I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wow, Cris. :dohh: But at least it gives you a reason to hope for a girl! :haha:

Everyone is convinced I'm having a boy because apparently, here, it's impossible to have 2 girls or something. :haha:

Here's a gripe of my own. I told my mom last night that we aren't sharing the sex of the baby and she freaking lost her mind. She went on and on about how I "can't do that" to her and why would I want to do that to her and blahhhh blah blaahhhhhhhh. I'm so over her. I even said, "You know, mom. Did it ever occur to you that no part of this decision is about YOU?" She didn't get it. :dohh: After all the BS drama she created that we had to go through with my first pregnancy and after Maisie was born; and how much I've let her know that hurt me; and how much that hurt our relationship... I thought maybe it would be different this time. Nope. Well, it will be different this time because this time I don't give a tiny little rat's a** about what she thinks. We're doing what we want to do and that's it.
I am so bored at work....I really need to charge up my kindle and start another book.

We havent bought any diapers or formula like we had planned but we did buy playtex fillers and the baby bullet thingy..trying to make our own food this time around

kind of freaking out because my list of things to buy is getting longer...yikes
I made a lot of Maisie's food in the food processor (I have a pretty awesome one) and it worked really well. But I'm poor so I get WIC and they gave us way more jarred food than she was eating and I got lazy. I did find that Beechnut has a lot fewer fillers/additives than Gerber, so went with that (since WIC really only gave me the option of those 2). Toward the end I just started buying all applesauce and bananas because I figured I could use it in baking. :haha: We still have several jars of bananas. I should make banana bread. :haha:

(I know, Cris. I know) So, I got a call for a job interview for a job I applied for 5 MONTHS ago. I had no idea what the job was even about when the guy called and he told me wrong so I told him I wasn't interested. :dohh: I went and looked up the posting and it turns out I AM interested so I had to call back. He was so confused, bless his heart. He finally went and got confirmation about which job I was being considered for. Apparently they're hiring 3 different HR positions. Interview is next Tuesday. I'm not really nervous about the interview (yet) but I'm nervous about potentially having to resign and start a new job when I'm pregnant. I hate feeling really dishonest during the application/interview process but I know it's very much in my best interest not to disclose the pregnancy, especially since I'll only be 9.5 weeks along at the interview. Not sure how much I really want the job and it's at an agency that makes me nervous (I've heard some not great things about the HR department there). But it would be promotion and would have to be a raise for me to take it and it's closer to my house so there are a lot of positives involved as well. I know I don't meet their preferred experience, though, and they reposted the job several times (I applied for it the first time it was posted back in April) so they're obviously either settling on the applicants they have now or I don't have a chance and am serving as interview filler. :haha: I figured it won't hurt much to find out and it could be good. I hate to be disloyal to my current supervisor but she's really been rubbing me the wrong way lately especially after I heard she talked to my friend (who is the class & comp manager so it's appropriate) about giving me a promotion but no raise. :saywhat:
I do worry they're not prepared to pay me enough, though. When I applied for the job, I was at my old job. My salary is 20% higher now than I did when I applied (why am I still broke?! :haha:). And I'd expect a 15% raise. 10% at the very least. So, we'll see.

Well that was a ramble. :blush:
Hi ladies I hope you don't mind me postin here? I have made some other posts elsewhere but other people are just not like you guys!

I had the most awful night last night :cry: extremely vivid dreams about giving birth! I even dreamt that I was going to give birth to a cat at one point! I looked it up and it means feminine apparently, so was thinking maybe my little bean would of been a girl?

Im finding it very difficult actually, I'm going to try and ring the hospital today and see if I can bring my appointment forward, just don't think I can wait until tues!

Im sort of convincing myself that things could be ok! Which is stupid I know, but I've still got all my symptoms and I'm still getting bigger! My friend couldn't believe the size of me yesterday! I just don't get it! :cry:

Sorry for putting a downer on this happy thread, I feel a bit strange now, like I kinda shouldn't be here anymore? Sorry guys x x x

I rang the hospital and they said they can't bring my appointment forward because they need two weeks to see if there was any growth! Now I'm even more confused as when I left there last week they basically said I was going to miscarry and there was no hope for baby! Wtf??

You know I will be so glad when tues comes to know for sure exactly where I stand! I just want this over with now, I can't cope!:cry: x

I rang the hospital and they said they can't bring my appointment forward because they need two weeks to see if there was any growth! Now I'm even more confused as when I left there last week they basically said I was going to miscarry and there was no hope for baby! Wtf??

You know I will be so glad when tues comes to know for sure exactly where I stand! I just want this over with now, I can't cope!:cry: x

I am so sorry:hugs:, you my dear are in my thoughts and prayers..I wish you the best.
Nats- I promise you that we don't mind that you stay with us... When you don't post I miss you and wonder how you are. Have you had any cramping or blood or anything? I think you should hang on to hope for as long as you can.
Nats -- :hugs: I agree with Cris -- I'd miss you if you stopped posting here.
So I am a nut I realize this....I made a list of all the stuff I need to buy and broke it up into months. So every month I buy a few of the items. I got it so that its about $250 a month for a total of under $1500 I will be spending to get ready. That sounds like a lot but it does include a nice supply of diaper and formula. Im still nervous abot having to buy $250 worth of stuff for the next 6 months though! eeekk!

but i feel better that i know what i need to get
Nats - All members of this group are welcome to post no matter where they are in their cycle, whether that is pregnant, fertile, postpartum, menopausal, etc! I hope that all the lovely ladies that contribute regularly to this thread don't just up and leave once they have their babies, and you certainly shouldn't leave us if what you're going through turns out to be a loss. I think that we've all bonded and even though the group may become less active after some of the LO's are born, that doesn't mean that anyone should feel out of place or like they shouldn't be posting. We love hearing from you and get worried when you go missing!

Wishin - After I registered, I added up everything I had registered for (in the strange event that we'd get NOTHING off the registry - but hey, it does happen) and it was about $1500 as well. I'm going to wait until after my shower to buy anything that I'm registered for, though, which is October 6th. Oh and by the way, Target is having a great deal on diapers if you have one near you. I bought 2 jumbo size packs yesterday online (free shipping over $50) for $90, but then they also give you a $20 gift card, so we ended up getting 522 diapers (one box of Huggies sz 2, one box of Pampers sz 1) for $70. Not bad from what I have seen!

EEEEEeeeee squash!!!!! What a lovely squash you are!!!!

Thanks for the tip on the diapers checking it out right now!! According to this months plan I am supposed to buy 2 packs!

Now I feel stupid that mine is 1500...but really one order of formula is $153 adn i think i have 3 or 4 orders in my little plan....Granted I am going off the amount we used on DS who was ALWAYS hungry and eating 8+oz at lie 2 weeks but Id rather be over prepared!
Linz- I stalked your registry (hope you dont mind) and I just have one tip I want to give you sorry for the unsolicited advice. I have found that butt paste works a lot better than desitin...just sharing didnt know if you had ever heard of buttpaste as a FTM I hadnt!
Well my list didn't include any diapers or formula, so don't go thinking you have as much stuff to buy as me! Also, remember that I got a TON of hand-me-downs so it's almost like I'm shopping for a second child rather than a first.

Most of my registry is made up of: bottles and bottle feeding accessories, swaddles, linens, stroller, car seat, baby toiletries, baby carrier, breast pump, and sleep sacks. I didn't really register for any toys or clothes since I figure BTDT moms will be better at picking them than I would! I'll just be thankful for anything that people get me. Do you think you'll have a shower for your 2nd?
LOL!!! No, go right ahead and stalk! I'm all for advice from BTDT moms! I have heard of Butt Paste! I'll check to see if Target stocks it!

Oh and the dragon humidifier went with our baby dragon theme so I figured, why not? LOL!!
Hmmm all they have is something called "Boudreaux's Paste - Butt Paste." Is that the same thing or something different?
Nats - exactly what Linz said. You totally belong here and you can post whatever you like whenever you like. We're all thinking of you lots.

AFM - off to hospital tomorrow, so keep everything crossed. If they do keep me in and baby does have to come out I'll post it on Facebook, so those of you on there can you share it with the others?
Good luck giraffes!!! Will be stalking your fb page until we hear from you! We'll definitely keep everyone apprised of your condition if they decide to keep you. Good luck!!!
Giraffes -- Thinking of you tomorrow!

My friend who is due 9 days after me and is going through something similiar to Nats (except she also had 3 weeks of bleeding which has now stopped) has her follow up ultrasound tomorrow. I'm so nervous for her. I really, really, really want everything to be okay for her (and for you, Nats!).

Cris/Linz -- The best place I've found for diapers is, believe it or not, CVS! Sometimes Rite-Aid, but CVS seems to have good deals more often. You have to kind of get into couponing and using their "Extra Bucks," though, which may be too much work for some who aren't as cheap as I am. :haha: Even with her wearing size 3 and 4s now, I never pay more than 14 cents per diaper and usually much, much, much less (around 10 cents/diaper usually).
And after many diaper trials, Pampers and Huggies are all I buy now, so that's the price for those. I've yet to find a generic that works for Maisie :dohh: And I know some people like Luvs but they can really suck my butt. :haha: Ugh, they were the worst of all the diapers we've tried (including the Dollar General brand someone gave me at my work shower and I was unable to return!). I ended up returning 2 of the 3 packs of Luvs I bought.

I will say that one time Rite-Aid PAID ME 64 cents to take 4 jumbo packs of Pampers Sensitive diapers. That was nearly the most awesome thing to ever happen to me. I rode that high for days. :rofl: Yes, pitiful.

We cloth diaper all the time except overnight or when traveling, so a jumbo pack of diapers generally lasts us a month. I'm about to start buying newborn & size 1 diapers because I'm hoping by the time we get through our current 6 pack stash with Maisie, we can think about potty training (she'll only be 19 months so that's pretty wishful thinking, I know). The cloth dipes just aren't great on teeny babies so we'll probably go through a ton of disposables the first couple of weeks.
Thank you all so much, u have all made me feel very welcome and wanted. I love you all :hugs:

Giraffes I'm so sorry for what ur going thru, I am thinking of you. I don't have you on face book do I? I'm under Nat anddave please add me so I can keep updated. Anyone else who is on this thread and fancies adding me please do so, I do share my account with hubby though so its quite possible he would read anything personal, not on purpose but just because we share, although he knows about each and every one of you guys anyway, he's great and very supportive but just thought I'd let u know.

Thanks again all of you, good luck giraffes x x x x

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