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IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Trigger done... Now comes the wait for Friday! Longest 34 hours ever, I suspect! LOL
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to pop in. Looks like I will joining again soon. I had successful ICSI in March but unfortunately lost the baby around 10 weeks. Needless to say DH and I were totally heartbroken. Had a D&C on May 19 and am now just waiting for AF. If I get it before the end of June I can go ahead with ICSI again in July, if not, I have to wait until August. PRAYING for AF right now. I have never wanted to see her more in my life! I had a neg urine pregnancy test 2 weeks ago so she should come anytime now. Keeping my fingers crossed! and as always keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies as well!
Megg - good luck with ER

blondemop - welcome back. Keeping fingers crossed for AF for you.

littlemouse- have you already gone for your official beta test?

AFM - I tired the heat pad last night and it helped. The welts are still there but hopefully with more heating tonight it will slowly decrease. I was able to sleep a little better. Thank you so much Megg. Wish I could give you a big hug! Other than that I am still in my 2ww. I am on day 9 after ET and I remember my acupunctrist saying that I should be able to test on day 11. I don't go for beta test until next wednesday. I don't really feel any different other than tired and soreness from the shots. So really not sure what is happening with my little beans. Longest 2 week ever in my life - ARGH!!!:wacko: I am working the whole time and its not working to distract me at all :)
Meg well done! It will fly, only 1 more day to go :)

Blondemop hi :wave: how are you doing? Sorry to hear you had a m/c that must have been heartbreaking, especially so close to 12 weeks. Lots of luck for round 2 :)

Davecr, when did you have your ET in terms of the embryos? I was told to POAS 10 days after my 5DT - with transfer day being day 1. So if you had 5DT you could test tomorrow? Sorry I can't remember which stage you had ET!

I don't get a beta (is that a blood test?). We just POAS and then I've got an early scan at the clinic on 5 July. I am already impatient but hopefully it will go faster than the 2ww!

Hi ladies,
Just wanted to pop in. Looks like I will joining again soon. I had successful ICSI in March but unfortunately lost the baby around 10 weeks. Needless to say DH and I were totally heartbroken. Had a D&C on May 19 and am now just waiting for AF. If I get it before the end of June I can go ahead with ICSI again in July, if not, I have to wait until August. PRAYING for AF right now. I have never wanted to see her more in my life! I had a neg urine pregnancy test 2 weeks ago so she should come anytime now. Keeping my fingers crossed! and as always keeping my fingers crossed for you ladies as well!

I'm so sorry, honey! Obviously, that's why I'm back here too! Our stories are eerily similar, it seems. I hope you can get in to the July cycle! I'll happily donate my AF to you since you want her right now and I'd like to be done with her! :hugs:

Megg - good luck with ER

blondemop - welcome back. Keeping fingers crossed for AF for you.

littlemouse- have you already gone for your official beta test?

AFM - I tired the heat pad last night and it helped. The welts are still there but hopefully with more heating tonight it will slowly decrease. I was able to sleep a little better. Thank you so much Megg. Wish I could give you a big hug! Other than that I am still in my 2ww. I am on day 9 after ET and I remember my acupunctrist saying that I should be able to test on day 11. I don't go for beta test until next wednesday. I don't really feel any different other than tired and soreness from the shots. So really not sure what is happening with my little beans. Longest 2 week ever in my life - ARGH!!!:wacko: I am working the whole time and its not working to distract me at all :)

I'm glad its helping a bit! :)

Good luck testing!!! Can't wait to hear!
Hi ladies, Just to let you know i'm PUPO with triplets!!!!!!!!!

OMG am soooooooooooooooo excited xxxxx
So sorry for your loss blondemop :(
Megg yay!!
Donna pupo with triplets, wow!!
Littlemouse I'm sure the time will fly!!
Afm: just want the next 7 days put way so I'll know! X
I'm getting so tired of this whole process. No matter what happens I stress about it. When I was put on a higer dose of follistim and menopur I worried about overstimulating. Now that I'm doing fine and I have 12 or more follicles of a decent size growing together, I worry that it is not enough. No matter what, I worry and I'm tired of it. I had a scan and bloodwork this am, and after theey showed me the trigger shot and how to mix it. I started freaking crying for no reason bc I was stressed about the whole process and it not going well. It wasn't about the shot because I felt fine with that. I felt really dumb because I've never cried in front of anyone except my husband so far. I find it really hard to cry in public so I feel super stupid right now but I know it is probably normal emotions. The nurse said that around now is when it starts to hit ppl..? I dunno, I'm just tired and frustrated with it all while trying to manage at work like nothings wrong..ugh!
kaylakin it really is so normal to feel this way. And believe me , those nurses will be very very used to it by now. It's natural to feel fed up. My consultant asked me today how I had found the whole process and I said, its the emotions of hoping and waiting all the time, for a whole month. She said its a rollercoaster, one day, your up because your follicles are doing well, then your next scan a couple aren't doing so good and your in the depths of depression thinking its not working. I've been told that my age makes me a bad candidate but produced 8 eggs, 5 fertilised and all excellent quality. Whether they stick is another thing so again, its a matter of waiting and hoping. But it'll be worth it in the end if we get the results we want. And at least we've given it our best shot. Allow yourself to feel like this sometimes, its normal. Take care hun, sending a big hug :hugs: xx
I've felt the same Kaylakin! I think everyone does. I was so paranoid about ohss and started to develop it but it went eventually. Now I worry myself as ohss gets worse with of and I'm fine now, so take it that it's failed and I'm not pg!
Even in normal cycles where I'm not expecting to be preggo I have more symptoms than I do now!! Absolutely nothing!! X
Donna congrats, pupo with 3 beans!!! Good luck in the 2ww :)

Kaylakin that is so totally normal, I was exactly the same! Donna put it really well, it is a total rollercoaster. How anyone is expected to carry on pretending to be normal or holding down a job is just insane. I think it was the hardest thing I've ever done, hence hoping the 1st one works so I don't have to do it again!! But it will come to an end and you will survive it, I promise - and fingers crossed it will all be worth it :)

Dream how are you doing? Is it 1 week today for testing? Hang in there!

I'm going crazy Littlemouse! Really need to return to work to keep me busy!! Back on Monday! Yup it's next Thursday test day, I'll be 14 dp3dt then. Going crazy waiting, really convinced it'll be bfn and a whole load of tears x
Keep the faith Dream! I know it's so hard to but I honestly had bugger all symptoms either and look how it turned out. I mean I am still struggling to believe I had a BFP so I completely know how you feel. The waiting is totally agonising tho. But just think, this time next week you'll know. It's the very last hurdle you just have to keep on a wee bit longer :)

Can you do something nice this weekend to take your mind off?

Thanks honey. I have a massage and facial booked for Saturday so that will be nice :) will hopefully chill me out a bit! X
How lovely! I think I'm gonna go for a facial next week too, DH got me a voucher to a posh salon for my birthday :)

Just make sure you tell the masseur what's going on with you so they can be gentle and safe.

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