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I've got my anti-witch spray!

Giraffes, I'm so happy things are looking up for you! You'll have to keep us up to date once again! I know what you mean about DH and unhelpful comments. Mine likes to tell me there's no way I could be pregnant each month. He thinks he's being helpful by not getting my hopes up so they don't get crashed if I'm not, but seriously... when I say something like "I'm having cramps 6 days before my period and that's just not normal" and the automatic response it "Well you're not pregnant", it hurts!
Back from the doctor's and the colposcopy is over. Dr. said that so far the cells have just come back atypical but it's been going on for over a year now and is in the "transitional zone" on my cervix, which I'm not sure what that means but it's not a great thing.

I reminded her that these procedures always make me bleed a lot and after she was done she decided to order some bloodwork to test my clotting ability. She says that if there was a slight problem that could be why I have especially heavy periods and why I seem to bleed excessively for small cuts (can you say cutting an apple left me with a soaked paper towel/bandaid for 30 minutes? Yeah...).

So anyway, not sure when I will get the results back for the blood work back, but they said the colposcopy results will be about two weeks. Right around the time AF will be here or not be here. I could go double good news or double bad news or one of both. I'm going to hope for double good! Hope you ladies are having a fabulous day. Anyone almost in their tww?
Back from the doctor's and the colposcopy is over. Dr. said that so far the cells have just come back atypical but it's been going on for over a year now and is in the "transitional zone" on my cervix, which I'm not sure what that means but it's not a great thing.

I reminded her that these procedures always make me bleed a lot and after she was done she decided to order some bloodwork to test my clotting ability. She says that if there was a slight problem that could be why I have especially heavy periods and why I seem to bleed excessively for small cuts (can you say cutting an apple left me with a soaked paper towel/bandaid for 30 minutes? Yeah...).

So anyway, not sure when I will get the results back for the blood work back, but they said the colposcopy results will be about two weeks. Right around the time AF will be here or not be here. I could go double good news or double bad news or one of both. I'm going to hope for double good! Hope you ladies are having a fabulous day. Anyone almost in their tww?

Well I hope you are one step closer to some peace! I woke up this morning and had more creamy/slimy cm. What was strange was about 30 minutes after checking I had a gush of bright red blood. Not a lot but enough to think oh my is my period starting again. After about 1 hour of having a tampon in I had an "a-ha" moment. I must have slightly cut myself checking this morning because I haven't had a speck of blood since.

I had another negative OPK this morning but my cm is never like it is this early on so I'm hoping that I ovulate earlier this month because of the clomid. I guess we'll see soon.

You'll be sad to find out I totally forgot to temp this morning. I set my alarm for a time I could wake up and temp every morning but when I woke up I was already up before I realized I had forgot! AH crapola!!!

I guess I'll start tomorrow, but I doubt it will really pay to start this late.
Haley, idk about you, but I start getting slimy cm about 5 days before I ovulate. I get 2 days of that, and then 3 days of EWCM. On the day it's most abundant it's usually the same day I ovulate. ALSO, don't give up on temping!! It's like quitting smoking. Ok, so you messed up once. Should you not try at all?? NO!

My first month temping I started at 4 dpo and I still found it helpful in determining when AF was coming!
Ok strange question for y'all but have any of you heard of passing a mucus Plug after ovulation? The last two months I have had what I though was just LARGE ewcm, but after seeing what a mucus plug looks like I am thinking that is what it has been. I read that a small percentage of women pass a mucus plug after ovulation when the cervix closes. So am I starting to BD at the wrong time? Maybe I am missing the whole fertile window all together. The last two months I've had this plug/mucus the day after I had a positive OPK. So when I thought I was most fertile maybe I really wasn't and the window had already passed! Maybe I am ovulating earlier than the lh surge??

Ok strange question for y'all but have any of you heard of passing a mucus Plug after ovulation? The last two months I have had what I though was just LARGE ewcm, but after seeing what a mucus plug looks like I am thinking that is what it has been. I read that a small percentage of women pass a mucus plug after ovulation when the cervix closes. So am I starting to BD at the wrong time? Maybe I am missing the whole fertile window all together. The last two months I've had this plug/mucus the day after I had a positive OPK. So when I thought I was most fertile maybe I really wasn't and the window had already passed! Maybe I am ovulating earlier than the lh surge??


Hi Haley - I have never heard anything like that. I do know that on the day I ovulate that sometimes I can have REALLY abundant cm. Also, the day after the OPK turns positive is usually the day of ovulation, not the first +, unless you are only catching it at the tail end. HOWEVER, that being said, the day before your OPK turns positive is the best time to be BDing anyway, so don't wait till it turns + to start. You should already be starting before then.
Ok strange question for y'all but have any of you heard of passing a mucus Plug after ovulation? The last two months I have had what I though was just LARGE ewcm, but after seeing what a mucus plug looks like I am thinking that is what it has been. I read that a small percentage of women pass a mucus plug after ovulation when the cervix closes. So am I starting to BD at the wrong time? Maybe I am missing the whole fertile window all together. The last two months I've had this plug/mucus the day after I had a positive OPK. So when I thought I was most fertile maybe I really wasn't and the window had already passed! Maybe I am ovulating earlier than the lh surge??


Hi Haley - I have never heard anything like that. I do know that on the day I ovulate that sometimes I can have REALLY abundant cm. Also, the day after the OPK turns positive is usually the day of ovulation, not the first +, unless you are only catching it at the tail end. HOWEVER, that being said, the day before your OPK turns positive is the best time to be BDing anyway, so don't wait till it turns + to start. You should already be starting before then.

I definitely start trying before it turns positive, I'm just wondering if I maybe should start trying even earlier... My friend reccommended that I start at cd 7. Last month I didn't start trying until day 11 and I had positive OPK day 12. I would have started sooner but DHs work schedule sometimes takes him on the road which makes ttc a little more challenging :)
I asked my GYN today about timing and frequency and if every day or every other day was better/worse and she said that every other day around your fertile time was perfectly adequate. If we know that it's pretty much impossible to get pregnant more than 5 days out, what we're talking about is something like 2-3 times max should be sufficiently covered. If you're not ovulating until day 13 or 14, day 7 seems awfully early. If you ovulate on cd 13, then the earliest I'd bother trying is 5 days before, or CD 8, but I'd probably go for CD 9 instead.
Linz - fingers crossed for double positive test results. And good to know they're checking your bloods out too.

Haley - no ideas really, but earlier BD can't do any harm!!
Hi Ladies, well I went and had my last IUI so today puts me at 3dpiui..and this week has been a week from hell for me hoping that it gets better....any who I hope all you lovely ladies are doing the best...:hugs:
Hi first- Hope things get better for you :( Is dpiui the same as dpo? I know what iui is, but I'm not sure how it relates to ovulation timing.

I'm 5 dpo today. Nothing really going on here. I swear the first week of the tww is the easiest since you really can't SS. Just wait till you're past the implantation window...

How's everyone else getting on?
Hi first- Hope things get better for you :( Is dpiui the same as dpo? I know what iui is, but I'm not sure how it relates to ovulation timing.

I'm 5 dpo today. Nothing really going on here. I swear the first week of the tww is the easiest since you really can't SS. Just wait till you're past the implantation window...

How's everyone else getting on?

Definately easier at the beginning of 2ww, and you have real hope. I hope this is your month! This second week of 2ww has been miserable. I'm loosing all my hope now. My spotting looks like AF is coming. She normally spots on 12/13dpo and AF kicks in 14dpo but she started spotting on 9dpo this time so really threw me. Still spotting now at 11dpo but think AF will kick in soon.

I hope all you ladies have better luck. :dust:
gemmy - hang in there. no witch yet.

I'm on 4dpo and playing the waiting game. feels like forever already. wish it wasnt too early to symptom spot cause i can spot a few. crazy.

Hope everybody else is doing fine. :dust: and fx'd for all
gemmy - hang in there. no witch yet.

I'm on 4dpo and playing the waiting game. feels like forever already. wish it wasnt too early to symptom spot cause i can spot a few. crazy.

Hope everybody else is doing fine. :dust: and fx'd for all

Thanks leia but she is here for sure :(

That anti-witch spray is still not working my end and she is mega heavy and early after all that spotting. :( Think she is getting me back after a couple of light months.

Onwards and upwards, I'm not ment to have a September baby....maybe an October one....?

Good luck to you. I was certainly thinking I felt a lot at 4dpo! It was hard not to symptom spot! Your wait will soon fly past and hope you get a bfp!

Hope all you ladies get your positives :dust:
Hello All, I hope that everyone is doing well....I am doing alot better.:) for the most part.

Thank you all for listening it's good to have someone to talk to that understands....I will be back on later to check in with you lovely ladies it basketball time...
Hi everyone, I havent been able to post but I have been reading the posts on my phone.

Tuesday night hubby's abdominal pain that he has been dealing with for a few weeks now got severly worse and we ended up in the ER. He was admitted into the hospital through the ER and eventually got his gallbladder removed. We came home yesterday and I am exhausted. At one point I went 30+hours with no sleep. Hes healing up really well and I hope that he gets back to 100% soon.

Unfortunately I got my +OPK yesterday and obviously there will be no BD anytime soon. So we are out this month....Im pretty bummed but jist thankful to have my husband here with me

Hows everyone getting along?
ps- I got my ff account set up and bought my bbt thermometer but the first morning I was going to start was the morning we were at the ER so havent started yet...Ill prob start monday even though its too late for this cycle Ill have a start.
Wishin, my god it sounds like you've had a trying couple of days! How awful for DH, but it's good that you guys caught it in time for surgery. :( Hope he is feeling better soon. The first month I started temping was after ovulation, but it was still helpful to see how it worked. Consider it a "dry" run before the real deal next month if you will. The first month I temped my readings were all over the place since I wasn't setting an alarm and it took a cycle or two to figure out what worked for me.

AFM - 6 dpo and a temp spike this morning, however my alarm didn't go off this morning and so it was 30 minutes later than my normal time. It's a big spike for only 30 minutes, but this is what I mean when I say when you really have to be diligent about it being the same time every day or else the readings really don't mean much. I'm sure tomorrow they will go down (if they don't I'll be shocked). Only things I've been feeling are pressure, bloating, and cramping, all which can be attributed to me healing after the colposcopy, so I'm not really bothering to SS until it's been at least a week since the procedure.
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