I've got my anti-witch spray!

lol I dont really normally show people until it looks like a human but I figured you guys arent "normal" people haha
Aww wishn what a beautiful blob! So glad u shared it with us, and thanks for all your kind words, ur all so kind x x
Wishin - beautiful blob :) x

Nats - we are all here for you. Come and destress anytime xx
Right ladies, I am taking positive action! I have decided that I am going to stay positive. There is every chance that my little bean is going to be just fine as most of you guys pointed out, so until I know different I'm going with that,

Thank you all so so much for your constant support, I love you guys x x x x x
YAY NATS!!!! So glad that you are being positive that will surely help baby!

Honestly if the Doctor doesnt seem concerned and by the dates its possible that you did just O late but still caught the egg then I really truly beleive everything is fine.

Love your positive attitude!!!

afm- DS has been killing me lately....fatigue is my biggest symptom and last week he had me up all hours of the night becuase he was sick..this week its been nightmares...cant a pregnant girl get some rest? lol

On other news about DS- He is moving up to the next classroom at daycare which makes me super happy. He hates his current teacher and Im sure that me constantly complaining about her is a reason hes moving up so early..usually hes moved in October. He also starts soccer tomorrow (football for my UK friends haha) Im super excited I love watching him play organized sports he gets so into it
Here is a intense baseball picture lol


  • braydenbaseball1.jpg
    35 KB · Views: 5
  • braydenbaseball2.jpg
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^^^ hehehe
So adorable!

Edit: Oh, well, that would've worked if my post was actualy under yours, Cris. By "^^^" I mean last post on previous page. :dohh:
lol thanks Julie! It also prob would have worked better if the pictures were in order...like him throwing the ball then watching to see where it went...oy

omg im so tired i dont know how im going to make it through today
Nats - big hugs, I know it's really really tough, but they took a week off my dates at my first scan, I went from 7 weeks to 6 weeks, so sometimes they take a long time to settle in.

Hope everyone else is ok, sorry for not being around much, life has been crazy. I swear we've had more visitors and trips away than we've ever had in our lives, clearly being 32 weeks preggers does not entitile you to a rest! I have my last scan tomorrow so we'll see how big he is and hopefully they can reassure me that this much swelling in my fingers is normal.

Love to you all, G xx
Hi Ladies!!

So sorry I haven't been on much! We have just been so crazy between work, life, etc... but I have been reading and keeping you all in my thoughts.

Nats, I have a gut feeling you are fine! It's common to not see a heartbeat that early. Several of my friends didn't until they were almost 7 weeks so keep your head up and stay positive!!

Wishin, YAY for your blob!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! I can't wait til you can share it with the world! I have to be honest, when I saw you announce your congratulations for your sister I thought it was you announcing at first!!! I was like NO WAY!!!! YAY!!! Then I finished reading lol... I'm glad everything is going your way... Your little boy is absolutely stinking cute!!!

AFM, the morning sickness has subsided a bit. I am 12 weeks today!!! FINALLY!!! I can breathe a little more comfortably (although winded literally) I am sporting a cute little bump! I have been iffy on whether I wanted to post pictures or not. Just because I still feel like some people may say "that's just fat" lol but I am definitely showing a little.

Today is the day my doctor wants me to stop the progesterone. I am literally FREAKING OUT!!!!! I am scared to death. I know he wouldn't steer me wrong but I'm just a little paranoid that if I stop that things will... well you know...

Besides that we are going have another ultrasound next wednesday. We are doing the Nuchal Translucency testing and blood work for down's syndrome. 2 weeks later we go for repeat blood work and then 2 weeks after that we'll be finding out the sex of the baby ;)

I can't wait!!! Hope all you other ladies are doing well and love hearing all your updates!!

G- good to hear from you!!! I forget...did you pick out a name? OMG 32 WEEKS! Thats so crazy! I cant beleive its almost time

Nats- I was afraid that some people that already know might think I was announcing so I kept my fingers crossed that no one let the cat out of the bag! Thank you for saying my son is cute :) I think so too but Im biased..LMAO! AND OMG! CONGRATS ON 12 WEEKS!!!!!!:flower::flower:

My Doctor wants me to stop progesterone at 8 weeks (Monday). I am sooooo freaking nervous because from everything I read the placenta doesnt take over the production of progesterone until 10-12 weeks so Id rather take it until 12 weeks! I am currently taking 200mg 2x a day vaginally so I think Im going to ask if maybe I can continue to take it but orally from 8 weeks until 12 weeks. How are you taking yours? (sorry if thats too personal you dont have to answer!)
Haley - Congrats on 12 weeks! Also, if the morning sickness is beginning to subside, that is a GREAT symptom of the placenta taking over.

Wishin - have you had any morning sickness yet?

Giraffes - Hi girl! Glad you are checking in! How is your comfort level these days?

AFM - Went in for my glucose tolerance test today. Apparently the lab waiting room is filled with elderly people at 10 am, so I spent my one hour wait making new friends today. Haven't gotten the results back yet, but I did get my blood count results back (they did it at the same time as the one hour draw) and I'm anemic. :( Started off the pregnancy with good numbers, which was great since I've spent a good portion of my post-puberty life as anemic. Bleh... oh well. Guess they'll probably get me back on the iron supplements, which I HATE since they make me feel like I'm going to throw up even when I do take them with food.

I think I'll probably pass the glucose screen, though. I'll update you ladies when I get that result back.
Awesome Linz! Hope the glucose tolerance test comes back normal.

Wishin- I'm terrified but relieved also becaus it makes me so bloated. I heard some symptoms go away when you stop taking it so we'll see. I'll probably have some twisted sick dream tonight since tonight's my first night off of it. Ahhh!! I'll do every other day this week and then done. Nice thing is I'll have an appt and u/s next Wednesday so my dr can alleviate some of this anxiety!!!

Ill be posted a bump pic soon so stay tuned :)
Haley - great the morning sickness is starting to subside, I remember being grateful and terrified at the same time when it started to go - crazy preggo hormones!

Wishin - we think we're going for Benjamin Edward or Benjamin George, we keep swithering between the 2, but Benjamin is set :D

Linz - I would love to lie and say that I'm super comfy, but afraid not. I can't sit in the same position for more than abuot 20 minutes without getting really sore, which is proving problematic for driving anywhere! But I'm trying not to complain too much as it must mean he's growing well!!
Wishin - Your DS is so cute :) x

Haley - glad to hear things are going well and must be a relief that you have so many check ups to help with the anxiety of stopping the progestrone x

Linz - i was iron deficient too and put on supplements. I have been abit naughty and took regularly for a week and then started to forget. Just making sure my diet contains some extra iron so hopefully still getting what i should. Dr hasnt bothered to recheck bloods to see so guess she's not that worried. x

Giraffes - home straight for us now. coming up on us real quick. R u a mix of excitement and nerves or has it not hit you yet? x

AFM - Having a bad week this week. We all have our milestones that we have to get past and this week is mine. I dont want to upset anybody or scare anybody but feel it is important to share as I never dreamed it could happen to me but it did anyway. 10 years ago (cant believe its been that long, somedays feels like yesterday), my son Ethan was stillborn at 33 weeks pregnant. I had a blissful 1st pregnancy with my DD1 and my 2nd pregnancy was going the same. I had seen the midwife the week before and everything was good, heartbeat strong. My OH was working away for a few weeks and I was left packing up our house as we were moving and looking after my 15 month old DD. I know i felt the baby moving on the tues morning when my OH left but then was so busy that it wasnt until late thurs night that i suddenley realised that i couldnt remember the last time i felt him move. I waited until morning and then went off to the hospital to be told that they couldnt find a heartbeat and that he had died and was stillborn the next day. We had all the tests done on me and baby and they couldnt give us a reason for why it happened 'just one of those things'.

So I wanted to tell you ladies so you always found the time everyday to check your baby's movements. From about 28 weeks their movements get more regular and you should be kick counting or just aware of your baby's patterns and if they change or dip you should get it checked out. My stress at the moment is that baby is running out of room abit and so movement changes and slows a little. I feel like i'm spending my days panicking. Also in England they were sympathetic to our history and let me go and be monitored every other day for an hour so we could see if there was any change. Here in portugal it is August and most doctors are on their hols, in fact my next appointment to see anybody is 13th Sept - how crap is that!!!! We do have a doppler so i can listen to heartbeat anytime i like but .... I have been lucky enough to have had 2 healthy pregnancies since but it doesnt seem to take away the worry. And although I still have my moments 10 years on, I am finding myself grieving more than normal for the baby that i lost.

Thank you for listening x
Leia - big big hugs, I had been watching your ticker and knew that this week would be tricky for you. I have nothing useful at all to say other than I'll be thinking of you lots this week.

AFM - scan this morning showed everything was well, measuring at 4lb15, which is brilliant. No photo again because his head is so buried in my pelvis!! They're going to scan me again in 3 weeks, so I do get another one :) It was funny sitting in the hospital thinking in 7 weeks time I'll be upstairs holding my baby. EEEEEEEK

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