IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

flippin heck RAF wife! thats a lot of liquid!
not quite managed 2 yet today...but i bought a brita filter and i put it into left over water bottles and put in lemon and limes for a bit of flavour.
need to work on the milk.
Did anyone get told to drink all the water by their clinc. My clinic didn't tell me anything to eat/drink or not to eat/drink aart from alcohol. xx
Clinic just called, & it's not the news I was hoping for. Out of our 17 eggs, only 3 have fertilised which is disappointing.

So they'll call on Monday & let me know how they've grown over the weekend, & if they're all looking good, they'll still go for a blasto transfer. Otherwise it'll be a 3-day transfer on Monday.

Feeling really sad, have that feeling that they won't grow at all & I'll have gone through all this for nothing.:cry::cry::cry:

Sorry to hear that Jo, I know you will be disappointed. Try to stay positive, I'm sure you will be able to get on with your transfer, and that's the main thing. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, take care.

Daisy I wasn't told to drink any extra water, just tinavoid alcohol and be healthy...I did everything the same as I was before. I have a really hard time getting enough water still but I'm getting better
No, I never got told a thing about drinking plenty of water, no sex (I've read that on here) not a damn thing, nada!

Actually there was one thing they told me to do, take folic acid at least 3 months before IVF. Doh! I've been on it for about four blinkin years! twats
flippin heck RAF wife! thats a lot of liquid!
not quite managed 2 yet today...but i bought a brita filter and i put it into left over water bottles and put in lemon and limes for a bit of flavour.
need to work on the milk.
Did anyone get told to drink all the water by their clinc. My clinic didn't tell me anything to eat/drink or not to eat/drink aart from alcohol. xx

the clinic told me to drink lots of water and halfway through my treatment they said about the milk (i was already drinking it though anyway) i started off having 2 ltrs of water but i had so many side affects i took it upon myself to up it to 3 even taking a few pints up to bed for in the night, before i started doing that i was feeling very sick and dizzy all the time and really quite poorly, but i do dehydrate very easily x
We got told to start folic acid! Haha!
Got told only protected sex at the min but no sex after EC I think.
I wake up with head aches so that encourages me to drink water and they usually go away through the day.

As my OH has only got back he can see the change in me since injections as he left before I starte and he said I seem to be a lot more confused.
Like gettin my words mixed up and repeating things I've already told him.
That's weird huh!? I've started to notice it myself *cue mad panic*
Hoping its just due to fact I can't focus on anything other than IVF and I literally DO NOT want to talk about anything unless it revolves around babies! Lol!
Hope I'm not goin mad :-/ xx
i was like that too during stims very confused very tired and feeling slightly drunk x
Hi Ladies.

Sorry i have not been on for a while. Congratulation to the ladies with the recent BFP well done :hugs:

Raf Wife and Flake-Y your both in my prayers, im sure everything will go to plan :hugs: looking forward to see you BFP soon xx stay strong lovlies

AFM I got a phone call from the clinic last week saying my Thyroid is also high :shrug: Should be around 0- 1 mine is at 6 and MY Prolactin hormone should be under 20ng mine is sky high at 120, its very upsetting they my body cant just be normal at this critical time in my life.

I have to take a tablet just before breakfast to try and control my Thyroid (Its called hyperthyroid, which explains now why i have lost so much weight and im constantly hot even in the middle of snow i will sweat, but never did i think anything of it :shrug:) The Fertility Specialist wants be to repeat both blood tests this week and i get to chat to her on the 16th about the results, Hopefully if the 1st tests were just a fluke due to stress or something else i can still go ahead if the results go down, i will get the green light and she will give me my Nasal spray and i can start ICSI when my period arrives :thumbup: if the numbers are still high we may have to cancel my ICSI this Month and focus on tuning in my hormones.

I promised myself not to get too upset with what she says on Wednesday. The last thing i want is to have a failed ICSI knowing it was due to my hormones :nope:

I will update you all for sure by the end of the week what will happen? I have been on the pill now for 2 weeks as she wants to control my Ovulation, its a waiting game.

Love and hugs to you all xx
Good luck nayla, your thyroid is pretty easy to sort out so don't worry about that :hugs:

Daisy my clinic only told me to drink plenty of fluids, no one mentioned drinking milk, which I'm really pleased about cos I really hate the stuff!!!

Megg time will fly by for u to start again

Good luck to RAF wife and flaky, this time tomorrow you might be PUPO!!!
well done lottie and Jo on your lovely growing embies-try and focus on how special those ones are and how they are growing stronger and stronger. Good luck Jo if your transfer ends up being tomorrow :thumbup:

Are you pupo now mrs m??

Daisy - I was told to drink about 3 litres of liquid inc 1 litre of milk. I drink quite alot of water anyway but i did as Lottie said to buy litres so that i can measure how much im drinking and I wont be going back to tap water now either yuck!!!! Think ill have to get a proper chilled water dispenser now...hope your getting on okay. I was bloated too, i liked it in a mad way because it made be feel closer to one day being pregnant :wacko:

Hope your doing well Polly!

And Alexa-triplets? How are you feeling? Sorry to hear you had that horrible woman again. She sounds like a proper :witch: :haha:

Nayla-Sorry to hear that your bodys not playing ball. But as you said its better to get sorted before you start the treatment but I know the waiting is Hard, hard, hard!

Hope everyone else are ok,

sorry I forgot to ask WrightyWales-hope you have good news on the thawing. Thinking of you, it must be difficult waiting for the phone call :hugs:
hello ladies

forgot to post here oppps :)

hope you've all had a lovely relaxing weekend

Daisy - i was bloated within the first 4 days hun its quite normal. i was told to drink 3 litres a day which i found quite hard ended up spending most the time on the loo hehehe good luck with your next scan hope follies are growing nicely xxx

Nalya - hope its all sorted out soon hun then you can start your treatment xxx

raf-wife - thats great hun remember quality not quantity. good luck tomorrow hun xx

Flake-y - i know 3 wasnt what you were expecting hun but you only need 1 to get that bfp sending positive vibes your way hun xx

angie - thanks for asking hun all going well so far. find out more tuesday hope your ok xxx

sorry to everyone i missed thinking of you all xxx

AFM - well ive had my 2 phone calls this morning and 1 yesterday which was a shock. they took out 11 embies 8.30 this morning so still have 13 frosties left. out of the 11 10 survived the thaw which is what they wanted to try for blast :happydance::happydance:. they are phoning me tuesday to tell me how they are doing and to let me know if it will be 3 or 5 day transfer. im nearly there wont be long and i will be PUPO again cant wait

Good Luck Ladies :dust::dust: xxx
good luck jo :hugs:

good luck wrightywales 10 surviving the thaw is excellent news :happydance:

hi angie thankyou for your posts how are you chick :hugs:

mrs m i hope your doing well hun x

mrs s kristin and alexa how are you pregnant lovelys x

daisy how are the stims going do you have a scan today if so good luck hun x

i hope everyone else is doing well x

Afm i am so excited and nervous ive been awake all night x
Wow wrightywales, 10 surviving thaw is amazing, good luck for your transfer!

Raf-wife, lots of luck for today!

And me, after 11.30 today I will be pupo! There's 1 embie better than the rest, so I'll have that one transferred today, and since I've so few, I'm going to ask for another one to be transferred to. They can't say no cause it's a private cycle!!!
best of luck flake-y and raf-wife for ET today :happydance:

Just wanted to pick people's brains if I may on a couple of points..... firstly after ET, how long did you take off work? I've gone back today after ET on Friday and i'm starting to wonder if it's too soon as I certainly feel sore today.

For those of you lucky enough to get your BFP's, did you get any symptoms before your OTD?

And the most embarrassing one...:blush: did anyone have issues opening your bowels after EC/ET? I haven't been:blush: since before EC. I am on clexane injections and wonder if this affects it.... Sorry, far TMI!!

Hope everyone's doing well xxx
good luck today flake-y, yay for PUPO!!

mrs major, i took a whole week off work after ET, this was because i was told by one of the girls from work that everyone thought i should be sat with my feet up for a week!! i was quite bored, but am glad i had that time off. I didn't have any symptoms, in fact i started bleeding 2 days before my bfp and i honestly thought i was out, i considered having wine and a hot bath the day before bfp, and then i only tested cos i was so sure it was going to be negative!! tbh i still don't really have any symptoms. I was the same, i didn't go to the toilet for days either, progesterone can bung you up!! so don't worry, you could always try dried apricots or prunes that might help. Hope this helps

wighty thats a fantastic number of survivors!! good luck when you have transfer

raf wife are you going for a blasto transfer?

afm i'm very nervous about my scan tomorrow, really hope that everything is ok, think i'm worrying even more cos of my lack of symptoms
hi mrs s my clinic seems to only do day 3 transfers im going in today at
2.10pm, good luck for tommorrow hun x
thank you for the info mrssunshine..... best of luck for your scan tomorrow, am sure everything will be fine. Is it your first scan? be lovely to see your little beanie :)

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