I've got my anti-witch spray!

Oh yeah, 700 calories (compared with the rest of their menu) is barely anything!! I used to get so mad when I was dieting and my friends wanted to eat there. Back before they had reduced calorie entrees you couldn't order something under 1000+! Even the SALADS had 1200-1500 calories! Ridiculous!
OMG, you guys have to stop talking about cheesecake!!! **drrroooooooooooooooooolllll**
I'm stupid excited! I scheduled our gender ultrasound and we'll know baby's gender in 7 weeks!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: October 18!

Well, hopefully. Had one at 15+2 with Maisie and she was obvious, so I hope this one is the same.

I was thinking maaaayyyyybbbbeee I could hold out until my 20 week ultrasound but then they scheduled it at almost 21 weeks (because I'm 20 weeks on Thanksgiving and they don't do ultrasounds on Fridays, apparently) and that was it for me, I knew I would be paying for an earlier one. :dohh:
Oooh I'm so excited! See I may miss out on the gender reveals here if you guys are doing it around Thanksgiving as I'll (hopefully) be in labor.

Lilspy - Are you hoping for a boy or just suspecting boy? And 21 weeks is sure asking for a lot from a pregnant woman! My doctor scheduled mine for 19+0 so I was ecstatic.

Oh, one other good thing I found out at my class the other night is that if baby is not here by 41 weeks they will do inductions starting then. They will let you go to 42 weeks, but if you're done at 41, they'll induce you if you like. I will be ALL OVER that if she's not here by then. My older brother was a 3 week late kid and I will be having NONE OF THAT. Plus, if I go out the week of Thanksgiving, that's exactly 6 weeks till I have to be back at work to close the books in January (and 6 weeks is all I get paid at 100%). So if she's late, that's another week I'm at home waiting for her rather than at home spending my limited time with her. So if she could just come right on time, that would be fantastic. However, I have this gut feeling she's going to hang on till the bitter end!
Linz -- My OB will schedule elective inductions any time around your due date, apparently. They started suggesting it to me at 39 weeks! I managed to hold off until 40+5, but I did end up electing induction. Not sure if they start really pushing at 10 days overdue or 2 weeks overdue. I really hope I don't find out. :haha: I'm going to try to hold out this time. I'd prefer to labor a while at home rather than be stuck in a hospital bed from 6am until 10pm again. My actual labor was only about 10 hours but they made me stay in the bed for a long time before labor actually started and after delivery. I only got to get up one time to pee between then (they catheterize you if you get an epidural and I did get one about 6 hours in because my pitocin contractions suuuccccccckkkkkkeeeeddddd. No break *at all* in between them & I started panicking. But that's more than you needed to know). I had to stop working at 39 weeks because I was in false labor and couldn't handle being at work in front of people while squealing on and off unexpectedly in pain. :haha: I knew every day I had off without having her was another day I wouldn't get to spend with her at the end of my maternity leave and that was ultimately why I made the decision to be induced.

I'm not really hoping for a boy, just suspecting one. I won't really be surprised either way, since I feel like everything that makes me suspect a boy is total BS (chinese gender predictor, heartbeat, 1st dream about this pregnancy). I keep flip-flopping back and forth between which gender I think I prefer. I evidently don't really have a preference.
lilspy - sounds like you are very familiar with how I am feeling about maternity leave, then! I can't believe your OB would induce at 39 weeks, though! I mean, at least let the poor kid go to 40 before forcibly evicting them?? Truth be told, if they offered me an induction on my due date I would probably take it, just so I have more time with her. I know inductions suck, but I figure a week extra with her before I have to go back to work is worth the one day of pain, and I suppose if it's too extreme, I could always go the epidural route. The sucky part is that I HAVE to be back at work on Jan 2nd. So if her due date was 1 or 2 weeks earlier than it is, it would be no big deal if she were late. But because I absolutely have to be back by then, I only have that limited time with her.
I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks because they suspected my son was going to be a big boy since he was measuring 2 weeks ahead early on. I can't imagine what he would have weighed at 40 weeks!

Linz- ill make sure u find out what I'm having! I'll find out the first weeek of November so u could be in labor... My due date was 11/23 he came 11/13 :)

When is your due date? Can't see on my phone
My EDD is November 21st (the day before Thanksgiving). I know they say that you can kinda expect that your labor will be similar to your own mother's labor, but my mom and I are built completely different. She's almost 6 ft tall and naturally skinny. I've got big hips and thighs and am 5'4". So I'm not sure that my labor will be anything like hers (3 weeks late with her first and went into labor on her due date with me - both unmedicated, both 11 hours from start to finish).

On the other hand I'm built (and look almost exactly alike) my aunt (my dad's sister). She's 5'2" with the same body type as me. She went into labor 2 weeks early and was 5 cm dilated without even knowing it. They checked her at her 38 wk appt and sent her straight to the hospital where she gave birth 2 hours later!!

I have no idea who I am going to take after, but I'd rather 2 weeks early than 2 weeks late!
I didn't take after my mother. She went naturally the day before her due date with my brother. She was in labor like 26 hours. He was born at 1pm the day after her active labor began. :wacko: Natural. She was induced 9-10 days early with me because her doctor was going to be out of town on my due date (say what? Her decision...). She much preferred being induced because she was only in labor like 6 hours with me, I think! She got an epidural with me but said I came out before it even started working. :haha:

I'm built totally differently from my mom though. I've got some true birthin' hips. And after having Maisie, I'm very thankful for them! She basically fell out! :haha: I "pushed" 3 times. Very, very little effort. I was so afraid I was going to be pushing for like 3 hours like some women. :wacko: I was walking around 3cm dilated and pretty well effaced for a few weeks before I was induced. I think Cris said she was 3cm dilated for a few weeks before as well. ? I went from 3cm to 6cm in the 6 hours before my epidural and then I was fully dilated 3 hours after it. Then they let gravity do most of the hard work & just sat me straight up in bed for a couple of hours. Started "practice pushing" at about 5 after 6. 1 contraction/2 pushes in, I was told very sternly to "STOP PUSHING!!!" and like 2 minutes later my OB ran in literally just in time to catch Maisie at 6:13pm. :haha: Once she was well into the birth canal, I found it impossible not to push. I tried so hard not to, but your body just kind of takes over with each contraction and you can't help it. Makes you kind of nervous with all the nurses and tons of other hospital staff standing there telling you to stop pushing and you're sitting there like "Um... I swear I'm trying really hard not to!" :haha:
Wow!! I loooooove hearing birth stories now! Every woman I know that has kids, I'm like... so tell me your birth story!!

I figure I'd rather know everything that could happen (the good AND the bad) so when something weird or unexpected happens to me I won't feel unprepared or like I failed.

Edit: soooo any other ladies feel free to share their previous stories from past kids!
Also, everyone insisted that I would poop while pushing and I was so concerned about it (like the nurses don't see it all the time). But no, I didn't poop. Honestly, haha, it takes a lot more effort for me to poop most of the time than it did to push her out. :blush: I had a pretty rough tear from her shooting out so quickly, though. I knew people tore, but didn't really think about how I'd by lying there getting stitched up for what seemed like an hour after my baby was born. I know it was at least 30 minutes.

edit: I'm sorry, I'm an over-sharer. :haha:
Lol Oh Julie how I love thee! <3

My story:
I had been measuring big for several weeks so we had an induction scheduled for No 19th at 39 weeks. I had been 3cm for over a month at my 38 week appointment which kind of freaked me out because I was so concerned at the time about my water breaking at a really awkward place or time. So at 38+ 5 at 1 something in the morning I couldnt sleep went downstairs to play on my laptop drank some chocolate milk (that usually gives me the runs) and it had the same effect on me as castor oil..literally sent me into labor within minutes. (I didnt do this on purpose btw I realized this in hindsight) I went upstairs to poo and realized I lost my mucus plug. Shortly after the contractions started. I went downstairs to time them at about 430am DH got up to get ready for work and saw me on the toilet. We called my Drs office and asked them if I should go in...they said yes. I got there and I was still only 3cm but they admitted me. I was given potocin and the contraction were bearable so I refused the epidural (big mistake!) at that point. My water never broke on its own so they broke it. Once the water was broken the contractions were much worse but I couldnt get the epidural since the doctor had 3 women in front of me. I was cussing up a storm and threatening to kill someone if they didnt get him back in my room haha. He finally came back i got my epidural. All in all I was in labor for 13 hours from 1:30ish am until 2:39pm when my beautiful baby boy graced us with his presence. I dont think I pushed that long, I want to say it was like 45 minutes? And I did not poop because I had already pooped at home! thank god!

I was kind of delirious towards the end because I was soooo thirsty and hungry I felt like I had no energy.
I guess the "active labor" part is the pushing so I would say I was in active labor for less than an hour. They kept telling me he was like a turtle because his head would be almost out then he'd go back in...I was like yea thats great thank you for comparing my new born to a turtle as he is coming out of my vagina u pricks!

He still ahs a very big head until this day!
Haha, turtle. :haha: Not a fun visual!

Yes!! The contractions are so much worse after the water breaks! WTF?! Why do they want to break it so early? They broke mine like 2 hours into labor. Ugh. So nasty. Here you go, linz -- Every time you have a contraction after your water breaks, it squirts out a little and it feels like you're pissing yourself every time. Cris, I had to wait an hour and a half for my epidural! I really regretted waiting so long to ask for it during that hour and a half, too. :haha: By the time he got there, I was in my fun nonstop contractions stage and sitting up and still for it was probably the suckiest thing that's every happened to me. But 15 minutes later... ahhhhhhhhhhh. I felt better the last few hours of labor than I had felt my entire pregnancy!! :rofl: Even during the pushing and ripping myself a new one part. :haha: Well, except that the epidural stopped working so great on my left side about an hour before I delivered. I dosed myself with the button they give you to push and that didn't help and the pain was getting worse so 30 minutes later I dosed myself again and like 8 minutes after that, she was born. So, I couldn't walk at all for like 4 hours after birth. :dohh: Yeah... pushing that button is a mistake I won't make next time. :haha: When I finally got in my post partum room, the nurse said "Wow, I don't know who was handing out epidurals today but they sure did a good job! No one can walk tonight!" :haha:

I always have a problem getting "numbed" - At the dentist it seriously takes like 4 or 5 shots of novacaine to get me numb. Well I had no idea it would be the same with my epidural. He shot me up I said uhm I can still feel everything..he did it again, then again and finally it was bearable...def couldnt walk forever. They threatened to put a cathater in if I did go pee though so I managed to do that somehow...in hindsight a cathater wouldnt haven been so horrible considering I was still pretty numb I woudlnt have felt it
Yeah, the catheter really wasn't bad. They told me before I got the epidural that if I even got one, they were going to do it. I don't even remember at what point they took it out. :shrug: They made me go pee before they let me go to a post partum room. And I had to be able to walk myself to the bathroom. 2 really skinny nurses were there to "help" me walk. Yeah, okay. When they told me they were going to help me walk to the bathroom, I said to them, "Um... you do realize that if I go down, you guys are both going down with me, right?!" :rofl: I'm sure neither of them weighed more than 100 pounds. :dohh: But they were sweet and they "helped."
That reminds me, I had a friend who refused to get an epidural. At some point, the baby was in a position preventing her from emptying her bladder and the nurses kept trying to get her to use the bedpan (so they could see she had really peed) and she couldn't pee at all. And they catheterized her with no numbness at all. :wacko: She said the catheter being put in was the absolute worst part of the whole labor and delivery (and she had a pretty traumatic labor with an emergency c-section in the end - but she and baby were and are just fine). :haha:
:rofl: Aaaannnnnnddddd, now I've freaked myself out thinking about all the bad birth stories I've heard.

Mine was such a freaking piece of cake. Can I get lucky again?
Maybe I paid my traumatic dues with recovery. My vagina is still broken. :haha:

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