Let us know how it went & what info you got
Just noticed you are in Spain? Living there?
Wanna_b, yes we are living here for my hubby's job for the next few years. When is your appointment?
Mrs C P, glad you were able to get a quick appointment. Fingers crossed for you that everything will be done.
PCOSMom, sorry to hear about the sickness with the BCPs, I hope taking it earlier continues to help
Princess, wow...what a rollercoaster of a ride! I hope everything gets sorted out fast.
AFM- had a bit of a wait at the clinic which just fed my anxiety even further. However, once we went back to see the doctor everything went smoothly. I will be doing the short antagonist protocol starting in about 2 weeks
. She did a scan and I practically have enough follies to pull right now! Ahhhhh, the joys of pcos. So, since she's worried about OHSS I'll be doing the antagonist protocol
. We'll be transferring 2 eggs on day three (as long as they are looking good). If not, we will see how things look on day 5. DH and I have some labwork to complete and bring back to the clinic as well as some forms to sign. Besides that I just have to email or call her when my cycle starts and we're good to go!
Meds ordered:
Gonal 1050
ovitrelle 250/0.5ML (might not be needed)
Cetrotide 0.25 x2 (or) Orgalutran 0.25 x2
Estradial 100 patch
Progesterone 200mg pills
Prenatal + folic acid pills (already taking)
Oh, they do everything so late here! My appointment was at 8pm and I was not the last patient