IUI until we get our BFP!!! Team 2013!!

Hello Ladies!
I hope you don't mind me joining your group. I am 10 dpiui (1st) and cannot wait until Friday to test. I have symptoms but truly think it's from the progesterone (sore boobs and occasional cramps-which I think it's AF getting ready to make an appearance). I am switching FS if this cycle didn't work, not because of the treatment but because the doc made wayyyy too many mistakes about me/medical record for being a new patient. Babydust to all!!!
Morning ladies! Another Monday, wishing my agency gave us Veteran's Day as a holiday, but no such luck.

samoorah - try not to stress too much about the lack of symptoms. At this point not having them are more common than having them...so stay positive :)!!

Hatethewait - I'm so excited for this cycle for you!! I cannot wait to hear all about it :happydance:.

summer - I can't wait to see how this cycle turns out for you...I'm keeping everything crossed for a BFP!!

nolababy - Congrats on the awesome second beta!! Looking forward to hearing all about the ultrasound :happydance:.

ttcmoon - two follies can most certainly get the job done :thumbup:. Don't lose hope!! I'm sorry it seems like your body isn't behaving like it should though...I definately know how that feels. Fx'ed that this is your "OMG I can't believe it worked!" BFP cycle :hugs:.

FindingKismet - I'm so sorry about IUI #3...it gets so difficult to find the strength to push forward, trust me I know. I'm hopeful that everything will pull through so that you guys can get started on IVF in Dec :hugs:.

bash - Welcome to the thread :flower:! Good luck with IUI #1...keep us posted!!

AFM - Ugh......IUI #3 is officially a bust. It was a bust midcycle, but it is officially a bust. Temp made a huge plummet this morning :dohh::brat::sad2:. I was so hopeful yesterday morning when it was still up, which has never happened before. It usually plummets before today in my cycle. I took a test yesterday evening and it was a BFN...temp this morning confirms that test was correct. Ugggghhhhhh. I guess onto IUI #4. But I've promised my OH that if this one is as chaotic and disorganised as the last two, I'm switching doctor's. This is too much money on the line to feel like you just might as well be tossing it out the window. So he's got one more chance, not to get us a BFP, but to make me feel like he's on top of my medical care and not just lumping me into this "typical" cycle structure. I need to be seen before cd 12 gosh darnit...and will be demanding it this time around :devil:!
curni2112-make sure you take control and not let the doctor rule over you...that's how i was feeling and that was only for one cycle, i'm not letting that happen again! good luck
10dpo bfn. Bummed. Hoping its too early, but I feel out.
Hi ladies Update: I am 9 DPIUI and 11 Days past trigger shot .. I've been testing out the HCG shot and so far I still have a + on the HPT ... Trying not to get my hopes up, but is it still a false positive or the real positive? Dr. Prescribed me 10000iu pregnyl.. But the first time I only used 5000iu and a booster of 2500iu... Could I be getting the real BFP??
Hey samoorah when did you take your booster shot? I took mine in sat 5 dpiui now 7 but have a strong bfp which I expected just did it to see 2 lines for a change, sad I know! It's still very early to see a natural bfp yet so I would be cautiously optimistic. I guess test each day and you'll soon know one way or the other good luck!
Hey samoorah when did you take your booster shot? I took mine in sat 5 dpiui now 7 but have a strong bfp which I expected just did it to see 2 lines for a change, sad I know! It's still very early to see a natural bfp yet so I would be cautiously optimistic. I guess test each day and you'll soon know one way or the other good luck!

I took my booster shot the day after the IUI it was only 2500 iu so altogether would be 7500iu is there a difference ... It's possible it's still in my system?
Hi ladies, how is everyone doing?
I am in the tww on 6 DPO today. I am symptom spotting as usual. I have been having some cramps and creamy CM. But nothing that rally stands out. I tested yesterday and it was BfN (surprise!). I will test again on Friday as this is 10 DPO which is when I normally get my period when I am not taking progesterone.

And if I am not pregnant this time, it is IUI time!
Hi Ladies! So much activity. It's great to see our group grow!

For the first time ever I got a :bfp: today!!! I almost couldn't believe my eyes! I still can't believe it-I have the test in a ziploc bag! I called my RE's office and went in for blood test. Blood test confirmed it: hCG 28.8, e2 203, and progesterone 32.88-all good. I have to go back on Friday to see if the hCG doubles. I'm trying not to worry and be positive that this bean will stick. I hope I can stay in the group because I want to see all your BFPs!!

:dust: to all of you!

Congrats nolababy!! That is great!
samoorah- How's it going? Are you still feeling bloated and sore? I don't remember feeling anything after my IUI's so hopefully that's a good sign since none of mine worked!

Kismet- KMFX! I hope this cycle works for you.

vk- Are you sure they didn't check your progesterone too soon? If you had just ovulated a day or two before your appointment your progesterone level would be low when they tested! I've heard plenty of women on here do natural IUI's so I'm sure your doc would be up for it. It's good to give your body a break from all those drugs anyway!

Shawna - Fx for you! You had great eggs for your IUI this cycle!

anny-Sorry to hear about your neg test today. What day are you on again? Hopefully it's just too soon! There is always hope until the :witch: arrives!

curni- Thanks! I definitely am hoping for a surprise BFP but am soo ready for IVF if it comes to that. The progesterone injections are much cheaper because they are a generic medication and the supps are brand name only so they cost A LOT more. My insurance company doesn't cover either of them unless I am actually pregnant so I may be able to get the supps paid for if the IVF works so I will probably switch to that when I can. That's great that yours were only $15! I am super jealous! I am not looking forward to hubby poking me rump twice a day. Glad you got good progesterone results today! I hope the rest of your 2ww flies by. So weird about the cyst/follicle - lets hope your regular doctor is right.

Kaylen- Sounds like you are getting in a lot of good bd-ing. How long are your cycles normally? I had a natural cycle this month too and I didn't ovulate until CD19/20. Are you using OPK's? Hope the CM is a good sign your body is getting geared up to O soon.

Summer- :hugs: So sorry you had to cancel your IUI... If you can get to my fs she'd do it for you! I had 5 follicles (and lots of other smaller ones) for my last IUI (letrozole + follistim) and she still went ahead with it. She did mention concern with triplets but alas I couldn't even walk away with one! Good luck with your decision - it is definitely a tough one!! Why would you have to wait until Feb??

AFM- I had a pretty rotten start to my day. I just found out my lil sister is pregnant and I'm pretty sure she managed to do it while on BCP! I didn't ask for the details but based on what she told me I do not think this was planned at all. She is still in college, hasn't found a job for when she graduates, is planning a summer wedding, and is just planning to "go on assistance" if she doesn't line up a job by then. I pretty much cried the entire way to work. As happy as I am for her I am just as sad for me. How can people say it will happen when the time is right when so many babies come at the wrong time for so many people!!! :nope: I know I sound like a brat and I'm sorry for bringing the negativity around here. I just had to vent a little and I know no one else could possibly understand at all. Please don't judge me :blush: I feel better now that it is off my chest.

Normally I get my positive OPK on day 19. Today is cd 18 for me and I tested when I got home from work and it was a very dark positive. So it is right on time again! I was feeling ovulation pain on the left side all day today and kind of knew it was happening but it is nice to confirm.

How are you doing?
I am out this month...again I started clomid my RE increase the dose to 100mg on 16 I have a follicle scan test...finger crossed for this month too....
samoorah - fingers crossed.11DPO sounds promising but I would still give it some time.It sounds early still.It is your cycle girl wait for 2 more days.

kaylen- All the best for this cycle.I hope the witch never shows her face!

gingmg- It is still early dear.Why do you think you are bummed.:hugs: When are you going to test next?

anny - I hope clomid does the trick.

FindingKismet - :hugs: I am so sorry for your failed IUI.It must be too hard to gasp when you spend this much money and effort for this.I know how you feel.We were pretty agressive and did back to back iui's in our last cycle but no outcome.
Did your doctor mention something about poor egg quality?Egg quality can't be tested until you take them out for IVF.All the best for your IVF.

Hatethewait - Good to know about your baseline appointment.What do you mean by test and actual transfer?Do they test the transfer protocol before starting the actual stim?
I am so excited for you.I hope this cycle just flies away and you get an IVF BFP soon.
I have taken too much medication.Materna 150IUI injection for too many days along with tamoxifen.In my other cycles with clomid alone I always got 2+ follicles and with injections it is always more.I am still keeping my hope high.:)

Bash - Welcome!!!!All the best for your cycle.I hope those are not side effects of progesterone but real ones.When are you planning to test?

curni - Does not your doctor monitor you before cd12?I am so sorry to know about this failed IUI cycle.I know how you feel :( Actually I too feel the same.But new cycle always bring new hopes.I am sending some hopes on your way.I would suggest you to change the doctor if you think it is monitoring or timing issue.You are spending money here to get the best...so think again.

AFM - Tomorrow is my IUI!Yesterday was cd13 and I had 3 mature follicles of - 19mm,18.5mm and 18mm.I got the hcg trigger at night.My RE is still not happy with my lining though.It was 9mm yesterday but the appearance is patchy rather.
I am still keeping my hopes up.I have seen so many "perfect" cycles failing for me.So I just hope this not so perfect one does the trick.I need blessings and prayers from each one of you :)
Hey samoorah when did you take your booster shot? I took mine in sat 5 dpiui now 7 but have a strong bfp which I expected just did it to see 2 lines for a change, sad I know! It's still very early to see a natural bfp yet so I would be cautiously optimistic. I guess test each day and you'll soon know one way or the other good luck!

I took my booster shot the day after the IUI it was only 2500 iu so altogether would be 7500iu is there a difference ... It's possible it's still in my system?

Umm interesting well its quite a long time for it to work out your system my fs says about a week and I had 10,000. This could be the real thing then keep testing and fx'd this is it for you!
Good morning ladies! I took a break for a month but now I'm back into iui mode. Due to a vacation last month, I wasn't able to do iui#2 so I went for a "natural" month. Well good ole AF showed up last night so now I begin the process for iui #2. I will start taking Femera tomorrow for 5 days, then I will have to go in for my u/s. Let the waiting begin! :/

I've been trying to keep up with everyone but it's been difficult. Congrats to those who finally go their BFP (it makes me feel like it can actually happen!) and baby dust to those who are still waiting!!
heath -I hope femara works for you in this cycle.Are you planning to take only femara or injections as well?
Hi ladies Update: I am 9 DPIUI and 11 Days past trigger shot .. I've been testing out the HCG shot and so far I still have a + on the HPT ... Trying not to get my hopes up, but is it still a false positive or the real positive? Dr. Prescribed me 10000iu pregnyl.. But the first time I only used 5000iu and a booster of 2500iu... Could I be getting the real BFP??

It usually halves each day going out of your system. So it'll also depend on your test sensitivity. I did an estimate chart, wasn't sure what days you took the HCG, but below is an approximate
3750 booster + IUI
1875 1dpiui
937.5 2dpiui
468.7 3dpiui
234.3 4dpiui
117.1 5dpiui
58.5 6dpiui
29.2 7dpiui
14.6 8dpiui
7.3 9dpiui
3.6 10dpiui
I am on my last day of meds today. I have been pretty tired. Hopefully I'll have more than 2 follies this time :) Go in on cd9 (Thursday) for a follie check. They were going to wait til cd 11, but I just asked them to do it earlier like the last couple times - this way we know early what is going on, especially since they upped my meds.
bash- Hi! Progesterone can definitely give you those symptoms, but hopefully you get a BFP on Friday when you test. I definitely think it's a good idea to switch fs if you aren't happy. This is such a stressful journey without having to worry about the docs! Will you have to travel far to make the switch?

Curni- So sorry to hear IUI#3 didn't work out. :hugs: Hopefully your docs step up their game this cycle! Fx for you.

Gingmg- Sorry about your BFN, but 10dpo is still REALLY early. Test again in a few days. I'll keep my fx for you!

Samoorah- I am cautiously optimistic for you. I hope this is really your BFP. Test again in a few days to be sure as it is still really early.

kaylen- 6dpo is definitely very early for testing. Hopefully you get a BFP in a few days!

anny- So sorry the witch got you! :hugs: Good luck with your scan this weekend. Let us know how it goes.

ttcmoon- A test transfer is when they sort of "map out" your uterus to make sure they know where to place the embies for the actual transfer. It also helps them figure out what size catheter to use for the actual transfer. Good luck tomorrow!! Hope you get your BFP in 2 weeks! Good for you for staying positive, too!

heath- Welcome back! Hopefully this is your month! Are you on the same protocol as last IUI?

River- Good luck for your u/s on Thursday! I hope you get great results with your follies and lining! Keepin my fx for you.

AFM- I had my first scan since starting stimming today and everything seems to be looking pretty good. I had a nurse this time instead of my usual doc so I don't know as much as I would like. But what I do know is my lining was about 6, I have to follies (1 on each side) slightly bigger than 10 and then 10-15 on each side slightly smaller than that. My E2 level was 450ish. So, my dose is being lowered to 175 units tonight and tomorrow. I follow-up on Thursday for repeat labs and ultrasound. So far I feel pretty good. No major symptoms so that's good.
Ohh sounds like the cycle is starting out great for you! Can't wait to see what Thursday brings for you :) fx!
Alright ladies update: I think I'm counting wrong... Do you count the day you do the IUI? Or the day after? And what about the trigger shot do you count it the day you do the shot ? Or the day after?

Tested on frer and got a positive!! I dont know what to think !! Ahhh I'm going to post the pic !!! Can you ladies help me add up maybe I'm adding wrong..

Trigger shot was done on October 31st. of 5000iu
IUI was done on Nov. 2nd
On Nov. 3rd another shot of 2500 iu ( booster)

Was supposed to have another booster of 2500iu but didn't have enough hcg..

Ladies help!!??
Well I think this may be a good sign: I am having some strange stretchy CM on 7 DPO. I've never had this before during the luteal phase. It doesn't look as clear as egg white but it is stretchy. It was hanging down when I was on the toilet. So sorry for describing this, I know it sounds disgusting. Has anyone had this?

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