IVF 2019 chatter


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Mar 18, 2009
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Hi, looking for anyone who is currently going through IVF/about to to have a chat and share journies with.

I am starting an antagonist cycle later this month with the hope of egg collection around the 18th January. It will be a freeze all cycle due to high risk Over stimulation (OHSS) which during my previous cycle, at a different clinic (have moved), I was hospitalised with. For this cycle I will be using 225iu Menopur and cetrotide. I am 33, my amh is 32.3 and I have PCOS.

My previous IVF lead to the birth of my daughter who is now 16 months. We had the one frozen embryo and it really was all we needed!

Hope that there are others out there who would like to share the journey. It doesn't matter what age, stage, protocol or how many IVF's as long as you feel happy. For those who have read all of this; good luck with your journey!
Hi @goingforit!
I would love to share mine as well! This will be my first IVF cycle (today i start the injections). Possible retrieval Jan 4. Then i'll freeze them to be used probably early May. Hope things go well! As of now i'm terrified of these daily injections, and how to fit them in with my schedule since these have to be exactly same at the time:|
Hi @goingforit!
I would love to share mine as well! This will be my first IVF cycle (today i start the injections). Possible retrieval Jan 4. Then i'll freeze them to be used probably early May. Hope things go well! As of now i'm terrified of these daily injections, and how to fit them in with my schedule since these have to be exactly same at the time:|

Hi Arianne, it seems my email notifications are failing to get to me as I had no idea you had replied!

How are the injections going? I remember being so petrified of them at the start and couldn't even bring myself to do the first one. It got easier and I hope you find that too. What meds are you having?

You will be slightly ahead of me...honestly just chat away. Sometimes it's easier to voice things to strangers and I suppose that also depends on who knows. My cycle means tablets from 21st of December and injections start on 1st January.

Good that you know when you plan the transfer...that hasn't been discussed with us yet so no idea when it will be. I suppose it depends how I am after retrieval.

What times have you opted for administering the injections? I remember I used to set an alarm at weekends so I could stick to a suitable time for the week days.

So happy to have someone else to chat to along the way. Wishing you the best of luck on your journey
Hi Arianne, I also hate injections and I was not happy with this routine. Good luck on your journey.
hi girls!! thank you so much for your support!
@goingforit i also never know when someone has replied to a message, it is a bit hard to keep track! haha!

It will be a week tomorrow that i have been doing injections, so it has gotten much easier for sure :)
I opted for 6:10pm everyday. So far so good.

I'm just worried about Christmas time, on the 24 is when i need to start the other 2 injections, and i will be traveling, so not sure how i will keep it cold and hopefully it's ok to bring the needles with me:neutral:

I'm doing the Lupron injections now, then i will add the puregon and menopur in about two weeks

Please let me know how your cycle goes! This is your second IVF? Your first one worked right away with just one embryo right? Hope this time around works as the previous one for you!
hi girls!! thank you so much for your support!
@goingforit i also never know when someone has replied to a message, it is a bit hard to keep track! haha!

It will be a week tomorrow that i have been doing injections, so it has gotten much easier for sure :)
I opted for 6:10pm everyday. So far so good.

I'm just worried about Christmas time, on the 24 is when i need to start the other 2 injections, and i will be traveling, so not sure how i will keep it cold and hopefully it's ok to bring the needles with me:neutral:

I'm doing the Lupron injections now, then i will add the puregon and menopur in about two weeks

Please let me know how your cycle goes! This is your second IVF? Your first one worked right away with just one embryo right? Hope this time around works as the previous one for you!

Glad that it has gotten easier! I am sure it will all sort itself out with the added injections and being away. I remember having to take mine with me.

Yes...amazing right! My first cycle I had OHSS and was in hospital for 3 days but they froze the egg which was later returned and is now my 16 month daughter

My meds arrive on Tuesday. Start tablets on Friday and then Menopur injections 4th Jan. It will soon be here!

Hopefully Christmas will help pass the time. Is yours busy?
How's it going Arianne? Hope all the injections worked out okay with your travels.

I start my stimulating injections tomorrow. Have spent this morning reading up on how to make and adminster the Menopur as last ivf I had Gonal F which was in prefilled pen. Anyhow think I have yhe jist of it so tomorrow is the day. Think I'm going for 630 and 630 for them!
Wow, you ladies are way ahead of me. I hope by the time I get to where you are you are all very pregnant. I go next week to find out if I'll get to use my eggs or have to use donor ages. Also have to get my weight where it needs to be. But gotta start some place.

Reading about all of the shots is making me a little faint though..lol I did 3 days of shots for one of my IUIs and needed my husband to do the honors because I lost my nerve.

Ok, I will be following this post and praying for you all.
Wow, you ladies are way ahead of me. I hope by the time I get to where you are you are all very pregnant. I go next week to find out if I'll get to use my eggs or have to use donor ages. Also have to get my weight where it needs to be. But gotta start some place.

Reading about all of the shots is making me a little faint though..lol I did 3 days of shots for one of my IUIs and needed my husband to do the honors because I lost my nerve.

Ok, I will be following this post and praying for you all.

Thank you FTale!

Good luck on your journey, I hope your appointment goes well. Hope your weight loss goes well...I have always found that a reason helps to motivate when it comes to this. I lost weight for my first ivf and have recently followed WW to get myself back on track again.

With regards to the shots I had my husband do the first one last time but after that I found them easier. It just feels so unnatural to me to inject myself but needs must!

First injection soon. I didn't have the best sleep as it was on my mind. Oh well it's the weekend soon.

I'm actually ringing my clinic today with further concerns. It hasn't been the best experience for us at the new clinic and I feel very on edge about doing it with them but we are 450miles from our last clinic now so needs must.

I have a total of 12 doses of Menopur. By the time I have my first scan I will have had 9 doses, the10th being that evening. It is a Friday and so the remaining meds will only last the weekend. I've never had nowhere near enough meds given to me at the start and they aren't cheap to buy either. They said estimated egg collection is 18th which would mean another 4 doses are needed which is almost another 1200iu pen. Confused, concerned and anxious about over stimulating. Originally my scan was the same date but I was starting my injections 2 days later so it's left me worried. I think as I was hospitalised for OHSS last time it is just playing on my mind and I'm concerned that they are waiting a long time til my 1st scan and I don't want to have to abortthe cycle.

Hopefully the phone call will put me at ease!

Good luck to you all. Hope we soon get some BFp's!
Goingforit: Oh goodness! You worries are warranted. You want to make sure everything is done on time and your body is in good form for retrieving eggs. Sorry your firat clinic is so far away. But stay on top of them at the new clinic. We dont want them to treat you like a number..be kind but firm.

Thank you for qriring back as well. I too didnt sleep much abd I got AF like 10minutes ago. But like you said the weekend is close.

Keep us posted on phone call. Hugs
Goingforit: Oh goodness! You worries are warranted. You want to make sure everything is done on time and your body is in good form for retrieving eggs. Sorry your firat clinic is so far away. But stay on top of them at the new clinic. We dont want them to treat you like a number..be kind but firm.

Thank you for qriring back as well. I too didnt sleep much abd I got AF like 10minutes ago. But like you said the weekend is close.

Keep us posted on phone call. Hugs

Sorry to hear your AF is here. I understand how gutting it is each month. Did you not sleep because you were so uncomfortable with it? Or too much on your mind? Hopefully tonight will be better for you.

The new clinic is very business like compared to my last. I phoned this morning and the nurse just looked over it and said it was right and it will get me to my second scan. Fx it's enough drugs and egg collection is early as they've alreasy cost us just over £1400. I know it's not all about money but we don't have a bottomless pit.

My second injection of the day wasn't so easy. I don't know if I blunted it a bit but I struggled to push it in tonight Was fine once I'd pierced the skin. Going for the opposite side for tomorrow's 2 jabs!

When is your appointment FTale?

My first scan is on Friday morning. When they scanned me pre treatment they measured 48 follicles I think I will feel much better after my first scan as I'm just anxious of OHSS. Must trust the clinic; I've double checked things so not much more I can do.

Sending hugs. Fx for a better night too!
Goingforit: Sorry my last post was so choppy. I was tired and monitoring my daughter and her friend while trying to do my job. I work from home daily and love it but it can get too busy because there is always some thing to 'do' work or home related.

Honestly I don't think I have any more gut left to feel pain in. I haven't stopped being hopeful but learning my body all these years I 'know' when it doesn't happen before any hpt tells me. But I did have a moment of wanting to toss a bfn against a wall and scream.

I think I didn't sleep last night because of the Myoinositol I'm taking and my body was gearing up for AF. I was so restless. And yeah, still had 'what if' on my mind a bit. That's gone now. My hubby joined me for a work out to help burn some bad energy off and hopefully make me ready for some good sleep. :)

Oh, gosh, the clinic I'm going to is new to me and I hope they aren't so business like. My last one was a hoot. I loved the front desk girls the nurse and my doctor. But that was it. Their protocol and place of procedures was horrible. It was so mixed up and the majority of the time it felt like they had more patients to take care of than they could deal with. I waited forever for one IUI to take place because they refused to trigger me. My follies got so big....then they took 3 hours past my appt time to do the IUI and my husbands freshly washed sperm was just sitting some where. I hope the new place have their ducks in order since this will be more than sperm in a tube ;)

PRICE....YES....it is so expensive! I didn't realize the meds are separate from the procedure. My mouth just drops every time I look at it and wonder how we will pay. Do you have discounts for the meds there? This new place I am going to have programs with discounted meds and IVF cycles but you have to qualify. I just asked my hubby if he was ready to see how much more we could go into debt this year. And he smiled at me and said, 'why not, lets see how far we can push it'...jokester he is. I think we both are done with being afraid of the cost of IVF and just want to see if we can have a baby together. I have a daughter already but he does not have any children. So if the doctors tell me my eggs are no good we will use donor eggs. I want him to be able to look into his own eyes so to speak.

EEEEKKK....lol..nope. Your description of putting that needle in made me cringe. I'm glad you managed to still do it after the 'blunting'. Oh, just makes me rub myself just thinking about it. I hope the other side fairs better. I think years ago when I first gave myself a trigger I iced my whole stomach area because I didn't want to feel the needle go in. Yeah, that cycle didn't work...lol...

My appt is on Monday first thing. I plan to type of all the good stuff the new doc needs to know. I don't want to hear the spill about 'this is a uterus and these are fallopian tubes...' Nope. Been there done that, tell me how much weight I need to lose in order to qualify for IVF with them and when can we start after that....LOL..

So, next Friday or today Friday? I'm not sure what time zone you are in. 48 follies??? Forgive me if you already mentioned but did you take any thing to stimulate them or is that what you are doing now? Or is that your antral count? I'm with you on OHSS. It hurts like a mother. Its right up there with passing a kidney stone for me. Both make you feel like you have a big zit in your tummy that needs popping (sorry if too gross sounding but they are just awful feeling)

You know at the end of the day that clinic is where you are at and you have double checked everything so ...breathe. Keep following whatever protocol they have you on. And listen to your body because OHSS will put the breaks on everything. No need to get that far. HUGS

Sorry I gabbed so much. I've been meaning to write back all day...lol Prepping for bedtime. I will catch you later.
Goingforit: Sorry my last post was so choppy. I was tired and monitoring my daughter and her friend while trying to do my job. I work from home daily and love it but it can get too busy because there is always some thing to 'do' work or home related.

Honestly I don't think I have any more gut left to feel pain in. I haven't stopped being hopeful but learning my body all these years I 'know' when it doesn't happen before any hpt tells me. But I did have a moment of wanting to toss a bfn against a wall and scream.

I think I didn't sleep last night because of the Myoinositol I'm taking and my body was gearing up for AF. I was so restless. And yeah, still had 'what if' on my mind a bit. That's gone now. My hubby joined me for a work out to help burn some bad energy off and hopefully make me ready for some good sleep. :)

Oh, gosh, the clinic I'm going to is new to me and I hope they aren't so business like. My last one was a hoot. I loved the front desk girls the nurse and my doctor. But that was it. Their protocol and place of procedures was horrible. It was so mixed up and the majority of the time it felt like they had more patients to take care of than they could deal with. I waited forever for one IUI to take place because they refused to trigger me. My follies got so big....then they took 3 hours past my appt time to do the IUI and my husbands freshly washed sperm was just sitting some where. I hope the new place have their ducks in order since this will be more than sperm in a tube ;)

PRICE....YES....it is so expensive! I didn't realize the meds are separate from the procedure. My mouth just drops every time I look at it and wonder how we will pay. Do you have discounts for the meds there? This new place I am going to have programs with discounted meds and IVF cycles but you have to qualify. I just asked my hubby if he was ready to see how much more we could go into debt this year. And he smiled at me and said, 'why not, lets see how far we can push it'...jokester he is. I think we both are done with being afraid of the cost of IVF and just want to see if we can have a baby together. I have a daughter already but he does not have any children. So if the doctors tell me my eggs are no good we will use donor eggs. I want him to be able to look into his own eyes so to speak.

EEEEKKK....lol..nope. Your description of putting that needle in made me cringe. I'm glad you managed to still do it after the 'blunting'. Oh, just makes me rub myself just thinking about it. I hope the other side fairs better. I think years ago when I first gave myself a trigger I iced my whole stomach area because I didn't want to feel the needle go in. Yeah, that cycle didn't work...lol...

My appt is on Monday first thing. I plan to type of all the good stuff the new doc needs to know. I don't want to hear the spill about 'this is a uterus and these are fallopian tubes...' Nope. Been there done that, tell me how much weight I need to lose in order to qualify for IVF with them and when can we start after that....LOL..

So, next Friday or today Friday? I'm not sure what time zone you are in. 48 follies??? Forgive me if you already mentioned but did you take any thing to stimulate them or is that what you are doing now? Or is that your antral count? I'm with you on OHSS. It hurts like a mother. Its right up there with passing a kidney stone for me. Both make you feel like you have a big zit in your tummy that needs popping (sorry if too gross sounding but they are just awful feeling)

You know at the end of the day that clinic is where you are at and you have double checked everything so ...breathe. Keep following whatever protocol they have you on. And listen to your body because OHSS will put the breaks on everything. No need to get that far. HUGS

Sorry I gabbed so much. I've been meaning to write back all day...lol Prepping for bedtime. I will catch you later.

FTale - Honestly not gabbing. It's lovely to have someone to talk to! My email notifications don't appear to be working so it's only when I check so somewhat sporadic but I will keep checking in!

Sounds like it was a busy day for you! You must have to be so restrained working from home with such distractions. Did you get much work done?

Awww sorry to hear about your frustraion...if we didn't hold some hope their wouldn't be much hope but I'm pleased you and your hubby had a workout to help. Hopefully you've had a better night? I had an alright night but my lg (17 months) woke at 1230am coughing a lot and let's just say it didn't set me up for the best sleep as I was aware she might need me so only in light sleep.

Sorry to hear your experience at the last clinic wasn't great. It is a hard enough journey without clinics adding to our stresses/anxieties. I hope you have a better experience. Monday isn't long to wait for your appointment at all. Look forward to hearing all about it. My appointment is Friday the 11th.

No unfortunately no discounted meds or IVF for us though I'm sure we could if we egg shared but we only got 1 egg by the end (11collected) from our 1st cycle so didn't want to minimalise our chance. Sounds like a good attitude for your husband to have on the journey. That's fantastic that your clinic offer this! So lovely about the egg sharer and your prospective of it all. I would definitely do it if I need it too. Have you had your amh taken already? I hope you soon get your bfp.

Sorry about the injection description. It was a doddle in comparison this morning. Straight in, easy and no stinging. I think the more I worry the harder it is. I didn't ice it but I do recall icing for one injection last time though I'm not sure if it made it any better and recall stopping it before the end of them.

Will you be following a diet to lose the weight needed? I was on WW to lose some weight after piling it on after my lg. It was my own fault as I used to meet the other mums for coffee and cake! Breast feeding may help you take in extra calories but not enough for what I was consuming! I imagine it will be nice to start afresh at a new place for you. Our clinic have not really wanted to know about the previous cycle in terms of meds etc. They've just started us as though it is the first. Apart from we fact that we are having ISCI due to the eggs and sperm left for IVF doing nothing on our last cycle. I hope you get a good feel for the clinic.

My follicles were all natural. Basically because I have PCOS I have high amh (32.3) and lots of follicles. Lots were small but it was on day 9 of my cycle. I've actually just checked my paperwork and it was 62 <10mmm. Last cycle I had lots of follicles think (40+) but only 11 eggs. They don't all have eggs in.

Your OHSS description did make me chuckle. I literally couldn't keep any water down with mine and ended up in hospital for 3 or 4 days with it. I honestly couldn't avoid it...tried everything but think the trigger just sent me over! This time my cycle is freeze all from the off so just collecting eggs which is all due to risk of OHSS.

Sorry for the long response! Has taken me hours to write amongst getting up and breakfasted Have a lovely Saturday x
I'm in the middle of lunch and a game minecraft with my dd. I will write more later but was just thinking how I just want to harvest my eggs this cycle or next and freeze them until I can do IVF. Oh and my AMH is 3.82 at age 41, its good but not good enough to make babies on my own.

Ok, bbl Hugs!!
Hope you enjoyed minecraft...I have soo much to learn!

It's such a hard journey but your time will come. That is a good about your amh...fx you will know more on Monday. I am the same age as your husband (to put my amh in more of a context). I forget there is just soo much to consider with each individual. The whole process is incredible...it's amazing what can be done!
I'm back. What a day. And let me say that I do not play scary minecraft. We do it in creative mode and just build stuff with monsters walking around that can't hurt us..lol

I know its nice to have some one to talk to. And no I do not get much work done on Fridays. Its a short work day with my company and ..hey, its Friday my mind is on anything but work. I love the down times but it makes me hate laundry and dishes because I'm around them all day. So my hubby made a system for me to do so I can at least keep the dishes clean. The laundry is another story because its downstairs. I have a gimpy knee that does not like stairs. He did buy me huge bags that I can toss down the steps but I gotta carry those beast back up later. ..LOL.

17months?? Oh so darling. But when they get coughs sleep comes way last. Can't stand when they are feeling ill. I slept really well last night btw.

So, you had her by IVF? Did I miss how? I'm sorry if you already wrote it. I was so excited to join the conversation I skimmed everything and went straight to gabbing. :oops:

Coffee and Cake HAHAH...omg I laughed so hard. That's a happy mix if I ever saw one. I would gain some weight in the name of coffee and cake any day. Nah, no special diet other than eat more whole foods and drink more water. The rest is exercise for me. I like good food but don't always have the appetite to eat. So when I do eat I gain fast because I was told my body holds onto EVERYTHING because it thinks I'm starving it...lol...Working on at least 3 meals a day. Strength training coupled with light aerobics that I make up as I go. I get so bored with videos. I have a treadmill to hop on if I want to work my thighs on incline. It will take me 3 months I imagine if I stick to it hard. Praying I do.

11 collected but only 1 good egg? I'm so sorry. I pray you get lots more this go around. Do you suspect anything in particular as to why only 1 made it? Hmmmm...you got me wondering if my follies are empty too. The sono person always seems to be counting so many and seems like 'wow' for my age I guess. But now that I know there is a chance I've got tons of empty ones, makes sense. Well, IVF is the right way to go then. One more day.

Question for you. Do you continue to get monitored by your IVF doctor once pregnant or do you have to go to see some one else?

Ok, don't laugh but we are still being drowned by minecraft....my husband is home from work and fallen victim too. :lol:
FTale Minecraft

Yes my first daughter was the 1 frozen egg from my previous IVF. The clinic split our eggs/sperm so some went IVF and some ISCI. Of the fertilised eggs, 3 developed to day 3 but only the 1 to day 5.

I really hope tomorrow goes well for you and you get a clear idea of your journey.

I am exhausted so off to bed but will reply properly tomorrow x
Thank you!!

Hope you sleep well.

I went to church today and prayed for no fear with all 2019 has to bring. Charging in without the doubts of last year weighing me down. Cleaning out my closet and enjoying the burst of energy...lol. I hope it lasts long enough to burn off some arm flab. My daughtet gets a right giggle from watching it wiggle about.

Ok, quick dinner break and back to clothes sortin. I can see the closet floor actually \\:D/
I'm back. What a day. And let me say that I do not play scary minecraft. We do it in creative mode and just build stuff with monsters walking around that can't hurt us..lol

I know its nice to have some one to talk to. And no I do not get much work done on Fridays. Its a short work day with my company and ..hey, its Friday my mind is on anything but work. I love the down times but it makes me hate laundry and dishes because I'm around them all day. So my hubby made a system for me to do so I can at least keep the dishes clean. The laundry is another story because its downstairs. I have a gimpy knee that does not like stairs. He did buy me huge bags that I can toss down the steps but I gotta carry those beast back up later. ..LOL.

17months?? Oh so darling. But when they get coughs sleep comes way last. Can't stand when they are feeling ill. I slept really well last night btw.

So, you had her by IVF? Did I miss how? I'm sorry if you already wrote it. I was so excited to join the conversation I skimmed everything and went straight to gabbing. :oops:

Coffee and Cake HAHAH...omg I laughed so hard. That's a happy mix if I ever saw one. I would gain some weight in the name of coffee and cake any day. Nah, no special diet other than eat more whole foods and drink more water. The rest is exercise for me. I like good food but don't always have the appetite to eat. So when I do eat I gain fast because I was told my body holds onto EVERYTHING because it thinks I'm starving it...lol...Working on at least 3 meals a day. Strength training coupled with light aerobics that I make up as I go. I get so bored with videos. I have a treadmill to hop on if I want to work my thighs on incline. It will take me 3 months I imagine if I stick to it hard. Praying I do.

11 collected but only 1 good egg? I'm so sorry. I pray you get lots more this go around. Do you suspect anything in particular as to why only 1 made it? Hmmmm...you got me wondering if my follies are empty too. The sono person always seems to be counting so many and seems like 'wow' for my age I guess. But now that I know there is a chance I've got tons of empty ones, makes sense. Well, IVF is the right way to go then. One more day.

Question for you. Do you continue to get monitored by your IVF doctor once pregnant or do you have to go to see some one else?

Ok, don't laugh but we are still being drowned by minecraft....my husband is home from work and fallen victim too. :lol:

Sorry, I was soo tired last night and dreading my cetrotide injection this morning so just needed sleep.

Good luck with your weight loss..mit sounds as though you know what you need to do so I'm sure you'll be motivated to stick to it. Definitely different to me...I seem to not want to stop eating sometimes (mainly time of the month).

Please don't worry about your follicles. I have PCOS which creates lots of follicles so a very different situation to you.

Once pregnant they keep you in their care until the 12 week scan (if I recall accurately) and then you are considered the same as everyone else. I had bleeding in early pregnancy so had 2 scans in that time. 6wks and 8 wks.

That's good about going to church and feeling like you are going in for a fresh start. I think it helps to try and take each step as it comes. I am trying to do that with this cycle.

My first cetrotide injection was this morning. I iced the area first and tried to do it slowly but it's still bumpy, red and uncomfortable. At least it's hidden I suppose. Out of sight, out of mind. Maybe when it's not stinging.

Housework is never ending! I have the pile of ironing to tackle today whilst my little one is sleeping.

Thinking of you and your appointment today xx

Arianne: sorry to see your signature say a frozen transfer in May. Hope you are okay xx
Goingforit: At least you iron!! I only do it if its dress clothing. Other than that my hubby likes his clothes some what wrinkly when he goes to work since he is an electrician and they get all kinds of dirty on his work site. My dd is into stretchy pants mostly with t shirts so not need to iron them...lol. I work from home so you know the story there ;)

Sorry to hear about your shot. I don't know what that is but man I guess in a few months time I'll find out. I have to wait till April to start. Have to chuck some pounds first then they will be able to start with me. I am very motivated and excited to see a new me soon. I will be doing their program of two fresh transfers and unlimited frozen for one price so not bad. Just hoping I don't have to use donor eggs because I think those are a separate cost. But will cross that bridge when I get there.

I hope you had a ok day. I haven't read your journal. I will remind myself to take a peak to get up to date.Till my own treatment starts I'll mostly just be gabbing about what you are doing and if I've been a good girl with weight and all..haha

Sorry if I took over your post. I will try and keep up with anyone else who posts too. Not all about me. #-o

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