Hello everyone. On day 5 of stims today. Had my untrasounnd. Have 12 follies that are 10 to 12mm and some small ones too. Is this good. How is everyone doing?.
My hubby talked me into testing early today. I am so bummed ... wish I didn't now!
Jamer - I'm not feeling any symptoms either (besides tricking myself into imagining symptoms because I want them to be there). DH and I have our housewarming party on Saturday so I won't test till after that. I want to keep the hope alive at least until after the party.
Good luck with the dollar store tests!
yay congrats MoBaby!!! hope you have lots of great eggs and they do well. are you doing ICSI or just regular. Great to hear it wasnt too bad....so no pain during? thats what Im scared of. lots of people say they dont remember a thing, but I read one blog where she said it was really painful during so thats what makes me nervous.
JaniceT wow thats a lot, no wonder you are sleepy. did they say what your e2 levels are with that many? any idea when EC will be? Im going back tomorrow and hoping mine will be on the weekend.
Ummmmm....what's this????
Sorry for the super duper yellow pee ... I had just taken my prenatal and folgard. Always makes my pee neon yellow.
Ummmmm....what's this????
Sorry for the super duper yellow pee ... I had just taken my prenatal and folgard. Always makes my pee neon yellow.
Ummmmm....what's this????
Sorry for the super duper yellow pee ... I had just taken my prenatal and folgard. Always makes my pee neon yellow.
It could be a +ve ! But do test again. My 2nd ICSI pee stick gave me a false positive. That's why it's so vital to pee on a few sticks. Please geta +ve!!!