IVF Cycle in August

Hi ladies! flower:

I haven't been on for a while due to work, aches & pains & general tiredness! :coffee:

Had a scan on Thursday due to cramping & saw my little embie with its heart beating away at 6 weeks 6 days..the nurse said everything looked good, I was like 'aww that's my baby' & clutched my hand to my heart!

Tee & Qwerty...Hope you are well :hugs: Are either of you having cramps? What about discharge? :blush: I've had a brown discharge on & off with lightship cramps & the nurse said it could be implantation (still?!!) :wacko:

Pinkie..fx for when you test :hugs:

Strawberry..how you doing?

Emmi...not sure if your around but I hope you are ok & taking time to heal with your hubby :hugs:

:hugs: :dust:
Hi lexus, good to hear from you and so pleased that everything is going well x

i started spotting the other day so done a test this morning its a BFN :-( devastated! There is not a hint of a second line so can't see this changing by my OTD which is tomorrow. I'll be ok we just have to keep going.

Hope everyone is else is doing well

Hi lexus, good to hear from you and so pleased that everything is going well x

i started spotting the other day so done a test this morning its a BFN :-( devastated! There is not a hint of a second line so can't see this changing by my OTD which is tomorrow. I'll be ok we just have to keep going.

Hope everyone is else is doing well


so sorry pinkie :( hang in there. hope that you get a chance to talk with your doc.

lexus good to hear from you! sounds like things have been stressful and a bit scary for you but glad everything is ok. yes i get some cramping but no discharge (other than from the progesterone suppositories...)
Lexus I'm so happy you got to see your little guy (or girl). So exciting I'm glad your mind is at ease. I have to wait another 11 days for mine but who's counting lol.

Pinkie I'm so sorry try to hang in there until you talk to your doc. I know it's easy to say but I'm sure he'll have an idea of what went wrong and next steps. I'm praying hard that it was a false negative...
Hey ladies I talked to my re's office and started the process for my fet, on bc now will start Lupron soon then it's kinda easy going until transfer..... We have 7 5d frosties..... We are debating putting 1 or 2 back in...... I really just can't go through this again, I'd prefer 1 but would take 2 but idk if hubby could Handle 2 when I go back to work...... Idk....they estimate my transfer being dec 6th.... It seems so far away
Hi ladies,

My period is coming in full flow this morning but had to do another test and it was negative. I am feeling a little better today, i have to pull myself together. We've decided to take a break from it all until the new year, i need to get a life back. We are going to concentrate on our house move, get a dog and hopefully a baby will arrive after.

Wishing you lovely pregnant ladies a happy, healthy pregnancy and will look forward to hearing how you are all getting on. And to all you other lovely ladies i am looking forward to seeing your success stories on here in the near future.

Thanks to everyone for being so supportive and giving great advice throughout this very emotional journey xx
Hello Ladies - I just wanted to pop by and see you are all doing and I had been keeping my fingers crossed for you Pinkie and totally understand how you are feeling. I so wanted this to work for you so sending big hugs to you:hugs:

I have been in the depths of heart break but trying to clamber out and keep positive for the future. It's hard to see the end of the tunnel sometimes but I hope I reach it soon.Everyone deals with IVF failure differently and I guess for me - I am grieving what could have been:cry:We'll see where life takes us but I am determined to be a mummy. Looking at lots of natural remedies to keep my fertility going and trying to get back to doing the bedroom tango just for the sake of it.:thumbup:

I hope that you Tee, Qwerty and Strawberry are doing good with your bumps :happydance:

CJ - good luck with the next stage. We may look at another IVF depending on if we can raise the money. So hard and so expensive.

Anyway - hope that everyone is doing good on this crazy journey to motherhood.

I completely understand about the money..... I often feel like I'm being selfish when I know the money could go for other things/ sigh
Hi Emmi so lovely to hear from you. I think we all deserve grieving time with an unsuccessful cycle. It is totally heart breaking and i hope time is a healer. I haven't taken it very well but have to go back to work tomorrow so need to pull myself together. I also feel i need to take some time out because for nearly 3 years my life has revolved around TTC, i have forgotten who i am.

Let me know what natural remedies you have found as we going to stick to that path or a bit.

I agree we will be mothers one day it may just take a little while longer than we hoped.

Hi Emmi so lovely to hear from you. I think we all deserve grieving time with an unsuccessful cycle. It is totally heart breaking and i hope time is a healer. I haven't taken it very well but have to go back to work tomorrow so need to pull myself together. I also feel i need to take some time out because for nearly 3 years my life has revolved around TTC, i have forgotten who i am.

Let me know what natural remedies you have found as we going to stick to that path or a bit.

I agree we will be mothers one day it may just take a little while longer than we hoped.


Hopefully time is a healer like with everything:hugs: I have gone through the stages of thinking that life is so pointless and my poor hubby has been desperately tying to keep me going. I think you have good days and bad days so just be kind to yourself and accept that it's okay to be angry and sad with the world.

And yes - find yourself for a bit - it's so hard as we are desperate for a family that we forget to function outside of that.

I started a thread about natural remedies etc - have a gander - it's good to try and help ourselves as whatever happens - being healthy can only be a good thing.


Big hugs to you Pinkie.

Emmi - It's so good to hear from you. You are a strong woman and you will become a mother and an excellent one at that! I will be sending you thoughts and prayers, always.

Pinkie - the same for you.

For all the ladies on this thread. I know the struggle of infertility, I've dealt with it for 7 years. I know if you want something you will find a way to make it happen. Like I've said before, we are all on different paths but all heading for the same out come. I will always be praying that you ladies become mothers. You all deserve it, we all deserve it.

Please pop in every now and then, I would hate to lose contact with you ladies. I am so very thankful to have met you all and I want to be your cheerleader through the next journey you take. <3 I love all you ladies!
Qwerty - How are you doing? Hanging in there?
Please pop in every now and then, I would hate to lose contact with you ladies. I am so very thankful to have met you all and I want to be your cheerleader through the next journey you take. <3 I love all you ladies!

I feel exactly the same way! I was telling my mother last night about someone's recent sad news on here and made me realize how amazing it is to share all these crazy icky scary wonderful details with you ladies.

AFM work is horrid with loser boss, but i am feeling pretty good still. tired and get nauseous at night so hard to eat dinner but rest of the day i'm pretty fine. got my appointment with normal OB tomorrow - first one! then scan scheduled for 12 weeks... hoping every day that we make it there!
OMG tomorrrow! Squeeee! I am so excited for you!!! Walking out of my first OB appointment made me feel like a total pregnant lady LOL.

But you're so right, every appointment is so nerve racking. I get to hear the heartbeat on the 30th. It's DRAGGING! I get so nervous because other than feeling like I have a cold with an appetite, I definitley don't feel pregnant. It's been almost a month since my last appointment! I just wanna see my nugget!
Emmi - It's so good to hear from you. You are a strong woman and you will become a mother and an excellent one at that! I will be sending you thoughts and prayers, always.

Pinkie - the same for you.

For all the ladies on this thread. I know the struggle of infertility, I've dealt with it for 7 years. I know if you want something you will find a way to make it happen. Like I've said before, we are all on different paths but all heading for the same out come. I will always be praying that you ladies become mothers. You all deserve it, we all deserve it.

Please pop in every now and then, I would hate to lose contact with you ladies. I am so very thankful to have met you all and I want to be your cheerleader through the next journey you take. <3 I love all you ladies!

Thank you tee what a lovely message. I am always popping onto this tread to see how you lovely ladies are doing. I wish i could be celebrating with you but my time will come and know better than most people how much you ladies want and deserve this, i wouldn't want anyone to go through the struggles we have.

Keep posting your updates and I'll keep cheering you on. We have a follow up appointment in 4 weeks and will do this again and in the meantime will keep going.

Hey guys! Just checking in. Emmi and pinkie hope you're both doing well, healing and looking forward to next steps. Lots of hugs.

Qwerty can't wait to hear how it went today! Tee I hear ya on the time between appointments it takes so much patience!

AFM I'm starting to feel a little bit pregnant, have been feeling somewhat queasy and also tired and bloated. I just can't wait to see my LO at our sono next week so I can be assured everything is ok!
Pinkie good to hear from you. I hope that you have a good conversation with your RE and get a good plan for your next steps.

Strawberry - so exciting that you are feeling a LBP (little bit pregnant which is what i keep calling it... do you remember that pregnancy test advertisement that said that a lot?). I hope your sono next week goes well, please let us know.

my OB apt was kinda meh. we didn't look at baby so I am still so worried and miss being able to see that everything's ok. It was fine though, will just see rando docs until last month or so if we make it there.
Hi ya ladies! How is everyone. I have a feeling this thread is going to die down, perhaps I should change the title? Is that possible?

AFM: I am (as of yesterday) 10 weeks pregnant! I am already feeling more like myself. Not as tired, although I still am and my headches are still around. But I feel like my boat has gone down, I feel more "pretty" lately.

I hope you all are doing well. I miss you all!!
Hi ladies, touching base with everyone after a few weeks off! Good luck to the ladies who are having meetings with their consultants soon, I hope that you get the answers you want & can move forward. :hugs:

Tee & Qwerty..glad you & the bubs are both 'growing' swell! :thumbup:
Strawberry..how many weeks are you now? Gd luck at your scan hun. :thumbup:

I'm going through phases were I feel pregnant (nauseated/ hormonal/ painful larger boobs/mild cramps/tiredness/bachache & er discharge!) & then sometimes I don't!

Work is hectic & I have a headache right now, not sleeping great either :wacko:

Going for my scan on the 29th, excited & nervous, hospital make us wait forever!

Will try & keep in touch a bit more, wishing everyone the best..:hugs:

Hi guys, long time! tee sounds like everything is going marvelously! Same for Lexus and qwerty. I can't wait to hear your scan news Lexus! Qwerty sorry your appt was uneventful but there will be plenty of exciting scans coming up!

I had my scan yesterday, it went great, one little bean with a strong heartbeat measuring on track! It was so exciting and reassuring to see!!

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