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I've got my anti-witch spray!

Peachy - I missed your announcement too! Congratulations!! A happy and healthy nine months to you xxx
Peachy!!! where the heck did you announce it! lol I missed it too!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
Since I am out this cycle I have already started thinking about a possible conception in February...that would mean another November baby...my son and my DH are both Scorpios...(Nov) so maybe my house is just supposed to be filled with Scorpios....hahaha

OMG TTC makes oyu crazy...true story!
According to my horoscope Scorpios and I make very good lovers but make for terrible relationships... and after dating 4 Scorpios in a row, I can confirm that is true!! Two of them together, though... YIKES! ;) I married a Taurus, and he is stubborn as a bull for sure (so am I, I'm an Aries!). I was really hoping for a Virgo, but that's passed me by. Another I'd really like is a Sagittarius (late Nov/early Dec) since I just love every Sagittarius I've ever met. If this month works out it'll be Libra, which I must admit I know nothing about.

As far as symptoms go, I was feeling really positive last night. My BBs were RAGING sore, had some mild on/off nausea, headache all day, and been super bloated for the last few days as well. Then this morning I woke up to a slightly lower temp (No! Go the other way!!) and my face completely broken out. UGH. Sounds like early PMS symptoms to me. I'm 9 dpo today. Will be testing tomorrow AM. Not feeling too hopeful anymore, but we'll see.
Linz- dont give up until the witch shows! Im not even in this month but I am on here cheering you all on! We need a BFP!!!

Scorpios and Pisces get along well from what I have read but scorpios have quite the attitude...as demonstrated by my dh and ds...wouldt mind another one...especially if this means that my ttc journeywould end ...argh I dont think I can take the mental stress of ttc anymore its driving me bonkers and with everything else going on in my life ...well..feeling a bit hopeless.

How is everyone else doing? where are you all in your cycles?
Linz - fingers crossed for you tomorrow.

Had really cruel dream last night, in dream was going to toilet and noticed spotting in my knickers. It was okay because i knew it was implantation bleeding and that i was pregnant. I was so happy. The dream was so real that when i woke up for a few minutes i actually thought i was :(

I am 7dpo and other than really sore boobs - which i never get but dont think they count as have had since ovulation so dont think they count - have no real symptons although still early. Want to try and resist testing till after the weekend but betting i dont make it past 10dpo (fri)
Wishn - I'm trying really hard not to give up! It's terrible because I'm the first one to demand that others don't give up, yet I do it myself when I don't see my chart doing what I want it to. On the other hand, some months I've been for sure positive that my chart was telling me I was pregnant only to have it nosedive right at the end and my lovely friend AF show up sooo...

leia - hopefully the dream is a good sign! I hate dreams that are exceptionally good and real only to find out they're not... it's a terrible way to start a day! I hear that dreams are more realistic and vivid in pregnancy, though (even early) so I'm hoping this means good things for you!

I've been having strange dreams too the last couple nights... about goldfish... this morning about baking bread... I looked them up and they're all related to money and success. Today I spoke to my manager and he said my promotion was signed by the president of the company this morning. I'm now an Accounting Manager! So I do believe that dreams can tell you things!
Linz, congratulations on the promotion! You are still in until AF shows so hopefully you will get a BFP. 10 dpo is very early so hope you do not get too disappointed if it shows an (initial) negative. keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Giraffes, thanks for the good wishes. I went from the miserable 2ww to the now very anxious 1st trimester. I was googling miscarriage rates earlier... really not a good thing to do because now I think I made myself more nervous. How is everything with you?

Wishnhoping, we are here for you when you want to vent. TTC definitely can be really stressful. My 6 months felt like an eternity and towards the end between timing, opks, preseed, SMEP I was really edgey. This forum has been a great place to share the journey. *hugs* Hope you feel better.

Leia, I have my fingers crossed for you! Fairy dust your way : )
Linz - congratulations on the promotion, that's fab news. You can head off on your honeymoon even more happy now!

Peachy - try not to worry (I know it's easier said than done) and enjoy it! Instead of googling miscarriages try googling prams or nursery paint choices :)

Leia - hope the dream comes true!
Peachy- ditto on what giraffes said...dont google the bad stuff! A positive attititude and happy thoughts is the best course of action right now! Bad thoughts are poison! Did you and DH discuss names?

Linz- congrats on the promotion! look at u!

I have a quesiton about temping...So I have very restless sleep. I wake up several times throughout the night...I had set my alarm for 6am but found that I have woke up several times before that happens...will my temps be accurate? not sure how that wil lwork
Wishin - I'm a total restless sleeper. I wore a device a few times that records how much you wake up and it told me I was waking between 12 and 14 times a night! As long as you are able to get back to sleep and don't get up or start drinking stuff, it should be fine. I would say if 20 minutes go by each time it may not be entirely accurate, but for instance, I woke up this morning at 5 am, looked at the clock, rolled over to go back to sleep, tossed and turned for what felt like quite awhile, then annoyed decided I was just going to take my temp since I couldn't sleep. Put the thermometer in my mouth and as soon as it started beeping my 6 am alarm went off. I must have dozed off sometime between 5 and 6 but it was restless and wake/sleep/wake/sleep. Expecting to see an affected temperature on the read out, I looked at it and it was .01 off from yesterday... so I think so long as you don't lie in bed for 30 minutes talking or moving around it'll be fine.

AFM today - BFN this morning. Told DH last night that I was having cramps and he asked why. My response was "I don't know, sometimes I get them and sometimes I don't." Then he started looking all googly eyed at me. Ugh! I don't want him to be disappointed if it's another no-go month! Can't wait to leave tomorrow so I can just forget about it for the rest of the tww!

How's everyone else getting on?
Linz- sorry about your bfn...as hard as it is try to forget about it and enjoy ur vacay! At least u get to have a few drinkity drinks right?

THanks for the info on temping...the bbt termometer i bought at walgreens is broken..so I have to go buy a new one :( ...its not reading at all
Linz - :hugs: early days yet. Have a fantastic honeymoon. relax :)
Congrats Linz on your promotion! That's awesome. This year is starting out fabulous for you. Honeymoon, promotion, now all we need is a BFP!!!!

You're still early so don't give up just yet.

AFM, I'm 1 dpo today. Still getting ewcm so we're still BDing every other night. So the dreaded tww begins! AHHHHH... HELP! lol

Hope that everyone is doing well. Did ya'll start a tww forum this cycle? Just curious. Didn't want to miss out :)

Linz - sorry to hear about the BFN, try not to think about it and have a fantastic honeymoon.

Haley - good luck with the 2ww!

AFM - I'm hoping you don't all disappear over to a 2ww thread (selfish I know ;)) as I am way out of sync with you all now.
I'm good staying here for the tww. I just didn't know if people did move somewhere :)
No one started a thread this month since we are all out of sync now! We can just stay here. I'm good with that! I'm not getting discouraged with a bfn since I know its early and I am having some interesting symptoms. Been having cramps since 8 dpo and SUPER sore boobs since yesterday (9 dpo). Also my skin has been breaking out like crazy since yesterday as well. While this is normally an af symptom, it usually shows up like a day or two before, not 7 days. So I'm still hopeful but not convinced. We shall see! Will hopefully come home wig good news for you ladies! Talk to you all next week!
Have a wonderful time Linz - looking forward to hearing all about it on your return :)

Hi everyone else- hows everyone doing? I am just anxiously awaiting next cycle which is like a mont haway...argh
Aww wishin, hang in there. Here's to hoping next cycle is the one for you. Dh and I are delayed 2 hours at the airport right now, so of course I'm killing time online at bnb! Just wanted to let you ladies know that I had a temp rise this morning despite taking it an hour early. Also I tested this morning at 12 dpo and while it appeared to be a bfn, something weird happened... I could see where the positive line comes up. Usually its super blank and I can't tell at all where the second line should be but this morning there was a clear outline within 5 minutes... Fxd this means something is brewing!

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