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IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

I'm going to try... I just didn't know it would be so uncomfortable!
dream, hang in there, still time left for that BFP!

donna, congrats on PUPO with twinnies! Get lots of rest on that 2WW!

Megg, congrats on the 9 eggs! Hope you get lots of nice embies!!

AFM, been working a lot still and just plugging along waiting for my follow-up with FS. Talk to you all again soon!
Well girls I've Been stupid and tested. Negative as expected. I know it's early but I don't think the outcome is going to be an different next week. I feel normal apart from the cramps. I've just got to accept that I'll be repeating all this again soon and it sucks.

Hang in there. You still have 5 full days until your official test. It really is not over until it's over...but I understand having to prepare yourself for the worst while hoping and praying for the best! Why does this have to be so hard?
9 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 6 fertilized! 6 embies growing!!! Tentatively scheduled for transfer at 2:15 Monday, but might get pushed to a 5 day transfer on Wednesday instead!!! :happydance:
Great news Megg. 6 embies growing :happydance:

I'm not feeling well at all. Have got ear infection, but on top of that am really sick and dizzy, which is prob nothing to do with my ear, as its not an inner ear infection. Just looked up progesterone side effects, and nausea and insomnia are on there. Well i've def got those. Keep feeling really really sick:sick:

Checked up my 2 last embies in the lab today and one of them made it to blastocyst and is good enough to freeze, so they will.

Hope everyone else is well and sorry for not being very talkative xx
Donna, congrats on being PUPO with triplets!

I had an appointment this morning and my doc called me this afternoon saying that I will be triggering tomorrow evening at 8pm. I'm getting more nervous, but glad to be getting on with things as well. I go for my egg retrieval on Tuesday morning and likely for the transfer on Friday. Getting closer!

Oh, I have one question for anyone who may know. I forgot to ask him when I was on the phone today, but he still has not done the mock transfer because I was unable to do it previously due to bleeding, etc. He said he would do it the day of the egg retrieval but when I spoke with him on the phone he didn't mention any of that. Do you think he will do it before the retrieval but while I"m sedated? I don't want him to forget about it, but I'm sure they are on top of everything...I may call on Monday to double check..??
No clue... Mine was way before egg retrieval on my first cycle. Maybe he'll do it while you're under though. I'd ask!
kaylakin, I don't think I've ever had one done. Unless they did it and didn't tell me. This forum is the first I've heard of it.
Hi Kaylakin,

Re. the trial transfer, definitely ask them on Monday as I think it can be useful for them to do this before the real thing. They should be able to try it whilst you're having EC, even though you won't have a full bladder which slightly alters things.

Having said that, they did the trial on me partway through my cycle and established that my cervix or uterus (can't remember which..) is at a really strange angle. Even so, it took them *ages* to get the catheter in on the day and it was a different person doing it - so perhaps it was a waste of time doing the trial in 1st place!!

Megg that's brilliant news, fingers crosssed for your lovely embies!! How are you feeling after EC?

I've never had a trial either. But there were no problems. Had a really full bladder and that def helped to have things in the right place. Good luck xx
Hey all, how is everyone???
Kaylakin i didn't have a mock transfer either so can't comment.
Donna how are you feeling?
Megg im so excited you have 6 embies growing!!! So exciting!
Afm: I'm doing ok today. I actually have no urge whatsoever to test! Bizarre! Yesterday I had a few things that I could call 'symptoms' but I'm sure they're just progesterone related! It's strange that as the test date gets nearer I want to know the result less!! Xx
Hi Kaylakin,

Re. the trial transfer, definitely ask them on Monday as I think it can be useful for them to do this before the real thing. They should be able to try it whilst you're having EC, even though you won't have a full bladder which slightly alters things.

Having said that, they did the trial on me partway through my cycle and established that my cervix or uterus (can't remember which..) is at a really strange angle. Even so, it took them *ages* to get the catheter in on the day and it was a different person doing it - so perhaps it was a waste of time doing the trial in 1st place!!

Megg that's brilliant news, fingers crosssed for your lovely embies!! How are you feeling after EC?


My cervix tends to decide to point down at the most inopportune times. My first transfer was a nightmare because of it! And, he'd already done a mock transfer and an IUI on me. So, its not like he had never dealt with my cervix before. They're just not quite stationary... They can move positions! LOL

I'm feeling better and better by the day! I even slept in a bed last night! :haha:

Hey all, how is everyone???
Kaylakin i didn't have a mock transfer either so can't comment.
Donna how are you feeling?
Megg im so excited you have 6 embies growing!!! So exciting!
Afm: I'm doing ok today. I actually have no urge whatsoever to test! Bizarre! Yesterday I had a few things that I could call 'symptoms' but I'm sure they're just progesterone related! It's strange that as the test date gets nearer I want to know the result less!! Xx

Not strange! I've never gone for a beta draw without saying "No! I don't want to go! I don't want to know... not now, not ever!" Its not uncommon! I think they professionals call it "fear"! :flower:
Yeah i suppose thats what it is megg!! Especially after seeing a negative on friday, i really never need to see one again!x
Good luck for ET today Megg :happydance: xx

Hope everyone else is ok and coping with the wait (either waiting for af, waiting for scans, waiting for approval, waiting for tww!!)

Kaylakin did your trigger go ok? EC tomorrow is it hun?

I'm ok, been a bit up and down. My lovely positivity came crashing down and reality took its place. But i'm not going to dwell on it. Just getting to place in my head where I can cope with bad news if it is. Going to get on with lots of housework today, music is on and the sun is trying to shine. Hope you all have a lovely day. Let us know how it goes later Megg

Love and luck ladies xx
Hello ladies,

Megg - good luck with ET today. I've never even heard of a mock ET so never had one. Didn't realize they did that or I would have asked my doc. My ET seems to take forever but the valium was really kicking in and I had the giggles afterwards bad. They finally let me pee and hubby was in the bathroom with me and couldn't stop making me laugh wtih the look on his face because my pee was so ridiculously long LOL

donna and dream - when do you go for beta test? Mine is coming up on Wednesday. My acupuncturist said that we should be able to tell around day 11 after ET.

Kaylakin - good luck with ER.

AFM - I am just hanging in there. I have no urge to test either. The acupuncturist on saturday said 'possibly' from my pulse. Said she could feel it on my right hand pulse but not my left. Not sure what that means so am just not thinking about it. Waiting for wednesday to arrive for beta. In the meantime I am out of my progestrone shots so I am calling the doc to order more today. Hate that I have to do that. Just wishing all these meds were over with now. Now that it is close to the end of the journey I am starting to feel anxious and just wanting all the shots to done. Wanting to be a bit normal I guess. Back at work today and hoping that will be a good distraction though its so hard. Its crazy how you're going through all this and everyone around you thinks that's its just all normal and peachy even though you can never get your mind off it.:wacko:
Hi Davecr, I don't get a Beta test. I have to do hpt14 days post transfer. If positive will get a scan two or three weeks later. And that's it. Wish we did get Betas. How many days post transfer are you now and are you 3day or 5day transfer?

I'm having really bad af pains today. Is this normal. I'm 4dp3dt

How is everyone else? xx
I am on day 12 after transfer and really don't feel anything but slight sore boobs and mild cramping every once in a while. I am a day 5 transfer and had two full blastocysts transferred. I had bad cramping on day3 and 4 after transfer so it might be normal. Then I had mild cramping after that and it went away after a few days. My nurse said to eat pineapple too to help with the pH of the uterus or something like that. She said that implanatation usually happens around day3-4 after transfer.

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