IVF Buddies 2012 - all got our BFPs now awaiting the bubbas. Sticking together x

Good thing you picked up on it car and talking to a doc. I hope it doesn't affect you for to long. <3
car and Emma you both made my cry tonight - but for totally different reasons.
Emma - congratulations, Elijah is beautiful and I love the pic of you and your DH. Your Dh looks soooo proud and happy :hugs: glad it is going well so far.

Springy - like Rox said, I wish we lived closer. I feel for you so much, PND sucks. One of my best friends in RL suffered with it really bad after an emergency C-section. She didnt even give her baby a name for 6 weeks (the latest you can leave it in the UK) as she felt so down. However, she did get better and went on to be one of the best mums I know and had a number 2 and everything was just great. well done you for recognising it and seeking help. I know you will get better soon - you are amazing and doing the best you can do xx

Re the feeding, I dont think I fed E enough for the first 7 weeks :blush: - in fact until I stayed with my dreaded MIL. She kept point out that E was hungry and it pissed me off at the time, but looking back i think she was right. We started to cluster feed then - and E started sleeping so much better and sleeping through the night by about 10 weeks. I Bf through the day roughly every 3 or so hours with last BF at about 4.30-5pm - she then has bath and formula feed at about 6,30 - the formula feed she drinks tons - sometimes as much as 12 oz. Then she sleeps until about 6 and doesnt feed again until about 6.30. It works for us, obviously not for everyone, but I found this really worked for me. My milk supply isnt great i dont think so by formula feeding last feed as much as she wants I know she never goes to bed hungry. I cant remember if you are Bfing but even if not, it might work. I couldnt recommend cluster feeding more.

the best advice I have been given is just to be kind to yourself at the moment and get as much help as you need - but sounds like you are doing that already. :hugs: It will pass.
I cluster feed at night to and try to get in a couple feeds an hour apart to help hold Lexi over but she still usually wakes every 4-5 hours at night to eat. So she eats at 830-9 then goes down at 9-930 then wakes to eat 1230-1 back to sleep wakes to eat around 430-5 back to sleep till 830-9 eats then sleeps till next feed.
Hi Ladies!!

I am crashing your thread if that is ok!!!! :flower: I took a break from the site awhile back as I felt like I was becoming obsessive with everything. ARGH! We were all set up to start our IUI's and a third SA revealed that our best chances would be pursuing IVF w/ICSI. At first I was really taken back as I was really afraid of the process and procedure, but I did a lot of research and looked at IVF is a chance to be much more successful in our journey!

So we are currently on day 8 of injections. I am doing two injections a day. One in the AM and one in the PM. I have been going for blood work and ultra sounds every other day. My poor arms are so bruised and battered from the blood work BAH!! Anyway I thought it would be great to become part of a thread where I can see there has been a lot of success and support! I hope you don't mind me crashing!!

Heather :winkwink:
Hi Heather :wave: You are welcome too crash and I am sure we can all help with any questions/advice you might need on the process so ask away, but as we have now all had our babies (well, last one due any day now) you might also want to find a thread where the ladies are cycling at the same time as you - this is how this thread started last year - we were all IVF cycling round April 2012. As you can see, it has been a great support to all of us so I def recommend also finding or setting up a thread with people doing their first IVf now. In the meantime, masses of luck. The injections are horrid and the process stressful, but t is worth every moment when you finally get to hold that baby :baby: :kiss: :kiss:
Best of luck to you heather! And like mrsmax said u are more then welcome but it is also very nice to have ladies who are cycling at the same time as you!
Is it possible the cedrik cluster feeds all day?? From like 10am to 7pm?
Hi Heather :wave: You are welcome too crash and I am sure we can all help with any questions/advice you might need on the process so ask away, but as we have now all had our babies (well, last one due any day now) you might also want to find a thread where the ladies are cycling at the same time as you - this is how this thread started last year - we were all IVF cycling round April 2012. As you can see, it has been a great support to all of us so I def recommend also finding or setting up a thread with people doing their first IVf now. In the meantime, masses of luck. The injections are horrid and the process stressful, but t is worth every moment when you finally get to hold that baby :baby: :kiss: :kiss:

Best of luck to you heather! And like mrsmax said u are more then welcome but it is also very nice to have ladies who are cycling at the same time as you!

Thank you both! It wasn't until after I posted that I saw you are all post IVF and have had BFP's!! Congrats to you all! I will definitely look for those cycling with me!!!! :flower:
Dont be shy to ask any questions though! We've all been there! Keep us posted!
Dont be shy to ask any questions though! We've all been there! Keep us posted!

Thanks so much!!! So far things are going well I am just so nervous. I want this to work the first time so badly!!!!!!
Heather lots of luck with your cycle! I have to say I don't miss that part lol.

Rox its possible but if its all the time like everyday ie not tied to a growth spurt maybe try stretching them out a bit? Do you use a soother? A soother if you use one might keep him not fussing a bit longer between feeds and then maybe he'll drink more in one sitting. But then again you're getting a nice stretch at night so maybe that's how he makes up?
Heather, it worked the first time for me so its very possible! Be positive!:)

Kelly, yes we give him a pacifier! We cant have everything! He's fussy all day long but he's very good from 9ish till 9ish so i cant complain too much! We're still trying to put him to sleep! Usually at around 8-8:30, I swaddle him, walk around the house and bounce until he closes his eyes then I sit on the rocking chair for another 10 min or so and lay him down and he's usually out till 2-3am but he woke up a few minutes after so now dh is trying! Im tired i just want him to sleep! He didnt sleep more then 10 min at a time since 10:30 this morning! He's extremly tired!
If he's only cluster feeding just now he could be having a growth spurt.

We use a soother as well and it saves my brain sometimes! She only uses it to sleep also so that ok. With having a toddler sometimes I just can't get to her to sooth her right away so it helps. Skyler also used a soother but once he cut his first teeth he refused it so that worked out in our favour.

Speaking of feeding, if Lexi doesn't wake soon I'm going to have to pump then bottle feed it to her cause I feel like I'm going to explode!
Yay!!! The strerches are getting longer every night!! He woke up at 4 tonight!!:)
I pump at 9 so 7 hrs ago and still didnt feel engorged! Thats not normal?!:S
Rox - I have never felt particularly engorged - EVER!! There have been a few times when I have felt a bit tightm but not like some ladies. I have never leaked either - but I do have quite slow flow I think so there is a pay off. So I guess nothing is normal and everything is normal. Do you ever leak or anything like that?
No I have pads on but it doesnt go through them! They are wet but only when I have my let down it leaks a little not much!

Cedrik gave me the biggest smiles when I was changing him earlier! So cute! I asked dh to come see and he wouldnt smile anymore lol
That could be your new normal for overnight rox since he's sleeping so well.

DH and I tried to have sex again last night but it was a fail. It still hurts so much and after trying I end up with some bleeding. By try I mean he gets only so far in before I have to say stop cause it stings so much! Maybe third times the charm. My tear isn't hurting anymore the stinging is from the inside.
Kelly, maybe a good lubricant could help? Or TONS of foreplay? I have this issue even without having had a baby, although its been better lately. I know with breastfeeding, certain hormones are low (estrogen maybe?), which leads to vaginal dryness, and I've read that discomfort during sex is a common complaint. Good for you for trying, and good luck!

No news here - all quiet. :-(
It burns for me too and I didnt give birth vaginally so it could be due to hormones!

Daisy, I really hope its soon for ya!

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