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IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

I will do! It's a back massage so should be fine!!I've had the vouchers for ages so thought I'd treat myself!! X
Oh Kaylakin, sorry you're worrying so much sweetie. I was a mess two days ago and before ET I was a mess while doing the early shots too. Thank god I didn't cry in front of anyone but hubby but so feel you about crying in front of others. I had an emotional moment one day at work and darted to my car to ball it out for a bit. It is a very long road and so much to do and I still feel like its never going to end with good news. The drugs and the whole complicated process and trying to pretend to be normal at work and with family is very tiring.

I balled it out two days ago and when hubby asked me why I was crying I snorted out that I didn't know why. He said I looked so cute with all the snot running down my nose.

Just cry it out of your system sweetie. It feels better afterwards. At least it did for me.
Kaylakin- Your feelings are completely normal, I swear! Those people have seen so many people cry! You aren't the first and won't be the last! Cut yourself some slack. I hope none of you ever get to find out that the 3rd cycle is the easiest! I count myself lucky that I'm finally not a wreck this time!
Thank you guys for your responses. I just got home now and read them and I feel like you are the only people who really understand. It is too hard to explain the ups and downs to people who haven't been through this. I definitely need to cut myself some slack. I can't be strong through everything without cracking a little bit...

Donna -- that's exactly it -- the rollercoaster of ups and downs. I can take whatever physically, I'll do 10 shots a night -whatever! It's just everything out of your control and the not knowing..ugh!

Littlemouse- I agree, holding down a job is hard - especially when you have to help other people. Some days I wish I had a desk job where I could zone out for a few minutes at a time..no such luck! I agree it has been the hardest thing I've gone through - this whole TTC business has been the hardest thing so far...
Dream -- It seems there's always something to worry about, I agree! It's like, even if you do get pregnant, it never ends -- then you're worried about each scan and then do you feel the baby moving enough; then the baby is born and there are a million other concerns to worry about...it never stops...Having said that, I'd rather be worrying about a newborn than my follicles growing inside me! hah..Good luck with the rest of your 2WW..the massage sounds great! There are SO many people who say they felt nothing and it worked out fine. I just spoke to a friend tonight who told me the story of someone who felt absolutely nothing but her beta came back positive..try to hang in there!
Davecr Thank you for your response! I did feel better after crying it out on the way to work, lol. I just have to remind myself to take it one day at a time, and to actually follow that advice. That's great about your husband -- glad you can look cute in the midst of all of this! LOL.My husband has been great. He tells me each night how proud he is of me and everything...it is really nice to have that support..

Meg - thanks. You're right, they've probably seen it all. It is so hard to cut myself slack but I think that's exactly what I have to do. I get so down on myself when I let the stress of this get to me or I get emotional when I don't want to...but I really have to stop putting these unrealistic expectations on myself. I can't imagine doing it three times, but if I have to I will..and I'm glad that you're dealing with it better this time around!
I couldn't imagine doing it once... let alone 3 times. I was sure that even the first cycle would never come to completion. Something was bound to stop me. I wouldn't respond. We wouldn't get any eggs. Nothing would fertilize. Nothing would be left growing so there would be no transfer. But, not only did I complete the cycle, I actually got pregnant! LOL Of course, it didn't have a happy ending... but that's not the cycle's fault. That's just my crap luck! The most important thing to remember is that you don't have to believe it will work in order for it to work! It keeps rolling right along no matter what you're thinking/feeling!
Yeah, Meg, that is very good to know. I mean, I'm usually a very positive person, but after everything, including a m/c last year, I'm just so much more reserved and cautious..and honestly a bit more negative. I just think it is self-preservation and protecting from any more disappointment. I have heard that stress/anxiety do not affect IVF outcomes anyway, so that's good. I feel the same way you felt - I feel like none of my eggs will be mature and we won't have any fertilize or make it to the transfer. It just seems so impossible. How the hell do people get pregnant naturally?
I don't know how people get pregnant naturally! That escapes me entirely! LOL

I've actually seen studies that showed people who were stressed were more likely to have a positive outcome on their cycle. So, it either does nothing or it helps! :haha: You'll be fine! And, when you have retrieval and hear that you have fertilized embies to put back, you'll still not quite know how its possible! If you're anything like me, you also won't believe it when it works!
I don't know how people get pregnant naturally! That escapes me entirely! LOL

I keep wondering this! When you know as much as we do (which let's face it is way more than most women who conceive naturally) you realise how bloody hard it is - there are so many little things that all have to be lined up just right, it is honestly a wonder that anyone ever conceives without intervention!

Dreamofabean, you know what just occurred to me to say to you: think of all those women who have no idea they're pregnant until their period is late. Loads and loads of them! And that's because you can feel nothing whatsoever initially. I'm still hardly feeling anything and had to test again this morning for my sanity. So just you hold on with some hope please :)
Well girls I've Been stupid and tested. Negative as expected. I know it's early but I don't think the outcome is going to be an different next week. I feel normal apart from the cramps. I've just got to accept that I'll be repeating all this again soon and it sucks.
11dpo is still very early! Try again in 2-3 days!
Good luck Meg!

Dreamofabean don't give up yet sweetie, it's still really early for HPT.

Well girls I've Been stupid and tested. Negative as expected. I know it's early but I don't think the outcome is going to be an different next week. I feel normal apart from the cramps. I've just got to accept that I'll be repeating all this again soon and it sucks.

I tested negative on Day 11, but I think it was Day 13, I got a faint pink line.
I looked at my stick on Day 10 and 11, and thought "ok well I know the trigger shot is gone". TodayI am 7w1d preggers, don't give up!
9 eggs... in a good deal of pain... but very happy!

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