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IVF - For those in January?? (Nov. is long gone!)

PCOSMomToOne-The first of hopefully many u/s shots!! Happy 2ww!! :)

ttcfurrever-Oh hon! I hope they get that embie in there real quick! Preston was my only surviving embie from a frozen transfer. Yes, it only takes one and it's so hard to stay positive! (((HUGS)))

Me-My RE had the nurse write up a script for a bunch of needles and of course the pharmacy I went to had none of them. So we improvised with the 2 I thought would work best. I tried the nurse Wednesday to tell me all the info on what was for what but she insisted that could wait 2 weeks. And I wasn't waiting. ;)

On another note...My SIL had my nephew yesterday! I'm happy he's here but I was real bitter for a while. She got pregnant by her ex-husband on a whim and now here is this baby. It's just too easy for some people. :(
Quick one, I have to get ready.

Well, I prayed, and prayed, and we got a call this morning. God was watching over our embryos, we are transferring at 11:30, not 1 but 2.
PCOSMomToOne: I love they gave you an ultrasound pic!! thats awesome.
good luck today ttcfurrever!! sending baby dust your way!! :)
I'm back!

PCOSmom- very cool pic! Congrats on being PUPO my dear :happydance::happydance::happydance: :dust: :dust: :dust:

Jamer, Sunshine, ILuvbabies, and everyone else- thanks for the kind words, I needed it :hugs:

AFM-My re was trying to explain in english what was going on but I didn't get it. She spoke to dh in Spanish though, and he understood what was going on. She told me to watch for the white, I saw it and then it was over. She did show me my uterus and ginourmous bladder and the "flash" after she transferred the embryos. I am on 2 days bedrest watching movies with the hubs. Oh, and we got a picture of both of our embryos but I didn't ask what grade because we're going on faith and I don't want to jinx it.

Okay, the movie is starting. Babydust for everyone!!
Thank you girls!!!!

Good luck everyone :) May God bless you and be with you.
ttcfurrever-Thank goodness you had 2 to put back! Relax and enjoy the next few days. Definitely hoping you see a plus in 2 weeks!! Praying for you!
Hi ladies, my ivf consultation got moved to tomorrow afternoon. I'm excited yet worried. I will also need to do an endometrial biopsy. Not sure what to expect.

Should I be asking questions? I feel so lost. :(
Thats exciting wannabeamom!! Yes, definately ask questions, everytime you think of something you want to know, write it down on a piece of paper today so that you dont forget! They will explain to you what is going on, etc... treatment options, success rates, and a bunch of other things. It is a lot of info so if you dont have your questions prepared you may forget to ask with all the information they just told you! Good Luck!

Me: My egg retrevial is now wednesday. I had a scan this am and they have about 1 mm of growing to do, which they have been growing 2-3 mm every couple of days so tomorrow I should be ready for my trigger shot!! Then Sat or Monday I will have the little embies implanted :) Seems so close but soooo much still has to happen before my BFP comes true!
ttcfurrever!!! Congrats on your 2 transferred embies!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! TWINS!!!!
MoBaby - Congrats on having your ER set!! Good luck, this will be an exciting week for you!

TTCFurrever - AWESOME that you transferred two embies!! PUPO with twinnies...how exciting!!
MoBaby ... I will write everything down. I can't wait to get to your stage :). Good luck on Wednesday!!!

TTCFurrever, congrats!!!
Well this week step 2 is on Wednesday...I get my mega Lupron injection. Also last week of BCP's! WAHOO!!! The following Wednesday I have labs and a baseline u/s and then start stims Thursday the 17th.
Hi everyone

Can i join you :flower:,

My name is Isabella and we have started our first ivf/icsi cycle. I am on my fifth day of Suprecur (buserelin) shots down regging at the moment.

Tons of :dust: to all.
Welcome Babies! A great group of ladies here, please do join us.

I feel some individuals are due from me but I have some last minute things at work so I'll post when I get home.

I don't feel anything. Makes me soooo scared that it didn't work. Argh, I don't want to do this again.
not feeling anything either.... 7dpt.

Although..... everything is way too sweet to me, my favorite Coke Zero tastes disgusting - but that could be the the estrdiol and progesterone that I am on.

I SO WANT TO TEST! :tease:

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