IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

xanzaba- Hi! Good luck this cycle! Hope the tww flies by!! As for your question about the number of follicles - if unmedicated, most women will only have one follicle mature so what you are describing sounds about right. In people who don't ovulate at all, clomid is used to help get that one follicle to mature. In people who do ovulate but are struggling to get pg anyway, clomid is used to help more than 1 (typically 2-3) follicles mature to increase the number of targets for the sperm. Hope that helps!

vk- that is so nice that your clinic has that policy but really frustrating that their employees don't seem to follow it! any word back on your doc about it? How did the iui go, though? Everything good?!

nola- that is definitely the good thing about progesterone - it makes it hard to symptom spot!! Progesterone definitely can delay your cycle. I know most people who take it don't get AF for 2-3 days after stopping it. Good luck testing on Friday. It'll be here before you know it!!

Heath- good for you for holding off on testing!! Hopefully the cramping means nothing and you get your BFP on Wed! I know what you mean about going to baby showers. I've been invited to so many lately and just can't bear to go and play games and be happy. It makes my heart heavy! BUT, fx you will get your BFP on Wed and you will be glowing with happiness for the baby shower :thumbup:

azulita- Hi! I think cramping after the IUI can be pretty normal. Hope your tww flies by!

AFM- The :witch: got me sometime early this morning. At least she had the decency to wait until ALMOST wake up time to hit me with the cramps (last cycle it was 3:30 AM and almost unbearable). Last night when the spotting was getting worse, I knew things were over and pretty much cried myself to sleep. I figure if an IUI doesn't work with FIVE follicles, a good enough sperm sample, triple layer lining, and a well-timed IUI then it most likely will never work for me. I feel very defeated and am utterly heart broken. Appointment tomorrow with my fs to discuss IVF. Hoping I will be able to get started right away this cycle. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

i haven't heard back. i left a vm today b/c i had to call about a billing issue. at the end of my vm i said, "i also sent an email to dr. "x". if you could make sure he has received it." if i don't here back in the next day or two, i may call again. good luck everyone!:hugs:
welcome to all the new gals! i look forward to my bnb visit every evening:kiss:
I don't usually test twice a day but I wanted to be on top of things to make sure I got the timing right.

I think I'm going to see what they say and if I haven't ovulated by Wednesday am, I'll get it done then. Ugh...so much to think about.

I'm always confused about this. When TTC, they say do it before O because sperm can last but the egg only lasts 12-24 hours. But then IUI they want to do just at O. With that reasoning, i'd say early is better than late. Seriously, sometimes I wonder if we know more research than the doctors. But I would go with what your doctor says.

Good luck! :thumbup:
So I talked to the doctor's nurse, who got the advice from the doctor and he suggested I come in tomorrow. I failed to mention to you guys that i originally took 2 OPKs: The Clear Blue Easy advanced OPK and the First Response one. The Clear Blue Easy gave me the solid smiley face but the First Response gave me an "almost positive" at 8pm. There were 2 lines but the test line was still slightly lighter than the reference line.

I couldn't sleep a wink last night for some reason and took another First Response test (once the Clear Blue Easy goes solid smiley, you can't test anymore) this am at about 0530and this time I got a STRONG positive. The test line was actually darker than the reference line.

I told all of this to the nurse and she called me back and said the doc stated I should come in tomorrow morning, 24 hours after the strongest positive. I figured the clear blue easy was more advanced so I went with that but I'll go off of the First Response. We shall see!

Oh, and the sperm has already been delivered and she stated it will only take about an hour to prepare!
lovelymo - soo glad the timing worked out and that everything is ready for you tomorrow! FX!
Hi everyone how's everybody doing?? I know I've been gone a while, a lot of things has been keeping me busy.. Been working and doing shows and events.. Well anyways all is good with me, me and hubby went yesterday and got his bloodwork and SA done.. Thank God!! So the results will take two weeks, in two weeks AF will get me "maybe" ;) but anyhoo all is good.. I've noticed this cycle I had major clear stretchy cm.. We only baby danced once on Sunday around 4 to 5 am.. We were up all night couldn't sleep so tried to keep ourselves entertained!! Lol but yesterday i noticed orangey clear cm only a little bit, I looked and I was confused because I don't mid spot at all!! So I woke up this morning but when I wiped sorry TMI!! I got more with clear stretchy cm!! I don't get it.. Wat could that be? Implantation? I probably ovulated on the 4th 5th or 6th not sure i don't check anymore but DTD on the 6th. Any ideas??
Well I gave in and tested after work today and got a BFN �� I guess now I'll just sit around and wait for AF to show up and try again next month! Just once I would love to see a double line on that test!

Good luck to everyone else, I'll keep my fx'd for you all! ��
xanzaba- Hi! Good luck this cycle! Hope the tww flies by!! As for your question about the number of follicles - if unmedicated, most women will only have one follicle mature so what you are describing sounds about right. In people who don't ovulate at all, clomid is used to help get that one follicle to mature. In people who do ovulate but are struggling to get pg anyway, clomid is used to help more than 1 (typically 2-3) follicles mature to increase the number of targets for the sperm. Hope that helps!

vk- that is so nice that your clinic has that policy but really frustrating that their employees don't seem to follow it! any word back on your doc about it? How did the iui go, though? Everything good?!

nola- that is definitely the good thing about progesterone - it makes it hard to symptom spot!! Progesterone definitely can delay your cycle. I know most people who take it don't get AF for 2-3 days after stopping it. Good luck testing on Friday. It'll be here before you know it!!

Heath- good for you for holding off on testing!! Hopefully the cramping means nothing and you get your BFP on Wed! I know what you mean about going to baby showers. I've been invited to so many lately and just can't bear to go and play games and be happy. It makes my heart heavy! BUT, fx you will get your BFP on Wed and you will be glowing with happiness for the baby shower :thumbup:

azulita- Hi! I think cramping after the IUI can be pretty normal. Hope your tww flies by!

AFM- The :witch: got me sometime early this morning. At least she had the decency to wait until ALMOST wake up time to hit me with the cramps (last cycle it was 3:30 AM and almost unbearable). Last night when the spotting was getting worse, I knew things were over and pretty much cried myself to sleep. I figure if an IUI doesn't work with FIVE follicles, a good enough sperm sample, triple layer lining, and a well-timed IUI then it most likely will never work for me. I feel very defeated and am utterly heart broken. Appointment tomorrow with my fs to discuss IVF. Hoping I will be able to get started right away this cycle. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

i haven't heard back. i left a vm today b/c i had to call about a billing issue. at the end of my vm i said, "i also sent an email to dr. "x". if you could make sure he has received it." if i don't here back in the next day or two, i may call again. good luck everyone!:hugs:

That was a good idea. I hope you hear something soon!
lovelymo- Sounds like things are going to be times perfectly! Good luck tomorrow! Keep us posted!

vk- glad the iui went well! Fx there is a nice sticky lil bean waiting for you at the end of the tww!!

samoorah- glad your hubby got his testing done. hope the results bring good news! Not sure what to think of your cm - I've never been good at interpreting it! Fx you timed things well and won't even need to worry about hubby's test results :thumbup:

heath- :hugs: sorry about your bfn! when is af due? maybe try again in the morning with fmu? :hugs: (because you can never have too many hugs when only 1 line shows up!!)

lovemytripawd- i think you had an appointment today?! how'd it go???

AFM- the meeting with my fs went as well as it can (and they didn't even charge us for it- BONUS :haha:). She gave me a 65% chance of getting pg with IVF. So our plan is to go forward with that in Nov. (estimated start date is Nov 5... eeks!!). She basically said the last IUI should have worked and if it didn't, it probably never will. I pretty much expected that. I think (and she agrees) that there is something wrong with egg fertilizing the sperm. So she wants to use ICSI and that makes sense to me based on what I think is the problem. So that's where I stand today. One last chance to be au natural this month and then we will pull out the big guns if we have to! I feel so much better knowing we have a game plan now. I think I'll sleep much better tonight! Now to research antagonist protocol...

Fx for all of you lovely ladies! Thanks for being there for me :flower:
hatethewait- Glad you have a game plan. There is an IVF success thread in here, you might have to scroll back a bit, but I saw it last week and read through. It gave me so much hope and was great to read everyone's stats. Made me want to skip these last two IUIs and move forward with IVF. You'll do great!!
Hello ladies,
Sorry to hear that doubt is setting in.
Wish there was a way to make this all easier.

When I left my iui today, walking out the door from where I had my procedure, a group of nurses and staff were gushing over one of the staff member's baby.
Seriously, just one door down from where I walked out. Not in a room, but out in the hallway.

There is a sign near the elevators and front desk that says something like, "due to the sensitivity of our practice, please refrain from bringing any children into the office." I was totally surprised that this was going on among staff members.

I sent my doctor an email about this experience.

We'll see what he says...

Hang in there everyone!:hugs::hug:

An update:
I did hear back from my doctor. He was very apologetic and said that with my consent, he is going to share my letter (no name on it) with the staff.
I felt really good about writing to him and especially that he wrote back.

Hope everyone is doing well:hugs:
Azulita - Welcome!I really wish you get BFP on your first IUI itself.

Nola - I too do not spot on progesterone, but in my last cycle I saw some spot on the applicator.My Doctor said it is normal.Progesterone gives pregnancy like symptoms so it is really hard to distinguish :( It increased my LP by 3-4 days.

Hatethewait - I am so sorry for the AF dear.I too had 4 good mature follicle in my last cycle with good sample,timed IUI and tripple layer.But it did not work.This time my follicles are not growing at all.Looks like my body is not responding to medication anymore :( So I am hoping to have only 2.So I do not really hoping.But all it takes is one and luck.So you never know.So please do not lose hope.May be this was just not your cycle.

Xanzaba- Looks like 12 is your antral count.Which refers to a very good follicular reserve.It is common to grow many follicles and get only one at end.I never did unmedicated IUI.But it only takes one folli :)

Heath - When are you planning to test?Are you on progesterone?it is really difficult to bear preggy ladies around.I have a new born in my apartment and I have an invitation on this friday and the little guy is turning 21 days old.2 other preggies are supposed to come there :( I am dreaded.All they talk is about baby,symptoms and sleepless nights.I am just dying to have same exp as them...but no luck :(

ging - how are you doing?

Lovely - Better to get it scanned before IUI to make sure you ovulated.My clinic always scans.I hope your timing goes correct.All the best.

AFM - Probably my IUI will be on saturday.I did not respond well to injections this time and I have 2 follicles today (CD13) one 17.5 and one 14.Doctor will scan again tomorrow and they are expected to grow by some amount.So I may get trigger tomorrow.Last time I had 4 follicles and good semen sample with good linin.But it did not work.So not sure what to expect this time.But I do not wish to cancel the cycle after spending this much money and effort.So let's hang on.I will keep you all updated about my scan and trigger :)
hi everyone,
sorry i have been MIA. :(
I have been lurking around here and there. I finally went back to work this week after a one week break after the d&c. Im still bleeding, went for a check up and doctor has told me everything looks clean and fine. Told me to wait the 4 to 6 weeks until I get my period and we can try the injectables just as the previous time since I did get my BFP.
I dont want to sound like a whiner and bring you all down but this miscarriage has really broken me. I guess I never really knew what it felt like until it happened to me. I wish no one has to go through this.

I am better though, so baby steps I guess. :)

I am so bummed to hear some of you got AF. We really need to hear some good news ladies, here's to sending positivity to all of you! :)
jaan- I've been wondering how you are!!! I'm so sorry you had to go through this, but I'm glad to hear you are slowly on the mend and have been given the green light to start next cycle. ((((((Big hugs))))) :hugs:
jaan - I'm so sorry that you are going through this, but I'm glad to hear things are getting better. Definitely sending big hugs your way!

hatethewait - that's great that you finally have a plan and hopefully the ivf will work for you! (or even better you get your BFP au natural this month!) For me AF isn't due until Sunday but I started getting a little spotting today so I feel it coming. I may test again tomorrow morning if I'm feeling up to it.

ttcmoon - I tested last night and got a BFN. No I'm not on progesterone. I know how you feel about the baby stuff..I always tell my dh that I would welcome the morning sickness!

I guess I will wait for AF to come and start Femera again. The problem, is according to my HSG test, my left tube is blocked. Does anyone have experience with blocked tubes or laparoscopy?

Good to luck to everyone else! Hopefully we will all get our BFP sometime soon!
Hi Jaan- Sorry it's been so tough. :hugs: On the physical side, I also had a d&c with polypectomy. I had intermittent bleeding to the point that I wasn't sure when AF actually came. Actually went in for baseline and they said they thought it didn't start yet. Quite embarrassing, but it got all sorted out. Started cramping a day later.

I've heard (may be old wive's tale) that you are actually more fertile after a mc. Hopefully that's true and brings a little silver lining...
Well, I went in today to get IUI# 1 and I guess it went well. No pain or anything. Just some mild twinging. My doc had to use a HSG catheter (with the balloon) because my cervix wasn't acting right.

I'm a little disappointed because post-wash, there were only 6 million motile sperm. The efficiency (??) was 68%. I felt ovulation pains last night so I'm hoping there was a little eggie in there to welcome the sperm. All I need is one strong trooper!

I don't know how I feel...I guess I feel it was a little anticlimatic. Here I am trying to have something as big as a BABY and the process only took a couple of minutes! My best friend was there with me so it was great to have the support.

So, I guess it's....hello, 2ww for now!
So so sorry Jaan :cry: I can relate, I lost the first one too and it was terrible. Please spoil yourself now to distract from the pain. It will get easier with time. Xo
hatethewait- Glad you have a game plan. There is an IVF success thread in here, you might have to scroll back a bit, but I saw it last week and read through. It gave me so much hope and was great to read everyone's stats. Made me want to skip these last two IUIs and move forward with IVF. You'll do great!!

Thanks gingmg! I'm starting to feel hopeful again! It makes me want to fast forward to next month already, but I know I shouldn't count out this month without even trying. I will have to look for the IVF success thread you mention. It would be good to read other experiences. I hope one of your next IUIs work and you won't be joining me on the IVF road!

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