IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Did anyone ever post a pic of all the injections?!
Well heres one anyway.....
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Aaa that's wuite a scary picture! Think I will have to do the same as a constant reminder!

Well metformin started today so our IVF journey is in progress! Although I've got another 3 weeks of this before I start the injections..it's going to be a long next few weeks!!!

It could be because of the medication bc i've felt very tired and lacking any energy since starting them too....its so hard to get myself going everyday for work...
are they making it hard for you to sleep at night? I have always had a hard time sleeping but its been worse the last 3 weeks....
And make sure if you take anything for the pain its not aspirin, its ibuprofin because you don't want to thin your blood before the ER! I went to the store to get a new bottle to have when the pains get more annoying later in the day

I'm sleeping fine, just struggling to get up!

my clinic told me to take paracetamol only for pain, have read somewhere before that you shouldn't take ibuprofen when ttc cos its an anti-inflammatory drug, and can affect ovulation - not sure if this is true?

Its weird how different places tell us different things...she told me to absolutely not take ibuprofen bc it thins the blood and can cause you to bleed more after the ER...

Either way, i'm trying not to take anything unless I absolutely need to because I didn't want a bunch of anything in my system...
Hello can I join? We will be doing Ivf in March. We have to pay for the meds out of pocket. Dh will be able to take more time off then.
hi pollydoodle glad your back, i hope your af doesnt show up until after friday, i think if it arrives over the weekend just call and leave a message and they should then just get you in on the monday to scan you and you just start straight away, thats what my clinic said to do, if i were you id give them a call on friday when they open and just double check, am i right in thinking your on the short protocol like me and start jabbing on day 3 x

thanks mrs g i hope we all join you soon x

flakey it must feel good to actually be starting something though, but i do know how you feel the days are dragging for me at the moment now christmas is over x

welcome mommy2four x

how are you doing wallie x
i hope everyone is doing well there are so many of us now its really hard to keep up if anyone has any updates for the first page let me know :hugs:
morning ladies

well i've been for my scan, and i think its ok, i have about 6 follies on each side, none of which are more than 10mm yet, but they've still got time, the nurse said that they need at least 3 17mm follies before they'll do egg collection. next scan and bloods on friday

am still feeling so tired today, have had to call in sick at work cos i was supposed to be on call tonight, and there's no way i could cope with being up all night at the moment. very tearful today too, cried when we went in to see the nurse - their automatic response is to ask if i want counselling :dohh: no i don't, i'm just so emotional off the hormones!!! why can't they understand that??!!

good luck to everyone else and welcome mommy2four

im glad your scan went well hun they still have lots of growing time left id be worried if they were growing too quickly because of ohss,
i dont get why they didnt understand your emotional because of hormones they must see it every day, might have something to do with the £50 per session :haha:
hope your feeling better soon :hugs:
Hey everyone Quick question and then I will go back and catch up on everyone now that I am finished with work next 20 days for the IVF.....

Yesterday, I had my DR scan and estradiol blood taken. Doc said everything looks good and yesterday was also day 7 of Lupron and AF is def showing up on time tomorrow as I've got her all checked in with all the pre-AF signs here since yesterday. Doc is going to have me start stims day 2-3 of AF which will be this Friday or Saturday.
Problem is my estradiol was 125 (problem for me as what is normal for day 7 of DR?) and I know estradiol should be below 60 before starting any stims. How much can it possibly go down in 4 days? Hopefully below 60 lol! Either way, doc isn't worried, but I am just a little.
Anyone have any advice/info on this? Should I be worried or is everything seem going to plan? Nurse in the message said everything looks good and to keep Friday's appointment.

It could be because of the medication bc i've felt very tired and lacking any energy since starting them too....its so hard to get myself going everyday for work...
are they making it hard for you to sleep at night? I have always had a hard time sleeping but its been worse the last 3 weeks....
And make sure if you take anything for the pain its not aspirin, its ibuprofin because you don't want to thin your blood before the ER! I went to the store to get a new bottle to have when the pains get more annoying later in the day

I'm sleeping fine, just struggling to get up!

my clinic told me to take paracetamol only for pain, have read somewhere before that you shouldn't take ibuprofen when ttc cos its an anti-inflammatory drug, and can affect ovulation - not sure if this is true?

You are right about not taking any prostaglandin inhibitors such as aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen. Acetaminphen (Tylenol) or in the UK, paracetamol is going to be the only safe thing. Prostaglandins are needed during ovulation and hence, why you cannot take them when TTC...and in IVF I def wouldn't chance it!
Hey everyone Quick question and then I will go back and catch up on everyone now that I am finished with work next 20 days for the IVF.....

Yesterday, I had my DR scan and estradiol blood taken. Doc said everything looks good and yesterday was also day 7 of Lupron and AF is def showing up on time tomorrow as I've got her all checked in with all the pre-AF signs here since yesterday. Doc is going to have me start stims day 2-3 of AF which will be this Friday or Saturday.
Problem is my estradiol was 125 (problem for me as what is normal for day 7 of DR?) and I know estradiol should be below 60 before starting any stims. How much can it possibly go down in 4 days? Hopefully below 60 lol! Either way, doc isn't worried, but I am just a little.
Anyone have any advice/info on this? Should I be worried or is everything seem going to plan? Nurse in the message said everything looks good and to keep Friday's appointment.

Not sure about what numbers should be, but maybe you should just trust what they say? i'm starting to think that maybe i should just listen to what they say and just go with the flow HTH (and hope you don't take any offense as none was intended) Good luck
No offense and you are exactly right lol! Just feeling like I am in an obsessive mood. Just wondering what if my E2 is still over a 100...like, then what. Oh well! I am going to relax now that I have 20 lovely days off! What to do what to do!
Wow you've got egg collection just around the corner...yippeeee!
Egg collection can't come soon enough! Stomach feels pretty swollen already! Glad u didn't take offense, I too am v obsessed! Lol

Good luck tomorrow wallie, hope u manage to sniff ok! X
Oh everyone's flying along now aren't they. All sounds good and Alexapoo I'm just going to go with the flo with things, I'm going to "try" and not obsess and stay positive throughout this process. What we don't know won't worry us!!!

I hope my sniffing goes okay tomorrow. Prepped the bottle last night as I was confused as to how it all went together. OH worked it out though. I'm so dum sometimes.
Good luck with your sniffing Wallie, it's exciting now that people are getting started!
Thanks for your message Raf-Wife - yup, I am on the short protocol too, although according to the programme they gave me I start injecting on day 1 (which is why I wondered what happens if AF starts on a weekend, although I phoned them up today and they said that if that happens I will just start on a Monday - seems very flexible, which is confusing me as I thought it was all very regimented.)
Anyway according to my programme I have two FSH injections each day for days 1, 2 and 3 (which I think is 150iu Menopur although not 100% sure yet) and then the FSH injection and the antagonist injection (which I think is Cetrotide 0.25mg) each day til the HCG shot. Seems like ages already since my consents appointment so have forgotten half of what they told me already - hopefully can refresh my memory at my next appointment. I'll need to write down the instructions for the drugs or else will end up forgetting what I'm meant to be doing and when!
Egg collection can't come soon enough! Stomach feels pretty swollen already! Glad u didn't take offense, I too am v obsessed! Lol

Good luck tomorrow wallie, hope u manage to sniff ok! X

I'm glad your scan went well:flower: I feel the same way! i talked to my manager tonight about the possibility of missing some work this week because i'm feeling so uncomfortable...he told me that he wants work to be of 2nd importance and to worry about the IVF first...he said at this point it is way more important :happydance: Made me feel sooo much better

Have another scan tomorrow so we'll see what they say! Hopefully they will be able to give me a date
Egg collection can't come soon enough! Stomach feels pretty swollen already! Glad u didn't take offense, I too am v obsessed! Lol

Good luck tomorrow wallie, hope u manage to sniff ok! X

I'm glad your scan went well:flower: I feel the same way! i talked to my manager tonight about the possibility of missing some work this week because i'm feeling so uncomfortable...he told me that he wants work to be of 2nd importance and to worry about the IVF first...he said at this point it is way more important :happydance: Made me feel sooo much better

Have another scan tomorrow so we'll see what they say! Hopefully they will be able to give me a date

That was really nice of them, my work are being pretty good tbh, i popped in yest, and it was actually one of the girls who suggested i didn't work last night, am thinking i must have looked pretty awful too!! am getting crampy type pains too at the moment, bit like af, my stomach looks awful, few little bruises and swollen, not a good look!

good luck tomorrow, mine is tomorrow too :hugs:
Wow everything is really coming along for all of us!

mrssunshine: I bet you are very uncomfortable;I can only imagine how I will be. Not looking forward to the bloating! lol I can't forget to get me a lot of Gatorade and drink it diluted through stimming and after retrieval.

Wallie: I also said I wouldn't obsess and haven't until now. In fact, I am trying not to know more than I need to, but that number really scared me! So you have to DR for about 3 weeks? Wow. Which protocol is this?

Krisitn: your boss sure sounds nice. mine on the other hand wants to meet with me before my "vacation" which is today onwards and she just gives me the note yesterday. She is such a bitch. I of course, didn't tell her what I am doing as she is the type to try and fire you or use the info against you to connive and scheme. I can't wait till she moves on to another facility! You are so lucky!

AFM: AF started and so I was told to call and tell the clinic though I have an appointment tomorrow! Hopefully my E2 is nice and low. I also changed my injection to my arms as my belly was getting sensitive.
Hey I'm not looking forward to bloating but if it gets me by :bfp: I'll not care in the end. I've been thinking about what to wear to work already. I usually wear quite snug things to work so I've started wearing looser things already so folk don't suspect.

Alexapoo - I'm on the long protocol. I think the clinic always does this with this as a rule and I'll DR for as long as it suits them I suppose. Anyway not really that long until baseline scan.

Hope everyone is doing okay though. Happy Thursday all!
Just got to work after my appt...they saw I think 4 17mm follicles and around 12 between 9mm and 13mm...she said everything looks great! Next appt saturday...I was hoping for a date today but she said it's still too early...hope yours goes well too mrssunshine :hugs:
sounds like you're resonding really well kristen, thats good news, did they give you an estimated date for collection? they told me mine was possibly the 12th, next wed :hugs:

wallie how's the sniffing going? i agree i can deal with the bloating if i get the somewhat elusive BFP!!! :hugs:

fab news that your af arrived!! strange to say that when ttc! lol Bet tomorrow can't come soon enough! good luck :hugs:

hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:


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