I've got my anti-witch spray!

and thanks for that story Julie....sheesssh!

You're welcome! :flower:
I actually edited it down a LOT from what I wrote at first. In my published version, I completely left out all of the horrific stuff that happened between the catheter and the c-section! :haha:

Edit: I should add that all of the stuff she experienced is because she is a freaking TINY woman (5 foot nothing) and her son was 10 pounds (and she was induced at 38 weeks due to preeclampsia!).

He's 14 months old and over 30 pounds now. I swear he's almost as big as his mother already. :haha:
Ha! I had to go check my milestones thing I keep for Brayden. He was 25lbs 6oz at 14 months

Thanks for sparing us the horrific details. I am kind of scared for my sister. She is tiny tiny and I cant imagine her having a big belly...lol
You ladies were cracking me up at the doctors office. I just got back from my 28 week appointment and I was reading your posts while I was in the waiting room!

My appt went well. Baby is still head up, but my dr says she can stay that way until 36 weeks when they'll do a quick US to check to make sure she's gone head down. Her heart rate was 144, and my fundal height is 30 cm, which is within the +/- 2 cm it should be at (1 cm for each week pregnant). She was impressed with my lack of stretch marks too, but I told her I know they're coming! Blood pressure was slightly elevated (130/76), but the same as last visit, so they're not too concerned.

I'm also supposed to start doing kick counts now, which I've been doing for a couple days. On Wednesday it took 15 minutes for 10 kicks, and yesterday it was 5 minutes! Yikes!
Yay for a good appt Linz!!!!

I never did the baby kicks thing, nor was I told to...I will def be doing it this time around. DS was just so active I dont think I was ever alarmed because I always felt him moving.

This was right around the time my family threw me a baby shower...will you be having one that you know of? I was waaaay overwhelmed about how generous my freinds and family were. I literally had nothing left to buy on my own. I was completely in shock. It took 3 cars to get the stuff back to my house. I dont really like the whole shower idea as its not really a part of my culture but it was pretty fun not gonna lie
Linz -- So glad you had a good appointment! I don't remember exactly when Maisie went head down but I think it was around 28 weeks. I will say just enjoy the head upness for now because once Maisie turned head down she started headbutting my cervix and it KILLED! My mom said my brother didn't turn head down until she was around 38 weeks. She said it happened when she was at the mall and it hurt so much she seriously thought she was in labor. :haha:

I never did kick counts either, really, but Maisie was also super active. Anytime it had been a while since I felt her move, all I had to do was poke her and she'd poke me right back in the same place. :cloud9:

Cris -- My mom was small. 5'2" and like 105 pounds with my brother. No problems for her! But she had average sized babies -- 7.5ish pounders. Were you or your hubby big babies? Maisie was only about 5oz more than me, I think, but she was born like 2 weeks later in gestation. Scott was close to 9 pounds. I'm kind of scared to have a boy because of it. :haha:

And wow, Brayden didn't have too much on Maisie at 14 months! She was 21.5 at 12 months and I swear she weighs about 40 pounds at 13 months. :haha: The girl is getting HEAVY!

Ugh, I'm so barfy right now. I just want to go home. 3 day weekend! :happydance:
Wishin - I will get to your question in a minute, for now I have to vent! Soooooo annoyed right now!!! AHHHHH!!

Just had a work lunch with the entire office for a going away lunch for one of our sales reps. We all were sitting at the big conference table and of course since it's all women the conversation turned to pregnancy and such. One of the ladies asked when my due date was and then my boss's wife started to talk about how her kids were all super late from their due dates. How late, I asked? Well her first was 6 weeks late. That's right 6 weeks. And when I inquired whether they were sure they had her dates right, she was absolutely positive. I responded with a oh, well they won't let you go past 41 weeks now, 42 max. They'll induce you. She looked shocked and said, why?? I told her that the placenta can start to break down between 41-42, but definitely after 42 weeks and the baby won't be getting nutrition once it starts to break down.

She immediately said, "Well obviously that's not true since my first was 6 weeks overdue and my second was 4 weeks overdue. My twins were even born ON their due date!" We asked how big her 46 week old baby was and her response: 6 lbs, 5 oz and 21 inches.

UMMMM.... Hellooooo you did NOT go to 46 FRIKKIN weeks with your baby to only have a 6 lb kid!! OBVIOUSLY your dates were wrong and you have no idea when you actually conceived!! I of course did not want to lecture her in front of everyone (especially since she's my boss's wife). SO IRRITATING!! I hate it when people try to impress others with fiction and it's CLEARLY not true! She went on to tell me that dating ultrasounds are always off and completely unreliable. When I told her that at all 3 ultrasounds I was measuring dead on for my dates, she laughed and said, "Yeah you really can't trust those, though."

SO MAD!!!! I want to SMACK her!!!

<breathe.... breathe...>

So wishin - yes I am having a shower. My best friend is throwing it for me and sending out the invites today. It'll be October 6th. I have a feeling they'll do a shower at my work for me too, since all the pregnant ladies who have come before me had one planned by their department. I registered at Target, but really only for things I absolutely need, and no toys or clothes since I know people like to choose those on their own, which I think is great. I'm not a huge fashion or clothing person (I buy when I need new clothes, not because I like shopping) so I figure if someone else thinks it's cute, it probably is.

My best friend said if things start to get bought up to add stuff that's not super needed but would be nice to have, but I just can't imagine that much of it getting bought. There's like 45 items on there (most in the $5-$20 range) that I can't imagine people will actually all shop off it and buy it out completely.
Maybe she got confused and her fundal height was 48cm, so her doc told her it was kind of like she was 48 weeks or something. ??? :wacko: If you can't really trust dating ultrasounds and your ovulation date, wtf can you "trust?" :haha: Oh, people. Also, 6lbs 5oz 21 inches? That's a skinny baby! Not that she really had any control over it, just saying. Maisie was 7lbs 11.6oz 18.75inches and I thought she looked way skinny.

I'm sorry to offend someone, but I get really irritated with "The baby will come out when it's ready" people. Um... no, the baby will come out when your body is ready and goes into labor. That may or may not be too late. Babies *do* die in-utero because mothers hold out too long and refuse induction. It really, really, really, really does happen. Like, really. I got so pissed off at some of my "friends" on MFP who essentially berated me the night before Maisie was born for electing induction. Telling me it was "so terrible" for my baby and that I should just wait it out and blah blah blahhhhhhhhh. Get off my uterus, jerks! Same b****es who tell everyone they'll produce enough milk "as long as you don't supplement with formula." Um... no. I know more people than not who supplemented with formula for a few weeks after delivery and were able to exclusively breastfeed thereafter. In my case, my child would have died if I hadn't supplemented with formula (at the heavy suggestion of a lactation consultant). And I never got a full supply not because I supplemented with formula, but because I have insufficient glandular tissue. So freaking ignorant! Sorry, someone got me riled up on facebook about this earlier. She's the same dumbass who let her 4 month old have an ear infection for 2 months because she treated him with garlic oil instead of taking him to the effing doctor. :wacko: She finally took him to the doctor 2 months later and the doctor gave the kid antibiotics and, like magic, the ear infection is gone. Her 6 month old has lost 1.5 pounds in the last few weeks and she refuses to supplement with formula because she thinks it's bad. What's worse? Formula? Or your child being malnourished and failing to thrive? SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?! Ugh. Dummy. I should probably unfriend her. :haha: It's not so much that I care what she does with her own children. I feel bad for them sometimes, but they're her children. I care that she doles out this super ignorant advice and acts so holier than thou about everything. Maybe I'm making it up in my head, but I get the distinct impression she thinks she's a better mother than I am just because she refuses to supplement with formula. I kind of think the opposite given her child's current condition vs. my child's condition, but.... :shrug: I mean, I think it's *fabulous* that women exclusively breastfeed. I'd love nothing more than to be able to. And I'll try my best once again this time. But when there's an obvious problem... I don't know. Seems like you're risking your child's health for a pretty silly reason. In 10 years, is it going to matter *at all* to your kid that you supplemented with formula or could (or chose to) only feed formula? No. Not even a little bit. Maybe it's me who's ignorant. All I'm saying is I made the decision I made because it was best for my child's health. I have no doubt it was 100% the best decision in our situation and I'm very likely to have to make the exact same decision again about a week after this one is born. It was not an easy decision for me to make by any means. But my baby's health came first way before my feelings about supplementing.
Nats - big big hugs, hope you're ok and taking each day as it comes. You are NOT a bad mother, just a woman going through an incredibly tough time.

Linz - maybe she was so adament because the baby wasn't her husband's?!?! As in, they only had sex once so the dates had to fit with that, rather than when the baby was conceived :haha: There was a girl at work who was adament that her baby was a month early, despite being huge and her waters breaking in our office. Tuens out when you did the dates if you agreed he was a month early, then he was a wedding night baby. On time, he was conceived before they were married - like anyone cares!!!

AFM - off for a scan this afternoon, 3 weeks to go till section!
Thanks giraffes, that made me cry x

I am taking each day as it comes but nothing has changed yet! That's what I'm finding so hard, I still feel so pregnant! I even thought I felt baby moving last nite now this is obviously ridiculous as I'm only 9 1/2 weeks ( if all was ok) but its just so horrible waiting,
I'll get thru it I'm sure, will keep u up to date with any changes xxxx
Nats- I am so happy to see you posting ***HUGS*** Its a good sign that you still "feel pregnant"

Linz- I get so irritated with ignorant people like that. I feel like I know quite a bit after being on all these boards and doing tons and tons of research and I hate when people who are basically speaking out their ass try to argue with me. Even when I state facts that are well know..its like REALLY!? I have just given up and let them go on being stupid.

Julie- I obviously am not against induction and I totally 100% agree with the fact that waiting too long can actually harm the baby. One of my friend recently gave birth 2+ weeks late and I was FREAKING out for her. I dont talk to her on a daily basis more like every few months, but I kept up with her pregnancy on FB. When she was over 2 weeks overdue I was really concerned about why she hadnt induced yet but I guess there must have been something else going on because her son was born at like 6 or 7 lbs...so not too big or anything. Maybe they had her dates wrong? But yea...I hate when people are so gungho to say inducing is bad when there are valid health reasons for it.

AFM- 10 WEEKS TODAY! IM A PRUNE! I think the nausea has subsided some so I am scared shitless that I am going to start eating everything in sight. Im trying to be really careful not to gain. I cant beleive that 2nd tri is only 2 weeks away...so surreal...it really felt like Id never see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Giraffes - This is her 3rd husband so none of the kids are his, so it really wouldn't matter at this point for her to try to cover up something like that, I would think. I think she just really believes what she's saying, like she's some enormous exception to the rule! And good god, only 3 weeks left for you?? Are you getting anxious?? How is sleeping at night?

Nats - Hugs, hon. What is the exact date of your next scan?

Wishin - At my appointment before last I managed to gain 12 lbs between appointments in 6 weeks. My doctor told me she only wanted me gaining 1/2 lb a week going forward and to try not to gain so much by our next appt in 6 weeks. So I started exercising daily, stopped drinking juice, started bulking up my dinners with more veggies, skipped the ice cream in the evening, and when I go out to eat, I'll skip fries, mayo, and cheese in lieu of a side salad. After doing this for 6 weeks, my net gain was..... 11 lbs. So my doctor said to me, "Well are you eating healthy?" I replied, "Yes!" She said, "Well then that's all we can ask for. Don't worry about it!"

So I'm a firm believer that you are going to gain what you are going to gain no matter what, just try to stay on the healthier side but if you are hungry, then by all means, EAT!
My scan is on the 11th but that's only if nothing happens before then, in a way I kind of hope it does just to get it over with x x
So tough afternoon here. Went for my scan and baby has grown well, currently measuring at 6lb2. However, the amniotic fluid levels were low. So I had to go for monitoring, which showed the heartbeat was ok, but I've got myself so worked up that there's a problem, I have just been crying on and off all afternoon (stupid hormones). I'm seeing the consultant on Thursday and she'll decide if I need steroids, and between now and then I have to be super aware of movement. Dr Google, of course has just added to the worries.

Anyway had to share, sorry for posting a downer. Can you all keep everything crossed that baby's ok in there.
Thinking of you, giraffes! I'm so sure everything is going to be just fine. I mean, you're 36 weeks, so even if your docs determined you need to deliver this week, baby would so totally be just fine! :thumbup: Even my doctors told me at 36 weeks with dd that if I went into labor, they wouldn't even try to stop it from that point on.
Keeping everything crossed! However I'm sure that if they thought it was an emergency situation they wouldn't make you wait until Thursday to see a specialist, right? I'm sure he's just fine! If he's growing well (6 lbs already! Yay!) then he IS doing just fine. Hope they can confirm that for you in a few days!
Hey friends!!! I'm sorry I've been away but I've been catching up with y'all! We fared the hurricane well in my city but were without electricity for 5 days. We state with my parents and got to working on our house every chance we got in cleaning up the debris and cleaning out the fridge ad freezers!

We have exciting news though :)... We picked out our girl and boy names!! We aren't telling anyone until our gender reveal which is on the 29th but I'll tell y'all!

Girl is Cora Elise
Boy is Weston Joseph

We have 2 scans on the 19th. One with the doctor and a 3D one later in the day. It's gonna be hard having that powerful envelope in our hands for 10 days lol

Oh an another bit of news on my end.. After I was discharged from the hospital my OB told me that my liver enzymes were abnormally high so he repeated the labs a week later. Got my results on Friday! Still abnormally elevated! So they want me to see my primary health care doctor to have my gallbladder evaluated! I'll see him tomorrow! What's weird is I havent had any problems until I got pregnant with indigestion and belly pain after I ate but I just thought it was normal when you're pregnant!! Sooo, we'll find out more tomorrow but My guess is that they are going to reccomend having it removed after I deliver. I did read its fairly common to have gallbladder problems once you become pregnant. My friend went through the same thing! They wanted to remove her gallbladder after she delivered as she followed up with her MD and everything went back to normal on its own without removing it and hasn't had any problems since an it's been 2 years! So I hope that's what will happen with me too!

Sooo, that's what's going on in my corner!

Hope you ladies are all doing well!

Nats, still big hugs!!!

Wishin, congrats on becoming a prune!!

Giraffes, I'm sure you'll get the peace of mind you want soon!! Thinking of you!

Linz, I can't stand ignorance! Maybe she is just that nieve!! Lol
Thanks everyone, there have been a lot of tears in the G household over the last 24 hours, but we're trying to be positive. I'm only 35w, I never got round to changing my ticker when they adjusted my dates, but as you say he's a good size so should be just fine on the outside. Just have to wait and pray I think. If there is a problem with his kidneys, there isn't anything we can do at this stage anyway.

Haley - sorry to hear you're having gallbladder problems, hope the docs have something positive to say to you.
G- I am crossing everything that it will all turn out ok. I agree with the others that although its not an ideal situation you should take solace in the fact that hes big and healthy enough to come out if need be. I know its tough though, hang in there it will all sort itself out. HUGS

Haley- Congrats on picking out names! I saw that you posted on FB that thye had been picked out and I was hoping youd share on here :) Im sorry about the gallbladder issues though...one of my friends had a problem too! Weird! I hope it just goes away after pregnancy!

Nats- Always thinking of you hon....
So I want to vent too....my son understands we are going to have a baby. He is having trouble understanding the whole pregnancy (that he has to wait 9 months and that you cant choose if its a boy or girl) I am really working with him trying to explain that the baby is baking in my belly and that we will know when the baby is ready to come out because it will be March and mommy's belly wont be able to hold the baby anymore because it will be too big etc..we are even working on a countdown to March since he is also still learning time like yesterday tomorrow future etc...he's really starting to get it. Well the other big thing is that he wants a sister so he is convinced that the baby is a girl and wants a girl. I have explained to him over and over that Mommy doesnt get to choose if its a boy or a girl that only God can make that decision (we are catholic). Well every time my MIL comes over she goes on and on about how the baby is a boy and that hes going to have a baby brother. I have asked her to please stop telling him that because he might get confused if it end up being a girl. She told me she knows that I am not able to make girls. She has two boys and she knew she would never be able to conceive a girl because when her and FIL's genes combined they are only able to make boys...WTF!? So basically she is saying that since DH and I had a boy the first time our genes combined can only make boys! ARRRGH! I seriously wanted to explode at her but I knew that trying to explain the concept of ovulation and that each sperm is a different sex etc would be too much for her little brain so I just walked away....but OMG was I so mad! Now I am hoping for a girl just to shut up her big pie hole!

Lol again with the ignorance!! Lol as if you only carry genes to make boys! I know you were mad but when I read this I couldn't help but laugh at it bc I've never heard of such thing! I once had a fried that was convinced that was the case but her 4th was a girl. So no.. It's definitely possible! Haha

I agree she shouldn't try to confuse your little boy! Mayr sit and talk with her about it...


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