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I've got my anti-witch spray!

Wishin - so sorry to hear about your OH, glad to hear he's on the mend and hope this is the start of life improving for you now. Big hugs xxx
Sorry to hear about DH wishin! Hope he has a quick recovery!!

AFM, I had bad twinges, cramps all night last night! I was sure it was just wishful thinking to be ovulation. This morning I woke up to a great amount of ewcm. Still negative OPKs though. Kinda confusing because I've never had this amount of ewcm before a positive OPK. Hmmmm.. Since then I've tried taking 2 more OPKs and I keep getting error messages on my tester window. Ugggh! So I may have gotten a positive and didn't know! Thank goodness we have been BDing every other day and glad I started on cd 7!! Ok enough about me! How are y'all doing??
Haley - all that EWCM has to be good news :) Hopefully this will be the month for you au naturelle!

AFM - I'm still spotting (day 21 now, bleurgh) although it seems to be slowing down a bit. I've had some wierd cramps over the last couple of days and have been feeling queasy on and off. Nothing major, just periodically in waves. Which of course I've interpreted as being a good sign - seriously I'm nuts. Anyway, off to see the specialist tomorrow to see what she has to say. I guess if nothing else I'll get OH's SA results :) I'll keep you posted and try not to come home in such a mess as last week!!

Happy Sunday everyone xxx
Wishin - sorry to hear about your tough week. Hope your dh is feeling better.

Giraffes - Best of luck tomorrow, hope all goes well. Let us know how you got on.
Hello everyone!

So that was quite a positive trip to the specialist, who was great. Hubby's sperm count was perfect, so as suspected the problems are mine! All my tests were normal except for last cycle's progesterone, which shows that I didn't ovulate, which she says explains why I have had 3 weeks of bleeding and currently feel like crap. So just the HSG to go, then clomid if the tubes are clear or IVF if they're not. And it's only an 18 week wait for IVF if they are blocked so I may get a 2012 BFP :)

Hope you all had a good day G xx
Giraffes, sucks on the anovulatory cycle, but good news on the rest of the results! So if the tubes are not clear, is there not a clearing procedure they could do? Or do they just go straight to IVF?

AFM - I'm just hanging out... waiting for something to happen. No real symptoms, it's just business as usual over here. Only thing out of place was that I woke up this morning with a headache. I keep waiting for my temp to do something interesting, but for now it's just being normal. Oh and my BBs have been sore pretty much this whole tww, but I figure if it was there at 2 dpo, then it's not really a good indication of whether or not it's a symptom. Will probably do a test Weds (10 dpo) and then Thurs morning (11 dpo) before we leave. Then I'll be off on our trip so I won't be temping or testing till I get back. If by some miracle I make it back without AF in tow I'll be super excited to test, as she is due anywhere from Sun 1/22 - Tues 1/24 and we are coming home on Monday evening.

Not completely feeling it as I was earlier this month, but trying to stay positive this month. I know it's still early, but it just feels like once you get to 8+ dpo if you aren't seeing any signs that you want to automatically assume you are out.
Linz are you all set for your honeymoon? Excited?! I hope you have a fab time and bring back a bump...

I've had 5 previous abdominal surgeries, so my insides are a bit of a mess. So for me they would skip the laparoscopy that normal people get to unblock tubes and go straight to IVF. This would minimise any further risks to my GI system. But the HSG sometimes unblocks the tubes, so hopefully that could do the trick!
Hi ladies, hope your all ok been reading from my phone so not been posting but i'm back now lol.

Wishn - hope oh is feeling better at least he'll be fighting fit for next ovulation day?? :hugs: x

Giraffes - Fingers crossed for your hsg :hugs: x

Linz - not long till your honeymoon! i'm well jel!! Here's hoping you come home with a bfp!! :hugs: x

Hayley - Any luck with the opk's?? :hugs: x

Leia, Gemmy, First - How you all doing? hope your all good :hugs: x

Hope i didn't forget anyone?? xx
Hi ladies, hope your all ok been reading from my phone so not been posting but i'm back now lol.

Wishn - hope oh is feeling better at least he'll be fighting fit for next ovulation day?? :hugs: x

Giraffes - Fingers crossed for your hsg :hugs: x

Linz - not long till your honeymoon! i'm well jel!! Here's hoping you come home with a bfp!! :hugs: x

Hayley - Any luck with the opk's?? :hugs: x

Leia, Gemmy, First - How you all doing? hope your all good :hugs: x

Hope i didn't forget anyone?? xx

I couldn't get to the computer fast enough this morning. I got my + OPK this morning!!! I'm so excited! I swear its almost as exciting as seeing a positive preggo test! You wait for those long 2 minutes and it hits ya! I took a picture and sent it to the hubs! He obviously was not as excited as me but he has been so supportive this cycle. I haven't had to beg him to BD every other day. He has just known that it's going to happen. lol. It has made it much more enjoyable this cycle. I tried softcups last night for the first time. It was pretty easy. I thought for sure I would do it wrong and it would all leak out but I made it 4 hours before having to wake up and use the bathroom and at that point my curiosity was killing me so I removed it.

I need some advice though.. My doctor suggests only BDing every other day this cycle but I'm nervous about skipping tonight since we BD last night. I know most people BD everyday around ovulation and normally so do I for at least 3 days after I get a positive OPK. Do you think I should skip tonight like the doctor says and remain on the every other day BDing or should I go for it and BD these next 2 days in a row?? lol

I kinda look at you girls as my sisters and value your advice/opinions so please give me some input!

I can't wait to see how everyone turns out this month! We HAVE to get some BFPs! It's only fair since we didn't have a single one last month!!!

Fingers crossed for those testing soon, having tests run to get them one step closer to their BFP, and those prepping that uterus!!

AHHHHH!! HALEY! I'm so excited for you, too! When I got my +opk this month I felt ecstatic, too! I watched a youtube video from a q&A session with a FS and his recommendation was that your most fertile time is the day BEFORE an OPK goes +. So if your doctor is recommending every other day, you will probably ovulate tomorrow, meaning you can BD two days before ov and the day of. I think that will definitely cover it. I asked my OBGYN during my colposcopy if BD every day or every other day was better, and she said it didn't really matter and that every other day should be just fine. But according to that FS, you already hit the best day, so from here, it's all gravy. (ok that's kind of a gross saying when applying it to TTC... LOL... Eww.)
Haley - hurrah for the positive opk! I love seeing those smiley faces, it's the closest I've ever come to a bfp and I get so excited!! I personally would go for it tonight, and maybe skip tomorrow night. It's more important to have the sperm there ready for the egg, so BD pre-ovulation is better than after so if you get your positive today, you should ovulate tomorrow. Good luck!

On another note, I just want to say thanks to you all for your advice re my best friend. Linz - I took your advice and cried! Last week during my meltdown she called to say how sick she was and I just blubbed down the phone at her. This morning I had some very sweet messages about my appointment and I sent her a very long email about it when I got back. Long story short, we're great again and she's going to come with me from now on to my fertility appointments when hubby can't come. It was great talking to her about it and she was really sympathetic. I think we both now understand where the other person is and we can move forward as a team.

Nats - welcome back xx
Linz - clearly you type quicker than me, but at least our advice was similar!!
Thanks ladies. I think I agree with ya'll and will BD tonight and then go every other for the remainder of the week.

Giraffes, isn't it funny how us women work? I tell my hubby that all the time. We are such strange creatures lol
Giraffes - Glad u sorted things with ur friend :thumbup:

Haley - get in there lol :sex:
Linz- have my fingers crossed for you!!
Girrafes- Thats so exciting that you have a game plan set up...glad they figured out what the bleeding was all about!

AFM- I assume I Oed already...+OPK was on Friday and havent BD in over a week so uhm unless I have a miraculous conception....haha. Its amazing how all my pains and cramps that I have experienced during O time have been non existant this month...I guess when you are really looking for signs you pick up on everything!!!

Giraffes, so glad to hear you sorted things out with your gf. It will be so nice to have her with you at the fertility appointments if your dh cannot make it.

Haley, have fun gettin it on girl! I think the SMEP is a great plan when TTC. Good luck to ya.

Wishnhoping, sorry about thinking that you missed the timing. But you never know... one of the swimmers could have survived for 5 days? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM, first few weeks of pregnancy and already I am so tired. That being said, I am thrilled to finally have my BFP so definitely not complaining. Just wanted to say a big thanks to you ladies for your support while I was TTC. It can just get so stressful... *hugs to all*
Giraffes, so glad to hear you sorted things out with your gf. It will be so nice to have her with you at the fertility appointments if your dh cannot make it.

Haley, have fun gettin it on girl! I think the SMEP is a great plan when TTC. Good luck to ya.

Wishnhoping, sorry about thinking that you missed the timing. But you never know... one of the swimmers could have survived for 5 days? Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM, first few weeks of pregnancy and already I am so tired. That being said, I am thrilled to finally have my BFP so definitely not complaining. Just wanted to say a big thanks to you ladies for your support while I was TTC. It can just get so stressful... *hugs to all*

Peachy.. Did I miss the big announcement!??!???? That awesome! Congrats an wish the best for you!!! Yay :)
AFM, first few weeks of pregnancy and already I am so tired. That being said, I am thrilled to finally have my BFP so definitely not complaining. Just wanted to say a big thanks to you ladies for your support while I was TTC. It can just get so stressful... *hugs to all*

I missed announcement too. Congratulations to you. WOW. Have a happy and healthy 9 months x
Hey ladies glad you are all well :) And congrats to you peachy :)

I'm doing fine, currently waiting to ovulate, I know it will come around quick! I have started some temping this month "for fun" so see if that matches the opk. Also interested to know if I get another 11 day LP - I still don't understand why AF started early.

Got loads I should be doing today and tomorrow so should come off here but can't resist signing in :) :dust: for all you ladies :dust:
Wow congrats peachy!! :happydance: i also missed this anouncement! U should be shouting it out girly lol xx

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