IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

Congrats nolababy! How exciting! I cant wait to see you on the first trimester forum!

Good luck to the rest of you! I am still checking in and cheering you ladies on! I hope to see tons more BFPs!!!
Huge Congrats nolababy!! That is awesome!

I got cleared this morning to start meds for IUI #3 :)
They upped my meds, so now I am to take gonal f 150 on cd3-7. Sorta scared about it.
Hopefully I'll get a good response from it! The fs mentioned there is a higher risk of multiples because of it.
Thank you everyone!!! I took another test today just to see another positive and wanted to see if it looked darker-I think it was ;-)

This ended up being a "natural" cycle. I took Tamoxifen on CD 3-7 and had what we thought was the most poorly timed BDing ever, LOL. I never had a positive OPK and never got an egg on the CBFM so we were totally flying blind. I had no symptoms except what I assume was implantation cramping. Second blood test tomorrow so hopefully the hCG will be around 60.

Sending baby dust to everyone!! FX'd for some more November BFPs!!!
Hi Ladies! So much activity. It's great to see our group grow!

For the first time ever I got a :bfp: today!!! I almost couldn't believe my eyes! I still can't believe it-I have the test in a ziploc bag! I called my RE's office and went in for blood test. Blood test confirmed it: hCG 28.8, e2 203, and progesterone 32.88-all good. I have to go back on Friday to see if the hCG doubles. I'm trying not to worry and be positive that this bean will stick. I hope I can stay in the group because I want to see all your BFPs!!

:dust: to all of you!

:happydance: Congrats!!! :happydance:

That is so exciting to hear the great news! Good luck tomorrow. Keep us updated!
River- Let's hope the med increase is all you need. Fx IUI #3 gives you your sticky lil bean.

Kismet- Thanks for understanding!

lamago- Thanks! Hope your IUI went well yesterday! Wonder why his motility decreased so much?? What did your fs say?

Samoorah- your symptoms certainly sound promising! Hopefully this is it!!

lamago- I am pretty sure they can see "fluid" in your ovaries if you did ovulate. There was some concern with my last IUI that I had ovulated/was ovulating andd they mentioned not seeing any "free fluid" or something like that so though I hadn't ovulated yet?

AFM- No surprise BFP so far, but still waiting for AF to come!!! My unmedicated cycles have ranged from 30-33 days; today is cd32. Took hpt yesterday and it was BFN and I've been cramping off and on all week so I know the :witch: is just getting ready to make a grand appearance. I just wish she would hurry up already! I did have a little bit of spotting this morning but nothing now. :shrug: I did get some good news yesterday - my insurance is going to cover ~50% of the cost of the progesterone suppositories! :happydance: So instead of 1 month costing more than 600$, it is going to cost 275$ and that makes it much more affordable. So "affordable" I am definitely bypassing the IM injections. 11 weeks of that is just too much for my tush to handle!

Hope everyone is doing well!
nolababy - wow..you made my day.It's a great news.Was this the cycle with tamoxifen?I am doing my 3rd one with that medicine.Wish you all the best.Have a great pregnancy ahead.

samoorah1983 - 4DPIUI is too early for real symptoms, but you never know.FX'd for you and loads of baby dusts.

lamago - the quantity you mentioned appears normal to me.

Kaylen - +ve OPK!BD time.I hope this is your month and those spermies do wonders!

River - I know how you feel like.I had a great weekend at my SIL's place with the kids but each moment I kept missing a kid with me, when my SIL was scolding the little ones, asking them to study.I was thinking when my day will come.I want to raise a kid badly.The childlessness is killing me.
I am sorry for your BFN.It's hard to cope up with a failed cycle after spending this much.I am going through the same phase :(

Hatethewait85 - You do not sound like a brat at all dear.It's painful to see people getting pregnant with no effort and when we struggle for even one baby.:hugs: for you and I just pray for all of us so we get our much deserved babies soon.
I am happy to know about yout "affordable" cycle this time.Loads of wishes for you!

AFM - Nothing much to report, taken 150IU of GMH injection today and will be going for folli scan tomorrow.As per CD9 scan (yday) my follies are not growing well.Let's check out the status tomorrow.yesterday I had 5 around 10-12.I hope at least two of them grow to size 15 or so tomorrow.
I need to come to office tomorrow for support.No weekend excitement :(
ttcmoon - I hope your follies grow alot in time for tomorrow's scan!

Hatethewait - awesome news about insurance covering some costs :) FX for your upcoming cycle! What kind of protocol are you doing?

nolababy - let us know how the blood work went today! Hope those numbers rise well!

Findingkismet & samoorah - How are you feeling?

lamago - I also thought the amount OH had looked small, but the doctors were happy with it. Hard to believe there is soo many in such a small volume!
Well, the :witch: is here and she's being mean. Hopefully she's just mad it's her last visit for awhile :winkwink: So let the madness begin!! CD2 ultrasound, test transfer, and labs tomorrow!! Stims to start that night if all looks good :happydance:

River - I am doing what they call the antagonist protocol. It was originally used for what they thought would be "poor responders" but have since found it's really good for "good responders." It helps to lower the risk for OHSS because you don't trigger with ovidrel (which stays in your system for ~10 days). Instead you trigger with lupron (which is only in your system for I think 2 days). So less stimulation of the hormones that cause OHSS. So, I will start stimming with follistim 225units tomorrow. Once my follicles get to a certain size (I think around 14-16) they add the antagonist - cetrotide - to block me from ovulating before we are ready. My fs estimates they will get 20 eggs, 18 will fertilize, 6 will make it to day 5 and we will put 2 back in and have 4 frosties. Hopefully things go that good or better! Sorry for the novel.

Have a good day everyone! Hope you are all doing well today. :flower:
TGIF!!!!!! :happydance::yipee::headspin::wohoo::loopy:!!!!

Samoorah - Sounds like some positive symptom spotting going on lol!! Loads of baby dust coming your way!!

Summer - congrats on making the decision to go for it :thumbup:! Can't wait to hear what happens!!

Hatethewait - I'm so sorry the evil witch found you...darn her!!! But yes, she's simply very unnerved that she won't be visiting for a while so is making her presence known now! Sounds like a fantastic IVF plan...can't wait to hear all about it!!

River - good idea asking about an IUI while you wait. You know they say third times the charm!

lamago - how are you feeling after the IUI?

nolababy - I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Can't wait to hear how your numbers were today. Sending you some serious sticky bean vibes!!

LoveMyTripawd - Nice to see you pop in...hope everything's going well!

ttcmoon - hoping you get some great follie news at your next scan...keep us posted.

AFM- nothing exciting to report...still waiting. I temped again this cycle so tomorrow's temp should be telling...it usually starts dropping by tomorrow. Going to see how strong I can be in waiting to test on Monday should AF not arrive before then!
Got my smiley opk yesterday :o very crampy in both ovarys today. Wish I knew what was going on in there... How many ovulated and which sides lol. But alas we're in the dark. Lol.

Hatethewait, how exciting!! First ivf :) can you do ivf in your town or do you have to travel? If not for the travel expenses and time off work I'd probably be doing ivf next cycle
Well, the :witch: is here and she's being mean. Hopefully she's just mad it's her last visit for awhile :winkwink: So let the madness begin!! CD2 ultrasound, test transfer, and labs tomorrow!! Stims to start that night if all looks good :happydance:

River - I am doing what they call the antagonist protocol. It was originally used for what they thought would be "poor responders" but have since found it's really good for "good responders." It helps to lower the risk for OHSS because you don't trigger with ovidrel (which stays in your system for ~10 days). Instead you trigger with lupron (which is only in your system for I think 2 days). So less stimulation of the hormones that cause OHSS. So, I will start stimming with follistim 225units tomorrow. Once my follicles get to a certain size (I think around 14-16) they add the antagonist - cetrotide - to block me from ovulating before we are ready. My fs estimates they will get 20 eggs, 18 will fertilize, 6 will make it to day 5 and we will put 2 back in and have 4 frosties. Hopefully things go that good or better! Sorry for the novel.

Have a good day everyone! Hope you are all doing well today. :flower:

So not a novel - I am quite interested :) Thank you for that :) Sounds like you have a good plan set out - hope you get more embies than planned :)
TGIF!!!!!! :happydance::yipee::headspin::wohoo::loopy:!!!!

Samoorah - Sounds like some positive symptom spotting going on lol!! Loads of baby dust coming your way!!

Summer - congrats on making the decision to go for it :thumbup:! Can't wait to hear what happens!!

Hatethewait - I'm so sorry the evil witch found you...darn her!!! But yes, she's simply very unnerved that she won't be visiting for a while so is making her presence known now! Sounds like a fantastic IVF plan...can't wait to hear all about it!!

River - good idea asking about an IUI while you wait. You know they say third times the charm!

lamago - how are you feeling after the IUI?

nolababy - I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! Can't wait to hear how your numbers were today. Sending you some serious sticky bean vibes!!

LoveMyTripawd - Nice to see you pop in...hope everything's going well!

ttcmoon - hoping you get some great follie news at your next scan...keep us posted.

AFM- nothing exciting to report...still waiting. I temped again this cycle so tomorrow's temp should be telling...it usually starts dropping by tomorrow. Going to see how strong I can be in waiting to test on Monday should AF not arrive before then!

samoorah-fingers crossed for you!

hatethewait-so sorry that :witch: is being so horrible!

lamago-how's it going?

ttcmoon-I so hope that Tamoxifen will be the magic drug for you as it was for me. I hope you get some big, juicy follies this cycle!

My second blood test was great-66!! More than doubled from Wednesday. I go to the RE on the 19th for an ultrasound and I'll see the dr. Hopefully, everything will be perfect and I'll find out how far along I am.
curni2112 - I am keeping everything crossed for your test.Monday is not far!

nolababy - How exciting!Your numbers look great.I just hope it really turns to be my lucky cycle as yours!

summer2011 - BD time.Not knowing is good in one way.Just relax and bd well.One of those follies will definitely give you a take home baby!Go girl!

Hatethewait - I am sorry to know that the AF is being bitchy this time.Your post is quite informative.I never knew about this protocol.You must be very excited for your first IVF cycle.I wish you all the best.May this be your last TTC cycle for number 1 and you get pregnant with your awaited little one!

Kismet - How are you doing dear?

River - Thanks for the encouragement!How are you doing?

AFM - I went for follicle scan today.Not a good response this time.My lining did not look good.It is 7.8mm in thickness but patchy and not tri-layer which my doctor wanted to see.I have 2 good follicles one at 15 and one at 14.Others did not grow well and still around 10-11.Looks like day by day I am responding less to the injections.In my previous cycles I had 4/5 follies but looks like this time they are not growing at all and my lining is not good too.
I am just tired of spending this much money on fertility treatment and visiting doctors office daily with no result.I know it will happen but not sure when and how.I know things does not look very good but I still hope this is my magic cycle and tamoxifen/injections work for me like it did for nolababy :)
I am keeping my fingers crossed for each one of you.
Hi ladies, I've read back a bit and I lose track of who said what ... so sorry for my generic posts. I'm not skilled at this forum thing yet. Anyway ...

ttcmoon, I really understand how you feel hanging out with your sister's children. Yesterday I was feeling down, and went into a coffee shop where mothers were meeting with their beautiful babies and toddlers. I was so envious and had to go sit outside and avert my eyes. Sometimes it's just too much to take. I hope your Dr finds a good protocol for you that grows lots of juicy follicles.

hatethewait, I am so excited to hear about your IVF cycle. Keep us posted on everything! You'll be ahead of me ... my clinic synchronizes all of the patients by putting them on bcp. The next round of stimulation starts last day of November for the December IVF cycle. I hope to do it, but the company financing my IVF is waiting for my treatment plan, which is waiting for my repeat blood work on CD3. So we may not get the financing in time to do December. We have plans in January, so hopefully we don't have to wait until February!

nolababy, so happy your second beta was healthy!! Good news like this keeps me going.

AFM, IUI #3 is a bust. I am not pregnant, confirmed with a blood test yesterday. I was really crushed this time, our last effort before IVF. We even did the back-to-back IUIs. And I thought I was pregnant when I got some very specific pains starting around implantation time. For all I know it was implantation but it failed due to a poor quality egg, which seems to be my issue. Or maybe it was just random pain and the timing was a coincidence. Either way, I never got a positive hpt.

So now we will try to do the December IVF.
ttcmoon-I'm sorry that you're not getting the number of follies that you want but you do have two that look like they're ready to go. Either or both could be your sticky bean! I'm sending Tamoxifen BFPs your way :)

kismet-So sorry to hear that IUI #3 didn't work. Very excited for your IVF in December; FX that the timing works out.
Curni- How'd the temp look today? I sure hope it doesn't look like AF is coming! Fx for your testing on Monday!

Summer- Yay for positive OPKs! Happy bd-ing!! It sounds like you O-ed from both ovaries since you had cramping on both sides- so at least 2 chances for a BFP, right?! :happydance: I don't have IVF in my town - I live in a small town- but we are just south of a bigger city that has a fertility clinic. The worst part is the fertility clinic is about 30-40 minutes north of where I live and I work 25 minutes south of where I live so after the doc appointments it takes me about an hour to get to work! But it's definitely worth it. Hopefully you won't need to worry about next cycle! :winkwink:

nolababy- Yay for good test results! The 19th will be here before you know it! Keep us updated!

ttcmoon- Sorry you didn't get the news you were hoping for at your appointment. Why do they think you are not responding as well as before to the meds? 2 follicles is still a decent number! Did they increase your dose? Just remember it only takes 1 to make a beautiful baby! I hope this is it for you too. Fx!

kismet- :hugs: So sorry to hear about your BFN. I was absolutely devastated when my 3rd IUI didn't work, so I definitely understand where you are coming from. From what I hear, a lot of clinics synchronize cycles. I am glad that mine doesn't because I didn't want to wait!! What type of protocol will you do- I know your waiting for cd3 results but do they have it narrowed down at all? When will you start bcp? I sure hope you get the financing figured out! I can't imagine there will be many expenses while you are on the bcp so I would expect you'd have time. I didn't take bcp before starting so I'm not sure how that works. Keep us updated.

AFM- My baseline appointment went well - no cysts, thin lining, low estrogen levels. The hardest part was getting my bladder full enough for the test transfer. Apparently I was very dehydrated this morning. Normally when I go in for my IUI, I'm struggling after drinking half of a water bottle. This morning it took 2 full water bottles andd then sitting for 10 minutes for my bladder to fill. By the time my bladder was ready, my doc was doing ACTUAL transfers so I had to wait. Fortunately the test transfer was really quick but sort of painful (the cramping only lasted about 30 seconds so that was good). All this to say, I'm good to go! I start stimming tonight with follistim 225 units. First scan is set for Tuesday! And we're off! :thumbup:
I'm 7 dpiui and I feel no symptoms.. :( is that normal? I feel like it didn't work :(
I'm 7 dpiui and I feel no symptoms.. :( is that normal? I feel like it didn't work :(

I had no symptoms whatsoever except for some uterine cramping for about 2 days 3 days before my BFP. And I still don't have any symptoms. So don't worry yourself:). FXd for you!!
I'm 7 dpiui and I feel no symptoms.. :( is that normal? I feel like it didn't work :(

I had no symptoms whatsoever except for some uterine cramping for about 2 days 3 days before my BFP. And I still don't have any symptoms. So don't worry yourself:). FXd for you!!

I was the same. No symptoms. Just cramping like I was going to get my period. Good luck samoorah!!!

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