general PMS.I am keeping you in my prayers.Best of luck for monday.
I do not think I am responding to medicine well.My follicles are too small for CD9.Last time I ovulated on CD16 and my doctor said she wants me to ovulate between 12-14th day for better results.For medicated cycle seems like early ovulation is better.Looks like I got more quantity then quality on this cycle.I always ovulate on Clomid/injection or anything.But never faced this issue.On monday if still the situation is same I would discuss with her to convert this cycle to IVF cycle.I really do not wish to waste any of my precious follicles.For women its finite and if any of them gets wasted in one cycle without yeilding a result its useless.
I do not think she would go ahead with IUI if I have more than 3-4 follicles, as in IUI we do not have any control over fertilization.I will keep you updated.

Thanks again for reading my looong posts and the support :)
I've never had an ultrasound that early before so I'm not sure what size they wanted, but it sounded like you had 4 follicles (3 on right, 1 on left)? They can grow quite a bit in 2 days. I had ultrasound 2 days in a row and I went from having a 16, 19, 19 on the left on cd 11 to a 20, 20, 21 on cd 12 (and 12, 13, 15). On the right, I had 16, 18 on cd11 and 16, 23 on cd12 (and 12, 13, 13, 13). Hopefully they don't all grow so your IUI has to be canceled. I was glad my fs didn't cancel my cycle. It would be good if you could convert it to IVF though if needed. Either way, good luck on Monday!!
Hello ladies!
Ttcmoon, I did take the trigger shot last night.
Iui is tomorrow (Sunday).

I'll go for a "sticky bean" acupuncture appointment Tuesday.

Good luck to everyone!:hugs:

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