afternoon cheruboos, i have another :flower: for you x x x

thankyou for your lovely comments :) x x x

missmonty :hugs: i'm so sorry to read your news hun x x x i hope you can find somewhere beautiful for a most deserved holiday, please be kind and lovely to yourself x x x

mrs-g your time has come hunny! Whoop whoop! you will be PUPO by the end of this next week :happydance: rooting for you x x x

maxxi - i'm also pleased your DH ain't injecting you! Hope your pooch feels better soon x x

isi - how you feeling pupo lady? x x

mercyme - not long til you're pupo either missus! :happydance:

sammy - :hugs: how you feeling hun? hope you're feeling ok - am i right in thinking you've started a fresh cycle? (apologies for prob a stupid question - this memory issue is most definitely contagious, lol)

megg - how you doing hun? x x x

cmon team october, let get us some more BFP's! :hugs: x x x
Sammy - I must be bitter and jealous too then since I took issue with her first! All I kept thinking was ignorant. I'll probably get a pm next! I'm waiting on the call giving me the go ahead to stab. My lining is nice and thin, just waiting on labs now.
Hello ladies,
wanted to see how everyone is doing :hugs:

just quickly browsed through the posts

Monty- :hugs: you have such a positive attitude hon, your bfp has to be around the corner.

Sammy- we ALL can not wait for you to be PREGGS and have that beautiful little baby in your arms. YOu have been through quite a struggle and yet have supported all of us. I remember how thrilled you were for me when I got my BFP and mine was snuck in before IVF!!
your BFP is soon, it just has to be. :hugs:

I cant believe how many of you are PUPO, DR and are well on their way- how exciting. You are right we DO need some good news on this thread!!!! :baby:

Sammy, I've just re-read Sparkles posts as I thought I may have been the culprit to upset her however I think she's got the wrong end of the stick. She asked if you could get a false positive at 10dpt and we advised her you could, however she did say she had tested out the trigger and from that she should have concluded herself, that it was a true :bfp: She should have trusted herself on this one and not blame anyone else. I don't know what she's worried about anyway, she's the one with the :bfp:

Congratulations Sparkle if you read this.
afternoon cheruboos, i have another :flower: for you x x x

thankyou for your lovely comments :) x x x

missmonty :hugs: i'm so sorry to read your news hun x x x i hope you can find somewhere beautiful for a most deserved holiday, please be kind and lovely to yourself x x x

mrs-g your time has come hunny! Whoop whoop! you will be PUPO by the end of this next week :happydance: rooting for you x x x

maxxi - i'm also pleased your DH ain't injecting you! Hope your pooch feels better soon x x

isi - how you feeling pupo lady? x x

mercyme - not long til you're pupo either missus! :happydance:

sammy - :hugs: how you feeling hun? hope you're feeling ok - am i right in thinking you've started a fresh cycle? (apologies for prob a stupid question - this memory issue is most definitely contagious, lol)

megg - how you doing hun? x x x

cmon team october, let get us some more BFP's! :hugs: x x x

Hello Mrs F - hows you and bubs? :flower:

Yes i have just started a fresh cycle... I had to use the new GonalF pen today... a little different to the Puregon one and not so swish but we got there in the end :hugs:
Sammy, I've just re-read Sparkles posts as I thought I may have been the culprit to upset her however I think she's got the wrong end of the stick. She asked if you could get a false positive at 10dpt and we advised her you could, however she did say she had tested out the trigger and from that she should have concluded herself, that it was a true :bfp: She should have trusted herself on this one and not blame anyone else. I don't know what she's worried about anyway, she's the one with the :bfp:

Congratulations Sparkle if you read this.

She is definitely the wrong end of the stick in every way!!! She has disallusioned herself somehow to actually think people are jealous of her for some reason and has very nicely pm'd me saying "no wonder you cant get pregnant you thick twat" and "good luck loser" What a nasty horrible person. I feel sorry for that poor baby having to grow up with a mother like that! I think she really needs help.

She came on here asking for advice... I never said she wasnt pregnant i just told her MY story since she did ask for comments and advice BUT because it wasnt what she WANTED to hear she went all loopy accusing people of things and sniping at other peoples comments. She is no longer welcome to join us. I always say though... what goes around,comes around. What a horrible woman!!!
Had a bit of a stressful afternoon, clinic did not call and when I tried calling they were shut, I rang emergency number and they told me not to stress, my call would come, anyway finally got the call just after 4, have to take HCG at 12 tonight, stop taking menopur and just take my Buserlin, then tomorrow nothing!!!!!

Next stop clinic at 1130hrs Monday!!!! Can't wait!!!!
Wallie - don't spend a minute feeling bad. You didn't say anything wrong. You were being honest but she's clearly got a level of immaturity and ignorance that lead her to believe that you were actually trying to make her feel bad or implying that something bad was going to happen.

Sammy - I am so sorry that you had to read that garbage! All of us on here all love and appreciate you! Bad karma.
Sammy, I've just re-read Sparkles posts as I thought I may have been the culprit to upset her however I think she's got the wrong end of the stick. She asked if you could get a false positive at 10dpt and we advised her you could, however she did say she had tested out the trigger and from that she should have concluded herself, that it was a true :bfp: She should have trusted herself on this one and not blame anyone else. I don't know what she's worried about anyway, she's the one with the :bfp:

Congratulations Sparkle if you read this.

She is definitely the wrong end of the stick in every way!!! She has disallusioned herself somehow to actually think people are jealous of her for some reason and has very nicely pm'd me saying "no wonder you cant get pregnant you thick twat" and "good luck loser" What a nasty horrible person. I feel sorry for that poor baby having to grow up with a mother like that! I think she really needs help.

She came on here asking for advice... I never said she wasnt pregnant i just told her MY story since she did ask for comments and advice BUT because it wasnt what she WANTED to hear she went all loopy accusing people of things and sniping at other peoples comments. She is no longer welcome to join us. I always say though... what goes around,comes around. What a horrible woman!!!

What nonsense! Sammy, you are a charming, delightful person, and I'm so appreciative of the support you've personally given me.

This board has been a lifeline for me. And I'm thankful for every single one of you ladies. I apologize that I've not been as active & specific -- but I think you are very special, kind, generous, funny, lovely women. :flower:

Wallie - don't spend a minute feeling bad. You didn't say anything wrong. You were being honest but she's clearly got a level of immaturity and ignorance that lead her to believe that you were actually trying to make her feel bad or implying that something bad was going to happen.

Sammy - I am so sorry that you had to read that garbage! All of us on here all love and appreciate you! Bad karma.

Awww thanks hun, your very sweet. There are so many lovely lovely ladies in here and its so nice to be able to offer you all the support that you offer me. We dont need screwed up vindictive people in here so I am glad she buggered off. BAD karma blowing in her direction.......::blows::

Right well im off to cook a curry with naan bread and watch a film. Have a great night ladies. Good luck to all that have EC/scans/ET tomorrow (or today) :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sammy, I've just re-read Sparkles posts as I thought I may have been the culprit to upset her however I think she's got the wrong end of the stick. She asked if you could get a false positive at 10dpt and we advised her you could, however she did say she had tested out the trigger and from that she should have concluded herself, that it was a true :bfp: She should have trusted herself on this one and not blame anyone else. I don't know what she's worried about anyway, she's the one with the :bfp:

Congratulations Sparkle if you read this.

She is definitely the wrong end of the stick in every way!!! She has disallusioned herself somehow to actually think people are jealous of her for some reason and has very nicely pm'd me saying "no wonder you cant get pregnant you thick twat" and "good luck loser" What a nasty horrible person. I feel sorry for that poor baby having to grow up with a mother like that! I think she really needs help.

She came on here asking for advice... I never said she wasnt pregnant i just told her MY story since she did ask for comments and advice BUT because it wasnt what she WANTED to hear she went all loopy accusing people of things and sniping at other peoples comments. She is no longer welcome to join us. I always say though... what goes around,comes around. What a horrible woman!!!

What nonsense! Sammy, you are a charming, delightful person, and I'm so appreciative of the support you've personally given me.

This board has been a lifeline for me. And I'm thankful for every single one of you ladies. I apologize that I've not been as active & specific -- but I think you are very special, kind, generous, funny, lovely women. :flower:


And you are as well Mercy... I have never started a thread before and didnt know what to expect but we have gathered the nicest of people in here who are so supportive of everyone no matter what they are going through and it gives me so much pleasure watching people go through all these procedures and get BFP's. We all truly deserve it after all we have been through and we WILL get there in the end. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sammy - I must be bitter and jealous too then since I took issue with her first! All I kept thinking was ignorant. I'll probably get a pm next! I'm waiting on the call giving me the go ahead to stab. My lining is nice and thin, just waiting on labs now.

Yeah maxi, you will get the nasty pm's now... HOW DARE YOU STATE YOUR OPINION WHEN ITS SOMETHING SHE DIDNT WANT TO HEAR? AY AY????? :haha: Of couse yeah we are all green with envy, steam coming out of our ears, cannot handle life anymore soooooo jealous!!!! NOT. :haha:

I would rather be a nice person and not pregnant that an evil vindictive horrible person and pregnant. Believe me. What a fruit loop! I have no time for people like that. You did nothing wrong and said nothing wrong and neither did i. She is the one with the problem... we are only guilty of offering some advice, personal experiences and opinions. She just didnt like what she heard... obviously NOT a realist then! :wacko:
Hello ladies,
wanted to see how everyone is doing :hugs:

just quickly browsed through the posts

Monty- :hugs: you have such a positive attitude hon, your bfp has to be around the corner.

Sammy- we ALL can not wait for you to be PREGGS and have that beautiful little baby in your arms. YOu have been through quite a struggle and yet have supported all of us. I remember how thrilled you were for me when I got my BFP and mine was snuck in before IVF!!
your BFP is soon, it just has to be. :hugs:

I cant believe how many of you are PUPO, DR and are well on their way- how exciting. You are right we DO need some good news on this thread!!!! :baby:


You are a lovely lady britt and im so glad you joined our post. I always giggle to myself when i see you post because i remember the unexpected natural BFP and it makes me smile. I think its brilliant! :hugs::hugs:
Had a bit of a stressful afternoon, clinic did not call and when I tried calling they were shut, I rang emergency number and they told me not to stress, my call would come, anyway finally got the call just after 4, have to take HCG at 12 tonight, stop taking menopur and just take my Buserlin, then tomorrow nothing!!!!!

Next stop clinic at 1130hrs Monday!!!! Can't wait!!!!

Great news Mrs-G!!! You are nearly at the end now and im wishing you all the best of luck! :hugs:
Can anyone help me out with something? I was prescribed Menopur last time at a dose of 75 so easy, one vial of water and one powder and mix them up but this time i have been prescribed 150. Now when you mix two vials of water with two bottles of powder this amounts to more than 150 so im thinking that i just mix 2 bottles of powder with one water (since water is just a mixing agent) is this correct? Im on all new meds this time so trying to find my feet with them! :wacko:
Can anyone help me out with something? I was prescribed Menopur last time at a dose of 75 so easy, one vial of water and one powder and mix them up but this time i have been prescribed 150. Now when you mix two vials of water with two bottles of powder this amounts to more than 150 so im thinking that i just mix 2 bottles of powder with one water (since water is just a mixing agent) is this correct? Im on all new meds this time so trying to find my feet with them! :wacko:

You will use 1 cc of water for up to 6 vials of medicine.
For example, my protocol was two vials of Menopur & two vials of Bravelle (twice a day -- serious dosages!!) -- but I still only used one cc of water to mix all of them. The way it works: Draw up 1 cc of water, push it into the vial, pull out the liquid, push it into the next vial, and so forth, until you've mixed together all the meds with the same 1 cc of water. That way, I only had one shot instead of four (which is what I originally thought! gaahhh!)
But, I'm not a REAL doctor -- so check with your doctor. :winkwink:
Can anyone help me out with something? I was prescribed Menopur last time at a dose of 75 so easy, one vial of water and one powder and mix them up but this time i have been prescribed 150. Now when you mix two vials of water with two bottles of powder this amounts to more than 150 so im thinking that i just mix 2 bottles of powder with one water (since water is just a mixing agent) is this correct? Im on all new meds this time so trying to find my feet with them! :wacko:

You will use 1 cc of water for up to 6 vials of medicine.
For example, my protocol was two vials of Menopur & two vials of Bravelle (twice a day -- serious dosages!!) -- but I still only used one cc of water to mix all of them. The way it works: Draw up 1 cc of water, push it into the vial, pull out the liquid, push it into the next vial, and so forth, until you've mixed together all the meds with the same 1 cc of water. That way, I only had one shot instead of four (which is what I originally thought! gaahhh!)
But, I'm not a REAL doctor -- so check with your doctor. :winkwink:

Thanks Mercy... earlier i was in a rush and just did two vials of Menopur and two water but then after i read the dosages and each bottle of Menopur is 75 and the water is well just water so for mixing purposes. I will check with the doctor tomorrow but im pretty sure you are right. My hospital is a little lax on explaining things so its a bit of a guessing game this time! Thanks for helping me out though :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Sammy, I've just re-read Sparkles posts as I thought I may have been the culprit to upset her however I think she's got the wrong end of the stick. She asked if you could get a false positive at 10dpt and we advised her you could, however she did say she had tested out the trigger and from that she should have concluded herself, that it was a true :bfp: She should have trusted herself on this one and not blame anyone else. I don't know what she's worried about anyway, she's the one with the :bfp:

Congratulations Sparkle if you read this.

She is definitely the wrong end of the stick in every way!!! She has disallusioned herself somehow to actually think people are jealous of her for some reason and has very nicely pm'd me saying "no wonder you cant get pregnant you thick twat" and "good luck loser" What a nasty horrible person. I feel sorry for that poor baby having to grow up with a mother like that! I think she really needs help.

She came on here asking for advice... I never said she wasnt pregnant i just told her MY story since she did ask for comments and advice BUT because it wasnt what she WANTED to hear she went all loopy accusing people of things and sniping at other peoples comments. She is no longer welcome to join us. I always say though... what goes around,comes around. What a horrible woman!!!

OMG! My fucking jaw dropped! You NEED to forward that on to an admin. She totally deserves to lose a couple of points for saying something like that. They don't take kindly to members acting like that.

Can anyone help me out with something? I was prescribed Menopur last time at a dose of 75 so easy, one vial of water and one powder and mix them up but this time i have been prescribed 150. Now when you mix two vials of water with two bottles of powder this amounts to more than 150 so im thinking that i just mix 2 bottles of powder with one water (since water is just a mixing agent) is this correct? Im on all new meds this time so trying to find my feet with them! :wacko:

You will use 1 cc of water for up to 6 vials of medicine.
For example, my protocol was two vials of Menopur & two vials of Bravelle (twice a day -- serious dosages!!) -- but I still only used one cc of water to mix all of them. The way it works: Draw up 1 cc of water, push it into the vial, pull out the liquid, push it into the next vial, and so forth, until you've mixed together all the meds with the same 1 cc of water. That way, I only had one shot instead of four (which is what I originally thought! gaahhh!)
But, I'm not a REAL doctor -- so check with your doctor. :winkwink:

Thanks Mercy... earlier i was in a rush and just did two vials of Menopur and two water but then after i read the dosages and each bottle of Menopur is 75 and the water is well just water so for mixing purposes. I will check with the doctor tomorrow but im pretty sure you are right. My hospital is a little lax on explaining things so its a bit of a guessing game this time! Thanks for helping me out though :hugs::hugs::hugs:

My dose is 1cc of fluid into the bottle of powder, and then injecting 1/2 the vial each day. :shrug:
Sammy - I'm impressed that you're cooking Indian food and I absolutely love naan. Yum!

Just did my first injection. Not bad. I'm also taking dexamethasone. I'm sitting here now waiting to grow horns and gain 20 lbs.
I took Dexamethasone. No side effects from it or the Lupron that I was injecting. I go right back to it in... uhm... however many days my ticker says! One week maybe?

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