I've got my anti-witch spray!

Nats - how was your ultrasound yesterday? Hope it went ok :flower:

Hi G, well actually it went great thank you :thumbup: They sent me because they thought i might have problems with my bladder or more cysts on my ovaries, nothing to do with fertility, but................. the lady told me that me right ovary was looking ripe and ready to release an egg! so that was great news for me at least i know it's definately happening, i just got to get my timing right now with the bding! which is where my problem lies lately!!
Last month me and oh were arguing at fertile time and this month oh has been to ill to even think about bding! so hoping next month will be the month!!
Also found nothing else wrong on ultrasound so i got to have a laparoscopy done now cause there thinking the endometreosis is back!!
Thanks for asking giraffes, :hugs: xxx
Well ladies, still had a -opk this morning which I had hoped it would be pos this morning. Doesn't it usually go pos a couple days before? Then of course last night DH knew I was hoping for BD but when he came to bed he was exhausted and told me he didn't want me to get my hopes up for anything since he was so tired. I explained to him that I didn't expect a half an hour session or anything, but I'd rather just a quickie for procreation sake than nothing. So of course he tried and obviously was feeling the pressure and was almost unable to perform but eventually did.

I hate it because at this time of the month I really don't care about how long the performance is, but I know it makes him feel like less of a man when he can't and he told me he has trouble when he knows he has to. I totally understand, but I don't know of a better way of going about it. I've been leaving it up to trying to hint to him when I'm in the mood during my fertile time, but we've been really bad on timing and so this month I'm trying to clue him in by straight out telling him and now he's having pressure to perform issues. He doesn't think the pills I've been feeding him are helping all that much either.

So then this morning I guess he wanted to prove he could and woke me up for it again before he left for work but felt pressured again and this time couldn't. Which is fine, I don't have a + opk yet so we don't need to be BD'ng every day at this point. I just feel bad for pressuring him and he's trying too hard and over thinking it. Maybe I will get a + opk tomorrow and he'll be in a better mood about it.

It's kind of like a catch 22 where if I don't say anything we miss the window, and if I do say something he's under too much pressure to finish.
OMG, so excited! I think I just got my first + opk! I took a CB digi this morning and it was negative, and so just for the heck of it, I decided to take my afternoon cheapie a little early since I'm bored at home and voila! Two bright red lines! I guess the digi must have missed the surge this morning! SO glad that DH and I were able to BD last night! Hope I can get him to do it once more btween now and when the eggie drops... I'll have to use all my womanly charm... he's been texting me all day from work saying what a bad mood he's in and how he wishes he didn't have to work today. :(

PS I posted a pic in the OPK forums in case any of you want to have a weigh in on whether it's a true pos or not.
I love our little group and thanks for not thinking Im a horrible person by feeling kinda bummed about other bfps.

Linz- Yay on +OPK! Maybe try something sexy on for hubby tonight, and pretend you are doing it to 'cheer' him up after a tough day at work...maybe if he thinks you are doing it for that and doesnt know u got your + then he wont feel pressured. GOOD LUCK!!!

AFM- was feeling bummed because a coworker told me her and her dh were going to try to conceive and of course she got preggo first cycle off bc. then a friend I havent seen in ages called me last night to tell me shes due in july. and today i took my son to a bday party and a lot of the other moms were either pregnant with #2 or had newborns/infants. it was hard to smile. I am going to change my attitude though because as much I want to give my lil boy a sibling I am just grateful I have him..hes such a blessing. I know how tough it is for those of you ttc#1 and im sorry for being so insensitive earlier about it. Love u girls and I cant wait to see all our bfps this month!
Btw I think we should def stick together! I like our little group!
I'm really upset and need to get it off my chest and i feel like some of you ladies have become my friends and i just want to share this with you and hear your honest opinions?

Today i was basically told that i'm not entitled to want another baby or feel sad that i haven't got my bfp yet because i've got 3 children already and there are some people who have been told they will never have children ( she isn't one of them btw, she has 2 children and doesn't want anymore)

Now i'm sorry if this offends anyone :blush: i have got 3 beautiful children and i am so grateful and thank god for them every single day.
But that doesn't stop me wanting another baby, and my want for my 4th baby is as great as it was for my 1st.

It took me over a year to conceive my first, my second happened on my first cycle of ttc, my 3rd pregnancy took 3 months to conceive and i miscarried at 6.5 weeks, 3 months later i was pregnant again this time i miscarried at 7.5 weeks and again 3 months after that i was pregnant again and yet again miscarried at 7 weeks, then i conceived my third child who is now 10.5 months old who is a bouncing bundle of joy!
back in october i had a chemical pregnancy and now here i am ttc number 4, I realise how extreemly lucky i am to have 3 children, and my heart is filled with empathy for those who are ttc number 1,

Am i not entitled to have another baby?? maybe i am being selfish and insensitive but this has really upset me and i just wanted to hear what u guy's thought? be honest ladies and again i am sorry if this has offended anyone it really wasn't my intention xxxx
i feel for you hun, i feel like a bit of a sexual predator with my oh atm and he is to feeling the pressure! thats probably why we argued last month and why he's ill this month,
maybe you could try romancing ur oh a little??? run him a bath with candles, give him a nice massage to relax him and get him in the mood then pounce! :haha: anythings worth a try lol gl xxx
Nats, I am one of those ppl who is ttc #1. And no, I don't get offended by you feeling gutted when you don't get a BFP! Although I do consider you to be extremely lucky to already have been blessed with 3 bundles of joy, it doesn't make ttc #4 any easier, I'm sure. We all go through the same heart ache at the end of an unsuccessful month whether we're ttc #1 or #15. I am 1 of 2 kids, but my cousins are 4 kids to that family. Who can say what the right size family is for anyone? Do you take care of your kids? Do you love them? Are you the best mommy you can be? I'm sure the answer to all those questions is yes. Only if you answer no to them can your intentions be questioned.

Just like I don't criticize how other people spend their money, raise their kids, or their reasons for marrying or staying with their spouses, it's really none of her business.

Feel free to share all your aches and moans, triumphs and tribulations with us always. We are all different ages, places, family types, etc. And we are all here to support each other no matter what. Take solace in the fact that you have not offended anyone. This is just as important to you as it is anyone else ttc, and that's what matters.

Thank you for your response, i am currently in floods of tears!!
Yes is the answer to those questions, i love my children more than i ever realised would be possible, i do take care of them and i always try to be the best mum i can be, i have made mistakes and i'm not perfect but i always do my best to be the best i can xxx :hugs:
nats, did someone actually say that in person or online? bang out of order, you know when you feel complete and of course you have every right to ttc and feel dissapointment. Follow your heart xx
nats, did someone actually say that in person or online? bang out of order, you know when you feel complete and of course you have every right to ttc and feel dissapointment. Follow your heart xx

In person to my face! because i was telling another friend that ttc was taking over my life and i was becoming a little obsessive! i was really upset at the time anyway because i got quite alot of other stuff going on right now, and then she sort of opened up this tirade of what i would call abuse! She's my friends friend not mine, i just left and then cried all the way home lol, i feel better now though, thanks for your reply gemmy xxx :hugs:
Couldn't have said it better myself Linz! I am also one that is ttc #1 but I think it would be just as hard to want something so badly and struggle to get it! No one has the right to judge anyone for anything in another's life! That's what I love about our group of girls! Like Linz said it doesn't matter what walk of life you are in, money, etc. What makes us unique is we are all ttc and everyone's voice is heard here. We're here to listen, vent, give advice, and just support one another!!

I'm so glad I met you women! It makes each day that much easier!

Aww nats, what that person said was really awful. As someone who is TTC #2, I do not think that I hurt any less when I get the BFN each month. I feel the same void and yearning for a baby as any other woman TTC regardless of whether she has one already or not. I agree with everything that Linz said. I hope you feel better and you should dismiss those insensitive and in my opinion, ignorant comments. *hugs*
Linz - thank you for the advice with regards to my friend. I think that's really sensible and next time she makes me want to cry, I may well do that. I know everything makes her cry too at the moment so maybe we can both have a blub and then move on!

Nats - sorry to hear they think your endo might be back, at least that might be an explanation for why you're not conceiving. Have you had a lap before? I reckon the gasssy pain afterwards is the worst part! And as the others have said (I'm on of the TTC #1 camp) you have just as much right to find it difficult and she was very heartless to say such a thing. We're all here for you and wouldn never dream of thinking such a thing. Big hugs :flower:

As for me - hubby turned round to me yesterday morning to ask was I sure I wasn't pregnant!! I'm still spotting and I'd mentioned that I reckoned my ultrasound was going to show a cyst or something. He was very casual about it but was like, no I think it'll show you're pregnant (he is a doctor so I do give some weight to his opinion!) Anyway, so despite the reallllly low odds, I got my hopes up again last night and had the most beautiful dream about a little boy running across a playground into my arms calling mummy. It was so nice, and I woke up with a fuzzy feeling so if I am (I know it's unlikely) then I'll be convinced it's a boy!! I'm hoping I get a nice sonographer who doesn't think I'm nuts :)
Good morning everyone!

I am on cd9 so even though I dont expect to O for another week I am going to start testing just to make sure I dont miss anything. Gonna try to get DH to bd every other day until + so we will being today...not telling him my plan though just gonna try to entice him into it hehe wish me luck! he has been quite moody and tired lately.

Linz- howd it go with DH?
Nats- as one of the ones ttc#2 I sometimes feel bad to be whinning about the struggles I am having with ttc because I already got one and I know so many women on here have been trying for #1 for so long. But as you said it doesnt make the sadness, and want any less when you want more. I do think I hurt just as badly when I see that BFN. I love my baby boy but I really really am ready for another one and I am just as frustrated as everyone else. So that lady that said that to you is a complete b$%@ and you should ignore her. She sounds compeltely ignorant. **hugs**
Wishin - good luck with the seduction!!!
Nats - Nobody has said anything to me and the few friends that know i am ttc have been really supportive but i have to admit that i have been feeling awkward on here having been blessed with my 3 and ladies struggling for 1. Before you said anything i was going to write on here whether you ladies wanted me to go elsewhere as i didnt want to upset anybody. But as you all have said it doesnt make the two week wait any less crazy (something that i cant really admit to any of my friends or my dh) or a bfn any less hurtful.

You are all such a nice group of ladies that have inadvertantly made me feel welcome so thank you all.

Giraffes - good luck with your ultrasound.

Looks like we have a busy week of bding ahead. unfortunately my dh has had to go off to work but we did manage to sneak out of the house under the pretence of getting wood before he left just incase i O early. (opks havent arrived yet) Felt like a pair of teenagers but thankfully didnt have to go back and face my parents after :) If it doesnt work this month he has offered to drive home midweek next month when i get + from opks. thought it was very sweet of him as its a long drive and would mean him leaving at some unearthly hour in morning. Hopefully he wont need to!!!
Wishn - Good luck with DH! I did end up getting our timing down this month by just relaxing and telling DH that it was fine either way whether we did bd or not. Then I invited him to take a nap with me since I know how our sunday naps usually end up. ;)

Either way my right side has been twinging a lot this afternoon, so I know it's only a matter of time. Probably tonight or tomorrow morning, and then I'll be back in the tww. If it can hold off till tomorrow, then my willing my body to ovulate on CD 14 (Jan 9th) will be a success!

Hope everyone is hanging in there.
Hello Ladies, Sorry been MIA just alot going on..to start I hope all is doing good.

As for me I went friday for my follicle scan and everything looked good. I was worried that my lining would be to thin due to being on clomid but it looked great, I had 1 on the right and 3 on the left so I am scheduled tomorrow for my last IUI, with all fingers crossed and lots of prayer this will be my month but if not then I will be making an appt. for the HSG test and then go from there,including, taking a few months off to get the money saved up, considering what I'm paying out now I don't even want to think about how much IVF is going to cost ..I have been a basket case since then, we have been trying for so long, it just feels like a never ending roller coaster ride.
Well enough about me, how is everyone else doing and what CD are you? I am CD13 and tomorrow I will be heading into the loooooong TWW..
wishing you all the best with lots of love, :hugs:, prayer and :dust:

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