IVF/FET May and June

Rebecca- just noticed you're from Chicago! We went there for our first time last summer. Loved it!!
I keep asking to go back, and to go to Girl and the Goat again! Such a fun and delicious city!
Timetotry- it's a great place to live! So much happening here and yes lots of great food!
We don't get out much because we both work but in the summer there's fireworks at the lake downtown every Wednesday and Saturday so we try to get out at least once every few weeks for fireworks and a dinner.
Hi all very quick message as got to get to work!

Timetotry I'm not good either at the wait but I have no choice but to get straight back into work which is all consuming in the days and sometimes evenings 🙄 I like the suggestions from the other ladies! You are getting their now - when is otd?

Ellie good luck today!!

Thanks everyone for your well wishes I just hope I can keep my stress levels down enough in work sadly as I run the business I can't be off 😭. Anyone else go straight back to work the day after transfer?
Good luck Ellie!

Yay for being PUPO Nimbec!

So many quick changes happening on here. Wishing love and luck to everyone.

AFM - Waiting for AF to show up for the final round of IVF. Kinda hoping she's a bit late since the days land in such a way that I have to give a lecture the morning of collection and the day after. Not ideal but I'll make it work if I have to (there is no getting out of it - I tried). At least that's if the timing is the same as last cycle. We've decided to go for a fresh transfer after this collection if we get some good candidates. Can't believe it's already time to talk transfer. Scary and exciting all at once!

My acupuncture lady had a long chat with me about timing. If we do a fresh transfer this cycle and if that bugger is sticky enough to stay in place - we have a trip to the US to visit my family in early August. It is a long haul flight (11 hours) and would be only 3 weeks after transfer. The acupuncturist highly recommended we cancel the trip if we are still positive and wait to take the long haul flights until I'm at least 8-10 weeks along. I've had a miscarriage before so it's just playing it extra safe. My parents will be crushed but I will explain the happy reason why. We can reschedule the trip. I will miss my nephew's wedding though.
All done. They got 7 eggs, 6 of which are going to have ICSI done. It's not a huge number, but is good enough and I'm hopeful for at least 4 top quality embies.
Nothing now until Thursday. They don't call to say how many fertilised until day 2, when they can give me an idea of progression too.
I'm sore, but it's manageable. I've just got home, so time to chill out starts here.
Nimbec - my transfer was on a Friday, but I went to work that following Monday. If my transfer was M-Th I would have returned to work the next day. I didn't have any issues with my transfer and didn't really rest afterward.

Merry - did the acupuncturist tell you why not to take a long flight 3 weeks after transfer?? I wouldn't think it would really matter unless it was like sitting too long and worried about getting a blood clot or stress?? Not questioning, just wondering.
Ellie - glad you ER went well. Crossing my fingers for lots of healthy embies!
Ellie yay that's a good number of eggs, great news! Fingers crossed now for the count in a few days.

Thanks Rq I kind of felt like I was doing something wrong...but I have no choice - good to know I'm not alone.

I have some good news today they called to say 2 more embryos made it to freeze so now I have 7 on ice - I can hardly believe it! I feel very lucky. Hopefully I won't need them but it's nice as back up!

Hope everyone is ok!
Congrats ellie that's a great number! Hope they have a superb fertilisation rate.

Nimbec I also had to work the day after et; in fact I was so busy & literally running around to get things done that I fell down the stairs, day after et! At least working will keep your mind occupied.

Great news Mary, can't wait for you to be PUPO soon :)
Merry - a fresh transfer potentially next cycle is very exciting. Yay! Really hope the timing works out. I struggle with that a bit as well, since I want to be able to predict when stuff will fall and it's really hard to do. Hope it works out and then you can have the other frosties left for a later date if you desire. Good luck!

Ellie - it sounds very promising, even if it's not as many eggs retrieved as you were hoping for. You still have a great shot of getting some great embryos. Fingers crossed for you! Rest up.

Nimbec - wonderful news. Love when you get good surprises during this process.
Nimbec- happy to hear about your bonus 2 embryos! I returned to work the day after transfer. Actually, with my first transfer I returned that day.
Ellicain- congrats honey and rest up! I didn't get my report until Monday and the retrieval was Friday, that was frustrating. Hoping there is good news for you in 2 days.
Nimbec - you are doing NOTHING wrong. When I start freaking out that I'm doing something wrong I just remember all the women that had babies in early times that worked farms, etc. They didn't eat pineapples or bed rest or anything else you might beat yourself up for and they had perfectly healthy babies.
I was listening to a podcast and there was a doc that said there was a study that showed being active (not strenuous) after ET actually lead to better outcomes than bedrest. I know some women take a week or two off due to stress but my job isn't that stressful. Best of luck!
Nimbec- that's awesome about your frosting!

And good job on the eggs Ellie!

Question about freezing.
What day do your clinics freeze on? And are they freezing at blast stage? Do you know what method they use for freezing?
I'm confused about why my clinic tells us that most people don't get to freeze any, and to consider it a bonus. Is it a PCOS thing, that I don't get any? Or is it a technology thing? Or timing?
The way our clinic does it, they have to be blasts. They freeze on day 6, and if the embryos aren't at blast by the specific time they need to start the vitrification process, then they are discarded.
Is this how they all do it?
Just wondering why we don't get a single one to freeze when I hear stories alllllll the time about people freezing a bunch!
Timetotry- my clinic freezes anything that has made is to blast stage by day 5.
I know that some people don't have the luxury of freezing embryos because very few are retrieved and from from what are retrieved few survive till day 5. Since we are dealing with MF we had no issues with my eggs and I had lots to freeze.
edited - I think I misunderstood your question Timetotry - so nevermind! But I'm not sure why you aren't getting any to freeze then.

To piggy back on this then, do they freeze stuff at a different stage when they do PGS. Because my clinic used the exact words as Timetotry's did and it is slightly confusing when they say they are going to do a "freeze all" when doing PGS. Do they normally wait until the blastocyst stage as well?
Thanks everyone for making me feel better!!!!
timetotry I was also told to expect none to freeze I think they said only 1-3% get them...I questioned as was considering paying for a 2 cycle deal but glad I didn't now! My clinic also only freeze blasts on day 5/6. I Aldo's have pcos but am not typical in way i present, do have a very high AMH 62.5 ...I think Ellie's is higher tho from memory. I think lots is to do with luck and how well you respond to meds I was very close to being cancelled due to too many so maybe the ladies with lots to freeze have over stimmed just a thought...

Ellie hope you are relaxing.
My clinic freezes any that make it to blast stage. I had an early blast on day 5. They waited an extra day and it became a blast and they froze it in day 6. Freezing should be done with the vitrification process. It's the most sucessful method. I have heard that approx 50% of IVF cycles have eggs left over to freeze.
Yes, my AMH is 78.9 and they were hyper cautious with my stim dose on this, my first IVF cycle. As a result, most of my follies didn't come to anything (I had 6 mature, but another 30+ kept small), despite stimming for 17 days. They said I was v high risk of OHSS so I'm glad they were careful. I just hope some of my 6 make it through the next stages. I have no idea at what stage they would freeze my left overs, if I have any, but I really hope I will get 1 or 2 so I've got a plan B (or sibling!).

To be honest, I'm ok with just waiting it out now, after 19 months of full-on TTC, this seems like the first time I don't have to do anything. Until 6am tomorrow, when the cyclogest saga begins!

The chances are that, in a Petri dish in a lab in Bristol, right now there are a few embabies with my and DH's DNA. I'm an emb-mummy tonight and I'll take that for now, until the next step!

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