I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wishn I can only tell you the same as Leia, when I had my first I didn't think it possible to ever love anyone as much as him, I was so scared when I was pregnant that I wouldn't feel the same about my second, and the fact she was a girl and I really didn't want a girl, but then she was born and there it was again that magnificent love that you can only feel for your children, just as much as the first, then there were three and exactly the same, and I still think it sometimes now but I know number 4 will be just as precious as 1, 2and 3. I don't know how it works? It just does and your not alone (littlespy proves this) it's what I call "normal" and if anything proves what a great mummy u are otherwise u wouldn't care! So stop worrying :hugs:

Afm I know I said I wouldn't do it but its the whole poas addiction! :blush: so I bought another digi and it's still showing 2-3 weeks, now I did get upset at first but then I thought well it hasn't gone down to 1-2 so maybe it's not that bad?? Also crying at stupid stupid things! Adverts, news my lo being poorly! I'm such a fool, I'm also very short tempered, having bouts of nausea and I'm sure the bbs are getting more sore so all in all I'm guessing these are good signs? X x x
Nats, I wouldn't worry about the digi. It is technically correct. It goes from conception, so you are 3 weeks (and 3 days) from conception, meaning a reading of 2-3 weeks is technically correct. 3+ would be OVER 3 weeks, which could be anyone from the beginning of 3 weeks that has a high hcg level to people who are 4 or more weeks.

Ah, here... I found this for you... This is the level of the hormone it measures and the readout it gives. https://www.clearblue.com/uk/HCP/pdf/Clearblue_Pregnancy_Test_with_Conception_Indicator_brochure.pdf

1-2: Over 25 but less than 200
2-3: Over 200 but less than 20,000
3+: Over 20,000

Now compare that to this chart: https://pregnant-pregnancy.blogspot.com/2009/04/hcg-levels-during-pregnancy.html

Where it says that "normal" levels may hit 20,000 around 6 weeks or at the longest can take up to 9 weeks. Either way, you are WELL within normal levels.... so STOP testing!! :)

Oh and wishin - I can't give too much advice on loving a 2nd kids no matter what order they come in since I'm not even a FTM yet, BUT... I can say I'm the second kid with an older brother and my mom and I have a GREAT relationship. I know she'd do anything for me and loves me more than anything in this world. Even though the teen years were rough, we are very good friends, so it is definitely possible.
thanks linz, love your statistics lol. Im not going to worry myself anymore. i cant change a thing im doing everything i can so ive just got to hope for the best. but thank you so much your a star xxxx
Hi girls, Im so tired today...DS was sick last night so spent a good bit of the night up with him then a bunch of other stuff kept me awake and I slightly panicked because I was like OMG how am I going to do this with 2?! But Im trying to just be in denial now haha

hope everyone has a great day!
Hey first- **WAVES** Glad to see you are still here! How are you feeling? Its almost time! Can you believe it?!

Leia- your post made me tear up...lol oh hormones!

Julie- LOL in some ways I most def want the next one to be different. Brayden is very spirited and stubborn and requires a lot of patience to deal with him. I am hoping the next one is a little more laid back. I love him to pieces but boy does he test my patience. It makes me smile though because the way he is will certainly help him when he gets older because he will be one strong willed little guy. I am so proud of him already. I have been trying for this pregnancy so long I kind of forgot that I would be losing my 1-1 time with B. It kind of dawned on me the other day because he asked me if I would still love him when the baby came...omg my heart just about broke and I am now sitting here in tears thinking about it. I reassured him that I would ALWAYS love him and be his best friend (thats how he knows u love him if u are BFFs, lol). Ever since then I have been treasuring our 1-1 time a little more

Oh yes I am still here I couldn't leave the ladies that has been with me through my journey....:hugs:

I am doing ok for the most part this diet for GD is driving me insane only because I feel like I'm not eating enough for her, but my numbers are really good and she is so ACTIVE so I guess everything is ok. I have been busy finishing up the nursery and just as soon as the wall decals come in I am going to post pics for you all I am so excited. I'm not sure about anyone else but I am counting down the days I can't wait to see her, as of tomorrow 8 weeks to go YAY!!!:happydance::happydance:
Wishin - Hope B gets better soon :( Even though I don't have a LO I can tell you that I know it's no fun with a sick LO.

First - Glad to hear from you, girl! Can't wait to see nursery pics!

AFM - Ummm... Soooo my girls started leaking today... One moment I had this horrible pain in my right nip and thought maybe if I squeezed it to massage it that it might feel better. (TMI sorry!!) Well when I did a few drops came out! Then I checked the other side and it was leaking all on it's own! Later the same one started hurting again so I squeezed the whole thing and it started coming out again!!! EEK! Seems a little early for this kind of thing?? But no kidding, giving them a squeeze and getting rid of that tiny amount of fluid in there sure makes them hurt a whole hell of a lot less. I had to stuff tissue in my bra for the rest of the day just incase they decided to leak more on their own. Am I the only one??? Please tell me this is normal!
First- really can't wait for pics!!!

Linz- I am no help with the leaking. I had a breast reduction and it severed my milk ducts so while I do produce milk I can't get it out... It was very painful but went away after a week or so. Obviisly I can't breast feed because of it.YAHOOOO on the eggplant! I can't wait until I'm the next fruit or veggie lol

Oh and pretty sure Brayden has pink eye... So he gave me a sore throat and pink eye.. Lovely
Linz -- I started producing colostrum around 15-16 weeks with dd (at least, that's when I noticed). This time, they're already leaking! :wacko: I'm actually planning to start expressing and "harvesting" and freezing my colostrum about 6 months out from my due date because I had such a terrible time with supply with Maisie (I haven't been diagnosed, but I'm 99% sure I have hypoplasia; not enough glandular tissue to produce a full milk supply despite being a C/D cup. The most I ever produced was 15oz/day and that was after months of working on it and taking tons of supplements. Didn't help that Maisie refused the breast after about 5 weeks of age). I have a good friend who's a breastfeeding counselor for WIC and she's the one who sent me the info about it.

Anyway, you won't leak very much. It's just colostrum. :thumbup: NOTHING like the kind of leaking you'l do when your milk supply comes in. :haha: Ugh. With having dd in the summer in South Carolina, way TMI and super gross but I felt like I smelled like cheese all the time because my breasts leaked so much (and I only produced like half or 1/3 of what someone with a full supply produces!). See, this is the kind of crap people won't tell you about motherhood. :haha:
Linz I can't help with the leaky boobs pre baby, only post baby lol I spent the first 6 months of breast feeding with breast pads in! But like I say didn't really suffer before I had him, actually I did once but I was in the bath at the time and it didn't happen again till after he was born x x

Afm I did my last cb digi today only because I had one left over and I instantly got pregnant 3+ so I feel really happy and a lot more relaxed! I know it doesn't really count for much but it does prove to me my levels are rising, that's it now no more testing I promise,
I think this bean is going to stick, I can't wait till tues so I can see it x x x x
Yay! No more testing, Nats!! You got this! Can I ask, though? When you had your previous losses, at what point in the pregnancy were they?
One at 6 weeks, one at 7 weeks and one at 7 and a half weeks :cry: but the last two they were doing bloods and my levels had started dropping earlier than the actual loss so I knew it was going to happen (or already had) but I just had to wait for it to pass. And that took about two weeks! It was very hard :cry: but then we were blessed with Henry, and I think this is going to be a sticky one to! :happydance: x x x
Awesome, Nats!

I have 2 tests left. Didn't test today (woot!). :happydance:

5 weeks today (well, almost 5+1 now)! :wohoo:
Nats, I just know this one is going to be a healthy one! Don't ask how I know! It's just my intuition!

lilspy - grats on 5 weeks!

So question for you 4 preggo ladies that will be 20 weeks before we know it... Are you going to find out the gender or let it be a surprise?

Also, another day, another symptom for me... After work went to my in-laws to meet their new lab puppy. Walked around, played with the dog, was there till 8 pm. Then went home, did a bunch of chores for an hour (I'm nesting!!) and then at 9:30 decided to work out. Did about 10 minutes of cardio and I look down and my left ankle is ballooning out!! The right one is kinda swollen but the left is horrible looking! I thought this didn't happen till 3rd tri or even just the last month of pregnancy?! What gives? Oh and on top of it, it was about 100 degrees here yesterday (37.7 c).
Thanks linz, i kind of got a feeling that all will be well too, as for finding out pink or blue, yes definately!! i've found out with all of mine and never regretted it so defo will again, hoping for blue because we got everything we need so will only need to buy nappies but dont really mind either way, but i got a feeling it will be pink just because we're hoping for blue ha ha ha ha xxx

Are you swollen anywhere else? maybe best to get urself checked with doc just to be safe xxx
linz -- definitely rest with your feet propped whenever you get a chance (and even when you don't have a chance)! I didn't swell a huge amount during pregnancy, even at the end in July (in South Carolina). I do agree with nats, though. If you continue to notice swelling, that's definitely something you want to call your doc about, especially if you're only going one a month at this point (I forget when you switch to once every two weeks, but I'm thinking you have a little while?). :thumbup:

As for finding out, YES, we can't stand not knowing even now. I'll likely pay for a private ultrasound asap after 15 weeks. However, the plan right now is to keep it a secret from family and friends (of course I'm going to have to blab to someone so I hope you all can keep a secret! :winkwink:).
Right now they have me on the every 6 weeks appointment schedule. So my next appt is August 28th. I called the advice nurse this morning and she didn't seem too concerned but did say if it starts to be a pattern rather than just a one time occurrence to call them back as they'll want to know.

And I'm not swollen anywhere else. In fact this morning I was able to get my wedding ring on easily, but I didn't dare leave it there since I know it gets tight in the afternoon.

I told my friend at work and she suggested that I start chugging water today to see if it helps, so we'll see! I'm supposed to go to a baseball game with our Finance department at work tonight in San Francisco, which means the charter bus won't be back till midnight to drop us off. Basically that means it'll be a long evening of standing, walking, and sitting with no opportunity to prop up my feet. So until we leave at 3:30 I've got my feetys on a stand under my desk! Feels nice! :)
Oh and Nats, you're due a girl with your pattern! Hehe!

Lilspy - Does DH have any siblings? I always find it fun to try to predict gender based on how many of each sibling the man has.
He has a brother 3 years younger and a much younger half-sister. I want to say she's 15 but I'm not 100% on that. She's getting way too old way too fast. Anyway, dh is old enough to be her father (he's 33). So, I guess based on that you'd expect this one to be a boy?

I'm really starting to feel that way, too. Not that it means anything because I was absolutely certain Maisie was a boy until 12 weeks. :haha: I really don't know how I feel about it. I don't know what I want! This week I've started kind of feeling like I'd really love another girl. But I also want a boy! Can I just have one of each this time? :wacko:

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