I've got my anti-witch spray!

now my teeth are sensitive too...i went from no symptoms to a lot of symptoms in the last 2-3 days

sore gums (thought i burned my motuh on food or something)
bleeding gums
vivid dreams
**TMI** warning- wet feeling feel like I peed my pants
boobs extra sore todaybut so close to af it could be that
oh and now that i look at my ticker horrible back pain...almost stabbing like

gonna try to keep the pma until the ugly witch arrives
one more thing is that my face is glowing, like my skin has cleared up had horrible headache yesterday and just a sense of being at peace

lol sorry to go over board on the ss just trying to keep hope alive
you're not going overboard, symptoms are sounding great. gums bleeding was one of mine. here's hoping you have to rush out and buy another test in a few days cause af hasnt shown up. big hugs hon, keep up the pma xx
Wishin - your symptoms sound really great! Remember that so many women don't get anything, so I assume the only symptoms you might notice would be things that would go unnoticed by anyone who's not looking for it. I really hope this is it for you!

AFM - I don't even know what CD I am at this point nor am I even thinking about it anymore. I'm totally distancing myself from the entire process at this point. I'd like to keep checking in with you to see how you are getting on until either you get your BFP or the ugly witch shows, but after that, I think I am going to take a break from this board. I've found that not tracking these last few days and just really letting go has felt so good.

I don't want to feel like I'm abandoning anyone so I will check back and respond from time to time, but not participating in the posts on this website has really allowed me to pretty much forget about TTC altogether, which is what I'm going for this cycle. I have this inability to let go of controlling a situation fully, but I feel like that's what needs to happen for me to have a no stress cycle. I love all you ladies dearly and I don't want to say goodbye for good. I just want to keep a healthy arms reach distance so I can relax this month.

That being said, if anyone wants to keep in touch I'd like to offer up my facebook page to anyone who wants to friend me. I'll post it on here for a few days, but then I'm going to take the link down so I don't get a bunch of strangers 6 months from now perusing my page. I would love to keep in touch with you all, I just have to step away from here for a little while.


Linz I sent u a request! My name is Cris btw

I am chowing down on chocolate.... Another af symptom :( boooo
Ps no more weird sore gums or bleeding.... One cycle I actually brushed my teeth really hard to see if it would bleed and it didn't.... I am so crazy! Kinda ready to leave this ttc roller coaster behind!
Well ladies, it seems this thread is coming to an end! linz i'm not on face book, but dont forget me totally if u get any news please message me and let me know, and that goes for everyone else, i'll still check in to see any updates and i want to see those scan pics, first, giraffes and leia. Thanks all of you for being there and helping me from going even more insane the last few months, good luck wishn please keep us updated hoping for your bfp!
love you all take care ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I don't want our thread to die but it seems to be the case I wish we could have filled the first page :(

Got another bfn (of course I caved and got more tests!) at 13dpo I think it's safe to officially say I'm out. I'll be checking the thread every once in awhile for updates but won't be posting as often. Good luck to all the ladies chasing that bfp! You have all been amazing and I hope you all get what you want soon! Big hugs!

Nats- it's been a pleasure being on this journey with you good luck!

To our preggo ladies- enjoy your pregnancies and please update us every once in awhile I'll be checking for updates!
I am very sad that this thread seems to be coming to an end. Was hoping to see all you ladies through to your bfps. i did join a 1st trimester thread but its not the same and i dont feel the connection i felt to you all.

Please keep us updated as to how you all get on and if your status' change. I will keep an eye out for updates for all you NTNP ladies and the other pregnant girls and Haley if you still need TTC support when you are ready to return, will happily be here.

Wishin - i know you think you are out but i am still holding out hope for you so please update us.

AFM - have my scan on monday so will post piccy if i work out the techno stuff but will let you know how i get on anyway.

For all you NTNP i have a positive tale about my SIL. Her DH and her were TTC for years and went through 2 rounds of IVF (this is not the positive bit!!!). They had spent all theirs and their parents money so decided to end their journey and concluded they would not have any children. They went away on a holiday to recharge their batteries and came home pregnant!!! The lack of stress and the relaxation had allowed them to conceive naturally. They went on to conceive two more DS naturally after that too. All boys big strapping handsome teenagers now :) Moral being - hopefully the relaxing TTC for you all will have the same effect and you update us with your BFPs in the next few months.

Good luck to all you lovely ladies, wishing you all the happiness. hope to hear from you soon xxxxx
I would like to hang on the hope to but everything I was feeling before went away and now I have every single af symptom...so it is what it is...Ill prob start spotting tomorrow night and the witch will fly in on her broom saturday morning just in time to ruin my weekend

hugs to everyone.
Hi everyone, sorry to hear you've all been having such a rubbish time while we were on holiday. I completely understand the decisions you're making Linz, Wishin and Nats and wish you all the luck in the world that a magical miracle will happen for you at some point in the future.

Big hugs xxxxx
sorry the witch got you wishn x
Thanks giraffes, i'm not leaving just dont want to obsess this month so taking it as it comes, i'm moving house now as well so will be kept busy with that for the next few weeks, i still really want to hear all your news though so dont think i'm leaving you xxxx
Hello Ladies, wow!! I have missed alot.....Sorry I've been MIA, been really busy lately,tired, and some what of a cry baby..I don't sleep much as I can't seem to find a comfortable position..

I really hope that this isn't the end to this thread I really have enjoyed talking to you all, I have been on other thread and posted a few times just doesn't feel the same, so I hope that you all come and check in every once and a while...:hugs: to each one of you with the best of luck in all you do.
Wishin - big hugs hon, sorry witch showed up.

Hope everyone else is fine x

Went for scan today and happy to say saw little peanut with strong heartbeat :). Unfortunately the lady spoke very quick in portuguese so didnt understand much else but comparing to pictures on net of other 8/9 week scans, all looks good. I have to go back in a few days to collect pictures so will try and post then. Am on :cloud9: tonight :) x

First - i am having lots of trouble getting comfortable too and this is only the start :). As for crying, Toy Story 3 had me in tears yesterday :)
Awww girls thats so sexciting congrats on your scans!!!!

I still check in every once in awhile so glad to see you all still posting!


I dont know why I bother tracking symptoms every month is different....I had spotting 2 days prior to the witch's arrival and then it was really really heavy and 4 days long...usually i spot the night before and it starts full blown the following morning my periods are never too heavy and last 3 days so this one was kind of weird so im glad its over! i have never gone thorugh so many pads sheesh!
Leia - glad you saw baby! Maybe you could tape record the sonographer at the next scan and get someone to translate afterwards?

Wishin - sorry the witch was so horrible, you have my total sympathy, I used to get through so many I could have opened up a chemist!
thats a good idea giraffes. will do that next time. am hoping that when i pick up pics there will also be a report that i have to drop off at doctors (dont know if they post here or not) so then i can translate it myself on the computer. its a minefield here, so completely different to what i am used to in Britain. :)

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