OMG!!! Its D-Day..... off i go! My stomach is bruised and sore from the injections and my ovaries hurt a little (not as bad as the first time though) and I am dreading it... Let you know later how i got on ladies. Im so scared! :cry:
Sammy - Good Luck!

Hi Britt!

Megg - How are the shots going?

Isi, Mercy - ?

I'm back to the office today for some more blood work. This part I won't miss. I feel a little queasy this morning

I have a question - my ET is scheduled for next Tuesday if all goes well. The next evening (Wednesday) I'm supposed to take a short flight to see my husband's family for Thanksgiving. I'm only staying the night and flying back Thursday. Sound ok or not? I'll ask this morning too but I wanted opinions.
I'M BACK!!!!!!! Its all over.... i'm FREEEEE!

The Pethidine was fine... I was still fully awake so that scared the hell out of me especially when I could actually walk into the medical room!

I had my favourite nurse this time and she was very gentle and i hardly even felt her drain the right ovary of its follicles, the left i felt a couple of small sharp pains but nothing compared to last time. She said there were 10 follicles which may contain eggs so i guess the 11th follie wasn't big enough.

OH took the eggs in a heated container to the other hospital lab and later they called me to say that his sample was really really good and they did not really want to do ICSI unless I was adament as they consider the sperm strong enough to fertilize on their own and ICSI has a chance of complications so I said "you are are the experts and if you think it would be better to do IVF then thats fine with me!"

AND....... I GOT 10 EGGS!!!!! :happydance:

I just cannot believe it! 1st IVF i got 6 - all fertilized and 2nd IVF i only got 5 - 3 fertilized but this time 10!!!!! I am over the moon.... I would've been really really pleased with 7 this time since I know i only have 11 follicles in total so i am beyond amazed. This gives us a good chance! ET will be Saturday :happydance:
Yyayayyayayyayay, Sammy!!!!!! OMG, I am so glad to hear good news from you! 10 EGGS! that's super-fantastic. And you weren't in pain -- even better! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
Yyayayyayayyayay, Sammy!!!!!! OMG, I am so glad to hear good news from you! 10 EGGS! that's super-fantastic. And you weren't in pain -- even better! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I know... im in shock!!! I cant believe it with only 11 follicles... 10 viable on the day! AND i was reading of your BFP this morning before i went but never had chance to reply as we were in a rush!!!

I think there is very little chance that this will be the Progesterone now.... your not taking the injections no? They can cause a false BFP as i was getting them last cycle but with the pessaries then these dont cause a false BFP at all!!!! Its looks like you made it to the finish line hun. Cant wait for Fridays test. All the luck in the world hun!!! :hugs:
Yyayayyayayyayay, Sammy!!!!!! OMG, I am so glad to hear good news from you! 10 EGGS! that's super-fantastic. And you weren't in pain -- even better! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I know... im in shock!!! I cant believe it with only 11 follicles... 10 viable on the day! AND i was reading of your BFP this morning before i went but never had chance to reply as we were in a rush!!!

I think there is very little chance that this will be the Progesterone now.... your not taking the injections no? They can cause a false BFP as i was getting them last cycle but with the pessaries then these dont cause a false BFP at all!!!! Its looks like you made it to the finish line hun. Cant wait for Fridays test. All the luck in the world hun!!! :hugs:

Oh, I am taking the progesterone shots -- maybe it is a false +

I tested again today, the line is darker and has been getting progressively darker since Sunday. Does that matter?
No I haven't tested yet, Maxxi. Beta is tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

That's great, Sammy. 10 is awesome. Best of luck to you.

Looks like you have a :bfp: Mercy. Doesn't sound like a false positive to me. I think congrats are in order!!
No I haven't tested yet, Maxxi. Beta is tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

That's great, Sammy. 10 is awesome. Best of luck to you.

Looks like you have a :bfp: Mercy. Doesn't sound like a false positive to me. I think congrats are in order!!

Thanks... at last i have a bit of a break!

Yep, I agree with you about Mercy... its looking REALLY goooood!!! :hugs:
Yyayayyayayyayay, Sammy!!!!!! OMG, I am so glad to hear good news from you! 10 EGGS! that's super-fantastic. And you weren't in pain -- even better! :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

I know... im in shock!!! I cant believe it with only 11 follicles... 10 viable on the day! AND i was reading of your BFP this morning before i went but never had chance to reply as we were in a rush!!!

I think there is very little chance that this will be the Progesterone now.... your not taking the injections no? They can cause a false BFP as i was getting them last cycle but with the pessaries then these dont cause a false BFP at all!!!! Its looks like you made it to the finish line hun. Cant wait for Fridays test. All the luck in the world hun!!! :hugs:

Oh, I am taking the progesterone shots -- maybe it is a false +

I tested again today, the line is darker and has been getting progressively darker since Sunday. Does that matter?

I would have personally thought the line would be getting lighter if it was the injections. I tested BFP all the way through the shots and then got a BFP on a FRER BUT the next day it was slightly lighter... i panicked and took a CB Digi and it brought up PREGNANT. Booked a midwife apt (i was two days late for AF at this point) and then took a test just before I went to the apt and it was BFN on the digi. I guess in my case it was the shots but the line was getting lighter not darker. Even if it is the meds are showing a bit of the line I would still think that its a BFP just a bit of meds and a bit of your natural HCG pregnancy hormone.... only if it gets lighter should you be concerned which it isnt doing so personally i think its a BFP and if i were you I would consider myself PREGNANT! :hugs:
No I haven't tested yet, Maxxi. Beta is tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

That's great, Sammy. 10 is awesome. Best of luck to you.

Looks like you have a :bfp: Mercy. Doesn't sound like a false positive to me. I think congrats are in order!!

Thanks... at last i have a bit of a break!

Yep, I agree with you about Mercy... its looking REALLY goooood!!! :hugs:

Eeeeek! I'm scared to get my hopes up! What if it's a chemical? What if it's ectopic? When should I be excited? Maybe Friday after the blood test? Or the next week, as they track my beta levels? It's crazy-making!

You guys are awesome! :flower:
No I haven't tested yet, Maxxi. Beta is tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

That's great, Sammy. 10 is awesome. Best of luck to you.

Looks like you have a :bfp: Mercy. Doesn't sound like a false positive to me. I think congrats are in order!!

Thanks... at last i have a bit of a break!

Yep, I agree with you about Mercy... its looking REALLY goooood!!! :hugs:

Eeeeek! I'm scared to get my hopes up! What if it's a chemical? What if it's ectopic? When should I be excited? Maybe Friday after the blood test? Or the next week, as they track my beta levels? It's crazy-making!

You guys are awesome! :flower:

I know how you are feeling... I will never be able to relax either. Even if i'm BFP i will then worry everytime I go to the toilet, about MC, about the same happening as what happened to me last time. Scans will never be a joyous time for me, they will be a nightmare! :cry: I never knew if my was the shots or a chemical and I guess I never will but I will have to try and stay positive, its hard though. I think we have all tried so hard for this its difficult to try and have faith as the goal is so close. As things progress with your pregnancy though you will ease up as you pass the 12 week mark, the following scans. I think if i can just get past the 20 weeks scan this time (IF i get pregnant) then I will start to believe that things might be ok. Its a worrying game.... why cant we just be those people that get pregnant easy, are not really aware of what MIGHT happen and sale through pregnancies with not a care in the world? I feel cheated because of that... Just take one day at a time, relax as much as possible and try and tell yourself that everything is going to be fine and lets pray its a carefree pregnancy with no sickness, no problems and a healthy little baby pops out in 8 months! :hugs:
I know -- It didn't even occur to me that I'd have a miscarriage when I got pregnant in February (IUI, total fluke!). So I was pretty shocked when I didn't even make it to the heartbeat u/s (transvag, so they can pick it up at 6 wks). Now, I'm much more cautious -- even still, it would be devastating to miscarry (or have a chemical or ectopic) at this point, after seeing those faint lines. I'm trying not to worry.
I know -- It didn't even occur to me that I'd have a miscarriage when I got pregnant in February (IUI, total fluke!). So I was pretty shocked when I didn't even make it to the heartbeat u/s (transvag, so they can pick it up at 6 wks). Now, I'm much more cautious -- even still, it would be devastating to miscarry (or have a chemical or ectopic) at this point, after seeing those faint lines. I'm trying not to worry.

What happened with your IUI then? Total fluke? I had this procedure but it failed of course! :haha:

With my last pregnancy i was knicker checking every time i went ot the loo.... expecting one day to see blood. I panicked all the way through the pregnancy and everyone kept saying "Oh for gods sake nothing is going to go wrong!" But i just knew.. i dont know how or why but i just knew something was wrong. It was. maybe I was just always going to be like that all the way through the pregnancy? I think its because i was a bit naive when i came on here... i mean i never even knew when ovulation was during a cycle (lol) so when i read all the bad stories it made me more aware of what could happen. It was only at about 18 weeks that I thought "phew... i think i can relax at last"... several scans had passed, sono said baby looks beautiful every time and i was actually looking forward to the 20 week scan. My world fell apart at that 20 week scan so how can i ever relax again? These things are rare though... Hydro is not all that common and I know there is a really good chance it wont happen again and it was just bad luck.... its not that i worry about. Its the scans, heart beat being present at 8 week scan, still there at 12 weeks. I fear it will just stop once day BUT i shouldnt be like this. There is more chance of everything being ok and I hope to god one day it will be. I suppose everyone goes through these feelings though :shrug:
I know -- It didn't even occur to me that I'd have a miscarriage when I got pregnant in February (IUI, total fluke!). So I was pretty shocked when I didn't even make it to the heartbeat u/s (transvag, so they can pick it up at 6 wks). Now, I'm much more cautious -- even still, it would be devastating to miscarry (or have a chemical or ectopic) at this point, after seeing those faint lines. I'm trying not to worry.

What happened with your IUI then? Total fluke? I had this procedure but it failed of course! :haha:

With my last pregnancy i was knicker checking every time i went ot the loo.... expecting one day to see blood. I panicked all the way through the pregnancy and everyone kept saying "Oh for gods sake nothing is going to go wrong!" But i just knew.. i dont know how or why but i just knew something was wrong. It was. maybe I was just always going to be like that all the way through the pregnancy? I think its because i was a bit naive when i came on here... i mean i never even knew when ovulation was during a cycle (lol) so when i read all the bad stories it made me more aware of what could happen. It was only at about 18 weeks that I thought "phew... i think i can relax at last"... several scans had passed, sono said baby looks beautiful every time and i was actually looking forward to the 20 week scan. My world fell apart at that 20 week scan so how can i ever relax again? These things are rare though... Hydro is not all that common and I know there is a really good chance it wont happen again and it was just bad luck.... its not that i worry about. Its the scans, heart beat being present at 8 week scan, still there at 12 weeks. I fear it will just stop once day BUT i shouldnt be like this. There is more chance of everything being ok and I hope to god one day it will be. I suppose everyone goes through these feelings though :shrug:

I hear you! The thing is -- once I start worrying, when will it EVER stop? I mean, I could be afraid the entire pregnancy of miscarriage or some dreadful syndrome, afraid after the birth of SIDS or disease, afraid all through childhood of kidnapping or accidents, afraid through the teenage years of suicide or drugs or drunk driving. . . It's a slippery slope to complete madness! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

So... I'm trying my damndest to be calm & rational! It's hard!

Oh, the IUI. . . Paul's total motile was 1.5 million -- and we got pregnant. The RE was shocked. After the miscarriage, she told me just how surprised that it happened at all, with such low numbers. Then we tried twice more with no luck -- and I didn't want to wait any more, as I'm fast approaching 36and Paul's FSH levels are really high (signaling impending testicular failure). If we were younger, I probably would've kept trying IUI, hoping for another miracle. Alas! I am not!
Congrats Sammy! I hope I'm as lucky as you tomorrow.

Mercy - it really sounds good to me!

I spoke with a nurse today who doesn't recommend my flying next week but tells me to speak with the doctor tomorrow. My husband is NOT happy. See I avoid going down there as much as I can so for me this is a blessing in disguise but for him it's just another time that he has to explain to his family where I am. We didn't tell them about the ivf either. But now he's being a pain and refusing to go himself if I can't go. Ridiculous! He should just go...
I know -- It didn't even occur to me that I'd have a miscarriage when I got pregnant in February (IUI, total fluke!). So I was pretty shocked when I didn't even make it to the heartbeat u/s (transvag, so they can pick it up at 6 wks). Now, I'm much more cautious -- even still, it would be devastating to miscarry (or have a chemical or ectopic) at this point, after seeing those faint lines. I'm trying not to worry.

What happened with your IUI then? Total fluke? I had this procedure but it failed of course! :haha:

With my last pregnancy i was knicker checking every time i went ot the loo.... expecting one day to see blood. I panicked all the way through the pregnancy and everyone kept saying "Oh for gods sake nothing is going to go wrong!" But i just knew.. i dont know how or why but i just knew something was wrong. It was. maybe I was just always going to be like that all the way through the pregnancy? I think its because i was a bit naive when i came on here... i mean i never even knew when ovulation was during a cycle (lol) so when i read all the bad stories it made me more aware of what could happen. It was only at about 18 weeks that I thought "phew... i think i can relax at last"... several scans had passed, sono said baby looks beautiful every time and i was actually looking forward to the 20 week scan. My world fell apart at that 20 week scan so how can i ever relax again? These things are rare though... Hydro is not all that common and I know there is a really good chance it wont happen again and it was just bad luck.... its not that i worry about. Its the scans, heart beat being present at 8 week scan, still there at 12 weeks. I fear it will just stop once day BUT i shouldnt be like this. There is more chance of everything being ok and I hope to god one day it will be. I suppose everyone goes through these feelings though :shrug:

I hear you! The thing is -- once I start worrying, when will it EVER stop? I mean, I could be afraid the entire pregnancy of miscarriage or some dreadful syndrome, afraid after the birth of SIDS or disease, afraid all through childhood of kidnapping or accidents, afraid through the teenage years of suicide or drugs or drunk driving. . . It's a slippery slope to complete madness! :wacko::wacko::wacko:

So... I'm trying my damndest to be calm & rational! It's hard!

Oh, the IUI. . . Paul's total motile was 1.5 million -- and we got pregnant. The RE was shocked. After the miscarriage, she told me just how surprised that it happened at all, with such low numbers. Then we tried twice more with no luck -- and I didn't want to wait any more, as I'm fast approaching 36and Paul's FSH levels are really high (signaling impending testicular failure). If we were younger, I probably would've kept trying IUI, hoping for another miracle. Alas! I am not!

Lol... i think you are the same as me. God what a couple we are eh? I have already been down the SIDS thing and having a 12 year old, now going through the accident thing.... lol. You do chill out though. I think once the baby is home and you have got over the first few weeks then you dont think like that anymore, you sort of forget it thankfully. Kids are a worry though for sure, i have been in tears many times when DD has been home late from horse riding and want picking up her phone. Then she wandering saying "Hi MUM!!!" with not a care in the world... lol.

Gosh we had IUI and OH's sperm count was 80 million and 60 million post wash and it never worked! Just goes to show you eh? Its only takes one!. We have more or less unlimited IUI's since we have to have private medical insurance in Holland but i never see many success stories with it so after the first one i gave up. I am 38 years old myself now and 39 December 28th so i dont have much time left myself otherwise I would just do one of them every month i think! :hugs:
Sorry you have to deal with all that stress, Maxxi -- are you hoping the dr will clear you to fly, or do you secretly want to stay home? :winkwink:
Congrats Sammy! I hope I'm as lucky as you tomorrow.

Mercy - it really sounds good to me!

I spoke with a nurse today who doesn't recommend my flying next week but tells me to speak with the doctor tomorrow. My husband is NOT happy. See I avoid going down there as much as I can so for me this is a blessing in disguise but for him it's just another time that he has to explain to his family where I am. We didn't tell them about the ivf either. But now he's being a pain and refusing to go himself if I can't go. Ridiculous! He should just go...

Maxxi hun i hope you are as well chick! :hugs:

I wouldve said that its fine to fly.... did they give you a reason why you couldnt? MEN they can be awkward creatures! :dohh:
Hi Ladies...Sorry I've been MIA throughout my whole IVF/ICSI process, but I wanted to share my experience... I had 42 eggs retrieved, 38 went on to fertilize and 16 became blasts. I was told I'd be lucky if we got to do a fresh cycle because I had signs that I over stimulated. He told me the day of my retrieval be prepared to do a frozen transfer! I did a protocol and fought it off (to the amazement of my doctor) We transferred 1 FRESH blast (5-days after) We wanted to transfer 2 but the doctor was against it and said I could still get very sick...so we didn't want to chance it.
Throughout the whole two week wait, I had cramps on and off, and a few days of light spotting (I thought OMG, this is implantation, it worked).....well I was wrong, today was the results of my beta and I got a BFN :( I'm devastated and so is my hubby, we've been trying for 2 years (this was our first IVF/ICSI attempt) We do feel lucky though that there are 15 more blasts waiting for us, but I just don’t feel hopeful, it this great blast didn’t work, what makes the other 15 better? Ya know? I’m probably not making sense!
The pain of a failed cycle is unreal, I now understand what some of you unfortunate ladies who have had to go through that pain… what it feels like...it's like someone took your insides out! :( How do I mentally prepare myself for a FET... I'm just to distraught but don't want to give up just yet!!!! :(
To all the ladies who are currently going through your cycle, I wish you the best in the end! I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone! :(
Hi Ladies...Sorry I've been MIA throughout my whole IVF/ICSI process, but I wanted to share my experience... I had 42 eggs retrieved, 38 went on to fertilize and 16 became blasts. I was told I'd be lucky if we got to do a fresh cycle because I had signs that I over stimulated. He told me the day of my retrieval be prepared to do a frozen transfer! I did a protocol and fought it off (to the amazement of my doctor) We transferred 1 FRESH blast (5-days after) We wanted to transfer 2 but the doctor was against it and said I could still get very sick...so we didn't want to chance it.
Throughout the whole two week wait, I had cramps on and off, and a few days of light spotting (I thought OMG, this is implantation, it worked).....well I was wrong, today was the results of my beta and I got a BFN :( I'm devastated and so is my hubby, we've been trying for 2 years (this was our first IVF/ICSI attempt) We do feel lucky though that there are 15 more blasts waiting for us, but I just don’t feel hopeful, it this great blast didn’t work, what makes the other 15 better? Ya know? I’m probably not making sense!
The pain of a failed cycle is unreal, I now understand what some of you unfortunate ladies who have had to go through that pain… what it feels like...it's like someone took your insides out! :( How do I mentally prepare myself for a FET... I'm just to distraught but don't want to give up just yet!!!! :(
To all the ladies who are currently going through your cycle, I wish you the best in the end! I wouldn't wish this pain on anyone! :(


You still have 15 -- that's amazing. Lots of potential there. Reproduction & reproductive medicine is such a weird thing, so much unpredictability. Surely one of those little frosties will make it? I hope that you feel better soon!

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