I've got my anti-witch spray!

Sleep is hard enough as it is being the huge whale of a preggo I am, but Maisie is teething (thank goodness these are her last 4 teeth to complete the baby teeth set! What's not great is they're giving her this much trouble and are hardly even bulging yet) and sleeping horribly this week on top of it. :dohh:

Last night she woke me up at 3am to talk about crayons. No really, crayons. FOR AN HOUR. Also kitty cats.

And then, she screamed almost nonstop from 4-5.30am because her mouth was hurting (I'm assuming... it's also possible she was just pissed that I wouldn't let her get out of bed to go color at 4am after she had chatted with me about it for the last hour). That's the 2nd night in a row she's done something similar (though night before last was just straight to the screaming with no chatting about crayons and kitty cats beforehand). I'm a zombie today. So sleepy.
Hi ladies :wave:
Firstly I want to say a big thank you to cris, for your message on fb yesterday! That was such a nice thing to write it made me cry! I showed my oh and my mum an they both thought it was lovely as well, so thank you! Btw I told Henry and he said thank you to lol xx

So my baby is now two! I can't believe it he even looks more grown up today!

And finally, I had my results appointment today :thumbup: I am happy and optimistic about my future, in fact my rainbow is so close I can almost feel it!!
They said my thyroid levels were really bad so have upped my medication, also they said my nk cells were slightly raised, so have prescribed steroids! And also progesterone. So next bfp I get is going to be my rainbow! It's just got to be! So next cycle I am going all out to bd every opportunity I get! I will get pregnant!
Also ( I know this sounds a little silly on every level but....) my father in laws birthday was 4th December and if I get my bfp next cycle then the baby's due date would be 5th December, so could actually come on its grandads birthday which would just be so special, Henry has grandads middle name and the next one could have his birthday. My oh was very very close to his dad and has missed him dreadfully since he passed so this really would be amazing! Sorry I'm waffling :blush: so that's me! Xxxxxx
Lil - Let me know how sleep goes once Violet is here, I kind of want the exact same age gap as your two will be! Sorry that it sucks currently though :(

Nats - FANTASTIC! Oh hun, I am so positive for you! I can feel that your rainbow is close, too! I can't wait to see your BFP coming SOON! Yay!!
I go MIA and miss a birth. Big congratulations Haley, cant wait to see pics.
Wishin and Lil, cant believe you're at 34 weeks - so close, i was only 2 weeks off giving birth at your stage :)
Nats, it all sounds so positive, so pleased for you and know your sticky bean is just round the corner.

My facebook is Rachel Large or [email protected] , please friend me. Just as bad at posting pics there but do read daily. Might be easier to keep up with you especially with cris and julie dropping soon xx
I'm apparently facebook-inept. When someone else finds Leia, can you like suggest her as a friend for me like someone did with first? :haha:
Leia, if you're not a facebook moron like I am, my email is [email protected] - Julie M

Nats -- So excited for you!! What great news that you're getting support from your doctors.

Linz -- I'll let you know. All I know is how Maisie was so in my head it's going to be a complete nightmare. But I do have hope that Violet is less "spirited" (which I'm becoming more and more convinced every day "spirited" actually means possessed by demons) because she's so much less feisty in the womb. :shrug::haha:
Leia, I wasn't able to find you either. Do you have your facebook profile setting on private? If you do, people who aren't already friends with you won't be able to find your profile. Will you add me? My email is . Go ahead and laugh at the email, I've had it for 10+ years!!
Too exhausted to post but I am in Philly...have been since 5am (left my house 3am) Monday morning. Her fluids were low at her appointment so they finally decided it was time to induce. Since she had made little to no progress she was given cervadil yesterday and started pitocin today. She's finally 100% effaced and 5cm...baby is head down so td looking good. She hasn't eaten in 24 hours so I'm worried about her strength :(

Pray for her that the rest of this time goes quickly...

To clarify- Monday at 2:45am she lost the rest of her mucus plug and started having strong contractions close together. I drove 2hoirs to her house thinking that she was finally in labor but by the time ingot to her house the contractions fizzled out...I haven't caught up on sleep since then I'm so tired
Sounds like things are going well since she was 5cm at 11.30am! That's about where I was at that point. Going out to get her something to eat for dinner will make you her hero, I'm sure! :thumbup: Hope the weather doesn't doesn't get too nasty up there.
Ugh still trying to catch up at work and isn't have time to play on the computer

Hope to talk to you guys tomorrow!
Hey ladies! Hope all is well! Thanks for all the well wishes! We are still trying to adjust at home. As soon as things calm down a little I will share my birth story. It all went well though :) a lot faster than we expected. Cora is doing great and we are finally free from having blood work done daily!! Thank the good Lord! That was rough! Breastfeeding is going ok. It is challenging to say the least though, but its all worth it when I look at my beautiful baby girl!

I'll be in touch soon ;)
Can't wait to hear your story Haley x

Having a few wobbles this week, it's so hard to believe that I should be at the end of my pregnancy now, I would of been 35 weeks tomorrow :cry: falling that then I should then be about 12 weeks :cry: instead I'm on cycle day 2! I know everything happens for a reason, and it wasn't my time and all that but just this week it seems to be getting me down.
Still I have all my medication in place now, oh is up for plenty of bding this cycle I am going to start opks as soon as bleeding stops so I know exactly where I am, I'm stocked up with 45 10iu hpts, so I can poas till my hearts content and I have a reason to now as the earlier I find out the earlier I can start on my progesterone and keep the steroids up, and I am feeling hopeful this time! This will however be my last time, if I get my bfp and i mc again then I will not do it anymore, emotionally I just cannot take anymore. So this is like my last chance.

I know I have said it before, but I just want to thank you all again for supporting me thru what has been the most difficult time in my life, I couldn't have got thru it without you. So a great big huge massive thank you! I actually love You guys!! :winkwink: xxxxxxx
Gemmy how did your appointment go yesterday? And your ovulating round about now right? Are you getting plenty of bding in?
Hope your ok Hun xxx
Haley - Can't wait to hear your birth story!

Nats - Aww hugs, hun. You are an amazing woman to have gone through such trials and still you persevere. This WILL happen for you, I know it! The doctors are going to take good care of you now that they are taking you seriously. It sounds like you are ready for baby making warfare over there, armed with your progesterone and hpts!! hee hee! I can't wait to hear some great news from you soon.

Nothing much new here, cept Quinn is 3 months today! Can't believe how time flies.
Ok ...so wow!! I am finally back to "normal"

Nats- **BIG HUGS** You are simply AMAZING! You now your family isnt complete and you keep fighting for it! I know that with all the help you have lined up this time around you will get your rainbow. We will all be here for you when you are finally holding that miracle in your arms! I PROMISE!

Leia- I couldnt find you on fb either!?

Haley- I can not wait to hear your birth story! I want to know how come they chose to induce! Congrats on Cora shes so beautiful! I love all the pics

Julie- Hows the house situation?

Linz- Happy 3 months to Quinn! Has it been that long already!?

AFM- I have been ok..I am 35w4d and feelings LOTS of movement. I had my u/s on wednesday and Samantha is measuring 5lbs 14oz...Doctro expexts that she will be much smaller than my DS. Thats kind of exciting because I swear my DS has always been HUGE so itll be nice to see what a tiny baby is actually like haha. Besides that we are pretty much ready...my bags are packed and in the car, we have stocked up on all the supplies, nursery is ready (minus the rocking chair is being reupholstered). The only thing I am working on now is setting up a home office so I can work from home. I have 2 weeks left at the actual office and then will take over from home. I have weekly appontments from now on so Im excited to see if I have made any progress. I really hope she is early like her brother...I dont think I can go another 4 weeks!

will explain about my sister in separate post...
Ok so here is what happened with my sister:

She started losing her mucus plug I beleive last Friday...on Monday morning at 2:45am she calls me and says she thinks she lost the rest of her plug and her contractions were strong and about 8 minutes apart. My sister lives about 2 hours away from me and I had my bag packed to drive up to her house on Friday when she told me she first started losing her plug. So I was all excited thinking this is it! I woke up DS and we drove up to her house at 3am...got there at 5am. By the time I got there her contractions were not as strong and further apart. Luckily she had a Doctors appointment that day to do a non stress test (NST) and overall check up since she was now 41weeks +. At her appointment they found out that her fluid levels were at a 3 and normal is 5-25. They told her she would start to be induced that day. However, although her contractions thinned her out some her cervix was still tightly closed. They would start her on cervadil on Monday for 12 hours then check Tuesday morning if she made progress. The cervadil must have worked because she was 2cm on tuesday morning and 70% effaced. They started her on pitocin...(this was at like 7am?). She made pretty good progress throughout the day. By 5pm she was 100%effaced and 9cm...I was waiting at a nearby hotel when my mom told me she had started to practice pushing. By the time I got there they had decided to do a c-section. She wasnt moving from 9cm and had been in labor for well over 24hours at this point. She was hungry and tired and just had no more strength. Within an hour my gorgeous nephew was born via c-section at 9lbs 2oz!!!! My sister is healing up well, is breastfeeding like a champ and is scheduled to go home today :) <3
Cris -- So glad your sister and nephew are doing well! I would be seriously pissed if I made it to 9cm and then still had to have a c-section but it sounds like she really took it like a champ. And nothing is going on with the house. I've pushed it to the back of my mind at this point trying not to drive myself nuts about it. We were supposed to close 3 weeks ago. :dohh:

Nats -- :hugs: I'm really excited for you this cycle!

Linz -- I can't believe Quinn is 3 months old! I told hubby a few weeks ago that I'm sad about how quickly Violet is growing up already. :haha:

Haley -- Good to hear from you! Looking forward to reading your birth story. :flower:

I had my 34 week appointment today. All fine. Autopilot on. My first cervix check is in 11 days, though. :wacko::wacko::wacko: I really dread those things because I think they hurt so much (especially now with my broken hoo-ha) which I think is pretty funny because... you know... labor and all. :haha: Can't believe I have an appointment every week after next week. Insanity. I think I've completely given up hope on being "ready" this time. There is just too much going on that my head would explode if I stressed out about all of it.
Gemmy how did your appointment go yesterday? And your ovulating round about now right? Are you getting plenty of bding in?
Hope your ok Hun xxx

hey hun - big :hugs: to you - i am sure you will get your rainbow, you just watch!

afm i am ov very soon. my temp is a bit unreliable the last couple of days i have slept bad and taken my temp at funny times. i am not using opk do will just keep bd ing now. feel a bit of ov pain but only cd9. ?usually o around 14/15.

doc said progesterone was 40 and anything above 30 shows i ovulated. everything else was normal. i need to get dh to book his sa and have blood tests - she said it is normal to take up to 18 months so i shouldn't worry. if dh does tests and all normal and then they will test me again. but she says i am still young enough not to worry.

well i am 35 on Monday and so wanted a baby before then but not to be. now i am trying by Christmas! this cycle will be 14th and due end of Nov. or the next will be due Christmas! won't give up but what will be! xxx
Fx gemmy! :sex: :sex: :sex: :dust:

I don't remember if I mentioned I've been having some stretchy/stingy feelings in my cervix when I squat the last few days that have been making me think a little something may be happening down there. Lost a little bit of my plug tonight, so I guess that pretty much confirms it. Not that it means anything to me, the girl who has tons of labor signs for weeks but never actually goes into labor. :haha: Just a little hopeful because everything seems to be happening about 3 weeks sooner than it did with Maisie. Giving me (very likely false) hope that I may go naturally prior to 40 weeks this time (why do I get my hopes up? :dohh:). You can all laugh heartily at me when I'm still pregnant in 7 weeks. :winkwink:
Nats and Gemmy - have everything crossed for you. Both of you get BDing lots :) xx

Linz - cant believe its been 3 months, doesnt it go quick. feels like the blink of an eye yet, feels like they've been with you forever too. :) xx

Wishing - congratulations on your new nephew, glad all okay. bet you are looking forward to finishing work, getting well excited for you, not long now.

Julie - not long for you either. i hope this one doesnt keep you waiting so long. and really hope your cervix checks go okay - i hate them too, so painful.

Haley - looking forward to birthing story and glad you are settling in at home .

AFM - trying a little bit of solids. having lots of fun. He didnt really like the rice or semolina and after a couple of days was abit bunged up and had a tummyache so stopped for a few days each time. tried him on apple this week and he loved it. He would have eaten loads if i had let him. :). apple seemed to pass through him better too although did take a 2 day break just to make sure everything was okay.little by little, just playing with tastes for now.

Linz/Julie - would one of you recommend me as a friend on facebook to the others in the group or them to me, when you get a mo. thanks x

Couple of photos of my little man :)


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