IVF/ICSI/FET 2011 everyone welcome

Ah no! Can't believe that why do u have to pay for a blood test? Are you in england?

yeah i am in england i have to pay because im private, my fertility nurse at the clinic said to ask my gp if they would do them but they may charge or i could have it done there for £81 but that some gps will do them on the nhs so would be worth asking, so i made an appointment last week to see my gp she said i could have them on the nhs as they do them free anyway when your pregnant so i went ahead and made the appointment she had even written the request up for me i thought i might as well get something free when were paying so much i wish i hadnt now because its just wasted so much time im kicking myself because i could of had it all done and dusted by now

I have to pay because I'm private as well, however I get most of it back:happydance:. It's really too bad that you don't get anything back even going private, at least for me I need alot upfront ( 7000 almost 8000 ) but I only actually pay a little over 2000 because I'll get the rest back with 48 hours, we then have money for the next IVF cycle if needed because that will only be about 1200 out of pocket for ET cycles.

Do you know if you're having one, two or more embies put back? We were told they only put one maybe two back it would be up to us in the end and I really don't know what to do, we've been discussing it, hopefully we'll come to a decision we're both happy with by that time. Hubby is leaning toward two and I don't have a clue:shrug:
:yipee: I get to start IVF next cycle. Not sure what the protocol will be but thinking it will be long protocol. So looks like I should get AF around 17th December-ish.


You must be so excited :happydance: our clinic told us it would depend on how many people would be starting around the time we were as to whether we'd be on a long or short protocol, they like to keep the flow evened out. Best of luck!!!!
Thank you Crystal. I can't wait now... just wish it would hurry up!
Ah no! Can't believe that why do u have to pay for a blood test? Are you in england?

yeah i am in england i have to pay because im private, my fertility nurse at the clinic said to ask my gp if they would do them but they may charge or i could have it done there for £81 but that some gps will do them on the nhs so would be worth asking, so i made an appointment last week to see my gp she said i could have them on the nhs as they do them free anyway when your pregnant so i went ahead and made the appointment she had even written the request up for me i thought i might as well get something free when were paying so much i wish i hadnt now because its just wasted so much time im kicking myself because i could of had it all done and dusted by now

I have to pay because I'm private as well, however I get most of it back:happydance:. It's really too bad that you don't get anything back even going private, at least for me I need alot upfront ( 7000 almost 8000 ) but I only actually pay a little over 2000 because I'll get the rest back with 48 hours, we then have money for the next IVF cycle if needed because that will only be about 1200 out of pocket for ET cycles.

Do you know if you're having one, two or more embies put back? We were told they only put one maybe two back it would be up to us in the end and I really don't know what to do, we've been discussing it, hopefully we'll come to a decision we're both happy with by that time. Hubby is leaning toward two and I don't have a clue:shrug:

i am going to have 2 put back on a day 3 transfer me and hubby have thought long and hard about this its not an easy decision to make and its one we have struggled with, we would love to have twins and i have plenty of time on my hands and good family support so im not worried about that but i am concerned about premature birth and the fact i am so tiny but the chance of both embryos taking is not that high and there are many twins born without any problems, there will always be something that can be found to worry about, i think you have to just go with what your heart tells you :hugs:
Hi again Raf-Wife
just being nosey and wondered when you had the discussion with your docs about transfer/how many to put back etc? We also have our consents appointment this week but haven't discussed any of that stuff yet. I've done it the wrong way round, in a way, in that I had an initial consultation with the specialist about 6 months ago when I was considering whether IUI was an option - now that we have decided on IVF they have said that we don't need to see the consultant again but I am feeling like I don't know a great deal about the process (apart from what I've read) - hopefully all will become clear this week. You mentioned you would get a 3 day transfer, I had been thinking that you didn't know the number of days in between - am I wrong on that, do they tell you in advance? Just trying to work out how much time I'll need off work, the quandary of whether or not to tell my work is stressing me out a wee bit!
Hi pollydoodle! I've just had my consultantation/ consent form app.
Everything does become very clear at this stage. They go through everything with you. Will discuss how many embies and we also got a letter with start date and a break down of all the important dates.
I was like you before I had this app. I really felt like I had no idea wat was goin on. Was awful. Like feeling out of control. Everything is much clearer now tho. Xxx
Hi again Raf-Wife
just being nosey and wondered when you had the discussion with your docs about transfer/how many to put back etc? We also have our consents appointment this week but haven't discussed any of that stuff yet. I've done it the wrong way round, in a way, in that I had an initial consultation with the specialist about 6 months ago when I was considering whether IUI was an option - now that we have decided on IVF they have said that we don't need to see the consultant again but I am feeling like I don't know a great deal about the process (apart from what I've read) - hopefully all will become clear this week. You mentioned you would get a 3 day transfer, I had been thinking that you didn't know the number of days in between - am I wrong on that, do they tell you in advance? Just trying to work out how much time I'll need off work, the quandary of whether or not to tell my work is stressing me out a wee bit!

hi pollydoodle your not being nosy at all i am happy to discuss anything, i think the trouble is each clinic works differently, my first consultation was with the fertility nurse manager and as i am using the same consultant that i have been seeing through the nhs they had already disscussed a plan for her to go through with me at the appointment it was then that she told me i would be going on the short antagonist protocol, having a day 3 transfer and because i am private it is our decision as to whether we have 1 or 2 put back but no more than 2 because of my age, she also gave me a chart of what would happen and when but no specific dates she just said early jan, i will write up my chart for you but it might not be the same, at least we will know more in a few days x:hugs:
I'm on the long protocol and can write you mine assailing u want then you can see timescale for both?! Xxx
this is my treatment chart i received for the antagonist protocol

day 1 of cycle phone up to book nurse appointment (prescription and training)

attend appointment with nurse cd 19

phone on next cd 1

cd 2 ovarian scan

cd 3 start fsh injection

cd 7 start antagonist injections

cd 8,10,12 scans and bloods

cd 12/13 trigger injection stop fsh and antagonist drugs

cd 14 egg collection

day 3 embryo transfer

14 days past transfer pregnancy test (inform nurse of result)

positive result continue progesterone
scan 3 weeks after result
that would be great if you add your protocol too daisyjump
:dust::dust::dust: just think were only weeks away until we have a thread full of bfps hows that for PMA :haha: :dust::dust::dust:
Yeah... My Hubby keeps sayin he has a good feeling about IVF! positive all the way!
Here's my timescale
Start down erg drug 17th jan
Continue synarel buserelin until
First scan and star menopur 9th feb
Continue synarel buserelin & menopur
Second scan on14th feb
Continue snarl buserelin & menopur
Third scan on 18 th feb
Late night pregnyl injection 19th feb
Egg collection 21st feb
Embryo transfer 23rd feb

Hope that helps give you an idea. Only other thing to say I know some people get a nasal spray synarel/buserelin. I unfortunately have injections everyday for 6 weeks.
And my clinic start the cycle no matter where you are in your menstrual cycle. Xxx
Second scan 14th feb
Just one more general thing about my posts.
Please ignore any random words that crop up in my posts. I cone on here on my iPhone and it constantly autocorrects and I don't see than sometimes! Sorry, I know it's a bit random sometimes. Ha like on my last post says second scan 14 th feb. I don't now why that's there and I can't delete it. :)
After the third scan it's not uncommon to have to continue for another few weeks if the lining of your womb doesn't look quite right. X
Just one more general thing about my posts.
Please ignore any random words that crop up in my posts. I cone on here on my iPhone and it constantly autocorrects and I don't see than sometimes! Sorry, I know it's a bit random sometimes. Ha like on my last post says second scan 14 th feb. I don't now why that's there and I can't delete it. :)
After the third scan it's not uncommon to have to continue for another few weeks if the lining of your womb doesn't look quite right. X

:haha: i like the random words it makes me laugh :rofl:
Many thanks for that Raf-Wife and DaisyJump, that's really helpful. Hopefully I'll get my schedule all sorted at the consents appointment later this week then and all will become clear.. (assuming we can get to the clinic and aren't snowed in!).
hahaha i always read them back and think 'eh?'

RAF wife, my husband wants to know if your husband ever has anything to do with spade adam?? he works there lol and just saw your profile pic! x
Wow i am sooo jealous of u ladies for getting to start so soon but so happy for u all too. Just pray i shift this weight fast and get to get the ball rolling. I am getting excited at the prospect! i truly belive 2011 will be life changing for us all and for the right reasons this time! xxx
HI All,

haven't posted for a while, I had my initial consultation on 15th nov and they decided to start me on my next cycle on a short protocol so i actually started stimming last sunday (im just getting over the shock of starting so soon), so it can happen very quickly !! :wacko: Very exciting but also worrying that I didn't start the good diet in enough time, cut down alcohol etc etc, do all the right things for 3 months. Although you know its coming, it seems to have taken a long time to get here and then its "ok start in 4 days" What????? But now over initial shock and getting to grips with injections, fibbing to people around you, having to be home at the right time and the odd mood swing but its actually fine so far!!!

raf wife and daisyjump - you seem to have very detailed dairies, I havent really had that. Its kind of from one day to the next so although im on day 8, I still dont know when EC will be but your schedule raf wife has given me a good idea thank you....

I had a scan and bloods on friday and it shows the follicles are growing :thumbup: and have a scan tomorrow which hopefully will give me more info. I had an acupuncture session yesterday too which i feel helped already. I slept like a baby last night

I hope everybody else gets there dates soon, it may be quicker than you think.

By the way Raf wife, were doing ICSI (would you be able to put that on the board please?) and I started stimming on sp on the 21st nov.

So if its ok to stay on this thread i would like to but i will be this side of Christmas now. Scary to be perhaps the first one!!!!!

Wow i am sooo jealous of u ladies for getting to start so soon but so happy for u all too. Just pray i shift this weight fast and get to get the ball rolling. I am getting excited at the prospect! i truly belive 2011 will be life changing for us all and for the right reasons this time! xxx

you can do it africaqueen the hardest part of loosing weight is having the determination to do it and stick to it, i did it and you can too, it takes a while to really get into but once you do it becomes easier, when i started out my bmi was well into the 30s and i got it down to about 19 ive actually had to gain some lbs back for the ivf to give me a better chance of success, once again you can do it and it will soon be your turn :hugs:
HI All,

haven't posted for a while, I had my initial consultation on 15th nov and they decided to start me on my next cycle on a short protocol so i actually started stimming last sunday (im just getting over the shock of starting so soon), so it can happen very quickly !! :wacko: Very exciting but also worrying that I didn't start the good diet in enough time, cut down alcohol etc etc, do all the right things for 3 months. Although you know its coming, it seems to have taken a long time to get here and then its "ok start in 4 days" What????? But now over initial shock and getting to grips with injections, fibbing to people around you, having to be home at the right time and the odd mood swing but its actually fine so far!!!

raf wife and daisyjump - you seem to have very detailed dairies, I havent really had that. Its kind of from one day to the next so although im on day 8, I still dont know when EC will be but your schedule raf wife has given me a good idea thank you....

I had a scan and bloods on friday and it shows the follicles are growing :thumbup: and have a scan tomorrow which hopefully will give me more info. I had an acupuncture session yesterday too which i feel helped already. I slept like a baby last night

I hope everybody else gets there dates soon, it may be quicker than you think.

By the way Raf wife, were doing ICSI (would you be able to put that on the board please?) and I started stimming on sp on the 21st nov.

So if its ok to stay on this thread i would like to but i will be this side of Christmas now. Scary to be perhaps the first one!!!!!


OMG :happydance: how exciting please do stay on our thread dont go anywhere else lol, how is it going im sure we will all have so much to ask you,
dont worry about the diet i dont think it matters so much until embryo transfer im just a bit obsessive, only a matter of days until egg collection then i reckon x

im on my way out now but will post again and also update you when i get back :hugs:

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