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IVF/ICSI/FET Round 2 (or 3, or 4, or 5, etc.) ladies trying again in 2011

Hi MSG.....wishing you all the very best at the clinic tomorrow :hugs:

Sila....thinking of you. So happy time is going so fast!! Soon, you will be PUPO :happydance:

Georginaa, how are you handling the 2ww? Hang in there hun :thumbup:

Doodar, have you confirmed your dates?

Angiemon, good luck with the follow up appointment tomorrow!

Haven't heard from our other January girls; Inky, DingleyDell and Flower 18. Good luck with your FET this month, girls. Please let us know when you're PUPO!!! :hugs:
Thanks, Isa and ladies for your kind thoughts. Sila how's it going with yours? Hopefully well. :)
Good luck tomorrow MSG, it must be a good sign that they're not seeing you until tomorrow now.
Finger Crxed
Hi Lou,
Did you have your follow-up today? Be interested to see how it went. Hope its made you feel better and positive for the future. :thumbup:

Hiya everyone

MSG - good luck for your appointment tomorrow - I agree it's a good sign that they called you back on Thur not Wed. Fx'd for you honey. I have my first scan tomorrow. The first scan always make me feel really nervous as my first cycle was cancelled at the first scan. Hopefully it will be ok this time. Can feel my ovaries a bit but not much yet. Oh I so hope it's good news for both of us tomorrow!!!!!:dust::dust:

Isi - how is the wait going. I think the waiting around is awful - probably one of the worst bits - so I hope time is flying for you.

How is everyone else getting on? xxx
Hello everyone!

Wanted to say first and foremost a big good luck to MySillyGirls for tomorrow. I really am praying for good news for you and DH. You deserve to have your chance and I hope you are in for some more positive news.

Hello Isi! Bet you're on countdown mode now. I am to and feel like i've got ages!! You are closer everyday to your BFP!

Hi Silarose, good luck to you to with your scan. I am very hopeful that all will go hunky dory and you will have some juicey follies developing! Let us know.

Hello Georgina, how are you getting on. 2ww driving you mad yet?!! Hope you are taking it easy and being waited on hand and foot!

Hi Doodar have you got any dates yet? You must be so pleased to be moving along now!

Hi angiemon, good luck with your appointment, I hope you get on well!

And big hugs to anyone i've missed!

As for me I've had mega busy week. Have calmed down a bit now and hormones seem to be taking bit of a dip and levelling out again (phew!!) Although saying that did have major cry on monday but think that was tiredness! Have actually put ICSI and this TTC lark to back of my mind for a couple of days as I had an interview and got the job, woohoo!!! I decided that I couldn't dwell on being sad and had to make a change. So I did!! Also horrible exams at uni and the standard 8 hour day... Shattered! But for first time in long time truely happy! Will enjoy it :flower:

Loads of love, Lolly xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Angie, Sila and Lolly! Keep your chins up too! :) Sila, exciting for your first scan...i hope everything looks amazing so you don't have to spend your entire stim time being worried! :)

Did anyone else cramp while they stimmed? I just feel soo crampy and, for lack of a better word...icky.

Hugs to you all!
Hi girls,

MSG hope it goes really well for you today hun. Keeping everything crossed for you. Good Luck :flower:.

Sila good luck for your scan too hun :flower:.

:hugs: to those down regging,:hugs: to those stimming and big big :hugs: to those waiting (think thats the worst time).

Have my first scan booked for Sat am. Really hoping everything goes to plan, still very wary of having an unmedicated cycle but just have to go with it I guess. Hope there is some sign of a lead follie on Sat. Finding it very hard to be positive this time round. I have a very strong feeling its not going to work.
Wishing you both loads of luck today, MSG & Silarose :hugs:. MSG, I pray your eggies exceed your doctor's expectations and you can proceed for EC soon....and Sila, I just know your scan will go well. Good luck you two!

You sound very happy, Lolly....and that's wonderful :hugs:. And congrats on the new job!! That has to be a sign of good times to come, isn't it!!!

Good luck Doodar! And don't be too worried about the unmedicated cycle. Just keep up the PMA!!!

As for me.....thank goodness for planning my friend's wedding! I need that kind of distraction, so I don't go loopy :wacko:. Time is going so so s.l.o.w.l.y!!!!!
OMG!!! GUESS WHAT??? My body decided to get with the program and I made a miraculous turnaround at today's appt!! The smaller ones played MAJOR CATCHUP...read, they grew 9mm in 3 days! I have a 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 14, 14, 11, 10. Looks like the first 8 are right on track and I trigger TONIGHT for EC on Saturday.

Holy cow. Thanks so much for your great thoughts and wishes. Onward to the egg collection and, hopefully, successful fertilization.
Hi MSG!:thumbup::happydance:

So pleased your scan went well honey!!!!! Good luck for E/C!!!!!

Mine was not so good really. It was day 4 of stims (So really I had 3 days of stims and 1 this morning)and the nurse said she could see 4 follicles on either side. They were all smaller than 10. She said that this was too early to tell (I would have assumed that given the results I got last time I had my first scan). However, her body language and the way she were talking seemed to indicate concern. I asked her directly if there was a problem and she said no it was too early. But she honestly seemed disappointed in what she saw. I told her that I was nervous about cancelling again and she said that she could see why this was a concern for me as there would be no point me spending all my money ongoing to theatre with small odds of success (even though this is an NHS go!). No reassurance that it was unlikely this time - nothing!

I than went to another nurse to get my meds. She looked and said something like 'Oh well there are follicles there.....' and then stopped. That worried me no end.

My follies were slow growing last time - I know this because I stimmed longer than usual last time. But I am soooooo scared of having to cancel again. I just don't know how I will cope if that happens

My honest feeling is that it is too early, but these nurses (although very nice) made me feel sooooooo worried! :growlmad::growlmad:
Sila, I know exactly how you feel. After 4 days of stims, I had no measurable follies with either ivf try. And, this time, after 7 days of stims, I only had two above 10mm. On Monday, my nurse told me I'd most likely have to convert to iui. But, today all is a go and I trigger. So, it could turn around VERY quickly. Try not to worry (yeah, I know I am one to talk lol). I really, honestly don't think you can tell anything on day 4 (my ultrasound tech said that also)...When is your next scan? HUGS!
Hiya MSG

Oh I am sooo pleased for you and it gives me hope!!!!

How many days of stimms have you done? I think I did 13 days last time - is that more than most? My clinic said it was.

I go back Mon - come on follies grow!

:happydance: MySillyGirls that is truely great news!! Goes to show you never can tell and I would take this positive turn around as a very good sign :thumbup: Good luck with EC, will be excited to hear how you get on!

Sila, I hope MSG's story shows you that it is probably way too early to worry and things will right themselves. I'm sure you will be fine and get some top notch follies! When do you go back?

Thank you for your kind words Isi, I am happy. I hope it lasts and continues to a good cycle in march (Pleeeeeeeeease!!) Glad you have a distraction from playing the waiting game. And whats better than a good wedding!

Love to everyone,

Lolly xxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Hiya MSG

Oh I am sooo pleased for you and it gives me hope!!!!

How many days of stimms have you done? I think I did 13 days last time - is that more than most? My clinic said it was.

I go back Mon - come on follies grow!


Hi, Sila! Oh, I am so crossing my fingers for you on Monday!! This time, I "only" stimmed for 10 days (today is day 11). But, last time, I stimmed for 12 full days. This time I am also on a WAY higher dosage. Last time, my docs office said that they have many people that have to stim for 14 days so I definitely wouldn't worry if I were you. My doc office was not worried about the minuscule size on day 4 and 7, they were more concerned that one jumped out in the lead on day 7. The ultrasound tech said as long as they are all more uniform in size (even if that size is very small) then that is good. So, I think you are doing just fine! It is so weird that in a mere 3 days, I had a bunch of 6 and 7mm follies that are now 14 and 17 and 18. In just 3 days my 13 went to a 21 and my 11 went to a 20. Thats 3mm a day. CRAZY!! :hugs:
Lolly, thank you!!! And good luck! It sounds like things are becoming positive??
MSG - can't believe how much they have grown! What is your secret - any tips for me lol?!

Lolly - hope time flies so that March is here before you know it. Good luck hun xxxx
Well, I threatened my lagging right ovary and it finally "put out." Now it feels cheap.
Silarose, MSG's story is a good indication of how quickly things can change for the better. Wishing you all the best and praying your ovaries get all jiggy and grow some beautiful, luscious eggies by the time of your next scan :thumbup:

:haha: at your ovary "feeling cheap", MSG!! So you've triggered now? That means EC tomorrow? :yipee:

Loads of :hugs: to everyone!!!

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