IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

Hello ladies,
Sorry to hear that doubt is setting in.
Wish there was a way to make this all easier.

When I left my iui today, walking out the door from where I had my procedure, a group of nurses and staff were gushing over one of the staff member's baby.
Seriously, just one door down from where I walked out. Not in a room, but out in the hallway.

There is a sign near the elevators and front desk that says something like, "due to the sensitivity of our practice, please refrain from bringing any children into the office." I was totally surprised that this was going on among staff members.

I sent my doctor an email about this experience.

We'll see what he says...

Hang in there everyone!:hugs::hug:

An update:
I did hear back from my doctor. He was very apologetic and said that with my consent, he is going to share my letter (no name on it) with the staff.
I felt really good about writing to him and especially that he wrote back.

Hope everyone is doing well:hugs:

That's a great response from your doctor. Glad he's going to take some action. Hope you are doing well, too!
Azulita - Welcome!I really wish you get BFP on your first IUI itself.

Nola - I too do not spot on progesterone, but in my last cycle I saw some spot on the applicator.My Doctor said it is normal.Progesterone gives pregnancy like symptoms so it is really hard to distinguish :( It increased my LP by 3-4 days.

Hatethewait - I am so sorry for the AF dear.I too had 4 good mature follicle in my last cycle with good sample,timed IUI and tripple layer.But it did not work.This time my follicles are not growing at all.Looks like my body is not responding to medication anymore :( So I am hoping to have only 2.So I do not really hoping.But all it takes is one and luck.So you never know.So please do not lose hope.May be this was just not your cycle.

Xanzaba- Looks like 12 is your antral count.Which refers to a very good follicular reserve.It is common to grow many follicles and get only one at end.I never did unmedicated IUI.But it only takes one folli :)

Heath - When are you planning to test?Are you on progesterone?it is really difficult to bear preggy ladies around.I have a new born in my apartment and I have an invitation on this friday and the little guy is turning 21 days old.2 other preggies are supposed to come there :( I am dreaded.All they talk is about baby,symptoms and sleepless nights.I am just dying to have same exp as them...but no luck :(

ging - how are you doing?

Lovely - Better to get it scanned before IUI to make sure you ovulated.My clinic always scans.I hope your timing goes correct.All the best.

AFM - Probably my IUI will be on saturday.I did not respond well to injections this time and I have 2 follicles today (CD13) one 17.5 and one 14.Doctor will scan again tomorrow and they are expected to grow by some amount.So I may get trigger tomorrow.Last time I had 4 follicles and good semen sample with good linin.But it did not work.So not sure what to expect this time.But I do not wish to cancel the cycle after spending this much money and effort.So let's hang on.I will keep you all updated about my scan and trigger :)

You are definitely right. All you need is one egg and sperm to make some magic happen! Hope your 2 follies grow nice and pretty by tomorrow- I think they say typical growth is 1-2 per day so they should be looking good tomorrow! Fx everything goes well the next few days. Keep us updated!
hi everyone,
sorry i have been MIA. :(
I have been lurking around here and there. I finally went back to work this week after a one week break after the d&c. Im still bleeding, went for a check up and doctor has told me everything looks clean and fine. Told me to wait the 4 to 6 weeks until I get my period and we can try the injectables just as the previous time since I did get my BFP.
I dont want to sound like a whiner and bring you all down but this miscarriage has really broken me. I guess I never really knew what it felt like until it happened to me. I wish no one has to go through this.

I am better though, so baby steps I guess. :)

I am so bummed to hear some of you got AF. We really need to hear some good news ladies, here's to sending positivity to all of you! :)

:hugs: I am so sorry you had to go through this. I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I'm glad you are slowly but surely getting back on your feet one day at a time. :hugs:
jaan - I'm so sorry that you are going through this, but I'm glad to hear things are getting better. Definitely sending big hugs your way!

hatethewait - that's great that you finally have a plan and hopefully the ivf will work for you! (or even better you get your BFP au natural this month!) For me AF isn't due until Sunday but I started getting a little spotting today so I feel it coming. I may test again tomorrow morning if I'm feeling up to it.

ttcmoon - I tested last night and got a BFN. No I'm not on progesterone. I know how you feel about the baby stuff..I always tell my dh that I would welcome the morning sickness!

I guess I will wait for AF to come and start Femera again. The problem, is according to my HSG test, my left tube is blocked. Does anyone have experience with blocked tubes or laparoscopy?

Good to luck to everyone else! Hopefully we will all get our BFP sometime soon!

It would be great to get a natural BFP but I'm ready for IVF if I need it! Sorry I don't have experience with blocked tubes or laparoscopy. Are they recommending fixing your left tube? Hopefully AF doesn't make an appearance this weekend. Keepin my fx you see 2 lines tomorrow if you decide to test!
Well, I went in today to get IUI# 1 and I guess it went well. No pain or anything. Just some mild twinging. My doc had to use a HSG catheter (with the balloon) because my cervix wasn't acting right.

I'm a little disappointed because post-wash, there were only 6 million motile sperm. The efficiency (??) was 68%. I felt ovulation pains last night so I'm hoping there was a little eggie in there to welcome the sperm. All I need is one strong trooper!

I don't know how I feel...I guess I feel it was a little anticlimatic. Here I am trying to have something as big as a BABY and the process only took a couple of minutes! My best friend was there with me so it was great to have the support.

So, I guess it's....hello, 2ww for now!

Don't worry about the sperm- it only takes 1! Glad things wen well. I remember being a little surprised at how quick it was my first IUI too. It was definitely anti-climactic!! It's good you had some support with your friend. Hope the 2ww flies by for you! Fx you get your sticky lil bean at the end of this!
Hatethewait- I'm so sorry this cycle didn't work for you. It sounded so promising and I was so hopeful for you! I really wish you the best with IVF.

Jaan- no need to feel like a whiner or a downer! MCs are hard to deal with and not easy to get over. I am still not over mine because not only was a future baby taken from me, but the feeling of a blissful happy pregnancy was taken from me also. I am not enjoying this pregnancy like I should because I am absolutely terrified of another mc. And I know it shouldn't be like that, but I can't help it. I don't want to feel that kind of emotional pain again, so I am unfortunately still very guarded. Don't be afraid to share your feelings with us. This is a messed up journey for all of us and we are all here to support each other!

AFM- I had my appointment yesterday. There was a heartbeat and I was measuring right on at 6w4d. This was a different lady doing the ultrasound and she was not nearly as cool as the first one. She actually seemed a little annoyed by all my questions. I thought seeing the heartbeat would make me feel so much better, but I ended up crying in front of my doctor (again) because I just can't seem to shake this feeling of being scared shitless that something is going to go wrong. I mean, what the hell is wrong with me? DH is super excited and he keeps telling me that everything is perfect. But I just can't get over "what COULD happen." I don't know....I just need to get over it. I need to enjoy this because it is what I wanted for so long and I was lucky enough to get a second chance so quickly. For that I am grateful. I don't want any of you to think that I am unhappy about my situation. I'm very happy! I'm just scared. And that's a problem I need to work out for myself because I so badly want to feel a bond with this little alien inside me.

Thanks for reading that. It felt good to get that off my chest. Good luck to those in the tww! I expect to see some BFPs soon! :thumbup:
Jaan - I was actually missing you.Great to see you back.I am sorry to know about the painful episode.4-6 weeks wait may sound a lot at the beginning but it will pass soon.I hope your wait period ends soon and you get back to all injectibles you were taking in the previous cycle.

Heat - Sorry for the BFN.Which day is it?I hope BFP is just around the corener.I do not have experience with blocked tube but would like to wish you all the best.Did you discuss with your doctor about it?

Hatethewait - Best of luck for IVF dear.As you had so many IUI's it should be the correct time to move forward.Did you check your clinics IVF record?What is the cost and success rate there?I am also planning to move to IVF if IUI does not work for me.But it is pretty costly.

Lovelymo - Welcome to TWW.6 mil post wash is a bit lowish but as it takes only one to have a BFP and in IUI cervix is passed and sperms go directly into uterus.I would say you should be hopeful!How many follicles you had and how was your linin?
I am sure having your best friend there must have boosted your confidence.

ging - How are you doing?

LoveMy - Great to know about your small one and the heart beat.The way you are feeling is pretty normal.After a miscarriage it is very hard to relax.But do not worry and try to relax.Have faith, it will be all good.Stress will only make things worse.We are here always.So clear all your headaches,chestaches there :) Anytime!

AFM - I went to the clinic for scan and found I already ovulated with one follicle.And I had two more one at 18 and one at 14.5.So we did an IUI today and got trigger so I my other follicle ovulates.Tomorrow we are going for another IUI.
The procedure was good.I did spot a bit.But only once.We opted for B2B IUI as we could not do baby dance in last few days.Hubby is having loads of work pressure and he is tensed.Even today he spilled the semen at floor while giving the sample for IUI.Then again the collected it from floor and gave it to them.We did not tell anything to the doctor.All I came to know is the count and motility of the sample was fine.Not very sure about exact numbers though.Will come to know after tomorrows IUI.
My doctor was not happy with my linin.It is 8.5 but not perfect tri layer.It is kind of patchy.That does not nullify my chance but reduces a bit.All total it did not went very well with bad linin,spilled and recollected semen sample :(
Keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow.
I may have a little relevant info to share. I had a hsg done sept of 2012. It was a horrible experience for me, they had a very hard time getting the catheter in and I nearly fainted from pain when the dye was injected. Had to stop the procedure as I was literally turning color. Anyway the results showed no dye made it to the tubes. I was terrified this meant both tubes were blocked. My FS then booked me for a lap/dye and hysteroscopy. I was nervous but literally the hardest part was getting the iv in. Had very little discomfort and didn't even need pain meds after. And best news... Both tubes were found to be open! Everything normal. I'd highly recommend the lap/dye. I did a lot o research on the subject and it is considered the gold standard for assessing tubal patency. Hsgs show false tubal blocks at a surprisingly high percentage. Something like 40% I believe I read. I personally believe you're much more likely to spasm during hsg which would prevent dye from entering. Of course this depends on the individual but definitely a possibility. Good luck to you. And don't worry about the lap, I'd do it over again any day instead of the hsg.
Hi ladies-carzy week at work so I haven't been able to get online. Not that it has kept my brain off the TWW LOL. Took a test on 10dpiui and it was BFN so I know that the trigger shot is out of my system. Took another this AM (12dpiui) and also BFN. This second one has me pretty bummed; I think I'm out this month:(. I'll test again on Saturday (14dpiui) like my dr wanted me to and then I'm to call them with the result. Then I'll probably go off the progesterone and start the Tamoxifen again sometime next week. So 2nd IUI ladies here's hoping November is our month.

Azulita-Welcome! Fingers crossed for you.

Summer2011-thanks for the progesterone info! It's looking like I'm headed down that path.

Hatethewait85-I'm so sorry to hear that AF came!!! It sounds like you have a great dr.

Lovelymo79-Good Luck!!!

heath81003-sorry about the BFN. I, too, would love to know what that double line looks like. I may test next month after the trigger shot just to see it LOL.

ttcmoon-your two follis sound promising. Good luck with the trigger and scan. FX

jaan613-so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending you lots of hugs and healing thoughts.

LoveMyTripawd-if I ever get to that BFP I am going to feel the same way. We all know the heartbreaking stories. Expressing our hopes and fears is exactly why we are on this thread. Focus on the positive; everyday that baby is a little stronger.
Dear Nolababy,I am so sorry about your BFN.:hug::hug: :hug:
I am looking forward for saturday, as that is the prescribed day for your testing.How many follicles you had in this cycle?
Lovelymo - Welcome to TWW.6 mil post wash is a bit lowish but as it takes only one to have a BFP and in IUI cervix is passed and sperms go directly into uterus.I would say you should be hopeful!How many follicles you had and how was your linin?
I am sure having your best friend there must have boosted your confidence.

I didn't get monitored at all, which now has me worried. I did get an ultrasound 2 months ago when I first went in for my ultrasound. But I didn't take any meds and didn't do an ultrasound the day of the iui. I'm trying to be hopeful but next round, I'm going to take meds and definitely get more monitoring.
I may have a little relevant info to share. I had a hsg done sept of 2012. It was a horrible experience for me, they had a very hard time getting the catheter in and I nearly fainted from pain when the dye was injected. Had to stop the procedure as I was literally turning color. Anyway the results showed no dye made it to the tubes. I was terrified this meant both tubes were blocked. My FS then booked me for a lap/dye and hysteroscopy. I was nervous but literally the hardest part was getting the iv in. Had very little discomfort and didn't even need pain meds after. And best news... Both tubes were found to be open! Everything normal. I'd highly recommend the lap/dye. I did a lot o research on the subject and it is considered the gold standard for assessing tubal patency. Hsgs show false tubal blocks at a surprisingly high percentage. Something like 40% I believe I read. I personally believe you're much more likely to spasm during hsg which would prevent dye from entering. Of course this depends on the individual but definitely a possibility. Good luck to you. And don't worry about the lap, I'd do it over again any day instead of the hsg.

Thank you for the information! I'm so glad that both tubes were found to be open for you! I also thought the hsg test was very painful, I felt like I was going to get sick! My RE suggested trying the iui for 3 months and if that doesn't work to get the lap. I just had my first iui 2 weeks ago and af just came today. I am debating weather I want to just go forward with the lap instead of wasting another 2 months since I've already one 4 rounds of clomid previously with no success.
It would be great to get a natural BFP but I'm ready for IVF if I need it! Sorry I don't have experience with blocked tubes or laparoscopy. Are they recommending fixing your left tube? Hopefully AF doesn't make an appearance this weekend. Keepin my fx you see 2 lines tomorrow if you decide to test![/QUOTE]

I did test this morning as I have been feeling very lightheaded for the past couple days. Unfortunately, I got the BFN again and when I just went to the bathroom found out that AF had showed up! So I guess I will start on the femera in a few days and try the iui again.
Hi ladies-carzy week at work so I haven't been able to get online. Not that it has kept my brain off the TWW LOL. Took a test on 10dpiui and it was BFN so I know that the trigger shot is out of my system. Took another this AM (12dpiui) and also BFN. This second one has me pretty bummed; I think I'm out this month:(. I'll test again on Saturday (14dpiui) like my dr wanted me to and then I'm to call them with the result. Then I'll probably go off the progesterone and start the Tamoxifen again sometime next week. So 2nd IUI ladies here's hoping November is our month.

Azulita-Welcome! Fingers crossed for you.

Summer2011-thanks for the progesterone info! It's looking like I'm headed down that path.

Hatethewait85-I'm so sorry to hear that AF came!!! It sounds like you have a great dr.

Lovelymo79-Good Luck!!!

heath81003-sorry about the BFN. I, too, would love to know what that double line looks like. I may test next month after the trigger shot just to see it LOL.

ttcmoon-your two follis sound promising. Good luck with the trigger and scan. FX

jaan613-so sorry to hear about your loss. Sending you lots of hugs and healing thoughts.

LoveMyTripawd-if I ever get to that BFP I am going to feel the same way. We all know the heartbreaking stories. Expressing our hopes and fears is exactly why we are on this thread. Focus on the positive; everyday that baby is a little stronger.

haha I was thinking about doing the same thing after the trigger just to see what it looks like and if they really work! :thumbup:
Heath and Nolababy- I actually tried testing after trigger with a cheapie- I didn't even get it then! It was 2 days after trigger, and I didn't use a cup, but still it was disappointing :shrug:
What?! It didn't even show up after trigger?! This BFP is a unicorn to me. If it weren't for LoveMyTripawd's BFP with baby on the way, I would swear they didn't exist! ;)

ttcmoon-I had 3 follicles at last u/s (2 days before iui). 19, 14.5 and 12 so hopefully they were at least 21, 16.5, and 14 by iui. I didn't feel like that was a great response after the tamoxifen but, then again, I am very concerned about multiples so maybe this is a good amount?

Technically, I guess I can still implant today so I'll try to remain positive until Saturday. I wish there was a "like" button similar to FaceBook. I'll just have to 'thank' you all;)
I can't believe it didn't even show up after the trigger! I don't believe the other line even exists on the tests. LOL

I just talked to my dr and since I am going on vacation in a week, I will not be in town for the u/s or iui date so I have to chalk this month up to a waste. :( I know there is still a chance that we can conceive naturally but I'm not getting my hopes up.
lovemytripawd- Thanks for the well wishes. Sorry the lady during your ultrasound yesterday wasn't the cool one. I hate when that happens! It's ok to be scared; your feelings are certainly justified. Just try to relax and take things a day at a time. Before you know it, you'll be at 12 weeks and shouting from the rooftops how excited you are! You're already more than half-way there! Yay!

ttcmoon- I didn't specifically ask about my clinic's success rates because it wouldn't change anything for me. I really like and trust my doctor; she's been doing this long enough that I know she'll do everything she can to make sure this works for me. She gave me a 65% chance of success with IVF. We are thinking of doing a package that includes 1 fresh and 1 frozen transfer that is about $12k plus the cost of meds. The estimated cost of a single fresh is close to $10k, but she thinks I'll need a bit more monitoring that the estimate takes into account. I can't believe you had already ovulated 1 follicle! I'm glad you still had others there. It sounds like back to back IUI would be good in this instance and up your chances of a BFP! No stressing about the spillage or your lining. It doesn't have to be perfect to work! Fx for you, too!

nola- I do have a great dr! :thumbup: 12dpiui is still early - I know implantation can still happen up to 12dpiui so hopefully it's just a late implanter! Don't count yourself out at least until Saturday!

heath- So sorry to hear AF showed up again! And also sorry you won't be able to get things set up for an IUI this next cycle. You can join me in au natural october! I'm just going to relax this month and enjoy not "ttc" and just have some lovin on my hubby time.

xanzaba- That's crazy you didn't see two lines after the trigger!! Makes me wonder if your tests were a dud?
LoveMytripawd - soo cool that your little bean is measuring right on track and that you got to hear the heartbeat! Sounds like everything is going smoothly. I can understand that it would be hard to worry. Just think - everyday your bean is getting bigger and bigger and there is less and less of a chance that something would happen. When do get to go for your next scan? Also, I've heard some ladies buy a doppler, so they can get reassured hearing the heartbeat (don't think they work until you are farther along though).

ttcmoon - Glad you were able to do the IUI today & tomorrow for the timing - FX for tomorrow!

nolababy - could still be early - hopefully you'll get a good surprise in the next day or so :)

lovelymo - hopefully this first one is all it takes :) FX!

xanzaba - that is crazy you didn't see the trigger!

I did test out the trigger on the last cycle - I wanted to see if all the cheapies I had bought before would give a bfp - I did actually get to see lines til the trigger went away. Was neg at 11dpo. It was amazing how squinty the lines could get though.

afm - I got the go ahead today to start meds tomorrow for IUI #2. FX this is finally it!

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