IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Hiya Ladies,

We're just waiting on our doctor to call back we were told we'd get a call tomorrow and that will be for our appointments to have bloodwork, scan, and we also have to see a councilor, accounts person, and we have to have police checks done. Victoria is the only state in Australia that you have to have a police check, its pain in the backside because it takes about 2 weeks to get back.

Did all of you have to see a councilor at your clinic? Ours is to discuss what would happen to the embies if we died, seperated etc. I feel like we're moving forward though which is good!!!
We go for a couples class the 29th where they show hubby how to do the injections.

I got a call from the dr's office today about sending me my medication...I should get it by the 30th and start it on the 3rd or 4th :) After that they are taking eggs mid-january! No official date yet but still not too far away :happydance:

I'm just hoping to get plenty of extra eggs to freeze the first time around....
We don't have a definate date yet either :( its getting exciting though!!
it looks like we will all be having egg collection around the same time how exciting
i should get a better idea of dates on the 2nd but they did say early jan, because i am on the short antagonist protocol it is only 2 weeks from my first injection to egg collection and because my af has decided to go on holiday a lot recently they are giving me provera to start it off.
crystal443 we dont have to see a councellor but the option is there at any point throughout the process
Ahhh how exciting everyone getting dates or at least estimated dates!
Won't be long before it comes around.
I hope everyone else gets as much out of this little group as I do. Just make me think we're not doing this alone.

Just wondering though, what's everyone doing for time off work?
I've spoke to my boss and he says its up to me what I want to do.
Aswell what's everyone doing about drinkin? We got told men shud stop 3 months before and the girl 1 month before obviously as sperms made and stored for 3 months eggs for 1! Me and hub have just stopped
altogether but we both like a good drink and with xmas comin up?! What's ur thoughts? Xxx
Ahhh how exciting everyone getting dates or at least estimated dates!
Won't be long before it comes around.
I hope everyone else gets as much out of this little group as I do. Just make me think we're not doing this alone.

Just wondering though, what's everyone doing for time off work?
I've spoke to my boss and he says its up to me what I want to do.
Aswell what's everyone doing about drinkin? We got told men shud stop 3 months before and the girl 1 month before obviously as sperms made and stored for 3 months eggs for 1! Me and hub have just stopped
altogether but we both like a good drink and with xmas comin up?! What's ur thoughts? Xxx

i gave up my job last year when hubby got a new posting and we had to move so im a full time housewife now, my mum and dad are taking our dd on holiday to spain during the two week wait so i will be doing absolutely nothing:winkwink:
as for drinking ive stopped completely im having sparkling grape juice instead im not fussed anyway, i will let hubby have a few beers on christmas day and new year and i will be following the ivf diet after new years day although ive made a few changes already:hugs:
I'm hoping to hear this week (Friday) the results of our blood tests we got done on 28th October, they said it would take 3/4 weeks, so that's four weeks. I will chase them on Friday I think as they're a little slow at times. I would just like to find out what date I can start down reggin. I'm assuming I'm doing the long protocol as they always seem to do this with people, so I'm hoping we can start down reggin CD2 or CD21 next cycle. I really hope so anyway as I can't stand the waiting.

I've basically stopped drinking for three years, so no change for me. OH likes a drink now and then but it's not a big thing for him lately either.

I'm taking time off for hospital appts through my work. My boss knows about IVF although I've never ever spoken to him about it. Seemingly he guessed and it was confirmed to him, so he'll be fine about time off and if he's shitty he can lump it.
Morning Girls,

I've never been a drinker, I think the lasst drink I had was last Christmas and it was half a beer:haha: I could never get past the taste, I was however a smoker and I quit last January:wacko: its a horrible habit but I do miss it:blush: . I also drink about 4 cups of coffee a day, its just so hard to give everything up but I am trying to get the caffiene levels down a bit more. :blush:

I'm lucky on the job front, I work from a home office as a website designer so very lucky there and hubby is an IT Tech in the education system. Yep we're geeks :happydance:

We weren't given a choice on the councilor, its mandatory here which is a bit silly I mean by the time you get to the point of IVF I think we've discussed evrything to death:dohh: Just waiting to hear back from the clinic today on our appointments to get our pre testing done....I can't wait!!
Raf wife - what's the IVF diet? Does it involve lots of turkey dinners and mince pies?? Heehee!

I haven't had a drink in a month and it is honestly gettin to me now, but I think that's as at the minute its not essential that I don't drink!! Xmas will definitely be hard to not drink and thinkin about it I more than likely will have a drink.
Just wondered what ur thoughts were! Sometimes wish I didn't enjoy drinkin so much. Aswell, thought I would see a significant weight loss as everyone always says alcohol is biggest problem for weight gain!

Hubbys fine with not drinkin, even said he'll stop drinkin throughout the pregnancy. :)

I got 4 weeks holidays left to take so think I might take a week for egg collection and then not sure what to do
Kind of want the 2ww off as well. I work nights aswell. Xxx
Raf wife - what's the IVF diet? Does it involve lots of turkey dinners and mince pie?

:haha: right now its no caffeine and lots of honey the rest is more for after transfer but im going to start it beforehand anyway, its only organic fruit veg and meat,the fruit and veg because of the pestacides, not sure why the meat needs to be organic but oh well also lean meat only, beans, pulses, nuts, brown bread, low fat dairy such as skimmed milk and natural yogurt, lots of leafy green veg (that ones going to be difficult for me) and no bannanas or pineapple they also say limited seafood and tuna but im cutting it out completely
Ah right. God I feel so silly. What's lean meat?
How important is the organic veg thing aswell?! You reckon that just down to the person or are the pesticides a big hindrance?
And honey?! Yum!!! Any peticular type of honey? Xx
Lean meat is the lean cut of meat, it has very little fat:winkwink: that diet sounds great but its the no caffiene that gets me :blush: I've cut down from 8 cups to 4 cups but I get horrible headaches if I cut back too quickly:shrug: so I'll be going half full caf/half decalf and cut it out from there.

Its in everything I took panadol for a headache the other day and the box said MAX so I thought ok it'll just work better so after I took them I read the box and they had caffiene in them. :growlmad: I used to eat really healthy, organic etc but I haven't been the hubby and kids like take away every week and I have no will power but I have to say I feel much better when I eat healthy:thumbup:

Funny how we have to be so careful what we put in our bodies and there are crackheads popping babies out left right and centre...there is no justice sometimes:nope:
Funny how we have to be so careful what we put in our bodies and there are crackheads popping babies out left right and centre...there is no justice sometimes:nope:

ARRRGHHHHHH!!! dont even get me started! :grr: hate hate hate it. Jeremy Kyle nation. rah x
Funny how we have to be so careful what we put in our bodies and there are crackheads popping babies out left right and centre...there is no justice sometimes:nope:

ARRRGHHHHHH!!! dont even get me started! :grr: hate hate hate it. Jeremy Kyle nation. rah x

I feel the exact same! life is very unfair sometimes, esp when we will make such amazing mothers xxx
I got my phone call......yaaaahhhh!!!!:happydance: We need to wait on blood requests to come in the mail (a day or two) and we can then book our councilor session and our Accounts session (blah):rofl: and we can move on to our cycle. She did say in my notes I would be doing a cycle of Puregon (I think I might have misspelt that) :dohh:not even sure what it is really??

I am so excited to get this started:wohoo: I have a great feeling we'll get our :bfp:
Puregon is an injection pen (hormone) to stimulate the growth of follicles (which contain eggs).

DAISYJUMP like crystal443 said lean meat is with little fat, turkey and chicken are the best option also the organic fruit and veg is because of the pesticides, from what ive read i think this is one of the most important things food wise, as for the honey it helps to improve egg quality it needs to be the clear honey not that thick yucky stuff , im having the pure natural orange blossom honey from lidl its only about £2, i couldnt stand honey at first but really like it now ive been eating tons of the stuff :hugs:

CRYSTAL443 im with you on the coffee i used to drink about 4 cups plus my afternoon cappuccino i switched to decaff and ive had terrible headaches but that seems to have passed now, a very big yay to getting your phone call its fantastic when things get moving :happydance:

AFRICAQUEEN how are things going with you x

BLUE12 il be coming to you when i know what meds im on x
Crystal that's so exciting. Bit of a downer havin to do the accounts bit but needs must.

Africa queen I know hate seein mums that don't appreciate what they've got. Had to block quite a few of my friends on facebook as it really hurts to read status updates of them sayin how annoyin their kids are :(
But we're on our way, I do think we will appreciate it that bit more as we've had to work a bit harder to become parents.

Raf-wife ok so organic veg is important. When is the best to start that? Now, when on injection or after egg collection???
Yum I love honey will get some. Will just eatin it on brown toast do? X
Has anybody else got all their injections yet? Had mine for a few weeks now. Got a sort of pen with it which look ridiculoysly scary.
But the injections on their own look scary aswell.
Is everyone else just doing their own? My hubs is away for the first 5 and a half weeks so will have to do mine. X
Raf-wife ok so organic veg is important. When is the best to start that? Now, when on injection or after egg collection???
Yum I love honey will get some. Will just eatin it on brown toast do? X

I am going to start organic on my next big shop this weekend but i dont think you need to until it all starts but i always do everything to the extreme and go way over the top :haha: honey on toast will be fine thats what i have and id say definatly start that as soon as you can

i dont have my injections yet but im hoping it will be sorted soon
hubby will be doing my injections i dont mind the thought of doing the injections myself im not bothered in the slightest of needles with my medical history but im scared of getting them prepared correctly

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